I know I already have three Harry/Draco stories on the go and that two of them have come to a stand still but I got this idea and wanted to pursue it. I am not done with the other three stories – far from it – but I also want to try this one.

This is set in the January after Harry etc. have left Hogwarts. Sirius was dead but was then brought back...somehow...don't think that's too important. Just know he's alive and with Remus.

For the past four months Harry has been living with Sirius and Remus but, when he is discovered cutting himself, is admitted to a treatment facility in the muggle world.

In this treatment facility, Harry is reunited with someone he was almost certain he would never see again and meets a new friend who helps him to help himself.

Dodgy summary and plot line, I know, but bear with me, it could work...I think.

The title of the story is a song by Katy Rose.

1. Beautiful Lyric

"Everyone, we have a new arrival who will be joining our group. This is Harry Potter."

The woman, Jackie, smiled at Harry and motioned for him to sit down in the empty seat half way round the circle.

Shrugging his broad shoulders encased in a black sweatshirt, Harry made his way to the spindly, yellow plastic chair and settled himself on it as comfortably as he could.

"Now, Harry, why don't you tell us all a little about yourself?" suggested Jackie, running a hand through her cropped, red hair.

He brushed a strand of jet-black hair from his emerald green eyes and shrugged again.

"Like what?" he questioned, scratching his knee through a hole in his navy jeans.

"Anything you want."

"Um...I live, well normally anyway, in London with my godfather. I finished school last July and I'm taking a gap year. Um...I dunno. I like music. Playing it, listening to it. S'bout it really."

"Well, thanks," smiled Jackie, jotting something on the clipboard she had resting in her lap. "Now," she continued, addressing the entire group, "any volunteers to talk about what they've been up to this week?"

Harry let his eyes roam around the room to look at the other nine teenagers sitting in the circle. Not one of them was volunteering, but all sitting silently.

"Lyric?" urged Jackie, focusing on the person to Harry's left.

"Don't feel like talking," replied a soft voice from behind a veil of dirty blonde hair.

While Jackie began to encourage others to speak, and listen to them if they did so, Harry let his eyes linger on Lyric.

Her hair fell in soft waves to the middle of her back, which was covered by a white tank top, over baggy combats. Her knees were pulled up to her chest and her arms wrapped around them as if holding them to the chair, which she probably was, seeing as the chairs were so small.

There was a multicoloured, beaded bracelet around her left wrist and a silver ring with a dragon on around her right thumb. Her blood red nail varnish was chipped.

As if she could feel Harry's eyes on her, Lyric rolled her head on her shoulder and, through strands of hair, looked at him with hazel eyes. The corners of her pale pink lips turned up in a small smile, which Harry returned.

Lyric's head rolled back and she rested it on her knees, swaying slightly from side to side and humming quietly to herself.

"Okay, we're out of time," announced Jackie, standing up. "But it's been good. You're all definitely making progress. And I'll see you next week at the same time."

Following Jackie's lead, the others in the room all stood up and left, but Harry remained in his seat, still watching Lyric, who showed no sign of being aware that everyone else had departed. The only thing that made Harry certain she was not asleep was the soft humming and gentle swaying.

Suddenly she stopped and looked at Harry, her eyes penetrating his.

"I'm Harry."

She smiled her smile again. "I'm Lyric."

Pah – it's short and kinda...pah...but there you go.

This is Harry/Draco so don't worry yourselves.

Review please.