Disclaimer: I do not own Cowboy Bebop.

Notes: let's just say that it's a Spike/Faye, that it's set after 'the real folk blues' and that even if the title is 'Complete' the story is just at the first chapter (I'm not so talkative at 00.03 am and im not english...). And, please don't hesitate to r&r or email me any comments, questions, suggestions, corrections or flames to:


"Here's the key Mr. Lee, the room is the 1204. Have a nice night." The receptionist said smiling to the green haired man placing the key onto the palm of his hand.

"It'll be the best night of his entire life, I'll make sure of it. Right, honey?" the dark haired beauty asked smiling mischievously at her partner and quickly grabbed the key from his open hand.

"Of course, my love…" the man replied sending a death glare to the woman next to him who kept on smirking

"Well, see you tomorrow… Kevin" she said leaning on the counter and looking at the tag on his jacket before fixing her eyes onto the guy's dark ones. Her lively yet mysterious green eyes sparkling with a hint of complicity as she winked at him through her dark bangs.

The poor guy, who was already busy trying not to stare at her perfect shapely body and at the amount of alluring pale skin that the black dress didn't cover, swallowed hard and looked away blushing slightly when he felt a familiar pressure in the front of his pants.

"G-good night Mrs. Lee…" he managed to say in a quivering voice. The woman smiled and turned away reaching her so-called husband and slipping her slender arm under his.

"Give me back that key, Faye…" Spike said when they were out of the guy's earshot.

"No way, cowboy. We have a deal, remember?" Faye replied as they reach the elevator.

"I was drunk when we made that 'deal'" the bounty hunter said pushing the button for the 48th floor.

"An unimportant detail…" she said leaving his arm and reaching for a cigarette into her black purse.

"You can't smoke in here" Spike warned pointing a 'no-smoking' on the metal wall of the lift.

"Damn…" Faye muttered replacing the cigarette into its packet and leaning on the cold wall crossing her arms over her chest.

'Well at least I had my little revenge…' the cowboy thought looking at his now very annoyed partner 'she's so cute when she's angry, but still so fucking beautiful and tempting. I've lived with her for two years and I have never slept with her. God, I've never even touch her or kiss her, let alone get into her panties…' his thoughts were cut off by the object of his observations, who noticing that he was intently staring at her, arched an eyebrow and looked suspiciously at him.

"What are you thinking about, darling?" she asked.

"Well, actually I was wondering if it was Mother Nature who gave you those or some talented surgeon…" Spike responded with a smile.

'What the hell is he talking about… ?' Faye asked herself. But seeing the malicious smile on his comrade's thin lips, it clicked. Her emerald eyes shot wide open and her jaw dropped leaving her lips parted as her beautiful face took a shocked expression.

'Spike Spiegel, the cool hearted bastard, the lonely cowboy who doesn't care about anybody but himself, Mr. Apathy had just asked me something about my breasts? I mean, we've lived together for god knows how long and he had never shown any kind of interest for me; and I'm surely not the kind of woman who go unnoticed!' she thought to herself.

'Well, maybe he's starting to feel a little lonesome. Poor Spikey! But I'm not going to give up so soon, after all I'm Faye Valentine, Poker Alice, the heartless bitch, the queen of ice, the shrew woman, or at least that's how people usually see me.' Faye recollected herself and looking at him straight in the eyes said in a monotone voice

"Do you really think that with all the debts I have to pay, I would invest my money on my breasts? I mean, it's not like I dislike them, but they are kinda useless, you know…" Spike looked at her in disbelief

'Useless? God, please, forgive her…she didn't know what she was saying!'

"I would surely know how to use them…" he thought aloud inadvertently. At this words Faye's eyes widened again

"W-what did just you say?" she asked immediately. At this reaction, the bounty hunter became aware of what he had said and mentally cursing himself, he started to think of what he could respond her when a sound distract them both.

It was the ring of the elevator that signaled the arrival at their destination, the sliding metal doors opened and Spike got out quickly searching an escape from the woman who was still inside the lift.

"What is the room?" he asked her changing the subject. Faye didn't respond she just walked out the elevator and kept walking till she stopped opposite a door.

"The 1204…" she said using the key to open it, Spike followed her inside and then closed the door.

The suite was luxurious; it had two large bathrooms with the hydro-massage, an enormous sofa that looked very comfortable, a maxi-screen TV, a huge bar with all types of liquors and, of course, a three sized bed with silken sheets.

"I'm gonna take a bath. Do not touch the bed…you know it's mine" Faye said firmly heading towards one of the two bathrooms

"You're always so lovely, darling…" Spike teased flopping down on the soft couch and setting his feet onto the elegant coffee table. After a few minutes, he realized that if he wanted to watch the TV he had to find the remote, but being the lazy ass he was known to be for standing up he looked toward the bathroom with a sly grin on his lips.

"Would you be so gentle to pass me the remote, Faye?" he asked smirking. The bounty huntress, who had already undressed herself, put a white mid-tight bathrobe on her naked body and exited the bathroom. Faye noticed that the remote was right before Spike, on the coffee table.

She gave him an angry glare and bent down to pick it up aware of the sight that her partner would have from his spot on the couch.

'You'll pay for that, cowboy…' thought Faye smiling to herself.

Spike looked at the woman opposite him as she picked up what he had asked her, his mismatched eyes traveled from her fingers, up to her slender arm till her covered shoulder, and finally dropped to her barely covered bosom. He was completely enchanted by the sight and both couldn't and didn't want to look away.

'I know she's doing this on purpose, that devilish beautiful female creature… I would take her right now right here, without caring too much of what she thought about it, if it weren't for this damn feelings that kept hunting me from that d-'. Spike's thoughts were cut off by the dull sound produced from the collision of the remote with his forehead.

The bounty hunter looked immediately up but he only saw Faye's back as she said

"Distraction will be the death of the cowboy, Spike…" and then she shut the door of the bathroom.

"Bitch…" he muttered rubbing the sore spot on his forehead.

"I heard that, asshole!" Faye shouted from the bathroom.

Spike grumbled something incoherent under his breath and switched on the TV.

'Finally a real bath…' Faye thought lowering herself into the hot water of the bathtub. The vanilla-scented bubble bath she was using made her feel more relaxed then she already was and being almost totally immerged in the water gave her a feeling of safety and comfort she had rarely experienced in her life.

'Hot water… people escape the pain of life in various ways. Mine is hot water. It makes go away all the ache, the pain, and the dirt I feel inside of me, even if for a little time I can be again the naïve girl I was before the accident, before the cryo-sleep, before becoming the heartless Ms. Valentine.' Faye thought closing her dark green eyes.

'It's almost like being complete…when I lived in Singapore I've always feel complete. There were mom, dad, my friends, my relatives, there were people who loved me, people I loved…' she sighed deep and looking at the ceiling she whispered to herself

"I want to be complete again…"

A/N: all I have to say is that my computer is the biggest piece of shit in the whole solar system! It hasn't let me log in for almost a month, I couldn't enter my e-mail, I couldn't review and as the cherry on the cake the modem decided to pass away. So I haven't been able to update this for quite a few days...

However thanks for reading and double thanks if you review; )

Oh, the next chapter might be a lemon, but I'm not sure, so tell me what you think. And if you had read my other fanfic, 'you make me cool' , the 4th chapter is almost done; I think it would be up within a week.
