Disclaimer: I own nothing by Yoshihiro Togashi, I only own Aqua-marine, Citrine, and all the unfamiliar people in this story.

More Than Just A Kiss

Dear Diary,

I have a date with Kuwabara tonight. Hiei didn't seem overly excited when I told him. I don't know what's gotten into him lately, he's always clenching his fists when Kuwabara comes within 4 feet of me, plus, he's very mean to him. I fear I will have to have a chat with Hiei about that. Well, I'm going to go get ready for my date. I'm wearing this beautiful navy kimono with moons and stars on it. I hope Kuwabara enjoys, bye!

-Love Alwayz-


(That night)

Kuwabara checked his hair, his breath, and something else I wish not to tell you, considering the fact that this is a PG rated fic. He climbed out of his BMW ( that he borrowed from Kurama) and walked up to the door. He rang the bell , Yukina answered, "Hey, Kuwa, you ready?" Kuwabara nodded. Yukina stepped towards Kuwabara and closed to the door. Kuwabara was clearly stunned, Yukina look fabulous in her moon and star kimono, she topped her hair off with white chopstick in the shape of an 'x'.

Kuwabara snapped to attention, and escorted Yukina to the car, being a gentleman, and opening the door. They drove off into the setting sun. ( One of those trademark things)

They went to Tokyo Square and danced until midnight. Kuwabara pulled a blanket out of his trunk and spread it on the grass. He laid a picnic basket on top, and asked Yukina, "Will you do me the honor and have a late night picnic with me?" He ushered her to the blanket. She gasped in surprise, "Kuwa, how did you know I love picnics?" Kuwabara shrugged. She joined him, soon enough they leaned towards each other and shared their first kiss.

After the picnic, Kuwabara took Yukina to his place to watch a movie. They walked up the many flights of stairs, and started the movie. They were in the middle of watching troy, when the kissed again, only this time longer. Soon enough, they moved to him bedroom. (dun dun dun) For the people with the sick, DIRTY, NASTY MINDS, I'll tell you this, Yukina ended up with out her gorgeous moon and start Kimono.

End of Chapter

I will update, but only if you meet my quota, which I'm not going to tell you, so keep reviewing ,and I'll update soon enough. More Than Just A Kiss will continue.