disclaimer: I don't own the power rangers. Also I don't own Zeri, I read her name on Starhawk's website and thought it was cute.

timeline: Nine years after 'Better Late Than Never'.

A/N: I have dyslexia and I'm Dutch, so please excuse me if my grammar isn't perfect.

summary: Something has it's eyes set on ranger children. Every ranger is scared of losing his or her family, especially Andros.

Protecting The Next Generation

Chapter 1

Ten year old Paige sat at her desk, doodling on a piece of paper. She was bored, bored to death to be honest. She would rather be at home practising telekinesis with her five year old brother Brian.

A paper airplane landed on her desk. It had obviously been brought there by telekinesis.

She quickly looked around the class-room.

The desks of the children were placed against three of the four walls of the class-room with the children facing the wall. The desk of the teacher was placed by the fourth wall, facing the class. On the wall behind it was a large screen used as a blackboard. Every child and the teacher had a data- patch that could access the screen to download the information so the children didn't have to look over their shoulders all the time if they needed the information that was placed on the screen, but also to upload when I child was asked to show their work, on earth a child would have to write on the blackboard. On the right side of the screen was the door. The room only had windows close to the ceiling, so the children could not be distracted by what happened outside. Once you got into what on earth would be the 3rd grade, the windows were placed like that. Before that they had normal windows.

Paige grinned. Her eight year old brother Wyatt was complaining loudly about the lack of proper windows in his class-room.

She turned back to finding the teacher. She found her bend over the desk closed to the door, probably explaining something to Keegan, the smallest boy in her class.

Concluding the coast was clear, she unfolded the airplane and read the words that were scribbled on it.

'You as bored as I am?'

She grinned and looked at her older twin brother who sat on the other side of the room. From the door point of view she sat on the left of the room and Armin on the right.

Quickly she wrote down a reply, folded the paper back into a plane and guided it to her brother's desk with her telekinesis.

Armin snapped out of his daze when his airplane note returned. He turned around and grinned at his sister, before reading her reply.

'You bet ya.'

He chuckled softly. Knowing he wouldn't be interrupting his sister he concentrated on her.

'You finished the assignment yet?'

'Child's play, Wyatt would be able to do that.' His sister replied.

Armin sniggered.

'What you doing now?'

'Nothing, really. You?'

'Trying not to fall asleep. How much longer do we have to wait until we can leave this joint?'

Paige looked at the small digital alarm clock she had paced on her desk. The children could put anything on their desks, as long as they would be able to work. Every desk had a small kind of book-case it had one shelf. On the top of the case were most of her belongings. On the shelf she had places a small chest with three drawers. In the top one she put stings, safety-pins and whatever more could come in handy one day, proving she inherited her parents ranger instincts. In the middle one she stored data- disks and in the last she put the remaining junk. On either side of the chest were small crates for schoolwork and her portable disk-reader. Beside the crates was a small space left. The left space was filled with the digital alarm clock and the right space was filled with a canister filled with bureau accessories. On the desk beneath the shelf were more accessories, like a box of drawing-materials. Also there was a small data- disk holo-projector, once activated it showed a holo-picture of her and her family.

'Five minutes.' She replied to her brother.

'Five whole minutes?' Her brother mentally cried outraged.

Paige giggled. The girl next to her looked up.

"Something wrong, Paige?" She whispered.

"No, Lana. Armin is just acting stupid." Paige whispered back.

Lana looked over her shoulder to Armin. He was quietly hitting his head on his desk. Lana giggled.

"You really got a cute brother, Paige."

"Yeah, right." Paige snorted and rolled her eyes.

"Armin, you okay, man?"

Armin stopped hitting his head and looked at his best friend Hayden.

"No, I'm bored and were stuck here for four whole minutes."

Hayden laughed.

"What?" Armin asked indignant.

"You really are pathetic, my friend."

Armin laughed.

"Not really."

"What you planning to do after school anyway?"

"Bug Wyatt." Armin replied.

"Teacher." The annoying voice of the girl next to Armin rang through the class-room.

"Yes, Jade?"

"Armin and Hayden are whispering and I can't concentrate because of them."

"Well, Armin, Hayden, what are we going to do about that?" The teacher asked.

"You could already let us go. We both finished the assignment." Armin smiled sweetly. "Outside we can talk without keeping Jade out of her concentration."

"Alright, but be quiet in the corridors." The teacher sighed.

"Could we go too, ma'm?" Paige asked. "We've finished too."

"Please?" Lana asked with puppy-dog eyes.

"Alright, but be quiet."

The four scrambled out of the class-room and out of the school as fast as they could.

"I really hate that Jade." Armin exclaimed as soon as the fresh air hit his face.

"She's just jealous." Hayden grinned.

"Of what, Hayden?" Paige wanted to know.

"Of you two being the children of two power rangers of course."

"I don't see what's so special about that." Armin sighed.

"That's because you're used to it and I heard her aunt used to have a crush on your father from before KO-35 was abandoned and after your parents got married." Lana said.

"How do you know?" Hayden wanted to know.

"My old babysitter told me once when I told her about you two and what a bitch Jade was."

Armin was about to say something when the bell rang and all children ran out of the school.

"Paige!" A voice cried and soon a small boy ran into her arms.

Paige laughed and picked him up.

"Hey Brian. Did you miss me?"


"What about me?" Armin asked.

"Of course."

Armin smiled and messed up his brother's hair. It was cut in what his mother called Justin-style. He had asked once why she called it that and she had showed him a picture of a boy in blue with the same haircut. She had told him he was the blue ranger on her first team. When they lost their powers and decided to blast of into space to find new ones, he had staid behind to be with his father. His mother always thought that hairstyle was cute and with Brian's hair, it would be a shame to cut it short, seeing he had their father's hair colours. To be honest Armin was the only one who had only one colour hair, his mother's. Armin was proud of it.

"What did you do today?" Paige asked.

"We practised telekinesis again." Brian answered.

"Lana, are you coming?" A woman yelled.

Lana lived on the other side of town, so she was picked up by one of her parents.

"Go to go, I'll see you guys tomorrow."

"See you." Paige smiled.

"Bye, Lana." Brian waved.

"Who's going to pick us up today, anyway?" Armin asked suddenly.

"My dad." A girl with very blond hair that reached passed her shoulders answered.

"Hey, Zeri. How was school?" Armin greeted.

"Comparing it to hell would be an instult." Zeri answered. "For hell."

"Have you seen Nathan and Wyatt yet?" Paige asked.

Nathan was Zeri's younger brother. He was in the same class, though Wyatt was seven months older.

"They're over there." Zeri pointed.

Close to the door of the school stood two boys, one with two coloured hair, one with a bit darker blond hair than Zeri, but only a bit.

"Wyatt! Get your butt over here right now!" Armin yelled.

Wyatt trudged to his brother slowly with Nathan by his side. Nathan was laughing at Wyatt and Wyatt scowled to him.

"Hey, need a lift?" A voice asked from not far away.

The six turned around to see Zhane waiting in his hover.

"Yeah, thanks dad." Zeri smiled.

"See you tomorrow, Hayden." Armin said goodbye to his friend.

They got into the hover and Zhane 'drove' away.

A/N: Hope you liked it." Please review.