No Rules
Part 3/?

Sammy paced like a cornered panther, his dark eyes scanning the enemy. His knuckles ached, but not so much from the hit he delivered on the brat Dunne's jaw. But more from the desire to do it again. Not that he had hit the kid very hard. Nay, he had sense enough to know what Jason would do to him if he really did hurt any of the stuck up, self centered, arrogant, always-in-the-way ATF agents.

He just hated getting a taste of blood and denied the whole meal.

"Sammy." Ollie called to him softly, recognizing his young partner's mood. "You playin'?"

The agent's eyes snapped up to glare at the big man. but then he noticed that everyone had returned to their positions and were now only waiting for him. Grinding his teeth, he nodded once, then took his place across from J.D. Dunne.

Ollie frowned, but said nothing. Hope for the best, that was his motto.... He just hoped Larabee was prepared for the worse.

Jason once again bent over the ball. He looked left, looked right. "Hike! Hike! Aggressive Tanked Fairies!"

"Damn it! Now I know he was callin' us gay!" Buck snapped.

But his team mates didn't take the time to answer him. They were already on the move.

Maggie made a dive for Casy once again, but this time the girl leaped to the side just at the last moment. The FBI agent crashed to the ground and Casy promptly sat on her, pinning her face down in the grass.

Anthony braced his feet, waiting for Josiah's charge. But the ATF profiler just grinned at him.

Then Anthony's legs were taken out from under him by an unexpected attack from Nathan Jackson.

FBI Agent John Henderson started after what was suppose to be his target, Nathan, when Josiah finally moved. With one big hand, Josiah simply pushed him down.

Startled by the sudden attack, Sammy turned to help his friends, but a sharp fist slammed into his jaw, dropping him to the ground.

Jason, seeing his team go down one after the other, abandon the ball once more for the more important duty of...

He suddenly found himself blinking up at the sky, dazed and wondering just what the hell had hit him. Almost before he had landed, Ollie tripped over him and crashed to the ground.

Judge Travis dropped his face in his hands and groaned. "I'm gonna have to call the damn DEA to cover the Monday shifts."

Still sitting on the bleachers, Ezra smiled. He turned and held his hand out to Kenny. "How do you do?"

Kenny stared, jaw dropped, at his team mates, each and everyone laying stunned on the ground. Then, with a shake of his head, he chuckled. He took the undercover agent's hand and gave it a strong shake. "You're a gamblin' man, ain't you, Standish?" he probed.

Ezra perked up. "Gamblin'? I have participated in a hand or two of solitaire in my day. But a gambling man? Me?" He laughed softly. "I wouldn't know the first thing about laying.... what is it? Laying up a bet?"

"Yea." Kenny laughed. "That's what I thought. How about a wee bit of a wager?"

Ezra looked completely, one-hundred percent innocent. "A wager? Do you mean to make a finical venture? On what?" He looked at where the ATF agents were helping the weary FBI agents back to their feet. "Oh! You wish to post a reward for the proper speculation of the out come of this rather violent engagement referred to as a... a football game?"

Kenny's eyes narrowed. "Yea.... somethin' like that." His grin returned.

Ezra became dead serious. "Winner take all or do you want a point spread?"

"Lets make it more interestin'." Kenny looked out at the two teams. "Losin' team washes winnin' team's vehicles, on road an' off, for an entire month."

The ATF man hesitated. Money was an easy wager. Lose it in one place, when twice as much somewhere else. No problem. But now they were talking about manual labor... and, if the FBI were anything like his fellow ATF, very dirty manual labor. Then again, conning his fellow agents into paying due that wager shouldn't prove that difficult.

Again, Ezra offered his hand. "Very well.... A rather interesting... this does qualify as a wager, does it not?"

Kenny shook it full heartedly. "Bet your ass on it!"

Ezra grinned. "I never bet my own ass." he assured with a wink.

Chris hauled his victim to his feet. "You look a little messed up there, Jason." he observed with a grin.

Buck laughed as he offered a hand to Ollie. "Well, you know, Chris... Filthy Barnyard Investigators."

"Agriculturally Tinted Filth!" Ollie growled back. Despite his nasty look, he excepted the hand up and nodded his thanks.

"Freakish Backlash of Ickiness." Nathan tossed out.

"Alien Toilet Fungus!" Anthony attacked.

"Food Born Illness!" Casy was quick to put in. She stood, dusting herself off. Then reached down to help Maggie up.

Everyone looked at her.

Jason waved a hand at her. "You're a civilian! What do you have against the FBI?" he wanted to know.

Casy shrugged. "Nothin' really. Just getting into the swing of things." She looked up at Maggie. "Try Awsomely Toasted Foot-odor."

"Hey!" J.D. protested.

"Or All Too Fat!"


"Oh, here's one!" Casy jumped up and down. "Asses To...."

"Casy!" five men shouted.

Josiah shook his head. Stepping over to the girl, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "How about swingin' back our direction."

Casy grinned up at him. "I was just gonna say Asses Toned & Fit."

Maggie pinched Josiah's back side, making the big ATF Agent jump, yipe, and blush. "Tell me 'bout it, sweety. Tell me alllllll 'bout it."

ATF: No Rules Pt. 3?
The End