(Serena P.O.V.)

"Serena…" he said but I interrupted him.

"I knew that you didn't feel the same way… it was really hard for me to be in that position and when we made love I truly thought that you loved me. You made me feel like you actually cared for me. I wasn't expecting you to confess you undying love for me but just giving me a hint that you cared would have been enough. Its okay that you don't feel the same way because I created my own world that actually promises some peace and love for my children," I said wiping my tears and putting on a fake smile.

"If you loved me Serena then how come you have kids," he asked with his stern gaze. I don't know why this man is always so dense.

"They're ours Darien," I said, letting all of the secrets flow out of my soul.

"Why did you keep this big thing from me," he said as his bewildered eyes turned into pure anguish as he slammed his fist against the wall.

"I thought that if you knew you would marry me just to do the right thing and I didn't want you to marry me just because of me being pregnant I wanted you to be in love with me," I sighed. He was standing too close for my liking.

He caressed my cheek ever so slightly. He grazed his lips against my cheek, finally landing on mine. He still had the same hold on me as he did back in the day making me go weak in the knees. Just a simple touch ignited a blaze of passion. I clung to him as he continued to kiss me passionately. His tongue entered my mouth creating a wild dance making me moan slightly. Hearing something hit the floor making me realize where I was and let go immediately.

I saw my two little children with open mouth looking at us with shocked faces.

"Mama!" they both chorused making me blush like a bright tomato.

"I…umm…" I said trying to form words but it was hopeless.

"Mama and Darien sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G first comes love than comes marriage then comes a baby in a baby carriage," they both chorused as I blushed from head to toe.

"I think we already got the babies," he whispered in my ear tickling my neck slightly.

"Time for bed you guys! You had too much of excitement today as it is," I said trying to muster some ground level and trying not to look like a tomato.

"Aw, no fair!!" they both said pounding their little legs onto the floor protesting.

"Hey, how about we all have a sleepover in the backyard," Darien said amusingly, shocked that he even considering that idea.

"A SLEEPOVER YEA!!" they both chorused. I guess 3 against one wouldn't help that much. They ran to get their sleeping bags from their room.

"I think you are spoiling my children," I said sternly, thanking the heavens that now Darien would have time to bond with his kids.

"You mean our children," he said grinning like an idiot.

"Yes, whatever," I said it like it wasn't bothering me the least, but inside I was jumping with joy. I went to grab something from my room when I was stopped abruptly as his hands were on my hips pushed me back against his chest. I didn't know what to do or what to say but he leaned down to whisper in my ear and making me gasps. His voice was filled with sensuality and sincerity and possibly maybe heartache.

"Without you all these years has driven me into the brink of insanity knowing that you would be never in my arms again. I blamed myself for your death, for not stopping you to stay back. I realized after you were completely gone that I loved you with all my heart. I want to make this up to you. I want to take away all your pain that I've given you these years. I want our children growing up with both our love. I want you to see your family again. I want so many things Serena: for you for myself and for our kids to be the happy family. I want you to be my wife Serena. Will you marry me?" he asked me the question that I was dying to hear from his lips.

Tears slipped down my cheeks, my eyes that held no emotion were finally becoming alive with his touch. I turned around to face him. I didn't want to ruin the moment so I just kissed him. I just bloody kissed him with all my heart till I had no amount of oxygen left in my body.

"Yes," I smiled up at him as he captured my lips again with his own.

"Yuck! Like are we just going to stand here watch you guys be mushy all night or can we actually start the sleepover," I felt jolted again and broke apart from Darien to see Mamoru's face filled with disgust. This time being less embarrassed then the first time.

"Come here you two," I said gently as they finally made it where we were standing.

"Yes Mommy," Usagi said innocently.

"Um…how should I put this…Darien here is umm…," I was stuttering uncomfortable, they both looked at me with confused looks on their faces.

"What your Mommy is trying to say is that I'm your Daddy," he said putting his hand on my shoulders, I relaxed a tad bit.

"Daddy," their voices were a little above whisper.

"Yes, I'm sorry I haven't been with you guys from day one but from this day forth I'm going to be with forever," he said smiling down and going on his knees and enveloping them into a huge hug. Both of them were giggling as Darien was tickling them and soon those giggles were turned into laughter.

"Stop—Daddy—please," they said in between their laughter. How I wished, practically everyday, to hear that name from my little darlings. It was like music to the ears.

"How about we get this sleepover started," I said smiling at them.

"Yeah," they both said jumping up and down.

So we all went in the backyard and putted up a tent and lied down to watch the stars twinkle in the night.

"Mama," Usagi said very tiredly.

"Yes Usa," I said brushing away few strands from her face.

"Will the prince ever rescue the princess," she said.

"Yes my darling, he saves her and has 2 beautiful children that they love more than anything," I whispered as I see that she was already fast asleep along with Mamoru.

I lean against Darien, feeling happy then I ever felt before. Darien encircles his arms around my waist and has his head on my shoulder.

"Thank you," he whispers slightly tickling my neck with his breath.

"What for" I asked keeping my volume down not wanting to wake up the kids.

"For being there when I needed you even when I was a total ass and giving me these precious miracles," he said sincerely.

"What are friends for?" I said smiling at him.

"I'll never let you leave like I did back…" he was saying something but I cut him off.

"That's okay Darien, let's just enjoy the moment," I said smiling up at him as he bent down to kiss me possessively and I whole heartedly agreed.

"You're going to get your ass beat when you get home," Darien said chuckling.

"I know maybe we should just live here and nobody would know," I said groaning at the reactions of my friends and family.

"They have a right to know Sere and plus you can't miss the reaction on their faces when they see Usa and Mamo," Darien said reassuring me with his hands.

"Yea, just seeing me would knock their socks off and then hearing about them I think they would seriously have heart attacks," I said giggling at the scene.

"We'll get this through this together," he said kissing my cheek.

"So tell me what's everybody doing now?" I asked eagerly wanting to know about my loved ones.

"Well your brother and his family is living with your grandparents to give them support and finally settling in England for good. Andrew and Rita have a son just a bit older than ours; his name is Sean. Your grandparents are doing well because Andrew helped by closing the void when you left. Seiya married Rei and are planning on having kids in the future. Taiki and Mina also got married just recently. The sparks are flying between Yaten and Ami. Your other friend Lita she was the first to get married to Chris, remember who picked us up at the airport the first time you came to England. Well all of your friends settled in England as well so you don't have to go to New York. For my folks they're just trying to keep themselves busy with Maya. And for grandpa he just paints till he's forced to go to bed," he said trying to make me remember but of course I remember everything about that trip.

"Yea, I remember, how things changed," I said disbelieving that all my friends were settled in England now.

"Aren't you going to ask about me?" he said pouting making me smile.

"So what have YOU been doing these years?" I asked as I lightly touched his cheek. He held the hand that I stroked his cheek with.

"Been miserable, everyday knowing that you won't be there, or see you smile or make you angry over silly things," he said as he enclosed me for another precious kiss. As we broke apart and remembered that I haven't asked the most important question that was running through my head.

"So what happened to Beryl?" I asked smiling.

"Oh don't remind me, it was utterly chaos, she smashed everything in the room where I told her this wasn't going to work. She went absolutely ballistic and started saying things like that I never loved her. That's when I saw her true colors and let me tell you they were not pretty. I have been stupid to even considering the thought of marrying this woman for all eternity. That's when I realized nobody would compare nothing like you Serena, nobody," he said groaning as if remembering the scene that happened so many years ago.

"I always tried to tell you that she was one of a hell cat," I said giggling, glad that he was in my arms rather than hers.

"If only I had listened," he said smiling as he pulled me closer to his body.

The rest of the night was spent reminiscing over the past as we looked into the stars and soon saw the sun peaking from the horizon.


The next day I woke up feeling like I had all energy in the world to do anything. I looked around to see if I dreamt last night. But thank heavens; Darien was sleeping right next to me as his arm was draped around my waist. I snuggled to his warm body not wanting to loose the warmth that his body emanated.

"Good morning," Darien said sleepily as he kissed my temple.

"Good morning," I whispered back. Soon his lips lingered down to my lips and he kissed them slowly and avidly.

"I need to go…" I said trying to get up but his strong arms had me pinned down to the ground.

"Just a few minutes more," he said whispering in my ear huskily.

"No, I have to go pack and see my family," I said getting up finally and getting all excited to meet the ones that I had left behind.

"Aw no fair," he said pouting.

"Don't worry you'll be all mine after that," he said smiling wickedly at me making me blush at the thought.

"Hey, Usa and Mamo get up you guys," I said nudging my little darlings but all I heard were protests.

"But Mama, today is really Saturday," said a much disheveled Usagi as she looked at me sleepily.

"Yes I know sweetie but were going to go meet your grandparents and uncles and aunts," I said laughing.

I got them dressed and packed what was necessary for the trip. I knew we would be back to pack the rest of the stuff later not worrying the least. I even met Mrs. Tribuani after I left, she was crying tearfully. She was wishing me all the best and said to visit often.

"Oh gosh, Darien I can't wait till I could finally meet all of them I want this to be a surprise," I said as we settled in the seats of the plane.

"Don't worry it's going to be the best surprise they had ever received," he said reassuring me with a kiss.

The looks on their faces are going to be priceless when they see I'm actually here. I just couldn't wait to finally greet my family and friends.

(Darien P.O.V.)

I couldn't believe my own eyes that Serena was in front of just sleeping there so blissfully. What was even better that OUR kids were in between of me and Serena. I never knew that everything would turn out this good. I have to thank Seiya later for ever thinking about this trip. Thinking about him, I decided to give him a call. I dialed his number and after a couple of rings someone picked up.

"Hello," I head Seiya on the other line.

"Hey Seiya, what's up," I said cheerfully.

"Hey Darien, you sound awfully chirpy, I think the vacation has done you some good," he said and could hear the smile that was displaying on his lips.

"Yea you can say that but I'm coming home today," I said.

"Hey it's not even 2 weeks yet," he said sensing his frown making me smile like an idiot.

"I know, I know but I have a surprise for all of you guys that you guys don't want to miss," I said and not giving anymore information than was needed.

"This better be good Darien for you to leave your vacation just to show us something," he said bewildered.

"You won't be disappointed, I want you to round up everybody and I mean EVERBODY," I said

"What is it Darien?" Seiya asked suspiciously.

"You'll see," I said and clicked the off button before I was interrogated any farther.

I closed my eyes to relax before we landed in England. I haven't felt this relaxed since forever in these past couple of years. Knowing that Serena and my kids were beside me gave me a sense of tranquility that I had never felt before. Soon slumber took over my body.

(Serena P.O.V)

Finally, the plane had landed at the airport. Leaving my nerves a bit frazzled. The excitement in my body was electrifying. We were escorted to a car and were being driven to Darien's house. Each minute passed painfully slow. Suddenly the car had come to halt.

"Mama, is this it?" Usagi asked whispering, afraid in a new place.

"Yes, sweetheart," I said smiling at both of them and could detect fear and uncertainty.

"Don't worry, I'm here you guys," I said holding there hands, easing there uneasiness.

"C'mon you guys, they are waiting to meet you guys," Darien said holding both of their hands and getting out of the car.

The surroundings just brought memories that brought good and bad memories all in one glance. We entered the house now my stomach was going to explode from explosion of winged butterflies. Coming near a door that led to the common room basically the family room, voices could be heard that I knew too well. Before opening the door, Darien turned to Usagi and Mamoru.

"You guys wait here, we want them to give a surprise come in when I call you guys," he smiled at them and they both nodded eagerly, surprises were one of their best things. They stood against the wall so that they wouldn't be seen when he opened the door.

"Good, now that's settled, you just follow close behind me," Darien said as I hid behind him. He opened the door swiftly and was greeted by everybody.

"Everybody stays where you are, I have a surprise for you all," Darien said acting like he was going to give them their Christmas present very early this year.

"Darien, you have been acting weird since I've talked to you on the phone, this better be good for you to miss the rest of the vacation," Seiya said sounding really annoyed. I slightly giggled.

"Darien is there someone behind you," I heard Irene say.

"Well get ready anybody standing up should better sit down," he said motioning Rei to sit down.

"Out with it Darien, your driving us insane," Mina said impatience in her voice.

"I found it in Italy which you'll all like, here it is," he said and he moved away so I was in full view of the audience.

All I heard were gasps and then I was deafened by screams.

"Hi everyone," I said meekly.

"SERENA!! YOUR ALIVE," Andrew yelled and ran up to me and hugged me like I was going to vanish before his eyes. I could sense tears in his eyes but they were happy tears.

"In the flesh," I said trying to joke about it but was soon overcome with tears.

"You idiot, you never even told us that you were alive or not and here WE THOUGHT YOU WERE DEAD," Rei said smacking me right on the head that will totally leave a mark and enveloping me in a tight hug.

"I'm so glad that you're alive, Serena I love you always," she said with relief in her voice.

Soon I was getting smacked, hugged and kissed by everybody. If only they didn't hit so hard I would be totally fine.

"Hey you guys stop hitting me, I might be killed by your violent attacks if you don't stop," I said after another smack.

"Hush Serena we're just glad that you're here," grandmamma said.

"I know grandmamma," I whispered as I kissed her cheek.

"Oh I forgot to tell you," I said sheepishly.

"What?" everybody asked in unison.

"I would like you guys to meet some wonderful guests that are waiting outside patiently," I said grinning like a idiot as I glanced at Darien who had the same reaction as mine.

"You know it's rude to keep people unattended Serena," Rei said sternly.

"Why didn't you say so, call them in," Mina said curiously.

"Usagi and Mamoru come on in," I said and not even a second later they came in a bit hesitantly and with shy looks on their faces.

"Hi," they both said shyly.

Another round of screams was heard throughout the room, making the kids to giggle a little. Their eyes twinkled with mischief. It very much pleased them knowing that their surprise worked so well.

"I like you to meet my children, Usagi and Mamoru," I said putting soft holds on their shoulders.

"Ahem OUR children," Darien said as I felt his arms encircle around me.

"Oh my! This is getting weirder by the minute," Ami said shaking her head.

"I agree," Yaten said chiming in.

"THIS IS UNBELIVABLE!!" Andrew said.

"Oh my I have another set of grandchildren," Irene said happily.

"Yes we do," Ken said hugging her.

Soon everybody was hugging and kissing Usa and Mamo making them cry for mercy. When everything settled soon questions were popping.

"How did this happen,"

"Did you knew she was alive all this time,"

"Everybody, hold it with the questions, we have an eternity to answer those lets just enjoy the moment," I said and they all agreed. Soon the time was spent talking and catching up on old times and looking at the future as the children went out to play.

"I'm going to go check on the kids," I told Darien.

"I'll come with you," he said following behind.

Soon I heard laughter in the gardens bringing smiles onto our faces. I saw our kids playing out in the garden looking so happy and content.

"Hey guys!" I said as they heard my voice they ran up to me giving me a hug.

"How did you guys like your aunt and uncles and your grandparents," I asked smiling at them.

"They like to scream a lot," Usagi said giggling.

"Yeah, especially Aunt Mina she was yelling in my ear the whole time," Mamoru said laughing along Usagi.

"They're all excited to meet you two, that's all," I said kissing their cheeks.

"Yeah, they haven't seen you guys so they were bound to act that way," Darien said coming down at their height.

"I like them," Usagi said smiling.

"Me too," Mamoru said agreeing.

"I'm glad you like them," I said smiling inwardly.

"Me too," Darien said nodding his head.

"Hey how about we play tag?" I said.

"YAY!" they both said.

"Not it," Usa, Mamoru and I said before Darien could even say anything.

"Hey no fair," he said pouting.

"Everything's fair in love and war," we all said and ran in different directions.

"I'm going to get you," he said as he started chasing us giving all the same attention. Before I knew it I was caught off guard as he caught me from behind, making me trip. Soon I was on the ground him on top of me.

"Got you," he said huskily.

"No fair," I said breathlessly.

"Everything is fair in love and war," he said before capturing his lips with mine. Now this is the kind of game that I liked the most. Our lip lock session getting steamier as the moments flew by.

"MOM, DAD!!" I head cries and soon shoved Darien off of me.

"No kissing on the playground," Mamoru said irritably.

"Sorry kiddo," Darien said grinning and me as usual the tomato in the bunch.

After that till dark we played hide and seek. Now that I look at it, I had led an adventurous life. Found my grandparents, lived in exile, fell in love with a man and have the most precious miracles as my children. I could have not asked more than that.

"Thanks Darien," I whispered to Darien as we put OUR children to bed.

"For what," he asked as he quietly closed the door behind him leading me to the balcony.

"For everything, giving me happiness that was lacking in my life before I met you," I said looking up to him and saw dark hidden passion in his mysterious eyes.

"You and the kids are my life Serena and I love you with all my heart," he said.

"I love you too," not a moment had those words escaped my lips before his lips came crashing down on mine, making me smile inwardly. He led me to our room creating the same passion as we did those many years ago, leaving the stars to twinkle lovingly throughout the night.

The end

I hope you liked the ending sorry it wasnt THAT exciting lol I tried oh how I tried but to no avail I got this...Also it was a long chapter but i didn't see any point in doing that sooo i just kept it LoOOong like you guys love it lol :p...REVIEW to tell me ur final comments because this is the last chapter of the fic...thanks to the guys that have reviewed me I really appreciate it and loved u for giving me awesome comments...and i'm posting my new story up as well like i said in my last chapter and i hope you guys would go check that out...its called Voiceless, i was trying to come up with a name and atlast that is what I came up with lol :p and write review to that on how u like it lol cya guys later love u all...twinkle eyes 3