Disclaimer: I don't own Shaman King or any of the characters. They all belong to Hiroyuki Takei.

Author's Note: This is the LAST CHAPTER with EVERY OTHER CHARACTER. Sorry these might be shorter, but I wanted to finish this so I can focus on my other stories. Every single character that I haven't done yet will be listed here so search for that character and I'm sure you'll find him/her. But in case you're wondering, the ones in this chapter are: Amidamaru, Silva, Pirika, Jun, Jeanne, Tamao, Hanagumi.


Appearance: Looks to be very tall, one of the tallest characters in Shaman King – although all the other characters are a few hundred years younger than him. Still, he stands at roughly six feet with long lavender/silver hair that flies out in all directions.

Clothing: An ancient Japanese samurai get-up. A yukata, sandals, the works. Not exactly the most modern outfit, but it looks spiffy on him, don't you think?

Intelligence: I'm not sure Amidamaru is the type of ghost you bring to school to help you get an A on a test, but he's definitely handy to have around when someone picks a fight with you. So smart on the battlefield - yes. Calculus – no.

Personality/Socializing: He's an honorable guy, who is sure to respect everyone around him – as long as they haven't wronged him in any way. He really gets along with everyone, especially Yoh. And his best friend centuries back – the blacksmith, Mosuke.

Finances: What's a ghost need with money? Though robbing a bank would be a breeze when you can phase through walls.

Home Economics: Anna probably roped him into doing some chores around the house. Like moving furniture around or something. I'm not sure if he can work an oven or a stove though, but he doesn't really need to eat anyway.

Combat: He's Yoh's spirit. Ren and Yoh fight for him. Tells you something right there, doesn't it? Yep. Got that right, Amidamaru was called a demon because he was so skilled with a sword.

Competition: None really – not including fangirls who have a thing for samurai guys. Weird, isn't it?

Family: To my knowledge, none living (though he's not exactly alive) himself.

In Bed: Ancient people have been regarded as quite primal. Take that as a innuendo if you will.

Conclusion: Well, the only obstacle I can see here is he's a ghost. What with you being alive and him being... dead, that can't be easy. But he is definitely a good catch in the afterlife. I can see him being very protective and a generally caring person for... ever.



Appearance: Gasp! Priests are good-looking! Silva is very tall, and has that "perfect gym body" – muscular but not too bulky. His skin seems to be fairly tanned, and he's got black hair.

Clothing: Priestly robes. See Nichrome's clothing. He also has a battle outfit, which is different from his priestly robes. Kind of like a modern version of a hippy outfit (that was my initial reaction). Everything looks good on Silva.

Intelligence: Smart, I'd believe. He's perceptive, and knows the who's and what's and how's when it comes to anything to do with Shamans. Outside of that, one can never be sure, but I'd reckon Silva's got a nice head on those shoulders.

Personality/Socializing: Silva's nice. He gets along with most people, unless they're associated with evil - read: Hao. He might panic every now and then, but that's only because he's worried (awwwww!).

Finances: Besides his duties as one of the Ten Priests, I believe Silva works in the market. He sells stuff to make money – probably a fair amount if there are lots of customers.

Home Economics: He can take care of himself well enough. He grew up without a father – see Family section – so he must've had to take over the family and become the man of the house. Probably pretty good at laundry and dishes.

Combat: Oh! Cannon! Really big Totem Pole Cannon! Kabooooooooooom. Silva's a good fighter. He has a total of five holy spirits.

Competition: I've heard of Karim x Silva yaoi, but I see their relationship as just close friends. No real canon couple with Silva, so he's basically up for grabs.

Family: Spoiler Silva is a descendant of Hao. Five hundred years ago, Hao was one of the Ten Priests. He was married, and his wife gave birth to a child. That child was Silva, who is now a priest in Hao's place. Being a relative of Hao is a great burden for Silva, but I don't think it'll have much to do with competition or interference with his love life, so no huge problems here.

In Bed: I think Silva would be shy about this at first, but once he's found the right girl, this'll be a very enjoyable factor in your marriage. And we'll just leave it at that.

Conclusion: Silva is probably one of my top five Mankin guys. Gorgeous and available, every girl's paradise.


xxx Pirika

Appearance: Long blue hair, blue eyes. Short, but cute. She's your perky girl next door, with an extra kick.

Clothing: Everything about Pirika screams "cute!" and this includes her clothes. Pink sweater, white band over her head, and a short black skirt. And an over-the-shoulder bag as an accessory at times.

Intelligence: Pretty smart, ne? Pirika was the one to figure out the Oracle Bell, and tried to teach her brother, HoroHoro.

Personality/Socializing: A real sweet little girl, Pirika is a generally nice girl who is kind and open to meeting new people. Pirika really has no enemies.

Finances: Since she plans to help her brother with their coltsfoot crop field, you two will probably receive your income from the agricultural department. In other words, farming money.

Home Economics: I imagine Pirika is a very good cook! Oftentimes, she makes meals for her brother. His positive reaction to her food must mean it's tasty. She's likely to be a very nice housewife.

Combat: I'm not sure why, but to me, Pirika seems quite delicate. She could probably put up a fight if put in a situation with no other way out, but she always seemed the type to kick the guy in the balls and run away.

Competition: The Pirika X Ren fandom is really quite common in fanfictions. But since the two don't really interact much in the series, it can't be said that they're canon. No competition really.

Family: Her brother, HoroHoro, who is wary and protective of his younger sister. If you don't treat her well, prepare to be clobbered with a snowboard.

In Bed: Hmmm... shy? Maybe the first time. But I'd think she'd be a very energetic lover, and willing to try new things. Could be fun to experiment around a little...

Conclusion: Getting over the overprotective brother could be a difficulty, as with any close sibling relationship, but for all you guys out there who like your girls absolutely adorable, go for it!



Appearance: A tall, very pretty woman, Jun easily score an 11 on a scale of 1 to 10. She has green hair, which is fairly long when it's down, but usually held up with a clip.

Clothing: Oriental, like Ren's. A modern Chinese black, tight-fitting dress that has two slits going up the side and a panda slapped on the front.

Intelligence: As one of the older characters in Mankin, Jun should have more experience than most others. And experience wisdom.

Personality/Socializing: Cool, sophisticated, but really very caring. She's responsible, and worries often about those she cares about (especially Ren).

Finances: No worries here. The Tao family is very wealthy and you could easily live off the family's fortune.

Home Economics: It's stereotypical to say she's a great homemaker just because she's a girl, but I keep picturing Jun in oven mittens and an apron and it just fits for some reason. But, I don't think she's that useful around the house. Who needs to be useful around the house anyway, especially when you have plenty of servants on your beckon call?

Combat: Li Pailong owns you. And she owns Li. See the connection? Yep.

Competition: After Li Pailong is "freed" and Jun realizes that ghosts have feelings or whatnot, the two seem to get very lovey-dovey. Canon pairing, for sure. Be sure to watch out for Li when going after Jun, 'lest you wish to be karate-chopped into pieces.

Family: The Tao family. Ren would probably do anything for his sister (though he wouldn't admit it) and if she was unhappy, he'd try to help out. Otherwise, there's no real trouble with family here.

In Bed: For some reason, dominatrix keeps popping into mind. Ever wonder if those talismans had other uses...?

Conclusion: Beautiful and mature, Jun is the type of girl you'd want to flaunt. "She's hot and you know it."



Appearance: Jeanne is pretty and looks mature for her age. She's only ten, but she looks to be about thirteen or fourteen, with long silver hair and crimson red eyes.

Clothing: I've seen three outfits she's worn. First is the iron maiden two-in-one combat-and-torture-device. Which has always reminded me of a metal swimsuit. Next is the actual Iron Maiden itself, and the lavender pajama-like things she wears while in it. And finally, the modest yet classic dress that comes with a matching bonnet.

Intelligence: She's definitely bright for her age. Though she has a twisted sense of justice, she really understands the world and has everyone's best interests in mind.

Personality/Socializing: Jeanne is a very soft-spoken girl. She will rarely ever yell (I don't think I've ever seen her raise her voice ...unless she's speaking strongly against Hao). And she gets along with the X-Laws very well. They respect her and look up to her as their leader, and I think even as a little sister.

Finances: Too young to work. If worse comes to worse, you could always get Marco to support you two.

Home Economics: Uh ...Marco?

Combat: The pain she subjects herself to raises her furyoku, and it is roughly half of Hao's. Which is really saying something, if you think about it. She's one of those people you underestimate, and then get your ass kicked as a result. Plus, the X-Laws will always be there to protect their Jeanne-sama (and you).

Competition: In the series, Horo, who has a crush on her (but probably won't act on it) and Marco, who is obsessively protective of the girl. And, outside of the series and completely in fandom, Hao if you like Love/Hate relationships. And then there's Lyserg who seems like he cares for Jeanne in the series, but not really canon. It's more elaborated in fanfictions.

Family: None that I know of (who are a live at least).

In Bed: Hmm ...since she devoted herself to God, I'm not sure Jeanne would be into that sort of thing, but try seducing her?

Conclusion: A girl who is able to take care of herself, not to mention lead the X-Laws. And pretty to boot. Go for it! But be prepared to handle the whole package (coughMarcocough).



Appearance: Small and cute. She has pink hair and wide innocent eyes.

Clothing: Tamao tends to lean towards baggy clothes. She wears navy sweatpants and a white shirt, and she often carries around a pink/red over-the-shoulder bag.

Intelligence: She's timid and naïve but that doesn't automatically make her stupid. Her predictions aren't always accurate, but she's trying and she seems to improving each day. I'd say Tamao is a bright girl with lots of potential.

Personality/Socializing: Tamao is easy to get along with. Although she's very shy and might stutter a bit, conversations will probably come naturally with her, as long as you don't intimidate her or anything (in other words, don't be mean or try and hurt her friends).

Finances: I think Tamao might make a good amount of money if she ever decides to enter the fortune-telling business, but you might have to support the two of you.

Home Economics: Anna's chores good training for house wives.

Combat: I've always imagined Tamao as a damsel-in-distress. She needs a strong guy who's there to protect her, and who else better than you? winknudge

Competition: She has a crush on Yoh, but he doesn't seem to return her feelings beyond those of friendship. And she eventually realizes this. Other than the common HoroXTamao coupling on , you're pretty much safe.

Family: The Asakuras are, in ways, family to her. Kino is sort of like her motherly-figure, as well as mentor. I don't really know much about her actual family, though.

In Bed: She will be shy and it may be a bit awkward at first, so don't push her into anything she's not comfortable with. That'll just drive her away. Instead, try making her feel 100 with it. If you do manage to do the deed with her, I think Tamao would be very submissive.

Conclusion: Cute, timid Tamao will need a bit of coaxing and patience, but she really is very caring and will be a loyal partner for life. Good luck!


xxx HANAGUMI (Mari, Macchi, and Kana)

Appearances: Mari is blonde, and looks rather intimidating (read: scary). Macchi has orange, spiky-ish hair. And Kana, the tallest of them all, has long blue hair that covers one of her eyes.

Clothing: Mari wears a cute black dress, one that resembles something a maid would wear but less poofy and more casual. Macchi has an interesting tight-fitting outfit that is also black, but she has a white shirt underneath. Kana wears a black tube top and denim shorts, the typical urban-chick look.

Intelligence: The Hanagumi are quite smart. They have clever battle strategies whenever they fight, and they're very good when it comes to teamwork.

Personality/Socializing: The three seem to get along well within their small group, and with Hao's other followers because they are striving for the same goal. If you're an enemy of Hao, though, beware. Mari is very quiet most times, and will only say things when she wants to express how she feels. Like "Mari is bored." That comes out a lot. Macchi is very happy-go-lucky. And Kana seems more serious.

Finances: Stealing might be their best source of income.

Home Economics: Good? Bad? I honestly don't know. Kana might be better around the house, out of the three, because she's older and might have more experience in taking care of herself.

Combat: Exceptional. They are Hao's followers after all, and Hao doesn't just let anyone join his group – only the best. The Hanagumi managed to beat Yoh and company when they first met up.

Competition: All three are loyal to Hao. They would die for him. There may be something romantic, if Hao was ever interested, but I think he's more concerned with world domination than girls. Then there's the ever-common NichromeXMari in fanfictions. Which could possibly work out if you think about it.

Family: No worries here.

In Bed: Mari would be passive or maybe a bit shy – like she pretty much is with everything. Macchi would be very energetic and playful. And Kana could be seductive or playful.

Conclusion: Three to choose from! All pretty much unique in their own way and a definite good catch. Take your pick, and best of luck. A word of advice, becoming one of Hao's followers is a good start.

A/N: Thank you to everyone who reviewed and supported this fic! It's been fun. Hope you enjoyed it.