Ghost in my Picture

Hello! This is a fic about... TYSON GRANGER... ALSO KNOWN AS TAKAO KINOMIYA... But I'm gonna call him Tyson Kinomiya. Ya know why? CUZ I WANT TO!!!!!!!!! HOHAH!! N E ways, every1 knows that Tyson's mum is dead, right? Well, wanna know why? THEN READ!!!!!!!!!!!!
I bet you're wondering why I didn't update N E of my other fics... Well, I will be, but it's just that I already typed something 4 EACH of the ficcys, and I'm still on vacation. So I will update, in about 2 more weeks! Keeps waiting!

-(Death of Fushigi)-

Dr. Kinomiya, a worldwide famous archeologist. He made his most amazing discovery with a woman who loved mysteries, Ms. Fushigi. She has long navy hair with a very bushy front. She has deep-sea ocean eyes and was very slim. Bitbeasts were ancient and unknown back then, but the two discovered many hidden secrets.

They were good friends of Mr. Stanley A. Dickinson, who was also interested in sacred beasts. He also had a partner, named Dr. Zaghart, But he disappeared a few years ago. They worked together, but soon, all three decided to retire.

But love just formed.

"I promise we will be a family forever, even between the lines of life and death."

Dr. Kinomiya and Ms. Fushigi got married and had two sons. The first son got lost and ran away by the age of 7. The parents were horrified and took better care of their second son, afraid to lose him too. But Dr. Kinomiya was needed for further investigation on bitbeasts, leaving Mrs. Kinomiya alone to take care of their only son left. She decided to move in with the senior Kinomiya, because little Kinomiya was a stubborn hardcore child.

On the news, there was a report on a boy who had navy hair. He seemed to be in two places at once, which was very strange. Ms. Kinomiya decided to investigate, for she thought it could've been her long lost son, and she was very bored. While riding a car in a hazy stormy night, she saw someone. Mrs. Kinomiya came out and tried to see if it was her son... But...

A truck in full force hit Mrs. Kinomiya...

Mrs. Kinomiya was left on the street to die; the ambulance came very late...

But she's still around... To keep her promise. She will kill every Kinomiya in existance until they are all dead, with her, so that she can keep her promise...

Family forever, even between the lines of life and death...

This I promise...

I will be with my family...

In death...


OH DA HORROR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This will be, by the way. Review plz!