Spike had been here for a while now.

The chipped vampire had turned up on his Sire's steps at four in the morning with tears dripping down his face onto the concrete below. He had claimed to be in need of his sire for protection and Angel didn't have the heart to refuse. So Spike had moved in. Good thing they lived in a hotel.

That was three months ago. Spike was now acting like the ignorant brat that he had been for the past century and it was driving everyone crazy. Cordelia preferred to leave the vampire to his own devices. At first she had tried to help him 'get over his eighties look', but Spike had simply commented on how much he wanted to kill her. She soon left him alone.

Wesley was just impressed that he was living in the same city as William the Bloody. Spike took every opportunity to show the ex-watcher just how much of a killer he still was. Of course, Wesley still got scared and couldn't watch the blond vampire drink his food because of 'visuals'. Needless to say, Spike was impressed that at least one person was wary of his presence.

Fred was fine with Spike. And Spike found the girl rather amusing. For some reason Spike always found shy, quiet people easier to be around than those that were as loud as him. He always liked them more. Maybe because they reminded him of the days he spent as William or something. So the two had become friends easily, although Angel suspected it might also have been because of their fondness for human food...

Gunn was surprisingly enough not that bothered with Spike's presence. Gunn was always on the side of humans good, vampires bad. So Angel was shocked when the man merely shrugged at the announcement that Spike was staying here. Spike and Gunn hadn't had any major falling outs yet and Angel was glad of that fact. It kept things slightly quieter than they could have been.

Conner on the other hand...

As soon as Spike had collapsed through the door the boy was there with a stake to his chest. Spike had been lucky Angel had been there, if he hadn't, there would have been more dust in the world. Conner was convinced that Spike was evil as soon as he walked in the door and they had been at each other's throats ever since. No matter how many times Angel explained about the chip to his son, Conner never believed him and always had a stake handy. Apparently, Holtz had described all of Angelus' childer to the boy just in case they came for revenge.

So it was a typical Saturday night in the Hyperion hotel. Wesley was reading books at the front desk, Gunn was cleaning the weapons, Cordelia was playing solitaire on the computer, Fred was eating tacos, Conner was in his room and Angel was trying to stop Spike from hurling abuse at the telly.

"Spike I don't care if Manchester United are loosing stop yelling at the TV. It wont change the way they're playing will it?" Angel called across to where the blond was sprawled across the sofa. Spike was fidgeting constantly and swearing loudly at the bug sized men running across the screen. Angel couldn't see what the fascination was, but Spike loved football, always had.

"But they suck! If I yell at them then maybe they'll get better." The younger vampire whined. "Every football fan does it. It's like a law."

"Spike it's not a law and they can't hear you through the TV. Now stop it." Spike had tried to teach him how to play football once. Angel soon gave up when Spike beat him sixteen-nil. Angel was not a good looser.

Spike frowned and turned back to the TV glaring at the little men in red shirts as the ones in blue tackled them easily. "Oh bloody hell...get David Beckham on the pitch!" Angel sighed and decided to save his breath to cool the porridge. It was like talking to a brick wall when Spike was cheering, or rather criticising, his favourite team.

"Who's David Beckham?" Fred asked the whole foyer. No point just asking Spike if you wanted a straight answer.

"A player for Manchester united. He married Posh Spice. He's the best footballer in England." Wesley uttered from where he was underlining something in his book. Obviously the man still found it essential to be on Spike's good side. Hence why he was complimenting Spike's favourite player, or maybe he just liked Beckham.

"Ref! Foul! Foul!"

"What are you researching Wes? I thought we didn't have any cases and no visions, even better." Cordy asked the man whilst bringing over a tray stocked with mugs of coffee. Wesley gratefully took his and sat back in his chair.

"Yellow card him you fool!"

"Well I decided to read through and update some of the watchers' diaries. I feel it's important to know that Angelus and William the Bloody can be something other than vicious killers." Wesley glanced in the direction of the vampires and smiled when Angel nodded in thanks.

"Offside you arsehole!"

Gunn shifted his shoulders and stood in a fighting stance, swinging his favourite axe in front of him. He smirked when Angel grabbed a sword and began sparing with him. They were at it for about ten minutes with Fred and Cordelia ohhing and ahhing every so often when one of them did a fancy move. Wesley glanced up every so often to watch them play fight. Of course, the peacefulness didn't last long.

"Angel! The ref needs glasses!" Spike hollered from the sofa. Angel had turned to face the person that had called his name and therefore left himself open for attack. Gunn didn't have the reflexes of a supernatural being and couldn't stop himself in time.

Angel soon had an axe in his arm, barely missing the bone. The vampire didn't howl in pain but did manage to glare at his childe. Pulling the instrument from his arm, he handed it back to an apologising Gunn and stalked towards the eternal pain in his ass.

The brunette grabbed the back of Spike's neck and threw him across the lobby. Spike slid a little way before resting against the opposite wall to where he was before. "What the bloody hell was that for?" He yelled back to his Sire in rage.

"Out." Was the calm reply.


"Out. Go on. Go kill some demons or something. Just stay out." With a final glare in Spike's direction, Angel stormed off into the small kitchen to be patched up by a worried Fred and Cordy. Wesley had already disappeared and Gunn gave Spike a sympathetic glance before going to apologise continuously to Angel.

Spike watched him go letting his temper build up slowly. "FINE!" and with that, he stormed out of the hotel into the waiting streets, muttering obscenities about the Chelsea football team being cheats and Angel being a Nancy boy.

"Bloody...stupid...pissing..." the blond muttered as he made his way into the hotel. He was covered from head to toe in purple slime from a sewer demon he'd encountered. Being the idiot that he was, he forgot to take any weapons and had had to behead the demon with his bare hands. Therefore he was covered in the slime that the demon had exploded into.

"Why me? Huh? What have I ever done?" Spike grumbled and slid his way towards the stairwell. Plan: get to room, have shower, sleep for week, act dumfounded when Angel asks about trail of slime leading up to his room. Good plan.

So the vampire made his way upstairs slowly due to the added weight that slime created. He'd been a good few blocks away from the hotel when he was attacked and had been covered in slime for at least and hour. "Wow!" He exclaimed when his feet nearly slipped out from beneath him. He steadied himself on the banister and made progress towards his room. "Bloody slime..."

"What happened to you?" Came a voice from behind him. Dammit! He forgot that Angel's miracle kid had super hearing.

Spike didn't even bother to turn round when answering. He'd had enough tonight. He didn't need Poof Junior asking stupid questions about it. "Nothing that concerns you P.J. Go to bed like a good little Nancy." He heard Conner make a frustrated sound at the hated nickname and slam his door behind him.

Good. Poof Junior was learning to back off. Spike sighed and headed for the shower in his bathroom. He just had to do this then he could sleep. God sleep, sounded good. Ripping off his beloved duster, he threw it in his room...somewhere and continued stripping on his way to the shower.

Standing under the stream of heat made him feel good. His muscles ached like crazy and his head was pounding from an insistent headache that vampires weren't meant to get. So of course, he had one. The slime rinsed off easy enough and Spike just hoped that it wouldn't clog the drain. Angel was fussy about that sort of thing. Turning off the water and wrapping himself in a dark blue towel he padded back into the main room and lay on his bed. Still sopping wet; but not caring whether he ruined the sheets.

Soon Spike dropped off into an uneasy sleep.

Well? This is the beginning of teenage Spike fic. I know he's not teenage yet, but he will be. Just wait and see. And thoughts, comments, ideas or anything would be very helpful at this stage. So reviews are welcomed. Thanks for your support guys! Luv Higgy xxx.