Disclaimer: Don't own YYH.

Me: This is a completely random fic, I have no idea why I wrote it. No plot howsoever.

Hiei: Whatsoever.

Me: Whatsoever, howsoever!

Hiei: backs off

Me: No plot howsoever. Just something I wrote when I was bored one day. Please review!

Hiei: Hn.

Kurama's Strange Day

--One day, Kurama was walking in the park when he heard a noise--

Kurama: La la la, today is a wonderful day!

Tree: Yes, it is quite wonderful.

Kurama: Quite wonderful indeed.

Sunflower: Where are you going?

Kurama: I'm just walking through the park. It is a perfect day to take a stroll.

Sunflower: I wish I could walk. Then I could stroll with you.

Kurama: You can't walk? Too bad. Farewell.

--Kurama continued walking through the park--

Bench: You look tired. Why don't you come have a seat?

Kurama: No, thank you. I'm not in the least bit tired.

Bench: Very well. Have a nice day.

Kurama: And you, too!

Trash Can: If you have any garbage, don't throw it on the grass. Keep the park nice and clean!

Kurama: Don't worry, I will!

--Kurama continued walking through the park, totally unaware that inanimate objects were talking to him--


--Kurama was in the grocery store, when he heard a noise.--

Apple: You look hungry. Why don't you buy a nice, juicy apple?

Kurama: No, thank you. I'm not very hungry at the moment.

Apple: Very well. Goodbye!

Kurama: Goodbye!

--Kurama continued walking through the grocery store--

Ice Cream: Oh, yum, yum, don't I look good?

Kurama: Not really.

Ice Cream: Wouldn't your friend Hiei like it if you brought him sweet snow?

Kurama: Yes, he would, but I don't feel like spending money on him today. Farewell.

Ice Cream: Farewell.

--Kurama continued walking through the grocery store, totally unaware that food was talking to him--


--Kurama was walking home when he heard a noise--

Telephone Pole: Your friend was standing on me today.

Kurama: Oh, really?

Telephone Pole: Yes. He likes to stand on me. I don't see how he does it, though.

Kurama: Neither do I.

Street Lamp: It's getting dark. Here's some light so you can find your way home.

Kurama: Thank you very much!

--Kurama continued walking home--

Sidewalk: Sure, sure, all people want to do is step on me all day. Do you humans ever consider MY feelings?

Kurama: No, for I am sure you have none. You were made for the sole purpose of providing a safe place for us to walk.

Sidewalk: Is that so?

Kurama: Yes, exactly so.

Sidewalk: Very well. I keep people safe. I love my job!

Kurama: Good for you.

--Kurama continued walking home, totally unaware that inanimate objects were talking to him.--


--Kurama just arrived home when he heard a noise--

Door: Did you have a good day?

Kurama: An excellent day.

Door: Glad to hear it.

--Kurama continued walking through the house--

Stove: You must be hungry after a long day. Do you want something to eat?

Kurama: No, thank you. I'm just tired. I think I'll go to bed.

Stove: Good night, then.

--Kurama continued walking through the house, totally unaware that inanimate objects were taking to him--


--Kurama just got into bed when he heard a noise--

Bed: You must be tired.

Kurama: Yes, very.

Bed: Good night. Pleasant dreams.

Kurama: Good night.

--Kurama finally realized the events of the day--

Kurama: AAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Bed: Don't scream, dear, you'll hurt your throat.

Kurama: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
