It was late evening, midnight nearly, when a couple burst from one of Corus' many taverns swinging their arms- and in the woman's case, giggling.

"Thanks for a wonderful smile, I mean night, Dom" Kel gave the older sergeant a goofy grin, obviously very drunk.

"My pleasure, Keladry," he returned the smile and linked arms with her, trying to make his way to the glittering castle in the distance. "You're probably too drunk to remember much of it anyway, so tonight's on me."

She spun to face him, not able to stop her inertia so Dom was forced to use both hands to anchor her on her own feet. "You won't remember tonight then, either! You're as drunk as me!" she giggled again. Dom looked into her eyes and saw them spinning around, unfocused. Even though her eyes were dizzy, an alluring smile still rested on her lips.

"Kel? Kel, look at me," Dom could clearly hold his alcohol better than poor Keladry and was only slightly tipsy. Kel finally met his eyes and gave a sheepish smile. Dom gripped her arms a little tighter, "I think you had a little too much to -"

"You know..." Kel looked a little like she was figuring out a very difficult puzzle-while completely smashed. She took a finger and traced it down his jawbone, resting on his lips, while her eyes were still locked with his. "I hate your eyes, you know that?"

"What? Kel, I'm asking if -" but Dom was again cut off. This time, strangely enough, by a pair of lips. Dom's eyes opened wide and as sure as she was drunk, Kel was kissing him. Too soon for him though, she pulled away, seeming to find a more lucid moment. She sat down a few paces from his feet, pulled her knees up, and put her head in her hands.

She whispered to herself, "Why did I just do that?"

"Kel?" Dom cocked his head to look at her, his head was hazy, trying to find reason through all the alcohol, "Did you just kiss me?"

"It would seem that way, yes." Kel shook her head, "But why did I? I had no reason, I...I shouldn't do things like that to people..."

Dom knelt down to her level, "Kel? You're babbling." This only made her speak faster-and in Yaman. She was looking straight ahead, but her eyes were unfocused again.

So he did the only thing he could think of, lightly he grabbed her chin and kissed her. His plan worked, and Kel completely stopped talking and breathed normally. "Thank the gods," he muttered once he released her from the kiss.

Kel tilted her head and looked into his eyes, then gasped, seeming to have figured out the puzzle, "You bastard! You're—you're not drunk!"

Dom smiled, then leaned in to kiss her again.