WARNING: When I wrote this, my English wasn't nearly as good as I would have liked; furthermore, this story is one chapter short of being finished. Read only if you're okay with waiting who knows how much till I finally write the last chapter, and then rewrite and correct this.

With that said, if you're not opposed to some bad grammar and misspelling (and the story of an immature 16-year-old), please enjoy!

(Chapter proofread and additional author's note added on 17th of March, 2010)

Hey, everyone! I've written a new fiction! I'm a VERY bad writer, because it takes me ages to write chapters. So I've decided to write very short ones, but regularly. But do not worry, this is the shortest chapter!

This fic was born while I was watching Shadowed past (for about the millionth time XD), and I stuck thinking about that the X-men came just in time... and what if they were late?

Shadowed Past

Chapter 1: The beginning

If you want to know the truth, come to the new mall construction sight at sundown. Come alone.

Kurt had had heavy feelings and strange thoughts in his head since last night. This meeting seemed to be the only thing that could answer his questions.

He went to his bed and hid the letter under the pillow, then wandered to the window, looking outside. The sun was already cut half by one of the hills.

"Why not?" And with a puff of smoke he disappeared.