Desert Princess
By: Sohma Star

Strong winds roared across the sand dunes destroying them, and reforming them as Kagome watched from high up in the palace, through a tiny window. She had just turned fifteen, the age when her father could finally marry her off. It was no big secret her father hated her, he had since the death of her mother. Even more so as Kagome grow older, and her appearance became more and more like his beloved. She was the constant reminder of all he lost, and soon he'd be rid of her.

Kagome was the youngest of his four children, and the only one born from his third wife, Aiko. Sultan Higurashi had a total of four wives. His first wife Princess Yumi, was an arranged marriage made by his father, and her father. The two really didn't get along, and only put up with each other long enough for one child to be born, a male child by the name of Prince Souta. Once the new heir was born, and they had fulfilled the tradition they moved to separate rooms in the palace, and now only appeared together for formal functions.

His second wife was a harem girl by the name of Sakura, she bore him his second, and third children twin girls by the names of Princess Kikyo and Princess Kaede, their union was based purely on lust, and after he tired of her he moved on.

Kagome's mother was his third wife, she was a rare beauty with shining black hair, and sparkling blue eyes. She quickly stole his heart, her name was Aiko. Aiko was bought from a slave caravan when she was five, and had lived in the palace ever since as a kitchen servant. She was sixteen when she caught the Sultan's eye, he courted her, and fell deeply in love with her. She died giving birth to his youngest child Princess Kagome.

His fourth, and final wife Inara, was another slave girl. She had raised all his children from infancy, because their birth mothers, now wives to the Sultan had far better things to do then raise crying babies into Prince and Princesses. She comforted the Sultan after the death of his third wife, and eventually married him five years later. So far she has bore him no children, however she has been slowly working on healing his heart.

Sultan Higurashi slowly read down the list of potential suitors. Kagome's marriage would be a political one, someone he needed to strengthen ties with, but also someone far away with little business in his kingdom, that way he wouldn't have to see her often. That alone limited the list to one of three kingdoms, and one of four people, or should he say youkai / hanyou...

The kingdoms were: Sora - This kingdom was fairly weathly, having a large quantity of water. It was ruled by the ookami youkai Prince Kouga, Next was the Chinmoku - Having little besides dry wells, and starving people this kingdom was home to the hanyou Prince Naraku, and was of minimal interest to him, and the third kingdom was Akatsuki - The most prosperous kingdom in the land, ruled by two brothers Prince Sesshomaru the elder inu youkai brother, and Prince Inuyasha the younger hanyou brother.

His own kingdom, Inori was well liked by other kingdoms for the most part. They helped keep caravan routes secure, and had a reputation for miko powers, in fact all of his daughters had been blessed with miko abilities. He finally decided to send invitations to two of the three Kingdoms. The kingdom of Sora and the Kingdom of Akatsuki, he would talk to the three Princes and make his decision from them.

I know kind of short, but I do hope to continue this... Anyways it's 3:30am, and I need some shut eye....

Japanese words: youkai (demon), hanyou (half-demon), miko (priestess), inu (dog), ookami (wolf), sora (sky), chinmoku (silence), akatsuki (dawn), inori (prayer)