Hi and welcome to chapter 2 of 'Golem'

Phrase of the day - My mind is not a nice place to be, although it does have a scenic view and a conveniently located family resort.

"Blah" - Talking

'Blah' - Thinking

Chapter 2: Explanations

"What's wrong," Raven asked "And where are the others, I thought they would be awake by now."

"T-They kinda left," replied BB, albeit nervously.

At this Raven cocked an eyebrow, "Left?" Raven pondered for a minute, "Left how? Forever, for the movies…"

"Left as in for a fortnight on a free holiday to Ibiza," replied BB.

"Why did you stay?" Raven asked, "I'm sure it wasn't to be with me."

In Beast Boys heart he had always had an attraction to Raven, sure she was beautiful, but he saw past any physical feature, he loved her for her soul, her personality. He always tried to get Raven to open up, either through a joke or some kind of conversation. He wanted to get to know more about her, it was his way of showing his affection towards her, affection he thought she would return.

'It's gotta be hard, locking away her emotions like that.' BB often thought when his mind strayed to Raven.

But Beast Boy was wrong, Raven had always liked Beast Boy, she thought it was cute how he always tried to make her laugh and ever since he had helped save her from Trigon in her mind she began to feel more for the changeling than anyone else on the team. She always wondered what his children would look like, little green BBs running around, morphing all the time.

Of course all these thoughts had passed by in milliseconds and Beast Boy still had to explain the situation.

"They left us here to deal with any trouble that comes up," clarified Beast Boy.

Raven sighed and pushed Beast Boy out of the way, she then went to her seat to read her book.

"What do you want for Breakfast?"

Another chapter done, well until next time please review, and if you have any questions just ask.