A/N: Thanks to bOw-doWn-tO-KeiKO, Bass Star Cardians Webmis, Duct Tape Kitten, M0rbidity (beta-reader! Thanksx2), Kenshie's Tenshi, teruterumomiji, and Sweetest-Angel for reviewing. This chapter is for you guys.


This is the second part, thus with the posting of this chapter this story is FINISHED. Yaaaaay.

Disclaimer: Fruits Basket belongs to Natsuki Takaya. In other words I don't own.


"Right. Repeat that slowly and in words the common human would know!"

The woman working at the salon had just explained what she was about to do to Kyo.

"Your complexion-"

"What's a complexion?"

"Silly Kyo, it's your face."


Ayame laughed, "I just had to snip a few split ends. I'm done now, so I decided to join you."

"You know you could leave."

"What fun would that be?"

"May I continue?" the worker inquired.

"Yes yes, I'm quite finished," Ayame said as he poked at a can of hairspray.

'You're never finished,' Kyo thought morbidly.

"Alright, well as I was saying, your complexion is near perfect, so we won't need to touch that."

Kyo gulped, thinking there had to be a 'but'...

"And my hair?"

"Could use some work. We'll just call our hairdresser in to experiment a few styles, to see which ones look best!"

Kyo trembled in his seat. Experiment. What was he, a lab rat – er, cat?

"Mine!" Ayame bellowed at the top of his lungs, as a woman walked in.

Kyo's eardrums shattered for the thousandth time that day, before he asked, "What's yours?"

"No silly, Mine Kurame. She's the assistant at my shop."

"Yep, one in the same! I'm also your hairdresser! So, you're another Sohma? Nice to meet you."

"Oh, hi," Kyo croaked. Secretly, he was worried. His assistant... was she as twisted as Ayame was?

The cat would soon find the answer was indeed, yes.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - x x x - - - -

"So what are you going to do exactly?"

"Everything and anything!" The two chorused.

"I was afraid of that."

"Now close your eyes," Mine said, wearing a Cheshire smile that spoke of a conspiratorial plot to mutilate his hair.

Kyo shut his eyes. In truth, he never wanted to open them again. Living blind can't be so bad, right?

He heard the squeeze of a gel bottle, and warm fingers applying the cool substance into his hair. It was rather relaxing, until the yanking.

"Hey! Hey! What are you doing up there? Trying to make me baldilocks?"

"Oops, sorry. Wait just one more tiny, tiny little yank."


He nearly jumped out of his seat. Using all his willpower, he squeezed his eyes shut so they wouldn't pop open.

This had better be worth it.

Ayame seemed to be enjoying the show, for he was unusually quiet.

"Okay, all done. You can look now!"

Kyo didn't need to be told twice. His eyelids flew up, allowing his eyes to gaze at the mirror in front of him, and his reflection.

He was... more or less shocked.

"It's our 'punk look'," she clarified.

"I look like a goddamn pineapple!"

"I like pineapples!" Ayame exclaimed.

Mine glowed, "Yay, a compliment!"

"I bet I could bust through a wall with this pineapple thing! Change it, change it!"

"Hmph, you don't have to be so disagreeable, Kyo."

"Keep your trap shut, snake boy. I'd like to see you pull off this porcupine look."

"Punk look," the hairdresser/assistant corrected, "But the customer always comes first. Now close your eyes again."

Nothing killed her optimism, it seemed. That was at least one thing she shared in common with Ayame.

Reluctantly, Kyo closed his eyes as he was instructed to do.

The gel-coated fingers returned, with less pulling this time. They gently caressed his orange locks. A blow dryer was then put into the equation.

Twenty or so minutes later, hands clapped together.

"Voila!" came the outcry.

Kyo took it as a sign that he could open his eyes, and he did so.


The customer was very dissatisfied. And for good reason. His hair looked like that Marge girl's, from the Simpsons. An afro. A really tall, thin tower of floof.

"It's the 'Beehive' look! Very popular in the 1950's!"

"Oh look! It even comes with its very own bee hair clip!"

Ayame looked like he was ready to wet himself out of excitement.

"Yeah, well it's fifty years LATER and I don't want hair that'll reach the ceiling."

Both pouted and pondered. That was their second failure. They had to redeem themselves! Somehow... somehow...

A brilliant idea must've sprouted in both their minds, for they whispered to one another, nodding fervently.

Kyo didn't like where this was going.

"One last time, Kyo. I promise!"

Yeah, right. Last time. Oh boy he hoped so.

Sighing, the now beehive-haired man complied.

He grew a little nervous when he heard the snip of scissors, and even more yanking than the first time.

'Happy thoughts, happy thoughts...'

"There, done!"

'Happy thoughts, happy thoughts...'

"You can open your eyes now!"

'Happy thoughts, happy thoughts...'

Suddenly, he was distracted from his mantra by hands prying at his eye.

"Kyo, you have more muscles in your eyelids than in your biceps! Lookie!" Ayame's voice trilled, positively jovially.

He was shocked by the first style, and bewildered by the second. And for the third, his reaction could be described by only one world: HORRIFIED.


It was a Mohawk. A bloody Mohawk.

Both laughed and ushered him out of the salon before his tantrum destroyed everything within a half-mile radius.

"Well, that's it for today! More customers waiting you know, hehe. We'll just send you the bill later. Ciao!"

Kyo nearly fainted.

Oh well, it would grow back, right? Right. Well, until then, he would superglue a hat on top of his head.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - x x x - - - -

The slam of a door drew everyone's attention to the hallway. They all peeked to see who it was, though they all knew.

Shigure stared.

Yuki struggled to hold in a laugh.

"... nrg."

Tohru didn't notice–

"Oh Kyo! You're... "

–at first.

"... back."

"What happened to your hair? It looks like you picked a fight with a lawnmower and lost."

"Shut up you damn rat. It's all your fault! Do you have to be related to that snake?"

"I ask myself that every day."

Shigure burst out laughing and said to no one in particular, "Oh my, Kyo. Aya, to what do we owe this image of comedic mastery? Those hairdressers sure have a way with scissors, do they not?"

Tohru tried to calm the violence, before someone wound up in the hospital.

In her effort to keep Kyo from decapitating Shigure, she accidently bumped into him.

With a Poof!, Kyo had transformed.

Shigure's laughter intensified, and Yuki was no longer able to hold his in.

In typical Tohru-fashion, the onigiri girl fainted.

Kyo was mortified as his paw touched the top of his head.

He had changed into his cat form, but his hair remained the same: the fur on his head was still styled into a Mohawk.

The cat prayed somewhere in the world there existed a rapid-hair-growth formula.


A/N: Hugs to the neko tightly in petty attempt to make up for putting him through such a bad hair day in this fic. Even though he probably hates hugs from women.

Once again, thanks to M0rbidity for being my beta-reader.

If you'd like to see how Kyo's hair styles look, I made [pathetic] doodles! They can be found at: griever .org /artsy (without the spaces)

Thanks, and please R&R.