DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything, so if you sue me I'll laugh since I don't have anything you'd want anyways and you'll just be stuck with the lawyers fee. In words a lawyer might understand with their sloping foreheads: "Me no own, me no want own. Me make funny story. Me have no money."

( text ) ----------characters thoughts text ----------authors notes " text "----------dialog Text -----------actions and main story events / text / --------flashback or scene change : text :---------Typing or something being read text ---------sound effects

Warrior wife

Chapter 3

New residents of the Shinmei

/ Kyoto mountains /

"Ok Su, I need you to go in there and draw Urashima out. He should still be asleep so kick him in the head and let him chase you outside. If you do good you get this bunch of bananas ok?" Motoko grinned as she watched Su nod and bound off heading for the window of Keitaro's room. (Now I can kill Urashima and save my sister from his lecherous ways.)

/ Keitaro's room /

Su crept in and smiled as she looked at Keitaro. It had been a while since she got to play with him and now she got bananas just for playing with the ronin. Life didn't get any better. Crouching down she got ready to jump until she noticed something strange. "What's that?"

Him blanket was raised in a strange way that Su had never seen before. Walking over she put her finger to her lips curiously before grabbing whatever it was that was under the blankets and her eyes widened. ( It's a banana! ) Looking around a moment she lifted the blankets and slipped under them looking for the banana. ( Huh? Why does he have it in his shorts? He must be trying to save it for himself! Well too bad it's mine now! )

Taking off his shorts and tossing them out of the bed the bed she looked the strange banana over. ( It's a funny color. Why isn't it yellow? Oh well, better eat it before it goes bad. ) With that thought Kaolla Su opened her mouth wide and leaned down. CHOMP

/ Shinmei dojo /

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!" Tsuruko and everyone else in the training hall bolted to their feet at the scream in surprise. Causing even more shock a nude young man ran by with a young girl no more than 13 or 14 flopping around with her mouth securely around his manhood.

Unfortunately for the young man this particular time in the dojo was reserved for the class of kendo girls who were once taught by a Motoko Aoyama. "PERVERT!" And so Tsuruko watched in shock as all the girls funneled out the door wielding their bokkens menacingly after her master. The resulting beating that her master suffered made her wince before she glared at the girls and dragged him back to his room in a shambled mess. While dragging her master away Tsuruko heard a giggling in a tree. Throwing a small shuriken knife into the tree a loud bussing came followed by the screams of a young Aoyama as she ran about chased by bees.

/ Keitaro's room /

Keitaro sat in pain trying to ignore the pain in his pants as he sipped his tea. Tsuruko had taken Su off to have "the talk" with her. The icepack was helping but there was still a dull ache. He knew Su wasn't responsible for this, just a patsy.

The door opened at the point revealing a red-faced Su who couldn't bring herself to look at Keitaro. The few times she had almost glanced at him she'd started to have nosebleeds and looked away. "Keitaro I... I'm sorry for biting yo... your... thing."

Keitaro blushed as well at this. "It's ok Su, just try not to let that happen again ok?" Su nodded and blushed a darker red before going out of the room to wait for Haruka to come pick her up. "She's really a sweet girl, just a bit trigger happy and a little too innocent for her own good."

Tsuruko smiled and sat behind her master wrapping her arms about his shoulders. Laying her cheek against the side of his neck she sighs and slowly began kissing his earlobe. "Does my master need comforting?" Her hands began slowly working over his chest and down his abs.

/ Lemon scene /

A.N. sitting with Chinnaboy08 eating YanYan snack packs as he writes. This is the lemon portion, don't read if your under 18. Looks at Chinnaboy08 Ready? Sighs watching him spinning in his chair eating all his YanYan and pocky sticks. He's fine, ok, here we go.

This scene is only available on my Website

/ 2 hours later /

Tsuruko slept happily in her master's arms. Despite the fact that she was his servant he still treated her as his wife. She knew soon she would need to teach him that she was his servant, but for now she was content to relax in the pure afterglow of pleasure her master provided her with. This was only the second time she had shared his bed, but she found herself feeling addicted to his passion already.

/ The road to Tokyo /

Kitsune, Naru, and Haruka sat in the van watching Kaolla Su blushing like a tomato. Kitsune grinned and spoke. "So what did you do with Motoko while you visited Kaolla?" After hearing the explanation as well as the results of what happened Naru shoved Haruka out of the way and yanked the steering wheel heading back the way they came.

/ Outside the Shinmei school near a river /

Motoko meditated hard on how she could manage to destroy the menace to honor and chastity named Urashima. Her eyes opened as she finally came up with a plan. Cackling madly she would have been scary if her head wasn't swollen to 3 times it's normal size and covered in red bee stings.

A.N. That was fun! Well here's chapter 3 of warrior wife and I hope everyone enjoyed it. I'm doing my best to get Random1377's new website up and it's coming along pretty well I think so far. My new Tsuruko/Keitaro pairing Child of loss should be coming up soon and I hope you all enjoy that too. And to all my loyal readers, thank you for your concern but NO, I'M NOT DEAD! Twitches

"AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!" Tsuruko and everyone else in the training hall bolted to their feet at the scream in surprise. Causing even more shock a nude young man ran by with a young girl no more than 13 or 14 flopping around with her mouth securely around his manhood.

Unfortunately for the young man this particular time in the dojo was reserved for the class of kendo girls who were once taught by a Motoko Aoyama. "PERVERT!" And so Tsuruko watched in shock as all the girls funneled out the door wielding their bokkens menacingly after her master. The resulting beating that her master suffered made her wince before she glared at the girls and dragged him back to his room in a shambled mess. While dragging her master away Tsuruko heard a giggling in a tree.

Throwing a small shuriken knife into the tree a loud deflating noise slowly came as well as the sound of a thick liquid dripping onto a rock met her ears. The swearing of a younger Aoyama met the ears of her older sister. "Oops, guess I hit one of those implants of hers." Shrugging Tsuruko went inside hoping the makers of that Anime didn't sue her for damaging company property.