Title: Little One

Author: Stolen Childe

Disclaimer: Don't own 'em.

Rating: PG

Pairing: A/Darla (cuz it's season two)

Warning: Darla-ness, cursing, unbeta'd, cuteness, childization

Author's Notes: Written for Higgy's little Spike challenge, go read her stuff, it's great! It kind of ended up during season two without my knowledge, stupid stories running off on their own. Anyway. Please enjoy!


Angel couldn't help but smile at the sight that greeted him as he entered his office. The child dwarfed in the large leather chair holding tightly onto a large cup filled with think red liquid. When the boy caught sight of him, he pulled the cup from his mouth and beamed at Angel before licking at the blood on his upper lip.

Angel chuckled, "We have to get you a sippy-cup Will."

"Hiya Sire! Did you have fun killing things? When can I go kill things? I really wanna." miniature Spike exclaimed moving his hands around in awkward movements, miming fighting.

"Will, you're going to spill." Angel chastised gently.

Little Spike shrugged putting the cup down, and hopping off the chair, "I's finished neewayz." The miniature vampire reached back up onto the chair and pulled down a teddy bear almost the same size as him and walked over to Angel, dragging it behind him. Spike reached up his little arms and grabbed at the air with his free hand. Angel swooped and lifted the four year old.

It was shocking to say the least when he came home one morning to see Willow standing awkwardly in the middle of the hotel, the little blond child on her hip. She had quickly delved into a long explanation in her own babbling fashion and Angel gathered that Spike messed with something he really should not have and ended up in the body of a boy. Buffy had tried valiantly to look after him but had her hands full with Dawn's protection. Angel had been the only option.

Angel, surprised at himself, had taken it all in stride and quickly warmed up to the miniature form of the chipped vampire. The chip deactivated because of the spell, but William's childishness loaning him that one special brand of innocence. The littlest vampire had tried once or twice to bite, and Angel wrote it off on teething, even though the boy was far past the age where he would have all of his baby teeth. Angel was rest assured however, that Spike was too small to actually kill anyone. The redheaded witch had gratefully passed Spike off to Angel and fumbled over herself as the much matured Wesley made an appearance before she made a hasty exit.

Now a week later and Angel had fallen in love with the tiny child and knew he would do anything for him. They were still working on a cure, but Angel hoped it was a long time coming, a very long time. He was in no hurry to confront the surly man his childe had become and he still had those weird Darla dreams to deal with.

"Sleepy Will?" Angel asked as the child's eyes began to droop.

"M'not." Spike shook his little blond head.

"How 'bout we let your pillow be the judge of that?" Angel asked amused.

"I'm not!" Spike vehemently denied, only to be interrupted by a large yawn. Angel laughed and settled the other down on the couch, covering him with a fleece blanket before settling down to do some work. As little as they had. He glanced over at the clock and realized that the others would be here shortly, but not too close that Angel wouldn't mind a nap of his own. Just a quick little....

"Cute little leech isn't he?" Darla asked, wrapping her slender arms around his neck staring at the boy on the couch, "Strange when you see what he turns out as. Unlike you my Dear Boy. Perfect embodiment."

"Darla." Angel whispered, "You're here."

"Where else would I be Silly?" the woman asked, coming around before him and sitting crossways on his lap. Dropping light kisses to his face. Angel closed his eyes to the sensation and started when Spike made a slight sound.

"Darla I have to..." Angel drifted.

"Ignore it." Darla whispered, "Just us. Just you and me."

"No I-" Angel opened his eyes with a curse and hurried to the couch, placing a gentle hand on Will's back, "Shh. It's all right? What's the matter?"

"A lady was here." Spike whispered opening his eyes, "She was pretty but mean. I didn't like it, you were all oogly over her."

Angel started, "You saw Darla?"

"I did." Spike nodded, his head bouncing like a bobble-head. Angel assuming the boy was asleep wondered how they could share a dream. Spike was in his, but he was fast asleep. He rose to his feet walking over to his book collection and shifting through the titles. He pulled out the one he was looking for and flipped through pages.

"Strange." he said at last.

"What?" Spike cocked his little head, hoisting his teddy bear up further.

"Don't worry." Angel smiled.
