Disclaimer/ warning: This is a Berserk/Inuyasha crossover. It will be bloody and there will be foul language. Hence the rating. I do not own Berserk or Inuyasha despite how much I would like to. I am making absolutely no money off of this story. It is purely for conjecture and fun. So enjoy.

P.S. This takes place after the third Berserk Manga and at an undecided point in Inuyasha if anyone is confused.

"GRIFITH!" Guts roared firing his hand cannon at the crimson armored demon. If he was going to be dragged down to hell Guts was going take the bastard with him. But fate mocked his pitiful attempt as the shell exploded before ever reaching the God Hand. Suddenly the demons dragging him let go and the bizarre landscape melted into a quiet forest.

Stunned Guts struggled to his feet, using Dragon Slayer as a crutch. His battle with the demonic count had occurred in a large castle, not a forest. Guts knew that he had just come from a different dimension and came to the only logical conclusion. He was now in a different world.

"GET AWAY FROM ME! NO! NO!" The counts daughter was screaming not far way, probably at Puck. Grimacing Guts staggered over to her.

""Take me back to my room. I wanna go back to my roooom. I don't wanna be here. Get me out of here." The girl was curled up on the ground babbling.

"If I have to stay here, in this place, I'd rather be dead." She whimpered. Guts just dropped his knife next to her.

"Go ahead. Kill yourself." They both stared at him in horror for a timeless moment before Puck flew up and smacked Guts.

"That's so heartless Guts. Don't you understand in the least what Theresia's just been through?!" He berated Guts. Guts ignored him and pinned Theresia with a stare.

"Alright then why not just die? Just give up if it's that bad." He stated.

"Come on. It's simple. All you have to do is slit your wrist with that thing. Then it'll all be over, the end of your worries. You'll probably end up going to heaven. Or would you prefer Hell? At least that way you might get to see your mother and father. It's your life. Do what you want with it."

Guts watched the girl slowly reach for the knife when a pinprick in his neck drew his attention to his surroundings. He was barely able to bring the Dragon Slayer around in time to cut the pouncing wolf demon in half. The torso fell next to the girl splattering gore on her making her drop the knife. Looking up with tears in her eyes she glared at Guts with pure hatred.

"It all started when you came here. It's all because of you..." She hissed.

"From those eyes it looks like you don't plan on dieing anytime soon. That's fine by me." Guts shrugged picking up his gear. Wrapping his cloak around himself he began to hobble off.

"I'll kill you Devil! Someday I swear... I'LL KILL YOU!" She screamed at his back.

"I'm ready whenever you are." Guts sneered before disappearing into the tree line.


Naraku's Castle

Kikyo growled under breath at the gall of Naraku. For the hated hanyou to 'summon' her was almost too much to bear. His triumphant smirk wasn't helping either.

"Ah Kikyo, so nice to see you." Naraku chuckled.

"What do you want Naraku." Kikyo hissed.

"Kukuku, just a simple errand. There was disturbance in the east that has piqued my interest. I want you to go investigate."

"I am not your servant."

"Ah but this disturbance came from your resting place my dear. And I know you felt it as well." Naraku smirked again. Kikyo hissed before stalking away. Naraku chuckled at her defiance before addressing the pale girl behind him.

"Follow her Kanna. I suspect there is more afoot than we all suspect."



Kagome staggered back against the well as Shippo launched himself into her belly. Smiling as the kit started to tell about everything that had happened when she was a way Kagome shifted him to her shoulder and started towards the village. Spotting a glimpse of red off in the distance she smirked. Inuyasha was obviously still smarting from her latest trip home.

"Lady Kagome!"


Kagome smiled at her friends. They had come to mean so much to her. Sighing at the stubborn hanyou Kagome approached her friends.

"How did your tests go?" Miroku asked.

"I won't know until I get back Miroku, but I did well on my previous tests." Kagome smiled. Out of all her friends Miroku was the most curious about the future.

"Congratulations Kagome." Sango smiled for a brief second before a calm mask fell over her features.


Kagome chuckled with Shippo at the now unconscious monk as Sango casually shifted Hiraikotsu back onto her shoulder.

"So have there been any rumors of shards lately?" Kagome asked.

"Nothing about shards but there has been other odd rumors." Sango said nervously.

"Like what?" Kagome asked concerned. It wasn't like Sango to get rattled.

"There have been some odd demon movements to the north. It's like all the demons in the area have gone nuts."

"Don't forget the stranger." Miroku said sitting up rubbing his head. "Ow. Must you punish this poor monk so harshly?"

"You deserve it letch." Inuyasha said dropping next to them from the tree.

"What stranger?" Kagome asked trying to get them back on topic.

"There are rumors of a tall stranger in dark robes wandering to the north. It is said that a sea of blood follows in his wake." Miroku explained. Kagome shuddered.

"Is there any way this could be related to a shard?"

"We don't think so but something is certainly happening." Sango stated.

"Don't worry bitch. It's probably just some stupid samurai." Inuyasha tried to calm Kagome's nerves. He had seen her shiver and it didn't make his sense of dread lessen.

"Either way we should check it out." Kagome decided.

"Fine wench, we leave in the morning."

"Don't call me wench!"

"I'll call you anything I like bitch!"

"Overconfident Jackass!"

"Napoleonic Power monger!"

"SIT!" Kagome stormed away fuming again. Why did she ever give Inuyasha that damn thesaurus? Miroku and Sango just looked at each other before slinking away to laugh at the poor hanyou. He would never change.

A/N: Well so ends chapter 1. Guts is in Inuyasha land and the factions are starting stir. I would be ever so happy to take any form of response on my work.