My Best Friend, My Only Love

Summery:Kagome and Kurama were best friends since they were little children. When they entered High School, strange things happened. Kurama disappeared and Kagome completed the Shikon Jewel. Now, when each are eighteen, Kurama returns. But he's different. Kagome senses a foreboding evil and doesn't know who she loves anymore. Is it Inuyasha, the hanyou from her past, or Kurama, the kitsune of her future?

Disclaimer:I do not own YuYu Hakusho or Inuyasha.

sniff, sniff

Pairings:Kurama/Kagome, Inuyasha/Yukina, Sango/Hiei, Miroku/Botan

Kagome yawned as she awoke. The sun shone into her room, making the Jewel sparkle more than usual. It hung on a wooden jewellery post near some of her photo's.

Kagome looked at them. She looked at the one of her grandfather. He had died just the previous year and she sorely missed him. Then the one of her mother. She had moved to her own apartment with Sota when he had died. Kagome was left the Shrine. Then her eyes wandered to Sota's picture.

He was smiling and was wearing plastic doggy ears to imitate Inuyasha, his idol. She looked at her Sengoku Jidai Era friend's photo. Sango was smiling in the centre of it with Inuyasha smirking on her right, Miroku smiling slyly on her left and Shippo smiling brightly in the front on Sango's shoulder.

Kaede stood wisely in her own photo. She smiled knowingly. She had even managed to get one of Rin and Sesshomaru. Though Sesshomaru acted civil to Kagome, Sango, Miroku, and Shippo, he and Inuyasha still did not get along. They continued to argue over the Sword.

The next had a picture of two young boys and a girl. The boys, Urameshi Yusuke, and Kazuma Kuwabara, were beating each other up (as usual) and the girl, Yukimura Keiko, was smiling. They had been friends of Kagome's.

The last one though, was the saddest. Two boys were in it. One was short with black hair that defied all laws of gravity. He wore a white headband and all black. He had crimson red eyes. His name was Hiei. Beside him, was Kagome's very best friend since childhood. Minamino Shuichi, or as he liked to be called, Kurama. He had blood red hair and emerald green eyes.

But, they had all left four years ago, Yusuke, Kuwabara, Kurama, and Hiei, when they had entered High School. She hadn't seen them since and hadn't heard from them either. When her fifteenth birthday had come and she had fell through the Bone Eaters Well for the first time, she hadn't thought of them all that much. There had been much more pressing matters to worry about. Like the shattered Jewel.

Now, four years later, they were just people of her past. She wondered if they hadn't just been part of her imagination. No, they couldn't be. Keiko had been friend of hers, who didn't live very far away from her. She knew they had been real.

She sighed. " He's not coming back," she reminded herself as she got ready for her day, " Most likely never will. Move on."

She put on a black skirt and white blouse. It was like her old uniform and she wore this one to the Sengoku Jidai now. She made her bed slowly, lost in thought.

" I'm not going to the Feudal Era today," she said to herself,

" The day is mine."

Downstairs in the quiet kitchen, Kagome herself a quick breakfast. The phone rang just as she was finishing.

" Hello?" Kagome said into the receiver.

"Hey Kagome!" came the voice of Ayumi, "Wanna go shopping with Eri, Yuri and me right now?"

Kagome thought for a moment. " No, sorry Ayumi. I was going to cruise around by myself a bit today."

"Oh," Ayumi said dejectedly, "Okay then. See ya later Kagome." She hung up.

It was true. Kagome was going to shop by herself. However, she also didn't want to hang with her matchmaking friends. It was very annoying.

For the whole morning, she spent it shopping in the overpriced mall downtown. Ayumi hated it there and so it was unlikely she would run into anyone she knew.

Kagome also ate out before she went home. She didn't feel like making her own lunch that day. Even though the sun shone brightly, Kagome felt sad, as though it were raining. She knew it was because she missed him.

As she came in sight of her Shrine, the mansion across the street was being moved into. Moving vans were all over the place. The new tenant was no where to be seen among the movers. She didn't care. No had much to do with her anymore. Just her friends, but even with them she had grown quite distant.

She slowly walked up the steep steps. ' Maybe I'll just clean up the Shrine a little bit,' she thought. She was so lost in her own thoughts, that she did not notice the presence of another watching her from high above. Kagome unlocked the house and went up to her room.

The window was open. Kagome threw her purse on her bed.

" Inuyasha must have been here," she said aloud, " He's the only one who enters through my window. And he doesn't have the decency to close it afterward either." She herself closed it and left her room. As she descended down the stairs, Buyo purred at her.

From the kitchen, she found a broom and went outside.

" Oh Kami," she cried, " What a beautiful day!" Kagome let the sun warm her up. A light breeze fled through her hair and ruffled her skirt.

After a few moments, Kagome started to sweep the grounds. It took her a whole hour. After that, she washed the windows of her house. It took the rest of the day.

As she walked past the Well House toward the Goshibinki Tree, she saw that the Well House door was still locked. That meant the no one had entered or left the Well House. ' Then if it wasn't Inuyasha who opened my window, then who did?'

She stood under the Goshibinki Tree at Sundown, which cast a pretty glow over her back. The Tree seemed…powerful, yet comforting. She loved it. Closing her eyes, she inhaled the sweet air. It carried the scent of another. Kagome was not alone.

She spun around. The stranger was a few feet behind her. He was a few inches taller then herself. He had blood red hair and emerald green eyes. He looked very sad.

" Hello again…Kagome," he said shakily.

" Are…you…"

And that's where I'm ending it! I'm evil, I know. But anyway, read and review no flames. Hope you like!