Title: Eden: The Club of Secrets

Genre: Humor/Romance

Rating: R should have been PG-13... Baka...

Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon though I write as if I do. How arrogant ne?

Author's Note:

Ninety-nine. Very close to one hundred. I was going to wait but I feared no one would review and I could not do that to all of my faithful readers!! I must say I am so excited that Breakdown is actually getting reviews... it's so... dark... and unlike anything I've written and I thought was poorly written. I promise the next chapter will blow your mind if you read that fic.

I've decided to post another story of mine in my hidden archives! I am so sad that all my stories are so deep and serious and dark... Even Conquest my cute mature comedy is evolving into something so deep and complex... The next chapter on that should be fabulous though... once I write it. I will still keep that one light at least until the ending then I have no clue.

So... I'm posting a new fic and updating on Reign of Perfection. I'm in the middle of writing new chapters for Conquest and Breakdown... hm... I've got a lot on my plate. Good thing I work well under pressure. But at least sigh I am done with Eden!

So here is my beloved epilogue to my sweet fun and light fanfic! (13 pages!) I think I'm going to start writing a new fic about my star-crossed lovers... something funny and full of adult themes. Hm.

Here you go lovelies!!

Eight Months Later:

Usagi shifted nervously on her feet and Rei giggled and smacked her arm. Usagi whined and grabbed it and narrowed her eyes playfully at her best friend.

"Relax would you?" She hissed and Usagi shifted and adjusted her white gown as it fell down over her body. Minako smiled running into them and Usagi giggled.

"Can you believe it?" She asked excitedly and Rei shook her head, a red dress clinging tastefully to her beautiful figure.

"Not for Meatball head." Rei hissed tapping the Princess' skull and Usagi gasped adjusting her cap and then she lunged forward pinching the priestess. Ami and Makoto rushed up to them, their heels clicking and Makoto let out an excited squeal.

"I can't believe it!" She cried taking Usagi's hands in her own and the blonde let out a laugh of excitement.

"I'm so proud of all of you." Ami announced happily and Minako laughed pulling her into a hug.

"Well girls... I think our hardest job is over." Minako grinned and Usagi smiled as she spied all of the other people mulling around. Minako put in her arm and Rei smirked putting a hand over it and then Ami followed as well as Makoto. Usagi grinned putting her hand on top and bottom holding them all together.

"We the five rulers of this galaxy... are here by... Graduated!" Usagi cried happily and the girls all let out a squeal and let their hands go. Usagi almost lost her cap as her large white gown ruffled, matching Ami, Makoto and Minako's completely.

"I'm going to go sit in the audience!" Rei called and then quickly hurried from backstage as the graduates of Juuban high began to line up.

"I can't believe I graduated High School." Usagi sighed and Minako smiled lovingly at her and Ami wrapped an arm around her. "I never thought I would." She grumbled and Ami giggled.

"I never lost faith in you." She said sweetly and Usagi smiled.

"Really Ami?" She asked and the blue haired genius nodded, cords around her neck and the valedictorian medallion. Minako gently draped a gold cord around Usagi's neck and Usagi let out a sigh seeing the same on Minako and Makoto.

"You even graduated with honors!" Minako cried and Usagi let out a sigh.

"I had a lot of tutors." She hissed and the girls giggled and an attendant walked by them and they quickly got in line. Usagi moved to the back of the line to her respective last name letter and glanced towards her friends. Minako winked at her and then looked straight and Usagi felt joy fill her. This had to be the happiest day of her life.

A hand gently grabbed her arm pulling her out of line and she gasped. She stumbled towards someone and then her eyes lit up.

"Mamo-chan!" She breathed excitedly and he smiled down lovingly at her. "I

thought you were working." She whispered and he shook his head.

"I would never miss your special day." He smirked and she blushed. "Besides I had to see it to believe it." He whispered and she gasped and hit him playfully on the arm.

"Mamo-chan..." She pouted and he held out his hand to her and then flipped it revealing a beautiful budding red rose. She smiled and he gently reached up and inserted the small bud into her odango that hung out of her white cap.

"I'm so proud of you." He whispered leaning down, their foreheads touching and she let out a happy sigh.

"Thank you." She cried and he pulled her tightly into his embrace. She pulled back and he grinned pushing her back into line.

"You know what comes next don't you Usako?" He asked with a wink as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. The line began to move forward and Usagi looked back at him and shock filled her. Did he mean...? Could he? Excitement filled her and her mouth dropped and he smirked. "College." He mumbled and Usagi's excitement fluttered away and she growled and turned away from him. She heard him chuckle and rolled her eyes.

"Baka." She snapped and Mamoru smiled vanishing from backstage.

He gently made his way down the aisle and Rei smiled up at him and he took a seat next to her. Motoki smirked leaning over Rei and Mamoru grinned at him. She reached over and adjusted his tie and he grinned at her and then they looked back onto the stage. A cat jumped onto his lap and he smirked as he ran a hand down her black fur. Her eyes glued to the stage intently and Rei grinned as Artemis jumped to her lap and looked anxiously as well.

"Guardians." Rei said with a smirk and Mamoru smiled.

"Their babies are graduating Rei." He mumbled and Rei sighed remembering her graduation yesterday and the four screaming idiots cheering her on and then the two proud cats beaming at her diploma.

"I'm so excited." Luna whispered and Mamoru smiled leaning over her bringing his face near hers.

"Our baby has done the impossible." He smiled and she looked at him and he saw tears in her deep eyes and she nodded.

"I knew she could do it... she is stronger then all of them." She mumbled and

Mamoru nodded gently rubbing her cheek.

"That she is and she certainly wanted this the most... I'm not sure if I could have survived another year of finals." He grumbled remembering the late nights and cram sessions he had with her and her frustrated state. Luna grumbled.

"You should have been there for high school entrance exams." She huffed and Mamoru grinned and looked up at the stage as a blonde walked across it, her hair bouncing behind her.

"Aino, Minako." A voice announced and Rei and Mamoru clapped as the blonde winked and held up to fingers to the crowd in excitement as she took her diploma. She put them over her eye and Rei giggled as she took her spot. Artemis watched proudly as she sat down and he let out a loud meow of approval. Minako winked at him and he sighed happily. They watched as more filed across the stage.

"Kino, Makoto." The announcer said and Makoto smiled broadly as she took it from him. She clutched it to her chest and waved to the crowd and Mamoru smirked as he Rei and Motoki clapped loudly.

"Go Mako!" Motoki laughed and Makoto blushed standing in her position.

"Mizuno, Ami." The announcer said and Motoki whistled as Rei and Mamoru yelled over the clapping crowd. Ami blushed and bowed slightly taking her diploma proudly. Rei sat excitedly and Motoki and Mamoru grinned at her as she scooted to the edge of her chair. Names continued to be called and then there was a slight pause and then the announcer smiled looking towards the crowd.

"And last but not least.... Tuskino, Usagi." He announced and Mamoru, Rei and Motoki bounded to their feet, Mamoru and Rei cuddling the two cats in their arms.. The blonde poked her head out from backstage and smiled stepping onto the stage holding her head proudly. She walked to the man and he shook her hand and handed her the diploma.

"Go Usagi!" Motoki yelled and whistled and Minako, Makoto and Ami laughed clapping as loud as they could. Usagi smiled and stood before the crowd and Mamoru smirked and whistled. She giggled and clutched the diploma to her chest with one hand and then put two fingers over her eyes with the others and Rei laughed. 0The blonde finally joined the ranks of the others and the graduates sat down.

"And now we will ask our Valedictorian Mizuno, Ami to share a few words with us." The announcer said and Ami stood and walked confidently to the podium. Rei observed this and grinned.

"Go Ami!" Usagi cried and the blue haired genius smiled lovingly at her and then looked out towards the hundreds gathered. She cleared her throat and sighed.

"We are a class set apart. Juuban has given us more then we could have ever asked for and while we enjoyed our adolescence here we are more thankful for the lives we lived here." She said glancing at her notes and then she looked up with a bright smile. "Life is full of obstacles... our character is determined by how we face those obstacles. We can also learn by watching others face obstacles that are greater then we could ever imagine. My greatest achievement... my greatest moments in life were not earned here in these hallways or seen in books or the academic awards I may have won. My greatest achievement has been the privilege of having four wonderful friends that made me something more then just another shy nerd." She smiled, tears filling her eyes. "My greatest moments have been with them when they stood and faced their toughest obstacles head on and won." She grinned and Minako sniffed looking towards her friend and Makoto smiled putting a hand on her shoulder. Usagi stared at her best friend and a tear slid down her cheek. "They have taught me more about life then I will ever learn in a text book..." Ami mumbled and glanced at the three graduates that stared at her with utmost devotion. "And they have given me more to live and fight for then I will ever be able to count." She whispered and a tear slid down Usagi's cheek. "It has been your courage that has given me the strength to carry on and be the best I can be... it has been you that have made me the way I am today." She smiled and Motoki grabbed Rei pulling her out of the aisle. The Priestess stared transfixed at the blue hair prodigy and she sniffed as tears filled her eyes. Mamoru followed with a smile as they walked towards the stage, two cats bounding behind them. "To the class below me and for any generation that hears this message... know that you can be the smartest person in the world but you have nothing without friends. They make life the greatest adventure." She cried and stepped away from the podium. Clapping erupted through the crowd and she bowed, a tear sliding down her cheek. Usagi bolted from her chair followed by Minako and Makoto. Ami smiled and held out her arms and Usagi rushed into them.

"I love you!" Ami cried and Usagi smiled hugging onto her tightly.

"I love you too!" She cried and Minako and Makoto tackled them.

"Congratulations Graduates!" The announcer grinned and Motoki pushed Rei onto the stage and she joined into the large hug. Ami laughed and the others giggled. Mamoru smirked looking at them. Two cats bounded towards them and Minako let out a squeal of excitement and scooped Artemis up in her arms. He meowed happily and she clutched to him.

"Luna!" Usagi cried and the black cat jumped in her and Ami's arms and licked her face lovingly. Usagi smiled and kissed her head.

"Say Graduaion!" He yelled holding up a camera and the girls smiled facing him. Ami clutched onto Usagi as Usagi leaned on her, Luna held between them, their arms wrapped around each other. Makoto was clutching to Rei and Usagi and Minako grinned popping her head above Makoto and Usagi's, almost laying on their backs as Artemis stood on Makoto's shoulder and the girls laughed.

"Graduation!" They cried out and Mamoru snapped the picture. They laughed almost falling on each other and then they grabbed their caps and tossed them into the air. The cats jumped to the ground and Mamoru smiled snapping more pictures and then Usagi laughed wrapping an arm around Ami and Minako. Minako grinned wrapping her other around Makoto and Makoto pulled Rei close and Motoki smiled at them.

"I could have never made it without any of you." Usagi sighed happily and they smiled lovingly at her. "You are my best friends in the whole world." She cried.

"Aww..." They cried and Mamoru grinned snapping another picture.

"Looks like I'm going to have a bunch more pictures to hang in the parlor."

Motoki grinned and the five girls laughed. Usagi pulled away and Mamoru handed Motoki the camera and walked towards the blonde. She jumped off of the stage and he rushed to her, his hand gently caressing her cheek and she pressed her lips lovingly against his and he held her tightly to him. Minako giggled looking at them and the other three sighed happily. Usagi's lips devoured his and he happily complied, her hand wrapping around the back of his neck and he lifted her off of the ground.

"You know... speaking of parlor... I think I may have a private party planned."

He grinned and Usagi gasped pulling apart and Mamoru chuckled, his face floating contently hear hers as his hand caressed her cheek, tucking stray blonde hairs behind her ear. God he admired her...

"Party!" She cried and the girls laughed and Usagi smirked wrapping her arms tightly around her love, her feet dangling in the air as he held her against him. "I like parties." She mumbled and Mamoru grinned kissing her cheek lovingly.

"You spoil us too much." Makoto sighed and her brother smiled at her and wrapped an arm around her. Artemis purred around Minako's feet and she picked him up and hugged him lovingly.

"I only have one sister... and it's not my fault she's wonderful and the strongest Senshi ever." He grinned and Makoto smiled lovingly at him.

"Cake!" Usagi cried and she looked around in wonder at the parlor. Streamers and banners hung around it and a giant cake rested on the counter with a graduation cap in it. She smiled looking around as she heard the others talking animatedly behind her and then she reached out adjusting a picture frame and smiled as it straightened. Arms wrapped around her lovingly and she smiled as they stared at the picture of them. He tickled her holding her to him and she was laughing, Motoki and the four other girls in the background smiling.

"I love you Usako very much." He whispered lovingly into her ear and Usagi smiled turning around to look at him. She grinned and let out a breath.

"This life is easier isn't it?" She asked and he laughed and gripped to her.

"You have no idea... but the other was worth it." He smiled leaning his forehead against hers. She smiled and pulled him towards the others and Minako smiled at them and let out a sigh of happiness. This was perfect.

Luna smiled sitting next to the cake as she spied her group. She sniffed and Usagi looked at her and smiled.

"What's wrong Luna? Aren't you happy?" She asked and Luna nodded as attention was turned on the black cat.

"More then you could know... It's hard to believe the bumbling, tripping, late Usagi has graduated High school!" She cried and Usagi grumbled as the others laughed.

"You've come along way Meatball Head." Mamoru smirked rubbing her shoulders and she let out a breath and everyone smiled lovingly at her.

"To Usagi!" Rei cried raising her punch glass and the others did as well. "The best of us all." She smiled and Ami nodded.

"The smartest!" Ami cried and Makoto raised her cup.

"The strongest!" Makoto cried and Rei smiled with a nod and Usagi looked at them all shocked.

"The greatest friend any girl or cat or guy could ever ask for." Minako smiled and Usagi lifted her glass and Mamoru joined her as Motoki put his in.

"You truly are the Princess of the Moon and your parents would be so proud of the woman you have become... just like I am." Luna said lovingly and Usagi sniffed trying to hold back her tears.

"To Usagi! The only girl who could ever melt Mamoru's cold heart and bring five strangers together for the greatest adventure of their lives." Motoki called and everyone echoed clinking their glasses together and then bringing them to their lips.

"Here here!" Mamoru called and Usagi laughed gripping his hand as he held her to him. She looked at the other smiling faces and complete joy spread over her. This was the best day of her life.

"Thanks guys..." Usagi sniffed and Mamoru smiled.

"So, now what?" Rei asked taking her cup of punch to her lips.

"College!" Ami cried and Minako groaned leaning against one of the booths.

"But we just got out of school!" She whined and Makoto laughed.

"Let's travel the world!" She cried excited and Minako raised an eyebrow at her and Motoki pinched her shoulder and the brunet laughed.

"What do you want Usagi?" Minako asked looking at her with a smile and Usagi's eyes lit up and her mouth opened. Mamoru clamped a hand on it and smirked.

"Everyone knows what she wants." He hissed and Motoki laughed bringing his punch to his lips. She whined against his hand and the girls laughed catching her whining the same phrase over and over again. Ami leaned forward and giggled when she made it out. The "M" word repeatedly said.

"You should put her out of her misery then." Motoki smirked as he brought his cup to his lips. Mamoru smirked and shook his head and gently uncovered his Princess'mouth. He looked at her and she looked up at him expectantly and he smiled.

"I would never deprive you of going to college or becoming the best you could be my love..." He said gently taking her hand and bringing it to his lips. Luna smirked and Usagi's face fell and she looked at her guards.

"How many years do we have to go to college?" She asked quietly and Ami smiled at her and the others grinned slightly.

"Four Usagi." She whispered and Usagi's jaw dropped and she yanked away from Mamoru and glared at him.

"Yeah right!" She screamed and he grinned and pulled her to him.

"Who wants cake?" Motoki asked and voices chimed in as he went to cut it. Luna smiled and watched as Mamoru and Usagi began to argue, while Minako crowded

Motoki for cake. Ami and Rei laughed and Makoto fought with her brother about how tocut the cake properly. She sighed content.

"So, this is what Queen Selenity had in mind when she sent us all back here." Artemis grinned sitting next to her and Luna smiled.

"Of course... they are all perfectly happy." She grinned and Artemis smiled.

"You're going to be a mush at her wedding." He commented and Luna's eyes filled with tears at the thought.

"Usagi? Married?" She cried and Artemis grinned at her. "I'm going to miss her so!" She sobbed and Artemis frowned slightly.

"You know..." A male voice said above them and Luna looked up and sniffed at the tall figure above her. Two sets of blue eyes looked at her lovingly and Luna blinked. "You will always have a place in our home Luna." He smiled and Usagi smiled lovingly at her companion. "It just might not always be at the foot of our bed." Mamoru smirked and Usagi pinched him playfully and he chuckled. Luna's eyes lit up and she jumped into Usagi's arms and Usagi smiled holding her.

"You're our family Luna." Usagi smiled and Mamoru gently rubbed her ears and Luna sighed content. "Besides... who's going to baby-sit?" She asked and suddenly a gasp was heard behind them.

"Oh my God you're pregnant!?" Minako's voice shrieked and all of the color drained from Mamoru and Usagi as they turned to look at the five stunned faces behind them.

"What?!" Rei cried and Motoki dropped the cake knife into the cake.

"Usagi." Makoto scolded and Usagi's jaw dropped and Luna blinked and Minako let out an excited gasp.

"We can buy baby clothes! Oh how exciting!" She cried and Ami and Rei looked at Minako like she had gone insane.

"No she's not pregnant!" Mamoru hissed and the blonde stopped bouncing and looked at them. Usagi put a hand over her face and blushed brightly. "She was just saying when we have kids..." He groaned and Minako made a slight noise as if understanding and then smiled brightly.

"When will that be?" She asked and Mamoru rolled his eyes. Rei smacked her leader and Minako cried out and then jumped on the priestess.

"Geez... college or kids... some choices those are." Usagi grumbled into Luna's ear and the cat grinned.

Usagi sighed contently falling on the large stuffed pillow before her. Her blue eyes looked happily towards her four friends who smiled at her.

"Where did he take you?" Rei asked as a fire raged behind them and the blonde sighed with a smile.

"We went to the zoo and the aquarium and he gave me this pendant..." She smiled pulling the silver amulet from around her neck. Makoto leaned forward and smiled looking at it. Usagi pried it open and Ami giggled.

"Aw... it's you and Mamoru!" Minako cried and Usagi smiled happily as the sun set in the distance.

"I'm so happy for you Usagi-chan." Ami smiled and Usagi sat up and blushed. She had never been so happy in all of her life.

"I'm glad you are having a great birthday." Minako giggled and Usagi cast her a mischievous grin. "How does nineteen feel?" Makoto asked and the blonde giggled.

"Much like eighteen except I'm not raiding bars and strip clubs. Mamoru would kill me." She winked and Makoto grinned. Her stupid brother...

"So, where is he now? Mamoru-san I mean." Rei asked lifting an eyebrow and Usagi shrugged lazily.

"He took me out during the day so I could spend the night with you guys." She chimed with a smile and Ami glanced at her and then Rei.

"I figured it would be the other way around." Makoto mumbled and Usagi looked at her curiously.

"Was it your idea to spend the day with him?" Rei asked and Usagi shook her head gently fingering her pendant.

"No... he planned the day and then dropped me off here and told me he would see me tomorrow." She said with a soft shrug. Ami crossed her arms across her chest and Usagi glanced at her skeptically. "What?" She asked and Makoto let out a curse. The girls looked at her surprised.

"That's what he was mumbling in the phone!" Makoto cried out and Usagi lifted a curious brow and the mistress of Jupiter blushed realizing she had their attention.

"Who was mumbling what?" Rei asked suspiciously as she sat up, Ami sitting up as well listening attentively.

"Nothing!" Makoto laughed nervously and Usagi narrowed her eyes slightly as

Minako crossed her arms across her chest as well. "Well... Motoki... he's having a really big party at Eden tonight." She gulped slightly and Usagi's eyes darted to Rei's and Rei's eyebrows rose.

"He wouldn't..." She hissed and Ami gulped slightly.

"Well, that probably was an expensive pendant Usagi-chan..." Minako smiled nervously and Usagi grabbed her friend's shirt, anger in her eyes.

"He's a doctor! He doesn't need money!" She yelled and Minako gulped.

"True." She mumbled and then Usagi jumped to her feet followed by Ami and Rei. Luna walked quietly into the room and then stopped noticing all of the tension in the room.

"Anything wrong girls?" She asked and Usagi's hands balled into fists.

"Mamoru is at Eden!" She screamed and Ami put a hand on her hip.

"Men who like to strip have issues." She mumbled and Usagi gasped staring at her horrified. The blue haired intellect gulped as a blush rose to her cheeks.

"Well what are you waiting for!" Luna cried and Usagi blinked and glanced at the black cat. She looked at them and Rei raised an eyebrow at her. "No future husband of Usagi's is going to be a striper." She hissed and Usagi scooped down and grabbed the black cat as she ran out of the temple.

"Wait for us!" Rei screeched and she rushed after her, Minako and Ami on her heels. Makoto gasped and jumped up rushing after them.

Her lips twisted into a thin line as her bare arms crossed across her now twenty- one year old chest. Blonde tendrils coiled down her shoulders and her blue eyes stared with venom to the perfect figure on the stage, hands grasping at his legs.

"Girls..." She heard a nervous voice behind her and she didn't even smirk when she heard Rei pull out her knife on the young owner as she pressed him against the back wall. Motoki gulped and looked towards the blonde staring with hatred towards his best friend. Maybe this was a bad idea...

"Wait! Don't hurt him!" Makoto cried and Usagi's eyes narrowed as her gaze caught his through the smoke and streaking colors of lights. His black pants hugged his legs as suspenders rested on a bare chest, a hat resting on his head as well as a mask. That damn mask. She should have burned it. She wanted to cry, scream and maim all at the same time. A tear clouded her vision... hadn't he given this up for her? She sniffed pushing away her tears as anger replaced them. On her birthday!? He smirked moving her way as he drove ladies mad in his wake. She set her heels on the ground and wondered how much it would hurt if she impaled one in his chest. She would nurse him back to health after... after she broke his damn legs. He slid down a pole exiting the stage and his perfect shined dress shoes hit the wood floor.

"How could you do this to Usagi?" Rei's voice hissed and Motoki gulped staring at her. Makoto tried to pry the priestess from her brother and Ami crossed her arms across her chest, her eyes glued to her Prince and Princess.

Deep purple and blue eyes glanced down from the glass office above the area as they watched the onyx hair price approach his fair-haired angel.

"He's going to get hurt." Luna mumbled and Artemis nodded.

"Yep." Artemis agreed and Luna let out a sigh.

She glanced away from him and he took the final step closing the gap between them. He didn't even look remorseful... plots began to devise in her head of how she could hurt him... her teeth clenched... next time they were alone she'd make sure he'd walk funny for a week. She felt his cold hand on her cheek and then run down her neck and her shoulder. She turned to look at him and her eyes flashed rage as a crooked smile came to her lips. He had to be kidding...

"You'll never get me now buster." She hissed, anger littering her beautiful voice and he smiled at her, his eyes twinkling behind his mask. He used his other hand and tried to pull her face towards his, his body touching hers slightly. Images filled her head and she easily could have thrown herself in his arms and knew he would make her very happy and content as he had proved many times throughout their now nine month relationship. He had power over her and she melted like goo in his arms but this time she would stand defiant. He had gone too far. Her eyes snapped open wide and she gasped. Her hands pressed against his bare chest and pushed him away with anger. Hurt flashed through her eyes and he reached up and gently removed his mask, his deep blue eyes staring into hers that were slowly filling with tears. She gulped watching the white fabric fall to the floor and stared at his exposed face, girls screams echoing in her head. Her nose crunched and the tears were pushed back. "How could you do this?" Her voice suddenly cried over the noise, loud enough for them to hear. Music drawled on in the background and his face held no visible expression except calm admiration for her beauty. "You know it makes me so jealous and I get so pissed! You promised!" She screeched and tears filled her eyes this time that she couldn't push back, her hands balled into fists at her side. His hand gently reached up to touch her jaw and she smacked his hand away, her body rigid. "Don't touch me!" She screeched and Motoki held his breath as his eyes and the four sets of eyes of his best friend's girlfriend's bore down on them. Cries and laughter of women filled the room and her bottom lip began to tremble. Midnight eyes glanced from under his dark lashes as a small smile fell upon his lips. Gently he lowered himself to the ground, resting peacefully on one knee and Usagi felt her stomach drop to her feet. A smirk came to Motoki's lips and Rei pulled back her knife as Ami smirked at the scene. His eyes smoldered under his lashes as he glanced up at her and she felt her breath hitch, shock filling her face. What was he.... He couldn't... A hand rushed to her mouth as a small tear escaped and trickled down her cheek. Gently he took her left hand in his own and an eep escaped her lips as he brought it lovingly to his lips. He kissed it and glanced up at her and her bottom lip separated from her top and hung helplessly. She had never felt such a rush of love hit her...

"Marry me Usako?" The whole room seemed to go silent so that he could say those three simple words and she could only stare at him. Time froze for that one brief moment of perfection. She jumped in that moment and reveled in it, her mind screaming in different outbursts of joy, happiness, surprise, love and excitement. Slowly he stood and his frame towered over hers and she gulped, her eyes never leaving his. Gently he held a silver ring in front of her eyes and she gasped focusing on it and tears filled her eyes. He was asking her to marry him... Her eyes closed for a brief moment and tears escaped in a rush. She looked back up at him when suddenly a woman rushed up to them. She tugged on Mamoru's pants and they wouldn't budge. Mamoru smirked and a slight smile came to Usagi's lips. He winked at her as he gently placed the ring on the tip of her ring finger on her perfect left hand. It was a heart-shaped diamond with small diamonds wrapped around it in a circle. His eyes bore into hers and he felt joy spread through every fiber of his body as he read the love she held for him in those deep depths. Finally she gulped and regained her voice.

"Marry a striper?" She asked quietly and Rei blinked as Motoki put a hand on his hip as the five stared at them intently. Mamoru smirked as he gently leaned his forehead against hers. She looked away slightly a coy smile coming to her delicate lips and he grinned. "I don't know..." She mumbled and suddenly Mamoru's grin vanished. He pulled back to look at her surprised and Rei dropped her weapon with a clank to the floor. What did she say? Her eyes looked back into his and she smiled placing a finger against his chest. "On a few conditions." Her voice said sternly and he raised an eyebrow at her a smile coming once again to his lips. Ami let out a breath and Minako grabbed onto the small girl with excitement as she watched.

"And those would be?" He asked quietly and slowly her arm coiled around his bare shoulders wrapping around his neck. He grinned pulling her closer to him, his hand still dangling above her left aching for permission to push his ring onto her finger.

"No more of this." She said, her smile vanishing slightly for a moment and he grinned gently pushing the ring a little further onto her finger and she glanced at her hand and then back at him. "I own you completely." She announced and his eyes bore into hers with such an intensity she wondered if he would take her right there on the dance floor.

"You are mine and you only dance for me and everything you are will be mine for eternity." She finished with a flare and he watched her tongue flick with fascination. A genuine smile came to his lips as he pushed the ring all the way down her slender finger fitting perfectly. A large smile came to her perfect lips as she wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. Rei let out a cry of happiness and jumped up and down, Ami, Minako and Makoto soon following as they let out screams of excitement.

"See that wasn't so hard." Motoki smirked brushing off his shoulders with a bit of pride in himself. Rei laughed shaking her head. He squirmed like a baby when she pulled that knife on him.

"Mamoru's plan worked perfectly." Makoto grinned watching the happy couple.

"It's very romantic. Proposing to her where they had first discovered they loved each other... even though this is a house of debauchery." Ami mumbled and Minako and Makoto glanced at her sharply and Ami looked at them. "What?" She asked with a smirk and Rei wrapped an arm around the brains of their bunch as the girls watched with complete and utter joy their leader, their Princess and their best friend have all of her dreams come true... again.

Mamoru smirked as he gripped her delicate body to his. A year ago on this very floor his whole life had been changed in a matter of hours... He had done to her there what he had ached to do the millions of times she had run into him... and he had done the one thing he feared he never would be able to. Fall in love. Her hand snaked into his hair and then pulled his head down and their lips met passionately, lovingly taking in each other in a slow devouring kiss that crossed time.

Clapping was heard around them and Mamoru smirked against her lips and then pulled her into his arms, her legs wrapping around his waist as he clutched to her happily. She giggled hugging onto him and he smiled lovingly at her. Their life was perfect.

"So, how many kids do you want?" Minako asked over the noise and Usagi glanced at the blonde and grinned.

"You want to wear ruffles?" She asked and Minako gasped and shrunk away with a blush. Rei smirked crossing her arms across her chest contently.

"Our work here is done." She mumbled and Ami grinned as she and Motoki smiled approvingly at the happy couple.

"Now all we have to do is get them married... on the throne... produce an heir and live happily ever after." Ami mumbled with a content sigh and Makoto nodded.

"Shouldn't be too hard." She said with satisfaction and Motoki nodded.

"Creating a monarchy never is." He mumbled and Rei laughed with a shake of her head. Usagi wrapped her arms lovingly around Mamoru's head as their faces rubbed against each other's in contentment. Suddenly the blonde pulled away and Mamoru glanced at her curiously.

"I just applied for college." She announced and Mamoru chuckled, the others glancing at her with amusement.

"If you want it... go for it... but I can see our future getting very busy very quickly..." Mamoru mumbled and Usagi smirked leaning close to him.

"I like challenges." She grinned and Mamoru smirked leaning forward and capturing her lips lovingly.

"Ha! I've rubbed off on her!" Ami cried putting an arm of triumph in the air and Minako grinned grabbing it and shoving it down.

"And we've rubbed off on you!" She laughed and Ami grinned.

"Of course." She grinned and Rei sighed as the blonde and prince were lost to reality and entered into their perfect world together.

"Puurfect..." Artemis grinned seeing the two down below. He blinked when he felt something rub against his neck. He glanced towards it and raised a curious eyebrow at the look in Luna's eyes. He purred and she leaned her head against him lovingly. He glanced back onto the floor as a smile came to his cat mouth. "Maybe we could have a double wedding..." He grinned and Luna purred rubbing her face against his and he returned the affection with ample eagerness.

"Cats don't need to get married." She whispered and Artemis grinned, his blueeyes flashing as he glanced at his soul mate.

"Who said we were going to be cats?" he asked and Luna pulled back and looked at him with shock and he purred loudly and rubbed his head against hers. Luna smiled slightly and returned the affection with happiness.

The End.

Well!?! Does anyone need a tissue? Sniff... it's over.... seriously this time. I spent ten minutes formatting this one so I better get a few reviews for that cause that is annoying to accomplish!! Why it can't copy like I write it into this system I'll never know... grr...

Thank you for joining me on this journey and I hope to see you all again on my new one!

As a parting gift I will leave you valuable Sailor Moon Info!

In Astronomy you will most likely learn that the Inner Solar System only consists of Mercury, Venus Earth and Mars. The outer Solar System starts with Jupiter and Jupiter, Uranus, Neptune and Saturn are called Jovian Planets because they all look like Jupiter. Hm... Imagine if Jupiter had been in the Outer Senshi... would her powers have held up? Sometimes it was good for Nako to stray from the original since she did incorporate so much of mythology and history into her manga as it was.

I recently purchased the First Season 8 disc set of Sailor Moon uncut and uncensored! If only you all could have seen the excitement on my face... sigh... the first few episodes until Jupiter arrives the opening titles are you guessed it... all about Mercury, Moon and Mars... Those three are without a doubt the most marketed characters in the first season. Curious was our Anime writers being astronomically correct? Why couldn't they add Jupiter and Venus into that mix? In the first six episodes we had no clue who Mars or Mercury was... why just those three? Hm... Ah the deep secrets of a child's cartoon. ;) Till next time readers!!

Good Night and God Bless!
