A.N. Set a couple of days after Beltane

'Right then' Hunter Said in that crisp English accent I love so much.

'If you would like to follow me then we'll start the circle'. He turned to leave as there was a knock on the door.

'I'll get that' Sky said. I hadn't sensed anyone coming up the path. That was weird and I still didn't sense anyone.

Sky came back in the room followed by a small, slim, brown haired girl with big blue eyes.

'Em Hunter?' Sky said sounding nervous. Sky is never nervous! Who is this girl?

Hunter turned to look at the visitor and when he saw her his jaw just dropped, and he seemed unable to speak.

'Heya Hunter' the girl said (She was British). I hated her instantly. I don't know why. I wasn't jealous, she was pretty yes, but not beautiful like Sky or Bree. I sent my senses out towards, she had a very powerful block up. She eyed me suspiciously when she realised what I was doing. She turned back towards Hunter.

'Is this a bad time?' She asked.

'No of course not!' Sky answered 'We were just about to have a circle, this is our coven Kithic' Sky then introduced us all.

'Hi, I'm Clea, Clea Julian. I'm a friend of Hunters and Skys' the girl said.

'Well then' Hunter seemed to have his voice back but he still seemed a bit shaken. 'Lets get started'

'Why don't you join us?' Robbie asked. 'If that's ok?'

'Sure' Sky replied. 'Let me show you where to put your coat'

'Ta hun'. She followed Sky to the hallway and left her coat there.

She came back in and this time it was my jaw that dropped. She was not what I was expecting. She had a perfect figure and a chest that could give Miss 36C Sharon Goodfine a run for her money. She was wearing black jeans a red button down shirt open at the top with a black top underneath. She had also put her hair down and it fell to her elbows in brown waves.

'OK' Sky said. 'Let's go have a circle.