"Q-Quatre my waters broken!"

Quatre gasped and looked down "Oh Allah, it has! Wait here I'll call Sally!" Quatre rushed off as Heero felt a sharp pain "Ahhh Quatre!" Breathing deeply to calm himself, Heero gripped the couch as another contraction ripped through him.

Quatre rushed back into the room, franticly talking into his mobile "He's contractions have already started, and there close!"

Quatre listened to Sally for a minute before snapping his phone shut "Sally's going to the hospital now, we have to meet her there!"

Quatre pulled off Heero's soiled pants and carefully helped him into a pair he had grabbed while he was talking to Sally, "Okay, I've already got your bag, so we just have to get you into the car."

Heero nodded and let Quatre pull him up, gripping onto him tightly as another contraction hit.

Quatre slowly guided Heero top the car "Okay, just breathe, just breathe."

Quatre opened the back door and helped Heero in, lying him across the back seat.

Heero groaned as the pain of the contractions intensified "Quatre Hurry!"

Heero nodded and quickly reversed out of the driveway, and dialled Duo's number.

"Hello Duo? Heero's gone into labour, were on our way to the hospital now… okay meet you there!"

Quatre threw the phone into the passenger seat and sped down the street, wincing every time Heero groaned in pain.

Sally ran out of the hospital, pushing a wheel chair in front of her, just as Quatre screeched to a halt in front of the entrance. Duo and Wufei ran out behind her, having gotten there a minute earlier.

Sally quickly transferred Heero into the wheel chair "That's it Heero, just keep breathing."

Heero was wheeled into the hospital and transferred straight on to a bed, equipped with stirrups at the end.

"It's okay Heero, I'm here." Quatre coaxed as Heero grabbed his hand tightly.

Duo paced the hallway, wining at the screams coming from the room Heero occupied, it had been five hours and everything from Quatre's manhood to his family had been questioned or insulted.

Wufei came up behind him and wrapped his arms around his waist, effectively stopping his pacing "Don't worry, it'll be okay."

3 hours later Duo looked up from the floor as a baby's cry was heard in the room "It's a boy!"

Duo jumped as he heard another cry "And here's the girl!"

Duo laughed and hugged Wufei "They're born!"

After the nurses had taken the twins to be washed and Heero and Quatre were shown how to feed them, Quatre came out of the swinging doors "Come, meet our pride and joy!"

Duo and Wufei entered the room; Heero was sitting up in bed, a tired smile on his face, holding the two sleeping babies.

Quatre picked up the baby wrapped in blue "This is Zachary Winner, the oldest." Quatre handed the baby to Wufei carefully.

Smiling at Heero, Quatre picked up the girl "And this little princess is Talia Winner." Tentatively Quatre gave Talia to Duo, showing him the correct way to hold her and demanding he sit down so he could keep her steady.

"They're beautiful." Duo whispered, stroking Talia's cheek softly.

Heero smiled and tugged Quatre over to give him a quick kiss "I love you."

Quatre stroked Heero's cheek "And I you."

Okay! Now here's the scenario… I did say that this fic would only be 16 chapters long, which meant that I would be writing a sequel as there are MANY things left to write.

However if I wrote a sequel I would set it a t least one to two years later, which means there would be none of the new doting parents stuff.

So I'm leaving it up to you, should I:

Write a sequel

Continue positing on this story so we get to see Zach and Talia grow, Quatre and Heero doting on them etc… as well as what I have planned for the sequel?

So it's up to you guys! Please review and tell me what you think!