When all Callousness Fails

Summary: Sesshoumaru, an emotionless undercover FBI Agent, joins Naraku's ranks to dig up dirt on him to lock him up for good, but something happens that he least expects to happen, he starts to feel emotions. Warning: Yaoi/slash, death, cussing, etc etc. If you don't like, don't read and don't complain, either.

Author's Notes: I've lost Microsoft word document, which is why I haven't updated any of my fics in ages. I hope this word pad thing goes through. Anywhos, anyone who reads this who is familiar with my other stories, yes, I will update them and I am currently working on them. This one is just one that I have had on my mind for several months now. You'll see what this fic is about soon enough. Oh, this WordPad doesn't have spell check, but I'll do the best I can. If there are some spelling mistakes, oh well! Ok? As long as you can tell what the word is, its fine. Omg, text notepad works! I don't need microsoft word, after all! I'm happy now...

Warnings: Eventually will be Rated R, Alternate Universe, Death, Cussing/cursing, Kikyo Bashing...

Disclaimers: I do not own any of the Inu-Yasha characters and I have the right and the FREEDOM OF SPEECH to write fanfics on it, especially since Rumiko never said we could not write fanfics or create fan art. This is America, I have rights! If this upsets you, you can go "shove it", just like the drunk hick Mrs. Kerry said. No offence, but Kerry's wife looks and sounds drunk most of the time. There is a bunch of crap I hate hearing and seeing, but I have to deal with it. Complaining does nothing; it only labels you as a pathetic whining loser.


Prologue: "Dark Man"

Deserted Warehouse, 10:00 P.M.

"My darling, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! I didn't love him! I love you and only you!" Wailed a pathetic woman, whom was on her knees, her arms hugging herself. Tears rolled down her cheeks from her puffy red eyes, but only because she did not want to die. She had something to live for...

"Silence, wench!" A random man shouted, one of the five men who stood near her, guns aimed as they waited for their boss to give out orders.

The woman kept wailing and shaking, which annoyed them all rather immensely. One of the men slapped her hard enough to get her attention. She immediately silenced herself after that, holding her hand to her burning cheek.

A dark man stood in the darkness, watching. His eyes were crimson red, his hair curly and black, which reached down to his knees, and his skin was a creamy pale. He was very handsome, but something about him screamed that he could not be trusted at all.

That instinct was correct.

He continued to watch, a twisted grin on his lips. He lit a cigarette and took a long draw from it. He sighed, but then he laughed mockingly. That laugh could even scare his own men and it did, oh it scared them shitless.

The dark-haired man walked forward, letting the bright light of the warehouse hit his features. Yet, darkness still lingered on his eyes, thanks to his dark bangs. For one so beautiful, he could look so creepy and frightening when he wished to.

"Kikyo, you were always such a slut. I thought you had some common sense, at least a little, when it came down to me. It seems though, that you have earned yourself the title of...stupid slut..." The dark man drawled, although his voice held hints of anger and malice. He took another long draw of his cigarette and blew the smoke in her face.

"I didn't-" Kikyo, the woman, began, but was cut off by the dark-haired man.

"-I don't care. The point is, you are a treacherous wench! Do you think I want to get AIDS or any other STDS from you?! I might be a sleazy bastard in some people's eyes, but I am a careful, intelligent, and sly one at that! Its a good thing I stopped sleeping with you when I figured it out..."

Kikyo sat there, not looking at him. She was not a stupid woman, but she did lack common sense at times. She would not cry anymore, for that was pointless. She had dishonored herself, her family, and her husband.

It was not smart to fuck with Naraku, especially since, well, he has extreme issues, one of them being jealously.

"You hide something else from me, woman. What is it?"

"I will not tell you."

"Oh, yes, you will tell me. We wouldn't want poor little Inu-Yasha to suffer, would we?"

"NO! Leave him be! He didn't know I was married!"

"Tell me what you are hiding, stupid whore!"

"I will only tell you if you promise you will spare Inu-Yasha in all ways."

"Okay, whatever. Now, tell me." He growled with a well leveled glare.

"I am with child." She said, with eyes downcast.

"Well, we all know its not mine." The dark man replied sarcastically.

Kikyo winced, but said nothing. She only prayed...

"How far along are you?"

"Three months."

"That's just too damned bad."


"You know very damn well that I will not let you live and you did not say anything about letting the bastard child live, either. Besides, the child could be from any one of those numerous men you spread your filthy legs for!"

"You would kill a child?" Kikyo whispered.

"The only child I would never kill would be my own. Too bad, too sad. KAGURA!"

A woman wearing a red, white, and blue kimono appeared, holding a fan. Her black hair was tied up and she had two feathers fitted into her hair. She looked a lot like the dark man, except that she was female, her hair was much shorter, and her eyes were wider and bigger. She stood, awaiting him with a dull, bored, but annoyed look on her face.

"Kagura, my dear sister, I wish for you to go find Inu-Yasha. And...kill him."

"Yes, my lord." Kagura replied and left almost instantly.

"You said you would spare him!" Kikyo protested.

"I lied." The dark man laughed mockingly again, making the very hairs on Kikyo's arms, legs, and neck stand up.

"You fucking bastard!" Kikyo hissed and lunged at him, but he easily dodged and slammed his boot into her back, which pinned her to the ground.

"That's where you belong...on the dirty ground, like the damned dirty whore that you are! Heh, all your lovers will die, especially Inu-Yasha, and...so will you...and the wretched sin that grows inside of your belly. How does that make you feel?"

Kikyo coughed out blood and couldn't answer. Its not like it would have helped her, anyway.

"You know, I really do prefer men to women. Women...are such spiteful, boring creatures that bring nothing but pain and misfortune, while Men...are so much more...exotic and amusing. To dominate something that rivals yourself is much more pleasurable than to easily dominate a weak, pathetic woman who could never rival you in any way. Don't you think so? No, you wouldn't know. Because of you, I shall never touch another woman. Women have never aroused me much, anyway. In a way, I should thank you, but I won't. Instead, I will kill you. Sayonara, Kikyo the stupid slut."

Kikyo looked up, her face wrenched in so many emotions that again, she could not speak.

"Boys, show her no mercy." The dark man ordered, walking away.

"Yes, boss." They all answered at the same time, smirks on their faces.

"Oh, and do with her what you wish. Just...make sure she dies a painful death." With that, he left, and as he walked to his limousine, he could hear her screams...


- R&R please! How was that? Yes, I know you know who this is! He can sure be such an evil ass, ne? Feedback would make my day!