Lost Hope

By: Jessie & Betsy

PG-13 for things that may come later.

Summary: Hermione starts having visions. What if one puts her in grave danger? And what?!?! She has to room with a Proffesor! RR please!

By the way my friend and I own only the plot and later maybe characters. We do not own any of J.K. Rowlings ideas! If we did we wouldn't waste time on the internet.:D

"Snape is the worst teacher ever!" Ron exclaimed trying to finish his potions homework before monday morning. "I mean he gave us homework over the weekend!"

Hermione gave Ron and Harry her paper to copy off of. This was the way things had been for some time now. The three were in their seventh year and Hermione was about fed up with them. They were like anoying brothers.

"Thanks, 'Mione!" Harry smiled and began to write quickly. "You're the best!"

"You're both welcome," Hermione sat by the fire and began to think. Of late she had begun to have visions. Everything she dreamt about, weather in actual sleep or daydreaming had come to happen within a weeks time. Hermione drifted off.

Hermione felt a cold hands on her arms as she was pulled to her feet. She opened her eyes to find that she was blindfolded. She struggled with her captor until they finally dropped her back on the ground. She heard a hateful voice speak, "Take her to the dungeons. If she is as powerful as you say, then I will have her under my order."

Hermione began yelling, "Let go of me! Leave me alone!"

"Hermione!" Ron was shaking her. "Wake up!"

"Wah?" Hermione held her head as she looked around. "What happened?"

"You were asleep, and you started yelling," Harry supplied pulling a chair up beside Hermione. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," Hermione looked at between Harry and Ron. "You know those visions I've been having?" When they nodded their heads she continued. "Well, I just had another one. In this one, I was blindfolded and these icy hands grabbed my arms and pulled me off the ground. Then they dropped me, and he orded for someone to take me to a dungeon. Then you guys woke me up."

"Do you think we should go to Dumbledore?" Ron asked sitting on the arm of Hermione's chair. "I mean this could be a really serious one."

"I don't know," Hermione buried her head in her hands as tears rushed out of her eyes. "I don't know if he would believe me."

Ginny walked into the room and comforted Hermione as Harry and Ron rushed to find Dumbledore.

About ten minutes later Hermione had stopped crying and Dumbledore, Harry, and Ron walked into the Gryffindor common room. Dumbledore spoke softly, "Miss. Granger, would you please tell me what is going on?"

"Lately I have been having visions. Up until now, they have all been about pranks and things, but this time," Hermione took a deep breath. "This time I think it was he-who-must-not-be-named."

"Miss. Granger, would you please address him as Voldemort?" Dumbledore asked.

"Um...." Hermione looked to Harry who nodded his head. "Yes, I suppose I can. Well, I think this vision had something to do with Voldemort. The thing I'm worried about is that all these visions have become real within a weeks time."

Dumbledore stood in thought for a few minutes, "With you being Headgirl, that makes you an easy target. I will have to put you under a teachers care for a while."

"Proffesor, I'm sure I'll be fine," Hermione assured him. "Couldn't we put an alarm system on me? If I feel scared it goes off and tracks me down."

"We could, but I would feel better if I put you under Proffesor Snape's care," Dumbledore spoke firmly. "He knows many charms that could help us track you down."

"I will not stay with Proffesor Snape, sir," Hermione spoke firmly as well. "It is wrong for a female student to stay with a male proffesor."

"This is an exception Miss. Granger," Dumbledore sent a second year who was in the common room to find Snape. "We will all discuss this in a few moments."

When Snape came into the common room with his cloak billowing behind him the common room cleared out besides Ginny, Harry, Ron. Dumbledore, and of course Hermione.

"Proffesor Dumbledore," Snape nodded his head to Dumbledore and looked angrily at everyone else. "Students."

"Severus, Miss. Granger feels she may be in peril," Dumbledore looked at Hermione to see her rolling her eyes. "She has been having visions, and they have all become reality within a weeks time. She had one just recently, and she believes it has something to do with Voldemort kidnapping her. You are the best teacher besides myself to watch over her, and don't have the time as I have to begin sending the letters out to future students."

Snape though about this for a moment and then nodded, "How long will Miss. Granger be staying with me?"

"I'm not sure really," Dumbledore smiled and turned to Hermione who began yelling.

"Hermione, calm down," Ginny took Hermione by the shoulders. "It can't be for very long. Snape won't try anything on you if he values his job."

Dumbledore nodded, "I will check on you often. No harm shall come to you as long as I can help it."

Hermione glared at Dumbledore, then she stood up nodded her head, walked into the headgirl's room and slammed the door shut. Everyone could hear her putting magical b locks in place.

Ginny sighed and walked to the door, "Hermione, would you please let me in?"

Hermione's and stuck out and pulled Ginny in, "I can't stay with Proffesor Snape. I just can't."

Ginny put her arm around Hermione's shoulders and comforted her while she cried, "He can't be all that bad. I mean if Slytherins like him, then there must be something about him that you can accept without being angry and upset."

"I wish you could stay with me Ginny. I would feel so much better," Hermione perked up at that. She did a spell that made it look like she hadn't cried. Then she pulled Ginny out of the room with her. When they got to the common room Dumbledore was already staring at her. "Can Ginny stay with me?"

"I'm afraid not Miss. Granger, only you are in danger," Dumbledore spoke softly his eyes sad. "You will be safe with Severus. I promise you."

Hermione's shoulder's slumped and she sighed, "When do you want me to bring my things to the dungeons Proffesor Snape?"

"After lunch," Proffesor Snape scowled and stormed out of the common room.

Hermione walked to her room quietly leaving her door open. Harry, Ron, and Ginny all entered after her. Harry spoke up, "Would you like some help, Hermione?"

"If you would like to," Hermione smiled a sad smile. "I hate this. All of it."

"Ron, you go get all of Hermione's cloths, Harry, you get her books and things," Ginny spoke softly and Ron and Harry headed to Hermione's bedroom."

In the Bedroom

"Oh no," Ron blushed and turned as Red as his hair.

"What is it, Ron?" Harry asked peering over his shoulder, then he turned red as well. "Uhmclears his throat maybe you should let Hermione pack those cloths."

Ginny walked in and rolled her eyes as she packed Hermione's undergarments. Hermione walked in a few minutes later and she sat down on her bed and called for Crookshanks, who crawled out from behind the bookshelf, and jumped into Hermione's lap. Hermione stroked his back and then hugged all of her friends.

"Hermione, it's not like you are getting transfered or anything. We are always here," Ginny hugged Hermione tightly and then she spoke again. "Are you ready to go to lunch?"

Hermione nodded her head. She smiled sadly and then the four of them walked out of the room and to the Dining Hall.

My best friend and I are writting this so it might have the same thing on her account which is Coby Dicks Gurl. This chapter was written entirely by me, she might also have a slightly altered version of this chappie. Well please RR. This is my first fic on Thank you. :D