Mr and Mrs Granger of Granger Manor were proud to say that they were perfectly normal, thank you very much.

Mr Granger was Minister for Preserving Magical Heritage, enjoyed a nice game of quidditch with his Death E- er, friends on weekends and came from a line of influential purebloods. He was a well-built man with dark brown hair and average height. Mrs Granger was involved in activities such as attending salons with the wives of her husband's friends and hanging off her husband's arm as most pureblood wives do. She was of average height with long curly brown hair.

The Grangers had everything they wanted, but they also had a daughter. Hermione Granger was not what the Grangers had wanted. They had wanted a son. Unfortunately, family friends of theirs, the Malfoy's had a son and so this boy was to become the Dark L – um, an influential person's heir when he was of age. However, this fact did not create resentment between parents and child. They were a smiling, happy family with a spoilt, but beautiful daughter.

On the outside.

"No Daddy! Not again, please stop! Ow!" In the dungeons of Granger Manor Mr Granger was angry yet again. He had to take it out on someone.

"Be quiet," he roared, "Why weren't you a boy? You" – whip – "pathetic" – whip "woman!"

Mr Granger stormed out of the dungeons, looking for a house elf to clean up "the girl".

Ten year old Hermione lay on the ground, her back torn and bleeding, cursing the world. Beatings such as this had turned her cold, and against the world, she was bitter to all except her best friend Draco.

Speaking of Draco, she could hear Mr Malfoy's voice upstairs. She put on her robes, cringing with the feeling of material on her burning flesh and ascended the staircases. Plastering a fake smile on her face, she went to greet her father's friend in the drawing room.

"Mr Malfoy!" She exclaimed with aid of her excellent acting skills, "What a surprise! Is young Draco here?"

"Good morning Miss Granger, yes indeed, the boy is here. He is waiting for you in the entrance."

"Thank you so very much."

Hermione calmly walked from the room, however when she left she fled to the entrance. When she saw Draco, she ran into his arms and began crying.

"Mione! What is wrong? Oh, has he done it again? I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault Drake. Come, let's go to my rooms" She grabbed her friend's hand and dragged him to her rooms. When she got there, she pulled off her robes, comfortable around her friend, and showed him her back.

"Shit! That's the worst yet Mione."

"I no, could you get an elf, please? Preferably Shibby."

"Yes, of course." Draco went to the corner of the room and pulled a bell with an S on it. This sounded down in the kitchens, house elf quarters, and Shibby appeared almost instantly.

"What can Shibby be doing for Master Malfoy and Mistress Granger?"

"Hermione erm, fell on her back again, would you fix it? And not tell her father?"

Shibby knew that Mistress Granger had not fallen on her back, yet she couldn't disagree with Master Malfoy. "Y-y-yessir. Shibby will be doing that right away Sir." Shibby ran to where her Mistress was sprawled face down on the bed, and mended her scars. When she was done, she left with no thank you. House elves do not get thanked.

Draco picked up his friend's robes and put them around her shoulders. "It'll be okay, Mione."

"No it won't he'll never stop, every week, whenever he's angry. He'll never stop."

"That's not true, sometimes, he won't be angry. My father sometimes is happy for three weeks! Anyway, remember? We're going to Hogwarts in a fortnight! And Father said that Mother will take you to get your robes and supplies with me. In fact, we're going this afternoon. So we'll stay in Diagon Alley for a week or so."


"Yes, my father's just asking yours if you can come! It'll be so much fun Mione! We'll buy everything we need, and you'll see your other friends like Pansy, Millicent and Blaise. And we'll go see shows at night! But the best thing is, you father can't hurt you there. I promise. I'll protect you. One day, he'll never hurt you again. That's my promise. Remember it, cos I certainly will."