Title: The Awakening

Summary: After her aunt's sudden death Anzu is left to inherit the mansion the old lady left her. Little does Anzu know she's descended form a long line of famous slayers and spellcasters so when she releases the four vampires sealed in the basement what's she to do?

Rating: PG-13 (may rise)

Status: 1 chapter written, 1 chapter posted

Review count: 0

Pairings: You choose...
Yami x Anzu
Bakura x Anzu
Seth x Anzu
Marik x Anzu

If there are some other pairings you want me to include then that's fine.

Notes: I'm taking a break from my HP and SM stuff to come back to my favourite Yu-Gi-Oh. No yaoi in this story, sorry but please vote for pairings.

Anzu blinked at the document that her old, now deceased, aunt's lawyer had handed her. "Like I said, the house and everything in it is yours if you choose to accept it, if not then I'll sign the necessary papers and furniture will go up for auction and the house will be back on the market," he explained.

"So what you're saying is that I'm inheriting a mansion, fully equipped anything else?" Anzu asked disbelievingly.

"Well you do get the money regardless of the house and if you do decide to sell then all the profits go to you," the lawyer said.

"Okay then, I guess it would be kind of cool to live in a mansion and the money could get me through college even if I didn't sell the house," she grinned, "okay, I'll take it."

The lawyer nodded and held out some documents, "Now if you'll just sign here, here and here I'll sort everything out."

It was a couple of weeks later when Anzu waved goodbye to the small moving truck that had carted what little of her stuff was worth keeping, mostly family heirlooms and other sentimental bits and pieces. Anzu's parents lived in another part of Japan and where going to be there for a whole year, when they heard she was moving into her aunt's old house they were delighted.

Anzu sighed as she looked around at the large rooms with the old fashioned furniture, Anzu used to play in this house as a child and there was always one thing she felt drawn to. The house had two basements, one with an indoor pool and the other was locked, bored up and a cross was hung on the door. Anzu always used to ask what was behind that door that needed locking up but she was never told, only that it was dangerous and for her to stay away.

Anzu fingered the silver crucifix that dangled around her neck, "Well," she said to herself, "nothing stopping me now," Anzu thought allowed as she fingered the dust covered boards lightly.

She ran a hand through her hair nervously, "Oh come on," she told herself, "what could be so dangerous?" she pulled away the weak boards and took down the cross. She turned the old fashioned brass knob and opened the door.

It creaked eerily and she pocked her head round the door frame but she could see nothing but darkness, "Looks pretty dark, maybe I should get a flashlight," and so she rummaged through one of her packing cases until she found one. She loaded it with a pair of batteries and shone the beam of light hesitantly through the doorway.

There were old wooden stairs that lead straight down and she could only just see the bottom, not to mention there were loads of spider webs. Anzu shuddered, "I hate spiders," and then she began to pick her way carefully down the stairs.

When she reached the bottom she peered around but there was nothing but black, she lifted the torch and gasped, stumbling back a few steps. Coffins, there were four of them, four coffins, "What is this?" Anzu whispered and her voice was shaking, "Is this some kind of graveyard or something?"

She walked over to the one nearest her and brushed some of the dust and debris away, there were intricate patterns covering the top of the coffin and there was a piece of paper with some strange symbols on it, a cross being one of them.

Anzu couldn't see it very well so she reached over and grabbed a hold of it pulling it of, there was a feint blue glow and Anzu's eyes widened. There was a groan and a scratching sound as the rood of the coffin was lifted form the inside.

Anzu screamed and jumped backwards, she looked behind her, there was nothing but a wall, the stairs seemed so far off as the coffin roof fell with a mighty bang to the floor. First she saw a pale hand; then a torso along with a head, bright blood red eyes turned to look at her. They narrowed, blonde hair framed his face and his black hair was spiked and the tips were dyed the same red as his eyes.

Anzu screamed again as the man seemed to vanish and then appear before her in a flash, he grinned menacingly at her. She couldn't stop screaming as she stumbled backwards, the torch dropped from her grip and fell to the floor and clicked off. Anzu fell over and scrambled around frantically.

The other loomed over her, his teeth bared, two sharp fangs were prominent even in the nearly dead light coming from the stairs. Anzu was breathing heavily as her fingers closed around the barrel of the torch; she lifted it up and shone the light directly in her attackers face.

He growled and leapt back, shading his eyes with his arms. Anzu gasped, "Oh I'm sorry, are you okay?" she rushed over to him, she touched his shoulder and he grabbed her wrist.

He shoved her back against a wall and hissed in her ear, "Any last requests slayer?" he smirked menacingly.

"W-what are you?" her voice quivered with the fright that she couldn't hide.

"What did you say?" the being looked taken aback, "Is this some sort of trick?" he demanded his face very close to hers. Now that her fear had begun to recede Anzu was very well aware of what was going on.

"Trick, why would I play a trick on you? I'm not the one that jumped out of a coffin and randomly started attacking people!" Anzu said indignantly.

"But, you removed the seal that kept me locked in that thing, only a slayer can do that, how could you not know what I am?" he looked confused.

"I'm as confused as you are, I just wanted to know what the paper said and then it glowed blue and then you came and now," she trailed off, fear once again taking over her heart as she looked into his smouldering, blood red eyes. She took a long shuddering breath.

"So you don't know what a slayer is at all?" Anzu shook her head, "So what are you then? A mage, an apprentice perhaps, you've got to at least have a title, you have magical powers," the man reason releasing her slightly.

"Look, I don't know where you from but those kind of things don't exist anymore, try a few hundred years back maybe and magical powers, what are you, crazy?" Anzu looked completely confounded. The other didn't respond, them Anzu really noticed his fangs, her eyes went wide, "You, I know what you are, you're a vampire."

The vampire took a defensive stance, "Very perceptive little girl, now magic or not, I'm going to drain all your blood," he smirked.

She held up the torch and shined it in his eyes again, but this time his pupils dilated and his smirk became wider, "Only sunlight will work now little girl."

"Please don't," she begged, tears forming in her eyes as the vampire moved towards her, "I didn't even mean to wake you up," she began to cry, "why did this have to happen to me."

The vampire stopped, she reminded him of another that he'd loved long ago, Teana, she had died a mortal death, killed by the slayers in an effort to get to him. His heart went out to the sobbing girl curled up in front of him, "Tell you what," he said crouching down in front of her, "release my friends and I won't let anyone hurt you."

Anzu sniffled, "You promise?" she asked feebly as she raised her had to meet his eyes.

He sighed, "I promise."

"Oh thank-you," Anzu cried gleefully and flung herself at the vampire hugging him tightly. He tensed for a moment before he hugged her back squeezing her gently. She grinned at him, "Thank-you, oh, my name is Anzu by the way."

He didn't respond, "Well?" Anzu prompted.

"I'm," he paused, Anzu smiled at him reassuringly, "Yami."

"It's nice to meet you Yami," she laughed, "although it could have been under better circumstances." Yami nodded as he watched Anzu get up, why did he suddenly feel so very protective of this mortal.

Anzu walked over to another coffin and touched the paper scroll, it glowed blue and fell to the floor. Anzu watched the action replay of what had happened earlier as a different vampire emerged; this one had brown hair and piercing, ice blue eyes and also was more composed than Yami.

"What's a mortal like you doing with magic like that?" he had questioned, towering over her, he had to be at least 6" 2', at least Yami had been nearer her height. His thumb and four finger had held her chin up so her eyes met his.

"Leave her alone Seth, our freedom in return for her safe-keeping," Yami explained coming up behind Anzu.

Seth smirked, "And what is the name of our dear lady?"

"Anzu," she replied before quickly moving onto the next coffin, Seth went and sat down at the bottom of the stairs.

The next to be freed was an albino vampire with red eyes that also had a brown hue to them; they weren't the blood red that Yami's were. Anzu had paled and run to the other side of the room when this vampire had almost jumped on her. "Bakura you bastard she's under our protection, leave her alone," the white haired one turned to look at Yami.

"And why are we to protect the foolish mortal that has freed us?" Bakura demanded angrily.

"For that reason, she sets us free, we protect her and do not use her for our next meal," explained Yami tapping his foot in annoyance.

"Okay fine, but I'm not happy about this," Bakura fumed glaring down at Anzu, he didn't even bother to ask her name. When she opened the next coffin the blonde that emerged had to be restrained by Seth, his intense violet eyes were focused on her.

Anzu looked at him wide eyed as Seth hissed something into the blonde's ear that made him smirk. "I'm Marik," the blonde smirked, "and to whom do I owe my freedom?" he asked charmingly kissing her hand.

She drew her hand back and rubbed it gingerly like he'd burnt her, even more nervous by his false chivalry, "My name's Anzu." Marik only smirked.

"Well, is anyone hungry?" she asked inching towards the stairs.

"Very much so," Bakura smirked and licked his lips.

"I meant something like pizza, not me," she pouted.

"What's pizza?" asked Yami.

Anzu laughed and shook her head, "Pizza it is then."