Disclaimer: I do not own InuYasha. Someday maybe I will (gets lost in lala land). But until that day, Rumiko Takahashi is the true owner of InuYasha.

Well this is my second fanfiction and thank you for the encouragement from everyone who reviewed from my first fanfic "Truth in a kiss". I haven't been able to think of a title for this story yet but I'm working on it.


Summary: Kagome and her brother Souta are Neko Hanyous. After the death of her parents, Kagome's grandfather takes them in. Going to a new school, she meets InuYasha, Sango and Miroku. At first sight, InuYasha and Kagome "Disliked each other" but as time goes on, they start to tolerate each others presence. This is when InuYasha realizes that Kagome is keeping a secret. What does it have to do with her parents' death and the strange new Cat Women of Tokyo? And can InuYasha keep his own secrets hidden from Kagome?


Chapter one:

Memories and Hanyou Kagome

Kagome was walking home from school, her motorcycle was in the shop and she missed the bus. It was late September and already the different colored leaves were everywhere on people's lawns and on sidewalks. She was thinking of what her parents would be doing at the moment. Mom was probably at the market getting something for dinner, and nagging dad to remember to pick up Souta from soccer. Kagome chuckled to herself, knowing dad would probably say he was a grown man and didn't need to be reminded of everything, of course no one actually believed him since he usually acted like a child anyway.

Kagome kept walking when her house came into view. It wasn't much, it was a one floor, three bed roomed house with a small kitchen, TV room, and one bathroom.

She was almost to her house when she smelt it. Even with her concealment spell she still had all her demon senses. 'Blood?' She ran for her home, not noticing the black, four doored Honda leave the curve a little ways from Kagome's home.

When she opened the door to her house, her senses were overwhelmed with the sent of blood. 'No!' Kagome ran into the house, and automatically went to the kitchen. Her mother would always be there everytime Kagome got home from school. When she entered the kitchen, the scent of blood was even stronger than before. Kagome moved towards the counter, noticing a trail of blood was seeping from behind it. When Kagome looked behind the counter, she saw her mother's back. She was face down on the floor in a puddle of her own blood. Kagome's eyes became blurry as she reached down towards the body and turning it over to reveal the cause of the fatal wound. A knife punctured her mother's chest.

Kagome's eyes had begun to burn from trying to hold back the tears, but in the end lost the battle inside herself. She sobbed as she gently picked up her mother's head and cradled it against her chest. 'Wait... where's dad? I smelt more than mom's b-blood...' Kagome thought to herself while gently resting her mother's head back down on the floor. Kagome got up from the floor and began to search the house, finally she came to the living room. The scent of death Kagome had smelled from her mother was nothing compared to the death scent here.

Kagome let out a scream as she looked down at her father. In the shape he was in, it looked as though he were beaten and then... well let's just say she could barely recognize him. Kagome closed her eyes and fell to her knees. It felt as though someone ripped her heart out of her chest. As she sat there and sobbed hysterically, questions were screaming out for answers: 'Who did this? Why would somebody kill her parents? Who could be strong enough to do this damage to her father, a strong Neko Youkai, and kill him?' Too busied with her thoughts, Kagome didn't sense someone come up from behind her, when she finally realized somebody was there, she whirled around to confront the stranger, only to see a fist coming straight at her, and then everything went black...

17 year old Kagome jolted up in bed, her eyes wide with fear, and tears were streaming down her face. 'Damit, why the hell do I have to keep having the same nightmare over and over again, why can't I just bury the past?' Kagome thought to herself, while hitting herself in the head, hoping she could force the memories from her head, but unfortunately having no such luck. She hasn't been able to remember much of what happened at the end of her memory of that day, it was all just a blur... Kagome shook the images away from her head. It has been a two weeks since her parents' death. Two weeks since the funeral. After what happened, Kagome and her little brother Souta went to live their grandfather (mother's father, so not demon) at the Sunset Shrine.

When Kagome calmed herself down, wiping away her tears, she looked at her clock, it was 6:55, five minutes 'till her alarm would go off. She reached over to her desk that was beside her bed, and turned off the alarm of her clock. She was about to get up from her bed when she heard her door begin to open.

"Sis? Are you okay?" A small boy at the age of eleven walked from Kagome's door and standing next to her bed. He wore blue pajamas, and his short brown hair was a mess, proof that he had just woken up as well. "I heard you yelling in your sleep, did you have another nightmare?" The boy's ice blue eyes with black stripped like iris' held concern within them, and his black feline ears atop of his head swiveled in worry. Kagome's eyes softened as she looked down at the boy, he really did worry about her.

"Yeah, but don't worry about me Souta, I'll be fine." Kagome answered as got up from bed and headed toward her bathroom.

"Well, okay if you're sure. I'm going to get ready for school now." That was the last thing he said to her before running out of her room, heading to his own.

'Oh yes, going to a new school is going to be so much fun.' Kagome thought sarcastically. She looked at her reflection in the bathroom mirror. Her raven black hair that went down to her waist was a mess. Her silver eyes (and cat like irises) could be barely seen through her half mast eyes, and her black feline ears atop of her head drooped, all this clearly proved that she was still quite tired.

Once she bathed, cleaned up, brushed her hair etc., she went back into her room and into her walk-in closet. After looking around a bit she found black pants with two knee pockets (with three more pockets in each of those), two side pockets, two back pockets, and just random pockets anywhere. (my friend, Kayotic : Moonwolf, has a pair similar to these, and hers has a total of 12 pockets, or was it 15... anyways she loves those pants so I thought I'd do this for her.) Attached to the back right belt loop was a double chain running along her side and attaching to the front right belt loop, so it looked as though two chains ran along her right outer, upper thigh. To go with the pants Kagome found a black shirt with ripped off sleeves, and on the shirt read 'im an ANTISOCIAL which means leave me the hell alone...' After getting dressed Kagome headed to the bathroom once again and looked into her demon reflection. There she activated the concealment spell, which shrunk her car ears, bringing them down to the sides of her head in the shape of average human ears. Her eyes became bluish-gray with round pupils and her fangs dulled into teeth. She didn't need to hide her claws, they could pass as having a manicure job. Now looking into the mirror, she saw a normal human punk girl.

She walked out of her bathroom and grabbed her black army boots and waist length leather jacket from her closet. When she put those on she ran out her room and down the stairs. When she entered the kitchen she saw her little brother Souta, who now had his concealment spell on, and her grandfather "Gramps" (I know very original, is it not?) sitting at the table eating breakfast. Buttering herself some toast, she grabbed her bag.

"Bye Gramps, see ya Souta, have a good first day of hell!" Kagome said as she headed for the door.

"Kagome, you shouldn't say those kinds of words around your brother!" Gramps scolded, but Kagome was already out the door, she could still hear Gramps muttering things.

'Geez, that old goat doesn't know when to shutup!' Even though he could be annoying, Kagome still loved him. She walked to the Shrines Parking lot and went straight to her black Harley. She secured her black shoulder book bag in the motorcycle's side bag. She then took the helmet from her seat, and wrapping her hair and resting it on top of her head she put her helmet on, got on her bike and took off towards the her new school.

A/N: Well there's chapter one of my new story. And I know that everyone wants me to continue with "Truth in a kiss" but when I was writing that story, I was also writing this one and my sister thought it was good and wanted me to post it. (So please, no throwing things at me, especially things sharp and pointy!) Anyway, please R&R and tell me what you think of this story.

InuYasha: I'm gonna laugh when people start throwing stuff at you! bursts into laughs

Neko17: hits InuYasha over the head with a bucket

InuYasha: wham Hey! Don't do that!

Neko17: What ever do you mean InuYasha?

InuYasha: Oh shutup... wham OW!

Kagome: Sorry that was me...

Well until next time, cya around!!!