Sweet Revenge

Chapter 1

This story takes place six months after "The Heart Brings You Back" ends.

Disclaimer: The characters depicted in this story are not ours. They belong to the wonderfully talented Aaron Sorkin, NBC, and Warner Bros.

Previous story: After a year of separation, Abbey returned to the White House and stopped blaming Jed for Zoey's death, Jed's MS gave him more trouble, specifically with his legs, and with her husband's help, Abbey wanted to end her dependency on anti-anxiety drugs. CJ's new deputy, Emma, used to be Jed's intern when he was Governor of New Hampshire.

Summary: Jed and Abbey celebrate and reflect. Emma has something up her sleeve.

Jed wheeled himself to the dining room table and lit the candles as he waited for his wife to arrive. It was rare that he was home this early, but tonight was special. It was a night he had been waiting for for months, a night he had planned for weeks.

When Abbey walked through the door, she was immediately startled by the dark, candlit room. Jed wheeled himself over to her, taking her hand in his and guiding her to the table. He pulled out her chair for her and carefully pushed it back in once she sat down.

"This is beautiful," she remarked.

"This is just the beginning."

"What's the occasion?"

"You don't know?"

"It's not our anniversary, it's not my birthday. No, I don't know."

"Six months ago today, you did one of the bravest things I've ever seen you do," he reminded her, referring to her admitting that she was addicted to prescription drugs followed by her asking for his help.

The fact that he remembered, that it meant so much to him, that he actually planned a night of celebration to commemorate it, brought a tear to Abbey's eye. The last six months hadn't been easy. The first several nights after her confession were spent with Jed staying up with her all night, supporting her during her countless panic attacks that usually lasted 8-10 hours, holding her hair back when she got sick, and keeping her safe in his arms when she thought it would never end.

It did end. In a few weeks, the shaking, the sweating, the rapid heartbeat, and the insomnia got better. And when it did, Jed was right there, reassuring her of his love once again. Her emotional dependency was much harder to deal with. Psychologist Stanley Keyworth was brought in to help the couple not only deal with Abbey's addiction, but also with Zoey's death, and the fact that Jed's legs were so badly affected by his MS that he was confined to a wheelchair. The trio of problems put an enormous strain on their marriage. There were joint sessions with both of them present, and one-on-one sessions, where they were forced to answer questions they tried to avoid asking one another.

"How do you feel about the fact that Abbey has an addiction?" Dr. Keyworth asked Jed during one meeting.

"I love her."

"That isn't what I asked you."

"I'm disappointed that this happened, but I love her," he answered honestly.

"Disappointed in her?"

"No. Never in her. It's just...she should have known better. She's a doctor."

"You think it doesn't happen to doctors? Last year, the largest group of people affected by addiction to prescription drugs in this country, was health care professionals."

Jed was speechless.

During a session with Abbey, Keyworth brought out all her raw emotions about Jed's part in Zoey's death and his failing health.

"You knew he wasn't responsible for her abduction. You knew he'd give his life if it meant saving hers. Why were you angry with him?" he asked.

"I was angry about the assassination order," she replied, her voice completely devoid of any emotion.

"That's isn't all. What else were you angry about, Abbey?"

After 15 minutes of prodding, Abbey finally blurted out, "I was angry that his need to save the world cost us our child, and eventually cost him his health! The first time he ran for President, I didn't think he'd win. The second time, I prayed he wouldn't," she admitted coldly.

The therapy was difficult for both of them. But looking back on it tonight, six months later, the long, heart-wrenching sessions were worth it. Husband and wife were back on track and it felt to both as if nothing in the world could separate them ever again.

There would be more therapy of course. And Abbey had taken Leo up on his offer and began atttending the secret AA meetings in the OEOB. Only nine members belonged in that room -- Leo, Abbey, three U.S. Senators, one Congressman, and three Congressional aides. With an agent standing outside, no one would know what was really going on inside. Abbey hadn't even told Jed. There was no need to. He trusted her and all the bumps in the road were now slowly disappearing, making way for smoother times ahead.

But there was still one more problem with which the First Couple would soon come face-to-face. It was a problem brewing in the West Wing, a problem no one saw coming. Emma Bradford had wiggled her way into the press office and as CJ's new deputy and the President's acquaintance, she had access to the very people who could help her wreak havoc on the First Lady. It was the chance of a lifetime for Emma. It was an opportunity she wouldn't let slip through her fingers. She was finally ready and able to get revenge on Abigail Bartlet and she would use Jed to do it.