AN: Just thought I'd try something new…and different.

Disclaimer: I don't own FFVIII and SM.

Love Etched in Ice

Prologue: My Story


There he is again with his friends…and with her.

I don't know why I dislike that girl he hangs around with. Maybe it's because she clings herself to him like a monkey on a branch.

Or maybe it's just because I dislike her period. She's so fake! Urgh! How I would love to scratched her dopey eyes out.

I don't understand what he sees in her.

I've always admired him, you know. Since the first time we met.

I heaved a sigh. Back then, he was always so cold, so emotionless. Most people thought that he was a conceited, uncaring, selfish son of a…well you get the idea.

But they're dead wrong. Sure, he is…or rather, was a loner and a bit quiet but that doesn't make him a jerk. Seifer pretty much fits that category. Don't get me wrong, Seifer is pretty cool in a strange, twisted way. He's not such a bad guy once you get past his umm…'negative qualities'.

How would I know? Well I've been by his side for years now so I should know what I'm talking about.

Does that make me his friend, you ask? Well, in a way, I guess I am.

I was his ever vigilant partner in battle. I was always there whenever he needed my help. Our relationship was a give-and-take kind. I would give him my full support and he would help me become stronger. Both of us were contented with that kind of agreement.

However, sometime along the way…I felt something for him.

I don't know when it had started nor do I know what it is that I feel for him. Whenever I am near him, which is pretty much most of the time, I feel this certain tingling feeling and I felt so light-headed. Every part of my body seemed contented yet unsatisfied at the same time. Isn't that strange?

You say its' love? No, it can't be! You must be delusional!

That part of my emotions vanished a long time ago.

Why you ask? Because of the way I am!

Confused? Let me explain by telling you my whole story.

I was once a princess of a very powerful and note-worthy kingdom during the Silver Millennium.

But that was such a long time ago! You exclaimed.

Yes it was, wasn't it? Anyway, back to my story.

I was a completely different person back then. My hair was a shade of pure gold; so pure that the Earthians at the time say that my golden locks were forged from real gold metal. Pretty silly huh?

My hair was pretty long as well. You wouldn't imagine how long it took me to brush it everyday. It was a nightmare!

I was also mischievous and happy-go-lucky back then. I would always get in trouble, being the little devil-prankster that I am. There wasn't a day where I wasn't being scolded for something I did.

Don't assume so fast that I was such a spoiled princess back then. I do behave, if ever the situation calls for it. I knew when to keep my mouth shut and my manners wholesome.

Life was great back then. Sure, I'm pretty contented with my life right now but…I do miss those times, mind you. Back then, I had such a whole range of good, loyal friends and my fiancé and I were so much in love.

What happened to them, you ask? Well that's where the sad part of my story comes in.

Seemed that, at the time I was born, Mother and Father had a huge, extravagant celebration. Everyone was invited…except for one certain person.

That person was Lyerb; an evil sorceress who manipulates people to do her cruel, evil ways for her. She was as greedy and heartless as she was beautiful. She had long red hair that flared like fire and deep green eyes that contrasted well with her pale skin.

Okay, so I'm not that good with descriptions. So what? Nobody's perfect, not even me.

Anyway, it was pretty much obvious why my parents didn't invite her. Yet, that sole mistake cost them dearly.

During the celebration, when the celestial clock hanging in a wall on our grand hall strike at twelve midnight; the lights suddenly went off and the doors opened as Lyerb walked in. (What is it with evil people and dramatic entrances anyway? It's like they just have to do it for vanity's sake.)

Naturally, everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at the scantly clad woman as Lyerb made her way to the first step before the luxurious thrones of my parents. It was the same place where I laid in my gold, jewel-ornate crib, wrapped in my cool, silken icy blue blanket.

She leaned over my crib; the shadow of her figure towering over my little body; and stared at me with her deep green eyes.

"So this is the young princess." She said; her lips twitched into a coy menacing smile.

Lyreb reached out a blood red-polished long-finger nailed-hand down at me. Just when her claw-like hand (It seemed that way to me at the time) was going to brush against my pale skin, Father stood up to his full 6 foot 5 inch height (He's a tower I tell you!) and yelled.

"What do you think you're doing?" His voice was calm but you could see the rising storm in his deep midnight blue eyes.

Lyerb lifted her chin up to look at my father with a surprised look in her face. She seemed shocked at the time and with good reasons as well. Father rarely gets angry and almost never shows his temper.

However, it wasn't long before a cold smile etched upon her face.

"You have such a beautiful daughter, King Apollo." She had said, the cold smile still playing on her lips.

"Too bad she won't be able to grow up to become a lovely woman."

Mother stood up as well when she heard this.

"Don't you ever touch my daughter, Lyerb!"

Lyerb raised her heavily-make up eyebrow.

"Oh really?"

She smirked and reached out once more to grab my arm this time when a silver-white light arrow pierced her hand, leaving a scorched mark on it.

Lyerb let out a hiss as she withdrew her injured hand.

Her deep green eyes narrowed as she glared at my mother who was holding a blinding white bow in her hands with venom.

Father took this chance to order out the guards stationed at the party.

"Seize her and escort her outside."

Ah, my Father, the ever bit of a gentleman.

Lyerb turned to glare at my father momentarily as she brushed off the guards grasps.

"There's no need. I'll show myself out."

Then she laughed cruelly.

"But not before I make this vow. By the seventeenth birthday of your dear daughter, a person of my blood line will invade your kingdom and kill every last of your line. The princess shall be the first to feel the cold sensation of death."

Her green eyes surveyed everyone in the room.

"And those who side with this kingdom shall also die. This I vow as I am Lyerb, Sorceress of the Dark World."

A dark aura emitted from Lyerb's body and with a flash of black light; Lyerb the Sorceress disappeared, her menacing laughter sending shivers down everyone's spines.

And sadly, her prophecy came true.

It was during the height of the feast in celebration for my seventeenth birthday as well as the official announcement of my engagement to my lover. Lyerb's daughter, Beryl (Seriously, these people have no originality), who also had inherited her mother's powers attacked the kingdom and killed everyone but my father, my mother and I.

Since I was to expect for a ferocious battle with Lyerb's blood line; I was trained since childhood with everything both my father and mother knew. I mastered the secrets of the ancients' magic from my mother as well as the arts of swordsmanship and martial combat from my father.

My father died by shoving my mother aside when Beryl sent a black fireball at her, hitting him instead. He was killed instantly.

Mother cried out in anguish at the lost of so many lives, especially my father's and her people. She and I fought Beryl and the remains of her army head on.

At one point, Beryl had stopped her attacks and I thought that she'd given up.

I was wrong. Beryl had only stopped to collect all of her powers in order to form a large black-blood red ki ball.

With a heave, she threw it at my mother's direction and I too, jumped in front of Mother to shield her.

I cried out at the excruciating pain. It was as if someone's pricking sharp icy cold needles at me.

As I flopped to the ground, I heard my mother gasping in pained shock. I forced my eyes opened and held my hands to my face.

To my shock, they were paler than ever before! It was as if I put death-white powder on them. What's worse is that deep blue marks suddenly appeared in various places in my body…and I was naked!

Instinctively, my hands reached out for my hair to find that my once long golden hair was cut short and pulled up by magic into two divided parts that seemed to form a downside V. it was also covered in blue at the top.

In between laughs, Beryl explained what had happened to me. She said that I was no longer who I was and that I am now a monster of ice. She cursed me with living the life as a monster for all eternity and that in no time, I would no longer remember myself as the princess of a kingdom but a demon who would destroy all who opposed Beryl and her minions.

My mother shouted no in anguish but I could already feel the demonic side of my (then) new self itching its way to the surface.

Using every ounce of my will to remain humane, I pleaded one last time to Mother that she would kill me before I kill her myself.

My mother shook her head in defiance and raised the family's scepter in the air. She called out all of the gods and goddesses that she knew and encased me in a wall of ice. Just before I blackened out, I heard my mother whisper a few words to me. That was the last I saw of her.

The next thing I knew, I woke up to find myself in a dark, icy cavern with a young teenaged boy before me. In my confusion, I grew angry and sought for the first thing I saw to demolish which was obviously the boy. Luckily, he was strong and defeated me after a long battle.

In the mixture of fear and confusion, I collapsed in exhaustion but not before I muttered out an apology to the boy who widened his eyes in surprise, causing me to almost smile.

It would seem that the boy had taken me for when I woke up, I found myself in another different environment. This time, I was in a room painted pure white with a few colorful objects added to it to give it a contrasted look.

As I observed my new surroundings, a middle-aged man wearing a sort of unusual pants and shirt went inside the room I occupied and introduced himself as Cid, the Headmaster of Balamb Garden.

Noting the confused look on my face, the man's smile dissipated and he asked me if I knew what he was talking about.

I shook my head no and Cid's eyes widened in outmost shock. He asked me then if I was a GF.

"What's a GF?" was what I replied.

At this, Cid's eyes grew even wider and turned his back to speak to a plump woman wearing a white uniform who had just entered the room.

The two spoke in quiet voices and my temper soon went up. How dare they talk about me as if I wasn't there.

I confronted them and demanded to know where I am. The two were in shock and turned their gaze to me. They, however, soon snapped out of their daze and asked why I can speak so freely, regarding that I'm a monster.

I merely raised my eyebrow at them and told them who I really was. Their eyes grew wide when I told them the same story that I told you…rather with a few obscenities I must admit.

At first, they didn't believed me but changed their minds when they took out a book of the Silver Millennium and I narrated every single one, right down to the small, presumably insignificant happenings at that time. I even told them that the book was accurate but a bit over-fetched at some certain events.

Like the fact that I once lost to a challenge by a certain knight whom I shall not speak of. Hmph! That loser never stood a chance with me! He didn't know his left from his right.

Now that they believed me, we discussed privately on what to do with me. In the end, I told them that I would pretend to be a Guardian Force creature and aid people, SeEDs truthfully, in battle.

They nodded their heads in agreement though under one condition, that the person who defeated me in battle would become my…how shall I say this…care-taker.

I agreed instantly and told them that I would go to the boy who had defeated me and taken me here earlier. Both agreed and Cid then called for the boy to come to the infirmary immediately.

Heeding Cid's advice, I absorbed myself into a small crystal and waited as the boy from before entered the room. I watched from inside the crystal as Cid explained to the boy that I am now his GF and that he should take real good care of me.

"She's more special compared to other GF." I heard Cid told the boy.

The boy merely shrugged and drew me from the crystal with (what else) the Draw command.

So that's my story. Pretty boring eh? I meant to be sarcastic.

Oh and by the way, Cid also gave me a new name. He said that it was for me to forget the past and live for the future.

It's stupid. I can't simply forget the past just like that. I can't simply abandon all of my cherished memories and think instead of the future battles that I would have. Not in a million millenniums.

It hurts sometimes, you know? When I am not called for battle, I would always go back to my memories and cry at the loss of everyone I hold dear.

Anyway, now you know why I can't love anyone. It hurts too much since I still love my fiancé and also since I am not a human being (well, relatively I wasn't human even back then…at least not an Earthian human mind you) anymore.

Love has no boundaries, you say? What a silly, naïve fool you are to believe in such a stupid saying.


Oh, he's calling me. Probably to fight some huge monster, I hope it's a T-Rex, I can use the exercise.

Well until another time, farewell!

What's that? You want to know what my real name is and what my mother's last words were? Alright.

My real name's Princess Serenity of the White Moon Kingdom and my mother's last words were:

One day, everything will become as it was before.


I'm coming Squall. Geez, don't have a cow.

To be continued (maybe)


Sapphire: Well how was it? Good I hope. I'm really sorry though if there are grammatical errors. My computer's grammar check sucks big time.

Anyway, would you guys like another chapter? I can always have this as a one-shot if you guys don't like it every much…sigh and I was planning on having another surprise at the 'supposedly' next chapter too…one which you would all love or at least like I'm sure.

I also want to mutter an apology to those who probably thought that I was talking about Ami or Michiru or any other SM character from the start.

Review, review! Remember, the more you review; the faster I'll write the next chapter (if you guys want it at least).