"This is just wrong."

"Murder is always wrong, Nick."

"But this..."

The three men glanced around the room nervously. The walls were soaked in a red substance, presumably the victims blood.

"They trashed this place." Warrick grimaced.

"Just wait till you see what they did to her." Grissom led the them down a short corridor into what was a bedroom. Sara was kneeling at the body slowly taking inventory of the evidence left there by the perpetrator. Cathrine's flashlight worked it's way slowly up and down the wall checking for anything besides the blood splatter.

"Cause of death?" Nick laid his kit on the floor outside of the room.

"Right now I'd say a stabbing, considering all of the blood. There are at least three wounds on her chest and two in her abdomen."

"Geez..." Warrick trailed off.

"Griss, check this out." Sara beckoned him over to the still form of the young woman. "Her hand."

He took his glasses off as he gently lifted the woman's right hand.

"Index finger is completely gone. Cut off."

"Mob hit?" Warrick asked as he began to catalog the various evidence that had turned up.

"Do we have a mob in Las Vegas?"

"The mob's everywhere, Nicky."

Grissom let the hand drop to where it had originally lain. He gazed around room, his mind filling with possible scenarios as to what might have occurred. He took the time to silently take stock of his team. Nick and Warrick moved around slowly, gathering the evidence set aside by the two women. Cathrine's years on the force were beginning to show; her eyes were tired as they moved up and down in that repetitive motion that was so common with such a tedius task. His eyes settled on Sara, the newest member of his entourage. He could see her mind working furiously to make sense of this senseless act of agression. But there was something else in her eyes. Confusion? Fear?

"What is it, Sara?"

"This isn't right."

"That's what I said," Nick called from the far corner.

Grissom sighed. He'd had to say this too many times in recent history. "Don't let yourself get involved Sara. Process the evidence..."

"Void of emotion, I know. But that's not what I'm talking about." Her voice dropped to just above a whisper. "I've seen this before."

That got his attention. "What? Like in San Francisco?"

She hesitated. "No... On tv."

"You saw this on tv?" Grissom asked incredulously.

"On a show. One of those crime dramas that are so popular."

"Which one?"

Grissom could literally see the wheels in Sara's mind turning. "I'm not sure... I saw it last night..."

"Your night off."

"Yeah. What was that show?" Something clicked. "The Precinct. That's it!"

Hearing Sara's sudden exclamation, Catherine paused. "You watch that junk?"

Letting the comment pass, Sara continued. "Everything was the same. Same m.o. Same place- vic's apartment. Down to the finger. Everything."

Grissom didn't like where this was headed.

Sara blinked as she stepped out of Grissom's Tahoe. The sun seemed somehow much brighter than she had recalled.

After they had dropped the evidence at the lab with Greg, Cath, Nick, and Warrick to process it, Grissom and Sara and taken a short drive WKBJ, the local affiliate that aired The Precinct in hopes of getting their hands on a tape of it.

They were greeted by a woman at the reception desk who pointed them up to the fifth floor, down the hall, second door on left where they could find the person they needed to talk to.

Inside of the room, a young man sat behind a desk flipping through the pages of a magazine. His hair was disheveled and there was a rather large stain of undetermined nature on his stripped polo.

"Can I help you?" he queried, looking up as they walked in.

"We need to get a copy of last night's episode of The Precinct."

"Sorry, can't do that here, against policy. You'll need to contact the national outlet for that." He went back to shuffling through the pages.

Sara allowed her badge to thump noisily on the desk, causing the young man to look up, startled.

"Well, you see that's where the problem is," she began. "It's much easier to get the tape from here."

"LVPD, huh? Whaddya guys need it for?" He eyed the badge curiously, almost as if he wanted to eat it or something Grissom thought.

"For an investigation," Sara said curtly.

Getting the point, the man rose. "I gotta call my supervisor to make sure it's ok."

"You do that."

Five minutes later they left building, copy in hand.

"That was some performance you put on back there," Grissom commented as they entered the Tahoe. As soon as the key was in the ignition, he turned the AC to full blast. It was going to be a hot day.

"What do you mean?"

"I think you scared the poor guy." Sara smirked. "I swear the man was about to wet his pants." He paused. "Nice thinking with the other episodes."

"I figured we ought to go back and cross-reference the latest episodes to see if anything turns up. This might not have been the killer's first murder."

"Right. And if it weren't for you, we wouldn't have caught on in the first place."

Sara allowed a small smile to creep across her face.