Disclaimer: I don't own, yadda, yadda. Stop shoving it in my face.

Fear of Falling - The First Day


"Uhh... yes, sister dearest?"

"Where is my ring?"

"Uhh... what ring?"

Jenna's face turned an intriguing shade of purple as she proceeded to explain to Felix exactly which ring she was talking about.

"The wedding band I have to give to Garet when we get married in four days!"

"Oh. That ring."

"Yes. That ring. Where is it? I gave it to you for safekeeping. I want to see it."

"I have it – just – hold on –" Felix began a mad search through his pockets as one pocket after another came up empty. Jenna looked on at him with a mixture of anger and horror.

"Don't – tell me – that you lost it."

"No... it's – right here..." Felix continued to rummage through his clothing with an increased intensity.

"Felix... You did not lose the ring that we went all the way to Tolbi to buy. I know you didn't. Because if you did, that would mean that I would have to pull out your ribcage and wear it as a hat."

Felix blanched. "No, Jenna... it's... right here..." Felix miraculously pulled out a ring box from one of his inner pockets.

Only to find it empty after opening it.

Felix never knew that his sister could scream so loudly.

"I'm – going – to – kill – you."

"Now, Jenna, I'm sure I have it somewhere, I mean... I took it out when we stopped in Vault and showed it to a few people, but I'm sure I put it back..."

"Which people?"

"Uh... well, you know. People."

"Which people?"

"I... don't remember? I was a little tipsy, and well, this man seemed very interested in a wedding band for his fiancé, so I just showed it to him for a minute, and then... I can't really remember..." Felix's eyes widened suddenly. "Uh oh."

"Felix... I'm – going – to – kill – you!" she shouted as she chased him out the house, through the yard, and the five miles that comprised the circumference across town.

"You – lost – my – wedding – band! Retribution will be dealt!"

Which only made Felix run faster.

"I'm sorry, Jenna!" he screamed over his shoulder. "I'm sure it's – ah – somewhere!"

He found that he was suddenly on the ground.

"That's funny. How did I get down here?" he asked himself absently as he spat out a clod of dirt that had managed to get lodged, rather uncomfortably, in his mouth.

"By barreling into me. Good to see you too, by the way. It's only been a month and a half. I suppose you missed me, then?" Felix looked up to see a familiar golden eyed, blue haired Lemurian smiling down at him. "I mean, I suppose you were just dying to see me, considering the rather physical greeting you kindly bestowed upon me."

Felix's eyes lit up.

"Piers! Save me!" he exclaimed as he pushed Piers in front of him to obstruct Jenna's warpath.

"Felix... How shameful. Using Piers to protect you from your own itty, bitty sister? This from the man who – " a cough " – saved Weyard?"

"Shut up Garet."

Garet laughed from a nearby tree as Jenna approached the group. "Darling!" he cried out as he attempted to capture Jenna for a hug. That attempt, however, was quickly pushed aside as an irate Jenna advanced on a cowering Felix.

"Felix... I think your sister is quite angry. What did you do to her?" Piers asked in earnest. After all, he was between the two feuding siblings. It wasn't a position that was in favor of personal safety.

"Ah... Jenna. You caught me! Now it's your turn. Go hide now, sweetie." Felix laughed uneasily as he backed away from his sister, dragging Piers with him.

"Do you want me to beat him up, darling?" Garet asked absently as he ate the last of a piece of cherry pie that his mother had baked for him.

"No..." Jenna said after a moment of thought. "No. If you beat him up, he won't be able to go get me something. Something very important. Down in Tolbi. Hello Piers."

Piers nodded at her. "Great seeing you again. Please don't kill me, by the way."

"Down in Tolbi? What's down in Tolbi?" Garet asked his soon to be wife in mild confusion.

"My wedding band that he's going to have to buy a new one of, since he lost the one I gave him for safekeeping."

Garet blinked. Then he turned to Felix, his eye twitching strangely as he did so. "You. Did. What?"

Felix let out an uneasy laugh. "Well, you see, I was talking to this man, this hooded, slightly suspicious looking man come to think of it, and he wanted to know about buying his fiancé a wedding band, and I volunteered to show it to him, and then I have no knowledge of what happened until I woke up the next morning."

Garet's eyes widened as he gritted his teeth. "Felix... my wedding is in four days. How are you supposed to get to Tolbi and back in four days?"

"You better leave now," Piers cut in.

"Piers..." Felix grumbled, flashing the blue haired Lemurian a look that spelled death.

"I agree," Jenna concurred. "And if you're not back by then... well. You remember what I said about ribcages and hats?"

Felix nodded vehemently.

"Good," she continued. "Piers will go with you."

"What?" Piers exclaimed. "I just got here!"

"Yes, but you're not doing anything in preparation for the wedding," Jenna explained. "Plus, you have to protect my brother dearest. After all, if his baby sister caused the fear of Azul in him, who knows what other kinds of trouble he could get in without someone strong and muscular like you to protect him?"

ii ii ii ii

And so it began.

Felix and Piers were entrusted with the duty of buying a new wedding band for Jenna to give to Garet, since Felix had evidently allowed it to be stolen by a mysterious, shady sort of fellow. Felix, relieved that he had gotten off without being roasted and served as an entrée at his sister's wedding, happily hummed himself a tune as he ambled down the path towards Tolbi. And as for Piers –

Piers was not nearly as grateful.

"Can you please desist in that incessant melody you insist on humming? While your voice can be quite pleasant at select intervals of time, this is not one of those times."

"Oh, lighten up, Piers," Felix replied jovially. "It could be worse. Jenna could have just decided to cook me, and if you recall correctly, you were in her warpath. You would have been one tasty Lemurian at dinner that night."

Piers twitched.

"I wouldn't have been in her warpath if you hadn't put me there."

"True," Felix agreed. "But wouldn't you have been sad if I died? Plus, you know that if you were still in Vale, you would be some sort of extremely strenuous work for the slave driver, right?"

"Your sister isn't that bad."

"Ah. But she's not your sister now, is she?"

"Hmm," Piers grumbled. "I would have enjoyed eating you," he said after a pause. "I would have taken immense satisfaction in it."

"Would you have taken satisfaction in it because you're mad at me or because I would have genuinely tasted good?"

Piers thought for a moment.

"The former. I don't think that stringy Vale-man meat would taste very appetizing."

"But have you ever had Vale-man meat? How do you know it wouldn't taste good?"

"Just a guess," Piers replied. "Besides, you're too skinny to have any real meat on your bones."

"And you're much better? Look at you, you twig of a Lemurian. You wouldn't make a decent meal if you ate three pounds of lard a day for a month."

"Ah. But I'm not the one we're considering eating, now am I?"

Felix scowled at him.

"Ah, lighten up Piers. Think of this trip to Tolbi as an adventure," Felix said after a moment.

"Hm. Some adventure. It's going to rain, by the way."

"What? How do you know?"

"Water adept," Piers replied simply.

"Ah. Right."


They were silent for a while as they walked towards Vault. It had been decided that they would travel through Vault and down to Kalay, where they would spend the night. From there, they would continue south until they hit Tolbi, and then head back to Vale following the same path. It was nearly certain they would make it back for the wedding, provided nothing too terrible occurred along the way. And if they didn't – well.

Felix didn't like to think about that.

"You know," Piers started as he unexpectedly turned to Felix. "I'm sort of glad to be going on this trip with you."

"Now that's the spirit, Piers," Felix said happily.

"Yeah. I mean, it's really nice to be with the people that care for you."

"May I ask why the sudden change of heart?" Felix asked inquisitively.

"Well," Piers began, "I haven't seen you in quite a long time, Felix."

"A month and a half isn't too long. You had to report everything that happened to King Hydros."

"I know," Piers continued. "But I've missed you so very much."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Felix asked indignantly.

"Well..." Piers laughed. "You know I don't like sleeping alone. Without you there, it's been so..." he paused, thinking of the right phrase, "unproductive, if you get my meaning." He winked.

Felix blanched.

"Uh... Piers? Did you forget to take your medicine today?" He paused. "Or worse, did you switch the Ritalin with the Viagra? I've told you about that, you know."

"Oh, you're so funny Felix. You never cease to amuse me."

"Please don't hit on me again. It scares me a little."

"Only a little, my sexy little fox? I suppose the rest of you likes it, then?

"Piers..." Felix whined again.

"Oh, calm down. You're such a girl. Can't handle a little teasing."

"I am not a girl."

"Well, you certainly look like a girl. You've got the long hair and the girly demeanor thing going for you," Piers explained matter-of-factly.

"And you don't?" Felix asked incredulously. "Look at you! You're worse than I am, and that's saying something." He laughed. "I admit that I may have a certain – " he coughed " – tendency to look slightly feminine, but you, sir, are the very definition of androgyny! You braid your hair and put it in all these weird styles when no one's looking... and I've seen your facial moisturizers. I'd like to know exactly what you do with those when no one's looking!"

Piers blinked. "Uhm... I moisturize? What else would you do with moisturizer? Sick child. And have you been spying on me?"

"Spying on you? What gives you that idea? Just because I know intimate, personal things about you that very few other people probably know, it doesn't mean I spy on you. Why, the very idea is ludicrous." Felix looked indignantly at Piers.

Piers shook his head and sighed. "This feels like it's going to be a very long adventure."

"It may feel like it, but in reality, it will only take four days," Felix replied happily, his mood suddenly shifting. "Because if it doesn't... well. It doesn't take a genius to know what Jenna will do to us, now does it?"

ii ii ii ii

"Well. It's raining."

"I told you it would."

"Yeah, but I didn't pay attention. Why do you always have to be right?"

"Because – I'm me! I just am."

Felix sighed. "I really have to tell Jenna to stop telling you how handsome you are. It's just making your ego huge."

"No, no, Felix, love," Piers replied. "My ego is huge for reasons other than your sister." The wicked grin on his face and the devilish wink he gave Felix informed the Venus adept exactly what those reasons were.

Felix stared.

"When did you turn into this strange, vulgar person? I don't know you anymore! You used to be so – eloquent. Look at you now! Since when have you been so obsessed with sex? It's just – weird."

"Oh, I was always a bit obsessed with sex. I was just never this vocal about it before."

"That's reassuring. Why the change?"

"Let's just say - " Piers replied " – I've had a change of heart about something."

"About whether you're going to have cream cheese or miracle whip on your bagel in the morning?"

"Why, yes! That's exactly it, how did you ever guess it?" Piers exclaimed emphatically. Felix chuckled.

"I was always good at things like that. People have told me I should have been a Jupiter adept," Felix said smugly.

Piers cringed. "Gods forbid. You would have people running for the hills away from non-existent natural disasters that you just happened to predict in your convenient weekly prophecies. It would be madness."

Felix grinned. "I would enjoy it, I think. People in panic have always been interesting sport to watch. Unless, of course, something actually dangerous is happening. That sort of thing ruins the fun."

Piers shook his head in exasperation. "You have some issues, you know that? You enjoy people's pain far too much."

"Being around you can do that to a person."

Felix was propelled forward by a swift hit to the head.

"Ow. That hurt."

"It was meant to," Piers explained simplistically. "Now how far are we from Kalay? We can spend the night there and get out of this rain."

"Eh. Another half hour, maybe. It certainly feels like we've been walking for a while. And anyway, can't you just make it stop? I thought mercury adept could do things like that. I know Alex can."

Piers made a face. "Keh."

"Don't tell me you still hate him?"

"I don't hate him. I don't care about him enough to hate him."

"Then why, for the gods' sake, do you dislike him so much? He says that he's changed. And living with Kraden – that could kill anyone's spirit."

"Or just heighten his lust for blood."

Felix thought for a moment. "Very true. I can think of many a times I wanted to take a frying pan to that man's head."

"He can get quite irritating."

"Indeed. But still. Are you jealous of him or something?"

Piers snorted. "Like I would waste my time."

"Then why?"

"Umm... let's see," Piers started. "Because he's a mad, raving power hungry lunatic? Because he tried to take over Weyard? Because he stole my hair color? Take your pick."

"He stole your hair color?"

"I had it first. I am much older than him, as you know."

"Yes, but his is sky blue. Yours is more of an aquamarine."

"I'm so happy you noticed. And why are you taking his side? Do you love him more than you love me?" Piers gave Felix his best sad puppy dog expression.

The brown-haired Venus adept snorted. "I don't love either of you. Happy?"

"No. I would much prefer you loving me and hating him. It boosts my self-esteem and makes me feel happy."

"Fine. I love you, then. And I mildly dislike Alex."

"Good to see that you've found your way to the light! Now - " Piers swung his arm around Felix's shoulders in a friendly hug " – let's go see if we can find some squirrels to terrorize!"

Felix shook his head as Piers ran off into the wilderness in search of squirrels. 'Why am I always stuck with the crazy ones? What did I do in my past life?'

"Felix! I found a big one!"

Felix sighed as he responded dryly to Piers. "Coming, darling!"

ii ii ii ii

"Hey, Felix?"


"Have you ever had sex?"

Felix began to cough violently. They had arrived in Kalay an hour after nightfall and were settled in for the night in the town's inn. Felix had just about fallen asleep when Piers had asked him this rather unsettling question.


"Well, I'm just asking. It's nothing to be ashamed of if you haven't."

"Why are you asking me this?"

"I'm just curious, is all. Don't get your panties in a knot."

"Do you think I've had sex?"

"Well – I don't know. I've never asked. It was never the appropriate time."

"And now is?"

"As appropriate a time as any."

Felix sighed. Reluctantly, he spoke. "No."

"No what?" Piers asked.

"No, I've never had sex."

"Really? You're such a stud, though. All the girls like you. Hell, some of the guys too. You should hear what they say about your butt."

"I'd really prefer not to."

"Are you sure? It's quite complimentary, you know."

Felix blinked. "This is a nightmare. Why am I stuck with you? I can just see us one day, when we're old. We'll be alone together, sitting in rocking chairs, talking about the good old days. How depressing."

"You should really be nicer to me then, if we're going to grow old together."

Felix blinked. "Shut up. So what about you? Do I even need to ask whether you've..." Felix trailed off.

"Whether I've what?" Piers stared blankly.

"Whether you've... you know. Done it."

"Done what?" Piers asked, confusion etching the features of his face.

Felix let out an exasperated sigh. "You know. Had sex."

"Oh!" Piers exclaimed. "That! Well, obviously."

"Really? With whom?"

Piers laughed. "Oh, too many to count. I have been around for quite a while, remember Felix? And where did you think I went when I told you and Jenna and Sheba that I was off for a midnight stroll? Common sense, now, darling. You know, small town girls really like that whole exotic blue haired, golden eyed look."



"I thought we agreed that your hair was aquamarine."

"Fine. Aquamarine. But honestly Felix, I've been around the block quite a few times."

"Anyone that I know?"

Piers thought about it for a while. "Well... there was that girl in Madra..."


"Yes, I think that was her name. And that other girl in Yallam. What was her name? Margret, I believe."

"Really? Wasn't she the daughter of one of the town leaders?"

"Yes... and then the innkeeper's daughter in Alhalfra... and one of the girls from Shaman Village...and then there was that boy in Izumo, I forget his name..."


Piers laughed. "Well, you should try everything once, that's my saying. Unless, of course, you know beforehand that you'll probably die from it. Then you should keep your trying down to a minimum."

"You know, in Vale, that kind of thing is looked down upon."

"Well... you don't look down on me for it, do you?"

Felix coughed. "Of course not. It's just – weird."


"I – I don't know!" Felix stuttered. "I keep remembering all those times you hit on me!"

"Oh. Well, don't take it seriously. You know I like playing around with you." Piers chuckled as Felix's eyes widened.

"No! Stop! This just gives it a whole new meaning!" Felix stood up off the chair he was sitting on and backed away from Piers. "Now you..." He pointed at Piers. "You stop making those weird sexual innuendos towards me. Or I'll – or I'll – "

"Or you'll what? Figure out that it's Alex you truly want to spend the rest of your life being an old, miserable bachelor with and leave me? Come now, Felix."

Felix gasped. "That's it! That's why you hate Alex! You're afraid I'll leave you for him!"

Piers blinked.

"Or not," Felix conceded. "But still! Stop! It's kinda freaking me out..."

Felix sat down on the bed across from where Piers was seated. The mercury adept sighed and looked away from Felix. After a short pause, he looked back up at Felix.

"I just hit on you to mess with you. I would never actually do something to you. Unless, of course," he continued with a playful jilt to his voice, "you wanted me to."

"Which will never happen," Felix added quickly.


"What, so I'm not good enough for you?" Felix asked suddenly.

"When did I say that?"

"Am I not desirable? You said they all liked my butt."

"I never said you weren't desirable."

"So you do think I'm sexy?"

"Is this a trick question?"

"Just answer the question!" Felix snapped.

"Fine, fine!" Piers lashed back. "I do find you mildly attractive. But it doesn't matter, because I wouldn't do anything about it anyway."

Felix was silent for a long moment. Finally, he spoke. "Why not?"

"Would you want me to?"

"No..." Felix said defensively.

"Exactly," Piers explained. "Even if I did find you attractive, it wouldn't be important enough to ruin our friendship. And besides, I said I only found you mildly attractive. You'd have to be incredibly attractive for me to spend the night with you." Piers snorted.

"That's not nice. Are you going to force me to go back to the 'I'm not good enough for you' conversation?' Because I don't much feel like it."

"Good. Then don't."

"Fine." Felix snapped as he turned away from him and laid down on the bed. They were both silent after that, until Piers took it upon himself to try and appease Felix's bad mood.

"Does it bother you that much?"

"Of course not."

"Because, I mean," Piers continued. "If it does, we can fix that, no problem."

"Yeah?" Felix asked. "And how, pray tell, would you do that?" he spat.

"I could make love to you on the very bed that you're laying on right now."

Felix blanched.

"That's quite all right, I assure you. It doesn't bother me that much."

"Ah. So it does bother you."

"No!" Felix exclaimed. "Well, maybe a little. But it's just on principal, really."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Of course I'm sure! Why wouldn't I be sure? And anyway, I don't like guys."

"So you say."

"I don't!"

"You did spend a lot of time with Alex, after all."

"So? And why do you keep bringing up Alex?"

"No reason, really. Just – he strikes me as sort of queer."

"Just because you are, doesn't mean everyone else is."

"Oh come on, Felix. It's Alex."

Felix thought for a moment. "Well, all right. He is a bit queer."

"I told you."

"Hm. So going back to this whole 'you not sleeping with me' thing."

"What, Felix?"

"Well, I think it's unfair. Why wouldn't you sleep with me?"

"Because you're straight."

"So? Since when has that stopped anyone?"

Piers propped himself up on his elbow to look at Felix from across the room. "Do I even need to bother justifying that with an explanation?"

Felix frowned. "Well, I suppose not. But still."

Piers let out an aggravated sigh. "I'm sorry, Felix, but I just wouldn't sleep with you."

"Well, why the bloody hell not? You said my butt was nice!"

"So? It doesn't mean I'm going to take off my pants for you."

"But you'll fuck the nearest girl all the other times?"

"Language, Felix? And besides, that's different."

"Yeah? How so?"

"It just is. Now go to sleep."


"Go to sleep."

"Hm. No."

Piers rolled over on the bed away from Felix.

"Oh, so you're giving me the butt now."

An aggravated sigh was heard from the other side of the room. Felix scowled in annoyance.

"You know, you should be nicer to me."

"And why is that?"

"We're going to be old, forsaken bachelors together, remember?"

"How could I ever have forgotten?" Piers replied dryly.

"Hm. Hey, Piers?"


"Do you have a crush on Alex?"


"Well, because, you know, you're always talking about him."

"I don't even like the man!"

"Maybe he rejected you."

Piers turned over to face Felix. "Why would I – ever – be upset about that? Not that it happened, this is entirely theoretical."

"Of course."

"I mean... even if he did, which he didn't, ye gods by the way – " Piers shuddered " – I wouldn't be that upset. I mean, I could have so many other people, so why on Weyard would I want him? Unless you like crazy psychopaths who steal your hair color." Piers shuddered again as Felix looked on at him with mild amusement.

"You know, admitting you have a problem is the first step towards recovery."

"I don't have a problem! Why do you think I have a problem?"

Felix laughed as he brought his voice up to a falsetto. "Ohhhh... Alex..."

"I do not sound like that."

"Ohhhhhhhh... Right there..."

Piers stared at him in intense spite. "Shut up."

"Don't... stop..."

"Why am I even bothering to justify myself?"

"Alexyou wild man!"

"Oh, that's it." Piers abruptly jumped up from his bed and quickly made his way over to Felix. "I am going to teach you a lesson."

"Uhh... now, Piers, what – " Piers straddled him " - are – " leaned over – " you – " and bent down to touch Felix in a place the Venus adept deigned very inappropriate.

"Oh my god, you just – oh. That's what you were doing."

"Now shut up. Or I'll do it again and tell your sister you liked it."

"Okay." Felix's voice cracked.

"Good." Piers stalked back over to his bed and laid down. Silence fell over the pair in thick, tangible waves, stretching infinitely throughout the room. Piers was nearly asleep when Felix decided to get up out of bed and put on his clothes.

"Where are you going?" Piers asked quietly as Felix headed toward the door.

"Out," he replied curtly.

"Don't forget this," Piers said tossing Felix his sword that was lying on the floor between their beds. "It's late out, after all. You never know..."

"Thanks," Felix responded as he swiftly opened the door and left. Piers was left in the room with a distinct feeling of cold rushing through his body as the door was closed shut.

'Well,' he thought to himself as he listened to Felix's footsteps echo in the corridor outside. 'I certainly messed things up this time.'

ii ii ii ii

A/N: Ahhh... I haven't written one of these things in a loooonnnnng time. I feel almost nostalgic. So here it is. The first chapter in my most likely 4 chapter plus an epilogue Golden Sun fic. Hope you all enjoyed it... I know people are a little ooc, but then again, all Felix really ever said was '...' '!!!' 'Why?' and yes and no. There may have been other combinations of different punctuation marks, but… eh. So for all we know, he could have been in character. I already have the second chapter written, and I like it better than this first one, strangely. It's just so much more cute. Felix and Piers make the cutest couple, I think. I mean... they're both strangely girly, yet tortured at the same time. Hnn. That's like – practically all yaoi couples in anime, isn't it? Well. Anyway. Piers and Felix bid you thanks for reading this wonderful fic about them, and want you to review.

Felix: Yes. Review. Or I shall sic Jenna on you. She's scary, this time of month. If you get my meaning...

Jenna: What was that, Felix? (twitch)

Felix: Err... nothing, sister dearest.

Piers: Oh, Felix, lover... (licks)

Felix: Ahhh... stop... stop... don't stop... don't... stop...

Er… Right. I'm going to leave those two alone...

Jenna: What about me?

Oh, I'll get Mia over here, you can have fun with her.

Jenna: (raises eyebrow, then shrugs) Cool.

Riiight. Anyway. Review, darlings! grins

P.S. This story has been majorly influenced by the story Stirring Earth. If you see similarities between them... well, now you know why.

P.P.S. Any modern day reference made in the story are meant for the sake of humor. Please don't come to me in the review saying "I don't think they had miracle whip on their bagels in Weyard!" I got that in some of my past stories, and it really annoyed me for some reason. Eh. W/e.

P.P.P.S. I think there's some random Buffy refs in here. If any of your caught them, props to you!