A/N: Konichi-wa minna-san!! I'm sorry sorry this chapter is so late, school just won't get off my tail (grumbles) anyways, here's the next chapter!!

Warnings: Hao/Yoh, Ren/Horo, Mild Humor, Minor Sap, Minor Fluff

Dreams Realized By Family

Chapter 5: What Are You Doing Here?

By: Dreaming Sparkle

Yoh awoke just as the sun was setting, he felt warm arms around him as he looked up to see who was the owner of the warmth. It was none other than his other half: Asakura Hao.

Hazel eyes met twins that looked so much like their own.

"Konichi-wa, Otouto, did you have a good sleep?" the longhaired Shaman yawned sleepily and smiled as he started playing with the orange earphoned shaman's silky hair.

Yoh blushed lughtly and nodded, "Hai, I did... What about you, Ni-chan?"

Hao nodded and whispered, "I dreamt about you"

Yoh's blush deepened as he changed the subject, "I should really be getting back before Anna has a fit again" he blushed even brighter as he remembered he had no clothes on and got up quickly to fetch his clothes from the dark little corner they had been in for the last 3 hours along with his brother's. He threw the longhaired Shaman's poncho, pants and accessories to him as the longhaired Shaman quirked a brow ar the sudden movement.

"Care to walk me back home?" Yoh answered his brother's silent question.

Hao smiled pleasantly and nodded as he too, got up and dressed.

"Ready to go?" the longhaired Shaman asked the younger who nodded in reply.

On the way back, they were still in the woods as they heard rustling in the bushes a few feet away from them. Hao quickly grabbed his younger brother and jumped up into a nearby tree, hiding both of them from view.

"Are you sure this is the right way?" came an irritated voice that carried an accent.

"sure, I'm sure... just follow me, I know this place like the back of my head," came another voice, this one was much more cheerful than the other.

'Wait... I recognize these voices' Yoh thought as he jumped down from the tree, making his elder brother go down with him for he was grabbing one of Yoh's wrists.

"Ren? Horo Horo?" Yoh asked as a purple-raven haired boy and a spiky blue haired boy appeared through the bushes.

"What are you doing here" Ren asked.

"Especially with him!!" Horo Horo exclaimed and pionted a shaky finger at Hao.

"Horo Horo... he's my brother" Yoh said.

"B-But... He's Hao!! Yanno... the murderer, killer... Hao!!" Horo Horo started to panic.

Hao stuck out his lower lip and made a sad puppy face with fake unshed tears, "I just wanted to see my Otouto, what? Now it's illegal?"

Yoh giggled and slapped Hao lightly on the back, "Your so dramatic, ni-chan"

Hao smiled, "I know, but that's why you love me, ne?"

Yoh giggled more as he answered, "Maybe", 'Is this what I feel for him? Love?... But I love Anna! I've never felt this way with her... Maybe, just maybe... I didn't even love Anna at all...' Yoh thought, then changed the topic, "Hey, where were you guys yesterday?" Yoh asked

Horo Horo blushed 8 different shades of red as Ren looked down on the ground.

"Uhhh... Well I was..."

"No, I went to...."

"He told-"

"She got..."

"Yeah she got- Wait a minute... SHE?!!"

Both twins looked at the two trying to explain their absence.

"Okay you two... Spill" Hao commanded sternly, this earned him a smile from the shorthaired Shaman.

The two looked down on the floor in guilt.

"Well... We left to...." Horo Horo started as he nudged Ren to continue is sentence.

"Uhh... To have some time alone..." Ren continued.

"With each other..." Horo Horo finished.

"Aa, so you left to make love with each other... Am I correct?" Hao asked.

The two blushed bright red and nodded in unison.

This made the shorthaired brunette smile from ear to ear and jumped in glee.

This made Ren very mad for he thought the brunette was laughing at him and yelled back, "It isn't funny, Asakura"

"Who me?" both twins asked in unison.

This made Ren more irritated as he wanted to jump on both of them, but was held back by soothing yet strong arms.

"Whoa there, Ren, jeez your short tempered" Horo Horo grumbled as he held back a purple-raven haired Shaman as he gave up and stopped strugling in the warm hands of the others.

'Awww... How sweet' Both Asakura twins were think of this at the same time.

Hao hushed the younger of the two as the other calmed down almost instantly, "Don't worry Otouto, I'll take you back safetly I promise."

Yoh nodded, "Arigato, Ni-chan"

Hao then turned his attention to the couple, "Do you two know your way back?"

Both shook their heads no then Ren turned to look at the blue haired Shaman, "Wait a second... I thought you said you knew this place like the back of your head..."

The blue haired Shaman nodded "I did say that and I ment it.. I don't know the back of my head too well" and grinned sheepishly while the others fell down cartoon style.

Hao rolled his eyes and said, "Then wait here and don't leave this area, I can only take one person at a time and with my otouto here running late..." he then saw the shorthaired brunette blush a light shade of pink as he smirked slightly, "Then I will come back for both of you, I promise."

'He promises? That's something new... even for me... But he did keep his promise about the note... I think... Wait a minute! The note!!' Yoh's mind screamed as he blurted out, "Ni-chan? Where's the note?"

"I burnt it when you were asleep, why did you want to know?"Hao asked curiously.

Yoh just shook his head, "Curiousity is all" then threw in a cheezy grin.

"Well we'd better get going, the more time we waste, the more your precious Anna's gonna be having a fit" and with that, Hao latched an arm around his brother's waste and jumped up to the nearest tree.

"Wait!" The blue haired Shaman called as both Asakuras turned around to face them again.

"Yeah?" both said in unison.

"Umm... why are you..." he pionted to the shorthaired brunette, "And you...." He then pionted to longhaired Shaman, "why are both of you.... Why?" he just couldn't utter out the question, both Asakuras grinned slightly.

Then Hao replied, "We're not just brothers,"

Yoh nodded then smiled as he cuddled into his older brother more and kissed him lightly on the lips, this explained everything.

Horo Horo nodded, "I gotcha now, your lover also!!" he beamed as he saw that the smaller Asakura was still cuddling into the longhaired Shaman and said, "Youc an stop now, Yoh, I got the piont, dude"

Yoh smiled and stopped, "Good"

"Now we'd really have to get going," was all Hao said as he grabbed onto the shorthaired brunette's waist and jumped away...


A/N: Please forgive the errors... I don't have spell check on my computer not more! (cries) but I'll get it fixed somehow... anyways, R&R.. I want at least 2 reviews or I'm not coninueing... (sad puppy eyes) review pwease....