"I am going to die!" screamed Wheels as she ran through the forest with a huge metal horn robot after her.

She didn't know why this guy was after her but maybe it had to do with her new friend, Strom Jet. She was walking in the woods when she found this weird green and white metal panel. It was so beautiful, Wheels wanted to touch it, but as soon as she did it started to glow. With in a few seconds, it had taken the form of a black and purple robot with wings.

"Why in the name of all that is good and true are you?" she asked.

The creature respond in beeps, which Wheels couldn't understand. She pushed her blue hair out of her green eye and stared deep into the robot's optics, "You aren't from around here are you?" she asked.

Once more, the robot let out another sound of beeps, but this time he nodded his head. Wheels took this as a sign of yes, "My name is Wheels, what's yours?"

"Strom Jet," said the little jet.

"Wow, so you can talk," said Wheels trying to hold back the laugher.

Strom Jet tiled his head and gave her a strange look and once more beeped, Wheels shook her head. Then she started again to walk, this time Storm Jet follow her. She looked back as she walked and saw that he was keeping a fair pace.

"Don't you have somewhere better to be?" she asked.

Strom Jet beeped and shook his head no. Wheels sighed. He was attached to her now and he wasn't going to leave her alone. She ran back to the jet and grabbed his black metal hand, "I suppose you can come with me, but don't tell anyone where we're going," she said in a stern voice.

Strom Jet nodded his head as Wheels put him along in the woods. She was heading to the big city, to get away from her life, and her father. He was nothing but a drunk, sad excuse for a human being. Suddenly there was a sound of something crushing on wood. Strom Jet looked so afraid right then, Wheels didn't know why but she wasn't going to find out.

"Come on, small metal dude, we're getting out of here," said Wheels running away then bash into something metal, "Ow! Who put a stupid metal pole in the middle of a forest!" yelled Wheels as she rubbed her head.

"How dare you call me stupid, you small weak human!" roared a deep and evil voice.

Wheels looked up to see a very anger green and purple horn robot. The main problem was this guy was sixty feet tall and could very much killed her. Strom Jet ran over to her and helped Wheel to her feet.

"This not good," thought Wheels slowly backing away from the robot.

That when the robot saw Strom Jet, "The minicon," he said, "Human! Hand it over to me!" he demand.

Strom Jet beeped wildly and hid behind Wheels. She took this as a sign that her new friend didn't want to go with this ....thing. Wheels stood her ground and held out hers hand to protect Strom Jet.

"Look, Robo-Dork, I don't know what a minicon is or for the fact of the matter what you are, but if Strom Jet doesn't want to go with you, leave now," said Wheels trying to hid the fear in her voice.

That was the wrong thing to say. Before you could say "Smart move" Wheels and Strom Jet were busy running for their lives. It seems that the horn one didn't like to be told no or to be insult for that matter. "When will I learn to kept my mouth shut! Stupid Wheels! Stupid!" she yelled until more she crash into another metal pole

"Why of all the damn luck!" she shouted as Strom Jet helped her back on to her feet.

"Are you ok?" said a voice above her.

"Not another one," she moaned seeing that the voice came from a younger robot that was blue, yellow and white. His blue optics looked confusing at her.

"Hey, you found the minicon," he said pointing to Strom Jet.

"Oh, no, you and that Horn Devil behind us can't have Strom Jet!" she cried hugging tight to Strom Jet, which could cut off the air supply for a human.

"Horn Devil?" said the robot then horror came on his face, "You don't mean..."

That when something blasted him from the front of the new robot. Wheels and Strom Jet turned back around to see the Horn Devil was standing there with a large gun in his hand, "Pathetic Autobot," sneered the larger one.

"Oh no," said Wheels, "I think he was the good one."

Strom Jet nodded in an agreement. He grabbed her by the wrist and started to run for it. The Horn Devil wasn't going to hurt her or him, not while he was around. Too bad for them, that when another robot came in front of them. This one was a lighter green and little bits of red and gray. This one didn't look as friendly as the blue one.

"Hold it," he said as he bet over and pick up Wheels and Strom Jet.

"Lets us go you piece of tin!" shouted Wheels and Strom Jet trying to break free.

"Ah, good work Demolisher," said the Horn Devil coming at them.

"Thank you sir," said Demolisher.

"What do you want, Horn-had?" yelled Wheels in the Horn Devil's face.

"That Megatron to you," he growled at her, "I want the minicon."

"Well, Mega-Dork, You can't have him," sneered Wheels and Strom Jet beeped in agreement.

"Why of all stubborn fools! You do as I say!" yelled Megatron tunring red in the face.

"Or what you'll talk me to death," laugh Wheels and Strom Jet beeped in laughter.

"Demolisher, put the human down," said Megatron in a not normal voice.

"Yes...sir," said Demolisher afraid of what his leader was going to do.

He put Wheels and Strom Jet on the ground. She was worry of what they were going to do to her and her friend. She turned and face Megatron. He had the gun that he used on that robot he called an Autobot on. She heard a little click and knew she got the wrong guy mad.

"What are you doing Megatron?" asked Demolisher steeping back, way back.

"This human will learn to respect me," growled Megatron.

Suddenly there was a sound in the bush behind them. It was the Autobot that Megatron blasted. He looked really damage and wasn't in great shape, "Leave her...alone...Megatron," he said having a hard time speaking the words.

"Ah, Autobot witness, good," smiled Megatron, "You can tell Prime this what I'm going to do to him."

With that, Megatron fire his gun on to Wheels and Strom Jet. They two try to get away but it was too late. Wheels could felt the heat and her skin melting to her bones and her hair burning. Soon, everything became black.

Suddenly she started to hear voices. They were above her and sound worry about something.

"Are you sure you did the right thing, Red Alert?" asked an older voice.

"I had to, Optimus, she would have die, if I didn't," said another voice that Wheels guess was Red Alert.

"Still, we shall see if she wakes up," said the first voice.

Wheels slowly open her eyes to see two robots standing above her. One was red and ble with bits of white. His yellow eye looked somehow relived to she her wake. The other one was mostly white and had bits of blue and red on his metal body.

"Who are you?" she asked but found her voice to be hollowing sounding, "What going on?"

"We found you and Sideswipe being attack by Megatron and Demolisher. After those two disappear, we found you serious damage and we had to do some work," said the robot with the yellow eyes.

Wheels quickly sat up and ran over to a mirror like surface and found herself looking into a face of a robot. It was a light blue and green with red optic staring at her

"What happen to me?" she cried out.

"Your body was ruin beyond repair and you weren't going to live if we let you like that you would have die," said the white robot.

"So, you turn me into what ever the hell you guys are!" yelled Wheels.

"Yes," said the white one.

Wheels sats back down on to the table and put her hands on her face. What in name of good and truth had this happen to her? Well, I least I don't have to go bad to dad and that horn devil isn't here.

"So, what are you guys anyway?" she asked.

"I'm Optimus Prime and this is Red Alert, we are a race called Transformer and we came from Cybertron," said the red robot, "We are called the Autobots and they transformers that attack you were another team called the Decepticon, whose leader is Megatron."

"Met him, didn't like him much," said Wheels

"I guess he return the feeling considering her blast you," chuckle Optimus, "Now, that you know us, what is your name?"

"My real name is Wilma, but my friends call me Wheels or Wheelie, whatever they are in the mood for," said Wheels holding out her new pale green hand for him to shake.

Suddenly there was a little beeping sound. The door to the room open and in flew in a small black and purple jet. It landed beside Wheels and transformed into Strom Jet.

"Hey, metal dude, you're ok," said Wheels picking up her friends who was beeping happily to see her.

"Yes, he managed to get away from the Decepticon and might have saved your life," said Red Alert.

"Well, I'm glad his ok," said Wheels but turned serious, "But what am I going to do now that I look like this."

"You and Strom Jet are more then welcome to join us, "said Optimus.

Wheels looked down at Strom Jet. The little guy nodded his head. Wheels took this as a good sign. She held her free hand which Optimus took and shook it.

"You have yourself a deal,"