07 – The Holiday Is Over

Three weeks later.

Constance found Imogen in the staffroom looking out of the window onto the courtyard. The girls would be back in a couple of days; the halls and classrooms would once again be filled with youthful exuberance and frivolity. The usual routine of teaching classes, supervising lunches and planning lessons was almost upon them, and Imogen wasn't sure she was ready to get back to it.

"You seem thoughtful." Constance remarked as she slipped her arms around Imogen's waist from behind. Imogen leaned back into the welcome embrace.

"I suppose I am." Imogen sighed deeply. Constance loosened her hold and gently turned her lover around the face her.

"What's wrong?"

"The holiday is almost over; things will start to go back to normal soon. What's going to happen about us?"

"I'm not sure Imogen." Constance was truthful, although she suspected it wasn't what Imogen had wanted to hear.

The PE teacher leant forward and kissed Constance with fervour. Suddenly clothes were being shed and limbs were everywhere at once. They couldn't get to each other fast enough. Constance moved forward until the backs of Imogen's thighs were up against the table. She gently pushed her until she was perched on the edge. Imogen put her hands out behind her back to steady herself on the table. Constance crouched down and at the touch of her hand, Imogen spread her thighs. They seemed to have made a habit of making love in awkward positions, but at that moment in time neither woman cared.

Amelia Cackle flew into the castle courtyard on her broomstick. As well as her luggage she carried a box containing a few edible goodies from her Aunt. She took in a deep breath of fresh mountain air and felt satisfied in the knowledge that she was home. Cackles Academy had been her home for the last goodness knows how many years, and it always felt right coming back after a break. She was eager for the girls to come back too; for a new set of first years to begin their studies and to grow up through the school and for those in their last year to study hard and pass their exams. She felt proud that her school played such an important part of their lives. Amelia entered the castle, left her belongings in the hallway and set about searching for Constance. She enjoyed spending a couple of days with her staff while the girls were still on their holidays. Amelia told herself it helped them to bond, even though it never worked. Miss Hardbroom rarely got on with anyone. Miss Drill and Miss Bat liked each other well enough, but Amelia suspected there was always a bit of professional competition going on between the two. Amelia herself seemed to have a good relationship with everyone; she even got to see past Constance's gruff exterior occasionally. Speaking of whom, where was she? Nothing ever got past Constance, and usually she would be out here to greet Amelia by now. She tried calling out, just in case Constance hadn't noticed her arrival.

Imogen was just at the point of orgasm when both she and Constance stopped dead in their tracks upon hearing a noise. In between laboured breaths they listened out for it again. Once it had dawned on them that it was Amelia back early from her Aunt's, panic set in. Constance had begun to dress hastily, before Imogen reached out to stop her.

"Don't you even dare!" She bit out between clenched teeth.

"But we can't...Amelia..."

"I'm too close to care Constance. Please...I need you..." And who could have resisted such a plea; especially when Imogen still sat with her legs apart, her skin flushed and swollen from kisses and caresses. Who knew when they'd get another opportunity to make love like this again? Constance kept one ear focused on how close Amelia was getting to the staffroom, the other on the delightful gasps and groans emanating from her lover. It didn't take long for Imogen to climax, her body shuddered with the shockwaves of pleasure washing over her and her breathing became erratic. Constance was all too aware of the sound of Amelia's voice getting ever closer. She hastily gathered their clothes and vanished herself and Imogen up to her bedroom.

Amelia poked her head through the staffroom door, thinking she'd heard noises from inside. It was empty, although she thought the table looked a bit of a mess. Constance wasn't in there, so she shut the door and continued along to the Great Hall.

Imogen landed on the bed in a fit of giggles. She was still on a high from the orgasm, and almost getting caught had added to the adrenaline. Constance laughed with her for a while, before a mask came down and she suddenly got serious.

"You do realise that we cannot continue like this? We're going to have to be much more discreet from now on." Imogen's face fell.

"I know, but it doesn't have to end, does it?" She had been worried that Constance would suddenly change her mind about their relationship once the holidays were over.

"Of course not. However, we are going to have to come up with some sort of arrangement. But for now I'm going to have to go and greet Amelia. I expect she's wondering where I am." Constance got up and tidied up her appearance.

"What are you going to say to her about me being here?" Imogen took her cue to start getting herself dressed too.

"I shall tell her you arrived yesterday. She doesn't need to know the rest." Constance lying? Now there was a thought. Imogen was secretly pleased she had managed to bring out the rebel in her lover.

"Thank you. I'm going to miss not being with you all the time. " Imogen sat back on the bed with a thud. Things were going to change now that they were not the only ones in the school. She really was going to miss spending all this time with her lover.

"So will I Imogen. We'll come up with something, I promise you." They met in a passionate kiss, although Constance patted down her dishevelled hair and clothes immediately afterwards. "Give me an hour or so, then come and find us. Most likely we'll all sit down to dinner together later, perhaps we can find some time alone afterwards?"

"I'd like that. See you in an hour then." And with that Constance left Imogen, sitting on her bed, to seek out Amelia.

end chapter 07