Steps For Better Kidnapping

Copyright Eina

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Step 9

Be Alert, Genius.

(And Stop Kissing The Hostage, For Crying Out Loud!)

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A/N: OMG! An update. Yes! An update indeed! More details after the story. Oh, and a bit of OC-Kira here.. apologies for that. This is rather boring if you wanted A/C fluff…

"Where's Athrun?" Yzak asked as he shut his laptop close, while clutching an already wrinkled piece of paper on his hand. "I have bad news."

"Bad news?" Nicol asked, slightly lifting his head from the book he was reading (How To Cook Nutritiously).

"Yeah, very, very bad news." Yzak nodded as he handed over the paper. His face was more grave than ever, it was as if the world was going to end. Nicol read the paper. It was a letter to the whole of Orb and other surrounding countries: a letter for help to catch the four bandits who had abducted the next heir to the throne of Orb. "Apparently, Ozumi really doesn't want to pay ransom since Orb's economy had been deflated for the past few months."

Dearka, who had been out on the nearest town, run towards their little base, panting. Distressed. "Someone spotted me!" He said, trying to catch his breath, "We have to get out of here!"

"What!" Yzak, outraged by his comrade's carelessness grabbed him by his collar and raised him above the ground for a couple of inches, "How could you be so tactless?" He asked.

"We needed food, idiot!" He spat back, "Or did you just want for us to eat each other?" Dearka wasn't happy as well with what has happened, but he knew that there was no time to argue about it. "Put me down, and let's go pack."

"We are not leaving." Yzak retorted.

"Why are you so glued to this place, anyway?" Dearka, irritated scratched his head and started to grab one of the bags they had been storing their food from the week. He looked at Nicol, who was at loss for for words, "What are you waiting for?" He asked.

"Would you two calm down." Nicol sighed, disappointed with his comrade's immature behavior. "I'll go get Athrun."

"We don't have-!"


"If we're leaving, we have to leave together." Nicol said in a tone they never heard him use before as he entered the tent where Cagalli was held.

If they were in danger, they need to leave together, they had a pact, Nicol thought bitterly. He knew the pact wasn't going to be kept forever… but one can't help but hope.

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Kira groaned as he encased his head on his hands. He had been having tea with Lacus for the past few hours to get his mind of the disagreement he had with his sister's father. "I told him not to do that." He gritted his teeth.

He heard Lacus gave out a demure giggle, "Calm down, Kira."

He stared at her.

She sighed, "I know it was wrong for Lord Ozumi to do that, but you should've seen the pressure during the Meeting Of The Nobles yesterday, my father thought that His Lordship would explode at that stand. It was brutal, Kira. He is as confused as you are. Maybe even more, since he does not know of certain things about his daughter," She had been giving hints to Kira that he should tell Lord Ozumi about what he knows, but he always managed to ignore it, "You have to at least try to understand what he's going through."

"Yeah, but he still has to remember he's running a country." He groaned. He understood perfectly what His Lordship has been going through, but he knew that the four must've seen the letter by now and are planning to run away.

"Kira." He heard Lacus' voice.

"Is there anything wrong?" He asked.

"There seems to be someone calling on your phone." She said, noticing the phone vibrate violently.

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"I see." Athrun sighed. He looked up at the skies, it was already seven in the evening, but it was still bright. It would be inconvenient for them to escape through the train heading for the port.

"We could try flying, but…" Yzak, who had gained a black bruise under his left eye, pointed at the chopper that has been rounding around the small town and forest. "Do you think they know we're here?"

"I've already taken care of that guy." Dearka said smugly. "Put up a fight though, I left him tied on that abandoned mill by the east side of the town."

"Good." Athrun nodded. "Why is Lord Ozumi acting so carelessly, anyway?" He couldn't figure out why Ozumi was panicking like this. The whole point of going under cover was to give Kira the impression that he might be a liar but he wouldn't be hurting anyone.

Well, except that man he told Dearka to silence for a little bit.

And he did lie, so he did doubt that Kira would think the way he wanted to.

This was all getting so confusing.

Nicol sighed, "There are two options, one is the one we don't want to do." He said, referring to the surrendering, "The second one is more dangerous though. We could walk through the forest until we reach that station where the trains stop before going into Orb. It should take us about three days to do so." He said.

"Right." Yzak said sarcastically, "Do you seriously think that Her Highness over there would agree to walk three days?"

Athrun laughed, "That is a problem."

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The plans were already set. Every troop was given instructions on how to infiltrate, and destroy. They were not given permission to kill as their opponent's MO hasn't been discovered yet. The MO of simply wanting cash was considered to be rubbish, since the four of them were born filthy rich.

They were slowly creeping through the dense forest where the terrorists have been reported to have been hiding with their princess, making sure that not even a twig was snapped. At first, everyone was surprised that they needed three troops just to capture four terrorists, but later on knew that there wasn't any room for failure.

Failure would mean either discharge without any honors whatsoever, or very brutal demotions and/or transfers to desolate places.

No one wanted that. They loathed Ozumi for giving them such orders, but they themselves could not fathom that their country was being threatened by four spoiled brats.

Kira noticed one of the soldiers in front waving his hand in a circular motion. It was the signal that they spotted the terrorists. He quickly run towards the soldier, and saw them.

They seemed to be planning their escape. His sister was nowhere in sight. She must be in one of the tents, he thought, looking over at two tents. There was one big one with a silhouette, that undoubtedly could be her.

"Surround the perimeter, make sure there's no way they could escape us." He tried to give orders as clear and as silent as possible. He didn't want to fail this mission for the sake of the soldiers and his sister. Who knows what could happen if something went horrible wrong? "Can a sniper dart one of them with a tranquilizer dart on signal?" He asked.

One of them nodded.

"Good, went one is stunned, ready your guns, do not shot until I give the order, okay?" He said, they all nodded again, "We wouldn't want to fry them with bullets now would we?" He tried to add a bit of humor.

Fortunately, they laughed as well. "Alright, see that white-haired guy who looks like a madman?" Kira told one of the snipers who nodded, "Is he the one we're going to dart, sir?" Kira nodded, "Yeah, when he comes a bit closer to us."

They were only a few feet away from them, bless the heavens that the terrorists haven't noticed anything yet.

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"You're father's very worried." Athrun sighed.

"Well obviously." She grunted.

"We're escaping." He told her.

"Good, leave me here." She said, in an ordering tone.

"You're a hostage you know that." Athrun scratched his head, wondering why their hostage must be so stubborn.

Cagalli stared at him, "Well I won't walk. You'll have to drag me."

Athrun raised his brows, "If we have to, why not." He smirked as he went out of the tent.

"Dammit." He cursed under his breath as found Yzak laying on the ground. He could hear him say that he had only been stunned and that they should make a run for it.

Even if they wanted to, they were already surrounded. There were soldiers with rifles and other calibers of guns surrounding their whole spot, and he was sure there even more in the other parts of the forest, waiting for them.

"What's wrong?" Cagalli asked. "Oh my god." She gasped at the sight of her own soldiers pointing their guns at Athrun and his friends. "What are they doing here?"

"Get inside." Athrun hissed.

"No." She insisted.

"Do I have to push you?" Athrun groaned.

"Do NOT touch her." They heard a very familiar voice. It was Kira, and boy did he look crossed. It was unnatural for Kira to get mad, but there was something in his face tonight that wasn't him. He looked more determined thane ever to get his sister back. "Let her go, Zala." He ordered.

"What are you going to do? Shower us with bullets? You'll kill her too, you know." He tried to play it cool. He had never expected this to happen.

"If you weren't so distracted in your love life Athrun, we could've devised a plan already, but you kept on putting it off." Dearka said to him as he readied his gun. It was true, he was distracted. Perhaps he had trusted Orb's good sense against violence way too much that he had overseen this situation.

"I'm sorry." He sighed.

"Well, there's nothing we can do now but fight." Dearka laughed.

"Hey!" Cagalli tried to fight when Dearka had grabbed her point the gun at her head, "Just play along, princess, trust me, I won't shoot your brains off." He whispered to her.

"Trust you? You're pointing a gun at me!" Cagalli yelled.

"God…" Dearka shook his head, "Hey Yamato, one more step closer and I'll blow your sister's head right in front of you!" He proclaimed.

"Oh I would love for you to see you do that." Kira laughed.

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To Be Continued.


It will be continued.

Don't look at me like that… (hides)

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A/N:.. I AM SO SORRY EVERYONE. I MADE YOU ALL WAIT ELEVEN BLOODY MONTHS! (sniff) Well, I recently migrated to Canada from the Philippines, so those whole eleven months were filled with angsty teeage drama that are not worth mentioning. But yes, I have now decided to finish this story since it's been bugging me. And… I think I made Kira a tad bit aggressive… well… yeah.

Please don't kill me if this was boring… come to think of it, just don't kill me. That would be nice (winks)

Well… review me please if you guys aren't mad at me (Which I'm sure you all are, right now). Oh, one more reason for not updating is that I think I may have over fangirl-ed Hagaren and Royai way too much.

Hehe. Cheerios!