Imperfect Harmony

By, Ryouna Bakuraru

Rating: R/NC-17 Genre: Romance/Angst-ish

Anime: Inuyasha Warnings: mature content, yaoi, some-none violence, maybe some masturbation, and rape

Chapter 4: Hate Revived

Sesshomaru was thrown onto the floor heavily by Naraku with little resistance whatsoever. He just closed his eyes and awaited whatever would befall him. Rin was still out cold, and didn't seem to be moving any time soon.

Naraku looked at Sesshomaru hungrily, his eyes dancing. The inu Youkai felt Naraku's lips and tongue brush across his nose, cheeks, forehead, eyelids, lips, chin, and neck, kissing him passionately. This time, Sesshomaru was determined not to give in and make any noises of pleasure lest Naraku hurt Rin further.

Yes, inspiration to help through this situation: Rin. He thought about her sweetness and the happiness she had brought to him. Now she was laying on an ice cold stone floor, probably never going to wake up from her coma.

He felt Naraku's tongue rove down his chest to his nipples and torment them. Sesshomaru, growing bored, said, "Hurry up, Naraku. You're boring me."

Naraku blinked. "You better hush up before I hurt your dear Rin again," he said, grinning evilly. Sesshomaru panicked slightly and resumed his quiet stature, closing his eyes and giving in to Naraku.

"That's better. You should not talk to me in that sort of tone, my darling," he said, running his fingers over Sesshomaru's thighs lightly. He shivered, keeping his mouth closed.

Sesshomaru thought he heard stirring clothing over to his left, where Rin was laying, but it stopped suddenly and the only thing that he heard was Naraku's breathing and lips.

Naraku moved down Sesshomaru's chest and licked around his navel. The only reply he received was another shiver, even when he dipped his tongue into it.

Naraku frowned and watched Sesshomaru's still form. The only things that were moving was his chest and his elf ears. He looked as if he was asleep.

Growling, Naraku got up from Sesshomaru's body and flipped him over onto his back. He got a startled grunt, but that was it. He licked his fore and middle fingers, coating them in saliva before lightly touching Sesshomaru's opening.

The youkai bucked slightly, shivering again. His eyes remained closed, but his breathing quickened as he tensed up a bit, his hands starting to become fists.

Naraku, now curious, slid a finger into his warm body. The only thing that signaled pain was his right hand flexing. As he slid yet another finger into Sesshomaru's body, he thought about how firm the dog demon would be. He felt himself growing hard at the thought.

Naraku began exploring the almost new area his sharp-nailed fingers had found, scratching the flesh around them cruelly, as if trying to get Sesshomaru to scream. The only thing that happened was Sesshomaru's face warping slightly into an expression of pain, gritting his teeth.

"My, my, my. Am I ever going to get you to beg me for mercy? Scream for me to stop?" Naraku asked, his voice seductive and his eyes half-closed in a very sexy manner.

"I don't beg for mercy from youkai dirt like you," Sesshomaru answered. Naraku's eyes flashed and he dug his nails into the soft flesh were his fingers were still discovering, breaking the skin. Sesshomaru let out a deep, guttural hiss.

"Now, now, Sesshie. Mind your master. Disobeying me would be most unpleasant for little Rin," threatened Naraku.

"How do I know that you're being serious when you say that and not just telling me an empty threat?" Sesshomaru growled. Naraku bent down by his ear, licking it then biting it hard enough for it to hurt and bleed.

"By the tone of my voice. By how hard I will punish you for your crimes. No need to be eager."

Sesshomaru hissed and flipped Naraku over onto his back, rolled over on top of him, and threatened to tear his throat out, his face elongating a bit as his eyes started to glow dangerously. Naraku just gazed back at him calmly.

"You like the little whore, don't you? You like the way she feels into your arms, against your body. That's why you're protecting her. You love her, and eventually want to screw her, make her yours forever. Am I right?" Naraku said quietly.

Sesshomaru blinked, forgetting his anger. He thought a moment, taking his eyes off of Naraku and loosening his grip unconsciously. Yes, he loved Rin, but not in that way. She was his adopted pup, and he would do his best to keep her out of harm. But he never wished to do that to her. That's for after she's married to another suitable human.

While Sesshomaru pondered, Naraku flipped them over again and started to strangle the youkai lord. He came out of it in time to fight back, digging his poison claws into Naraku's shoulders and neck, one hand to each and piercing the flesh, darkly colored blood pouring out of the wounds.

Sesshomaru took the hand off of Naraku's shoulder and started to pry Naraku's hands off of his throat. 'He's strong,' he thought, slowly lifting the hands up and off his trachea with all his might.

"Obey me, Sesshomaru!" Naraku hissed, straddling Sesshomaru on his stomach and crushing his diaphragm. Just when the hands were almost off, they snapped right back down again, cutting off his air. Things were starting to go black when he heard a little girl's frightened voice.

"Lord Sesshomaru…what's going on?" Rin! He looked over at her, and his strength was renewed by her voice, her living, breathing voice. He pulled off Naraku's hands and took his hand off of Naraku's throat long enough to use his Dokkasou on Naraku's eyes.

The other youkai fell screaming from the youkai lord, releasing him. Sesshomaru found his Tokijin in the far corner of the room, and drew it just as Naraku was starting to stand. He turned and faced the one that had stolen to much from him, his sword screaming for Naraku's blood.

"You will die here, in my hands!" hissed Sesshomaru, running at the blinded demon and cutting his head off. The head fell to the floor and Sesshomaru started an assault with the sword on it, chopping it up. All the while, blood and screams flew up from the severed head, macabre screams of agony and death befalling a creature that so resembled a woman.

Next came to body itself, dragging itself around sightlessly as blood streamed from the mutilated neck. Sesshomaru stood there, watching it with golden eyes full of malevolence and disgust, as it came towards him. Once it reached his ankle, he raised the Tokijin once more and sliced the body in half.

All of the demons that had possessed Naraku's body and made him what he was screeched and swarmed away from the destroyed vessel as it started to catch fire and explode. Sesshomaru pulled on his white kimono with sakura blossoms and sat down with Rin, taking her into his lap and stroking her hair. They watched as the fire continued to flame up for hours, then finally smoldered, leaving a blackened spot no the floor with air-fine ashes.

Growling with distaste, Sesshomaru rose and leaving Rin alone a moment as he scooped up the ashes and went to the nearest window. In the strong winds, he looked up at the moon a minute, the light shining off his alabaster skin and bullion eyes, making his hair blow behind him like a spirit and glistening like millions of stars. He opened his hand and let the ashes blow away, scattering it about the earth so that the demons could never resurrect Naraku from his grave.

Rin walked over to him slowly and touched his other hand that was down by his side. He looked down at her and gave her a small smile, his eyes softening.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yes, Lord Sesshomaru," she answered.

"As long as you're alright, I'll be happy as well," he answered.

They both smiled and left Naraku's fortress, Rin on his shoulder, and one hand in his pocket.

(Years later, 2004)

Sesshomaru was walking to work one morning at about 7:30. He had a black briefcase him one hand, his mother's pelt on his right shoulder, a business shirt of white, black slacks, and black shoes. His hair was tied back in a loose ponytail and temporarily dyed black for the day, his eyes were now a green color thanks to contact lenses, and his markings covered with face powder, giving him the appearance of a normal human. His new occupation was a high school teacher for the seniors.

He picked up a breakfast sandwich from Mc Donald's, and ate it along the way. Once he reached the school steps, he was stopped by a boy student with wavy, mid-back length black hair and murky blue eyes, a senior student that he didn't know.

" Sesshomaru-Sama, sir? Could you help me, please? I couldn't figure out this question."

Sesshomaru lifted the hand hanging onto his briefcase, grabbed his sandwich, and took the paper, looking it over as he took another bite. He swallowed the bite before saying in a cold tone, "Use a dictionary. It'll tell you the answer."

He handed the paper back to the boy and looked at him closely. "What's you're name, boy?" He looked strangely familiar.

"My name is Shioaku Menatsu, sir. I'm a senior."

Sesshomaru looked him over once more before going inside the building. "I'll see you in class, Sesshomaru-Sama, sir!" Menatsu called after him. Sesshomaru unlocked his classroom door and walked in. That voice was so familiar. Why couldn't he remember it? Oh well, on with the rest of the day…

End of Imperfect Harmony

Hey, all! It's me again! I'm soo sorry this took so long to update. I planned on it ending like this. Sesshomaru got his bloody revenge, Rin lived happily ever after with her husband that Sesshomaru chose for her, and lived a very happy life. She's dead now though, which is sad. (Prays for Rin) Anyway, I'm thinking on having a sequel. I'm going to be taking a poll for whoever wants a sequel. If I get more than 30 reviews asking for a sequel, I'll make one. I also must have reviews for my other three fan fics, or I will not continue.

Sesshomaru: Why did you leave it there? And why did you let Rin die?

Ryouna: Uh, hey, you're going to find someone that you like more if I have a sequel! If you hurt me there will be no sequel. gives Sesshomaru a rough draft of potential sequel

Sesshomaru: takes it and sits down to read it

Ryouna: Now that that's out of the way, please allow three characters representing my other three fics to take over from here and hand out gifts!

Hiei: Hello. I'm here representing the fan fic called 'Hiei's Dreams'. It's a romance story telling of my dreams of finding my long lost friend from my childhood. During the same time, a new teenager living by herself in a very spacious house catches my interests. If you want to find out what happens next, please read 'Hiei's Dreams', a Yu-Yu-Hakusho fan fic.

Ryou Bakura: Hello, chaps! I'm here representing my fan fic called 'Beyond Forever'. It's a romance/possible angst yaoi story starting when I was walking home from school and raped by someone that I know, which changes the course of my life. Shortly afterwards I'm made to find a mate to spend all of eternity with. Though, the question is, who will it be, are they truly meant for me, and will they truly love me? Please read 'Beyond Forever', a Yu-Gi-Oh fan fic. Parings: Malik/Ryou, Seto/Ryou, Marik/Malik/Ryou, Bakura/Ryou, Yami Yugi/Ryou. A Yu-Gi-Oh!/ Yu-Yu-Hakusho crossover.

Pharaoh Atemu: Hello, I'm here to advertise my fan fic called 'The Pharaoh and the Sorcerer'. It's Ancient Egypt, and I'm worried, and I have a good reason to be. My cousin, Set, is becoming a bit too friendly, and two of my best guards die and one ends up missing. I exile Set, and find that that was a terrible mistake. Once I let him return, I'm practically a wreck. Yaoi. Romance/possible angst. Please read and review.

Thank you for taking your time reading this. Please enjoy reading.