Imperfect Harmony Tale One

By, Luminaria

Chapter One: The Lord and the Servant

Sesshomaru and Jaken were walking around through the mountains, the dog-demon's nose locked onto a very attracting scent. The two had been following it for nearly two weeks, and they seemed to be going in circles.

"Lord Sesshomaru, I think we're going in circles! Your nose must be messed up!" said Jaken. Sesshomaru stopped and glared down at the ouny demon.

"Do you wish to repeat that?" he asked, lifting Jaken by the neck. Jaken struggled.

"N-no, me lord!" gasped the frog demon. Sesshomaru smiled and dropped him.

"Good. Then untie my sash."

"Wh-what, me Lord?"

"You heard me."

Jaken reached up, waaaaay up, and cautiously started to untie the sash. Sesshomaru grasped the ends of it, quickly looped it around Jaken's wrists, waist, and a tree, tied it, and started to strip of his clothes in a very sexy manner.

"M-m-me Lord! What are you doing?!" Jaken cried, his ugly eyes as large as dinner plates. Sesshomaru ignored him, showed Jaken his back, and turned his head so that he was looking at his servant, gently biting his lower lip with his fangs, almost as if he was teasing the frog.

Sesshomaru's kimono slid off his shoulders and he slowly pulled off his chest plate and leg armor, leaving only his mother's pelt on his shoulder, his white hakama, and boots on. "Master Sesshomaru, are you in heat? Why not use your brother as your object of passion?" Jaken suggested. The inu youkai's eyes flashed.

"You're right there, and he's miles away. I was going to give you the gift of humanity for awhile, but I changed my mind," said Sesshomaru, lifting his kimono and armor. And with that, he closed his eyes, turned, and started to walk away.

"M-me Lord? Me Lord, wait! I'm sorry, so very sorry! I'll do whatever you say, I promise!" Jaken shouted after him. He sighed and lowered his head just as Sesshomaru zipped back and dumped a handful of sparkling dust over the toad's head.

Jaken sputtered and sneezed as he became an attractive male demon masquerading as a human. He had large green eyes, blonde hair, an thin, tall body, and a face that was similar to Sesshomaru's, though more timid. His voice had become deeper, and thank God not as whiny. Jaken was now naked, as he had outgrown his clothes, but was pleasing to Sesshomaru all the same. The youkai only liked Jaken when he was in this form because he was an alright fuck toy.

Sesshomaru untied Jaken kissed him, then forced Jaken down on his knees, glaring down at him while Jaken slowly pulled down his hakama and swallowing. He knew what he would have to do. He had just started to pleasure Sesshomaru when he was pulled up by the jaw to stand. The youkai's face was neutral, but there was slight anger in his eyes.

"What is it, my Lord?" Jaken asked.

"I do not know. You go to the left and I'll head in a different direction. We'll meet up later," Sesshomaru said.

Jaken nodded and took off, dashing through the trees nearby. Sesshomaru picked up his clothes and ran up the mountain, trying to buy more time as he dressed and pulled out his Tokijin.

Fully dressed, he ran back down the mountain and waited. Within minutes he heard the buzzing of Samiyosho, poison insects! He got down on his knees and held up his right arm, hoping to block the swarm when they flew by, stinging his arm and flying off. He stood and looked around, his nose picking up on a scent.

"Naraku!" he hissed, as a heavy object came swinging down onto his scalp, knocking him to the ground unconscious.

"Hello to you too, Sesshomaru."