Thank you to who reviewed chapter five.

To see the Rabb-Mackenzie house, so to dreamhomesource(dot)com, and look up house plan number 36470. Number 36470 is so similar to my house it's almost scary. (36470 is smaller, and has a slightly different layout though.)

Thursday, December 23, 2004
Rabb-Mackenzie House
Great Falls, VA
1330 EST—

"Hey." Harm said when he came in the backdoor.

"Hey. Did you get all your cases wrapped up?" Mac said from her place at the table. She had been ordered to take an extra week off to get everything ready for the wedding.

"Yep. We're all set for a three week honeymoon."

"Three? I thought we only got two?"

"Not anymore. The Admiral gave us an extra week." Harm smiled.

"And where are we spending this extra week?"

"Ha! Nice try Marine. I'll tell you when we get there."

For the past 2 weeks Mac had been trying to get Harm to tell her where they were going on their honeymoon. The wedding was scheduled for Christmas, so she was anxious to find out what Harm had been planning for them.

"Please tell me! You know how much I hate surprises."

"I know. Alright, I'll compromise. I'll tell you after the ceremony."


"I want to tell you, but I can't. Besides I want to have someone there to take a picture of your face when I tell you."

"I still hate being surprised…"

"There's another surprise coming today that should make you VERY happy."

"When is it being delivered?"

"It's not exactly a delivery. But it will be here in time for dinner, I hope."

She gave him a questioning look.

"Is Mattie here?" He asked, trying to distract her.

"No. She, Trish, and Frank went to take Grams to see my dress and the ones for the bridesmaids. I think Frank said something about going to get his tux altered a little too."

"So we're here alone?"

"Until Chloe's flight gets in."

"What time is that?"


"Good. I have time for the shower I missed this morning."

"You were the one who was being lazy this morning and wouldn't get out of bed."

"I would have if you hadn't been in there. I mean think about it. Would you rather get out into the cold to go to JAG or stay in a warm bed with your beloved?"

"You're right."

"I'm always right."

Mac looked at him.

"Okay, most of the time."

She shot him another look.

"Alright I've been right a few times since you've known me."

"That's better. Now go shower so we can leave on time to get Chloe."

"Join me?"

"Not likely Flyboy. Less than 2 days and I'm all yours. I promise."

Harm and Mac had once again agreed that waiting until after the wedding to make love was the best thing. And since it wasn't at all a long engagement, they both figured they could wait.

"You'll be ALL mine?"

"Every last inch of me."

"I like the sound, and thought, of that." He grinned, then walked upstairs to shower.

Reagan National Airport
Washington, DC
1505 EST—

Chloe's plane landed about 5 minutes early, so she was waiting for them on in front of the security gates.

"MAC!" She yelled.

"Hey Chloe." She hugged her little 'sister' tightly.

"Oh, hi Harm."

"It's nice to see you too Chloe…" Harm replied with sarcasm.

"I thought you'd be at JAG." She said to Harm.

"Today was just a half day, Chloe." Mac said as they walked to baggage claim.

"Oh. So where's this Mattie you told me about, Mac?"

"She took Harm's parents and grandmother to see the bridesmaids dresses."

"Oh, when do I get my fitting?"

"We're taking you now. Well, I'm taking you. Harm gets to wait in the car so he doesn't sneak a peek at my dress."

"I'm going to drop you two off, then run to the dry cleaners for my dress whites." Harm picked up the suitcase that Chloe pointed out.

"Good. I don't trust you." Chloe said.

"And why not?"

"You're a thief. That's why."

"Why is Harm a thief?" Mac asked.

"He stole you from Mic, then stole you from that Clayton Webb guy."

"Chloe, he didn't 'steal' me from Mic or Clay. I didn't love either of them."

"And you think you love Harm?"

"I know I love him."

"And how do you know he loves you? How do you know he's not just using you?"

"Because I know Harm. He's been my partner for 9 years and my best friend for most of that time. Why are you all of a sudden so against me marrying Harm?"

"Can we skip the fitting for right now? I just want to go rest for awhile."

"Okay, we can do it tonight."

Harm had been standing by, being quiet during Chloe's little 'negativity-fest'. He hadn't remembered Chloe this way. Last time he had seen her she was a happy, precocious little 12 year old.

The ride back to Great Falls was made in almost complete silence with Chloe sulking in the backseat. Harm placed a quick call to Frank to let him know they wouldn't be coming for the fitting then and that he could bring everyone home.

They pulled in the driveway, Harm went to get Chloe's suitcase and she declared "I can carry it myself." with a long glare at Harm. Harm shrugged his shoulders and put an arm around Mac's waist as they made their way into the house.

After Chloe took her bags upstairs to the room she would share with Mattie they gathered in the family room where everyone else was seated talking and waiting to meet Chloe.

"Chloe, these are Harm's parents Trish and Frank Burnett. This is Sarah Rabb, Harm's grandmother. And over there is our daughter, Mattie Grace-Rabb."

"You mean Harm's daughter, right?"

"No. Our daughter. Harm and I both adopted Mattie."

"Great! Now you can't even get out of it!" Chloe yelled, then ran upstairs.

"I'll go talk to her." Mac said.

"I'll come too. It's me she seems to be mad at." Harm added.

Mac knocked on the door to Mattie's bedroom.

"Chloe, can we come in?"


"Why not?"

"I don't want to talk right now."

"Chloe, what if just I come in?" Mac said.


"I'll see if I can figure out what's wrong." Mac told Harm. "Thank you for trying though."

"Find out why she all of a sudden hates me so much." Harm said.

"I'll try." She kissed him, than opened the door.

Harm sighed, than went back down to the family room with the others.

"Nice girl…" Mattie said sarcastically.

"She used to be. Last time I saw her she was 12 and happy. Now she's 16 and angry."

"Did she let Mac in?" Trish asked.

"Yeah, only because I didn't come in." He sighed.

An hour later Harm went up to see if Mac was still in with Chloe. He found her lying across their bed, staring out the window.

"Hey, did you find out what's wrong?"

"No, but I think she's still hoping that her dad and I will fall in love and get married. Despite my telling her over and over that it won't happen, and that I'm in love with you." She rolled over to face Harm, who was now sitting on the edge of the bed.

"She won't try to ruin the wedding will she?"

"I hope not. She's just so different from the last time I saw her. At my and Mic's wedding she was so happy to see me getting married, and now she's not. Even though I'm marrying the right person this time."

"Maybe she'll see that you're making the right decision this time over the time that she's here."


Harm looked out the window and noticed someone special walking up to the front door.

"Hey, it looks like your surprise is here." He said, just as the doorbell rang.

Five seconds later Mattie ran upstairs to the bedroom.

"Hey, someone is at the door wanting you." She said to Mac.

She slowly got up and walked out of the room.

Harm and Mattie followed behind, grinning at one another.

Mac came down the stairs slowly, thinking the surprise was a package or something. She looked up when she got to the last step and saw none other than her Uncle Matt standing in the living room.

Her face lit up and she ran into his waiting arms.

"Uncle Matt!"

"Hey Sarah."

"How did you get here? When did you get here? Why aren't you in Leavenworth?"

"I flew in, about an hour ago, and your boyfriend there arranged it." Matt smiled.

Mac let go of her uncle and ran over to Harm, launching herself into his arms.

"I love you so much Harm!"

"I love you too Sarah. Merry Christmas."

Mac kissed him long and hard.

"Thank you Harm."

"You're welcome. Let's go do more introductions."


The four of them walked into the family room.

"Mom, Frank, Grams, this is Mac's uncle."

"I'm Matt O'Hara."

"Sir, this is my family. My parents, Trish and Frank Burnett, and my grandmother, Sarah Rabb."

"It's nice to meet you all." Matt said. "Now who's this lovely young lady standing beside Harm?"

"This is Mattie, your new grandniece, Uncle Matt." Mac supplied.

"I heard how you got into Leavenworth. That was soo cool!" Mattie grinned.

"Well, I'm happy someone thinks so. Just don't do it yourself."

"I won't. Besides, I'm going to be an aviator like Dad."

Chloe walked into the room.

"Mattie. Your cell phone was ringing so I answered it. Some guy named Joshua wants you."

"Thanks…" Mattie took the phone. "Hey J, what's up?"

'Not much. My flight got delayed, so I'll be about 30 minutes late tonight. My parents will be there on time though.'

"Okay. I'll see you later tonight."

"Okay. Love you."

"I love you too." Mattie hung up and saw everyone staring at her. "What? It was just a phone call."

"We didn't say a word." Harm said.

"Josh said his flight was delayed by 30 minutes, so he'll be late. His parents will be here on time though."

"Okay." Mac said.

"As much as I love all this family togetherness crap, I think I'll leave."

"Stop." This came from Uncle Matt.


"The correct answer is 'Yes Sir?' Now what's your name?"

"Chloe Madison, sir." She said with sarcasm.

"And you are?"

"Mac's little sister. Who are you?"

"Chloe this is my Uncle Matt."

"You're the one who ripped off the Declaration of Independence, aren't you?"


"Smooth move."

"Chloe, can I talk to you in the kitchen?" Mac asked, not waiting for an answer before pushing Chloe in the kitchen. "Chloe, what is wrong with you? First you're rude to Harm, then my daughter, now my uncle."

"You want me to go home?"

"If your attitude toward my family doesn't change, yes." Mac said calmly.

Chloe's face fell.

"Do you really want me to go?"

"No, but I will put you on a plane if you don't start being a little nicer. As much as you seem to hate it, I'm going to marry Harm. And even if you don't like the idea, Mattie is my daughter now. Nothing is going to change these two things. Being rude to my uncle will do nothing except earn you a plane ticket."

"I just never gave up hope that you would fall in love with my dad…"

"Honey, that won't happen. First reason being I love Harm and Mattie, more than anything. Plus your dad is enlisted and I'm an officer, so it would be against the rules."

"No chance?"



"Are you going to be civil now?"

"I'll try."

"Thank you." She hugged Chloe. "Now go apologize to everyone for being rude."


Chloe walked out into the family room.

"I'm sorry for being so rude to everyone. Especially you Harm."

"You're forgiven." Harm said, wrapping Chloe is a hug.

Mac was happy to see everyone getting along better, now that she had straightened Chloe out. She quietly went back upstairs to take a nap before the Allexton's got there with dinner. They had told her since she was providing the house for the Christmas Eve-Eve get together, that they would bring all the food needed.

She climbed into the bed and yawned. Planning a wedding in a month was harder than she expected. Even though Trish had flown in two weeks earlier to help her plan, she was still exhausted from the daily phone calls to florists, caterers, and the Academy chapel and O-Club. Not to mention the dress fittings she had a few times a week, or at least it seemed like.

"Hey, you left us." Mattie said, coming into the room.

"Yeah, well, I did my job for the day. I once again saved the world and kept it from destroying itself. Now, it's naptime." She smiled.

"Well, Grandma and Dad are taking Chloe to get her fitting. Dad said something about going to the dry cleaners." She lay down beside Mac. "Grams is napping in the basement on the couch, even though I told her to take one of the extra bedrooms she insisted that Chloe or your Uncle move into one of them. And I think Grandpa and Uncle Matt are going with Dad, Grandma, and Chloe."

"I wonder if Uncle Matt has his uniform…? Have they left yet?"

"Nope, I don't think so."

"Will you ask Harm to come here for a moment?"


Harm walked in a minute later.

"Hey, Mattie said you wanted me." He sat down on the bed beside her.

"In more ways than one Flyboy." She grinned. "But we'll get to that in a few days. Is Uncle Matt going with you all?"

"I think so. Why?"

"Can you find out if he has his dress uniform? If he doesn't I know it's too late to get one and have it altered, but I'm just curious."

"I'll ask him." Harm bent down and kissed her. "Have I told you today how much I love you?"

"No, but feel free." She grinned at him.

He grinned.

"I love you Sarah. More than anything."

"I love you too, Harm."

They came together for a kiss.

"Are you going to stay here?"

"Yeah, I'm planning a nap before the Allexton's get here."

"Good. You need one. Well, we'll be back in awhile. I'm taking everyone except Grams and Mattie, and I know Grams is napping too. Mattie is doing something in her room."

"Tell Grams to move into a bedroom later tonight. Mattie and Chloe can move to the basement."

"I have a better plan. I'll have Mom and Frank move into the pool house, so Grams won't feel like she's putting anyone out."

"Good idea. I knew there was some reason I'm marrying you."

"You means besides my striking good looks, charm, and personality?"

"Hmm. Well, I guess you have some charm…"

"Ha ha." He wasn't laughing. "See if I buy you the puppy you and Mattie want anytime soon…"

"You're going to get me a puppy?" She sat up in the bed.

"I was going to. Now I'm not so sure."

"Please?" She threw her arms around him.

"I was just kidding. Yes, I'll get you and Mattie a puppy when we get back." He returned the hug. "I need to get going if we're going to get to the store for Chloe's fitting. We shouldn't be more than an hour and a half, but I'll call if we're late."

"Okay." She kissed him.

He pulled the blankets up around her and dropped a kiss on her forehead.

Great Falls
2240 EST—

The night had gone splendidly. William and Rose-Anne Allexton came at 1900 with enough food to feed the small army that was going to gather. All in all, there were 14 people at the house.

The after dinner converstion was mostly about Harm and Mac's upcoming wedding. It was to be held at the Naval Academy Chapel at Annapolis, and the reception at at the O-Club.

Everything was going as planned, including the dresses which were finished except for a small alteration on Chloe's.

Harm, Mac, Trish, Frank, Grams, Uncle Matt, William, Rose-Anne, and Matt Allexton wee all sitting in the living room chatting. All of the younger people, which included Mattie, Joshua, Chloe, and Grace and Taylor Allexton, had gone downstairs to watch a movie while the 'old people talked about boring stuff', as Mattie had put it.

"So, Rabb, where are you and my Sarah going on your honeymoon?"

"It's a secret. All I'm telling anyone is that we'll be gone for 3 weeks, during which you won't hear a word from us."

"Harmon, you told us 2 weeks!" Exclaimed Trish. "Frank and I both need to be back in La Jolla on the 17th."

"It's okay. I'll still be here." Uncle Matt said.

"Uncle Matt, aren't you just on a weekend pass from Leavenworth?"

"No, your Commander there talked the parole board into letting me out 2 months early. Although my new job as an advisor on Capitol Hill doesn't start until March 7, so that gives me time to find a place to live and get settled."

"So you're here for good?"

"As long as I don't steal the Declaration of Independence again..." He smiled.

"Harm can I talk to you in the family room?"

"Sure." He said nervously.

They got up from their place beside each other on the loveseat and went into the family room.

"I thought you'd be ha..." Was all he got out before she jumped onto him and started to kiss him like he'd never been kissed.

"I am happy." She said when they parted. He was still holding her by her waist.

"Wow..." He said, in response to the kiss he'd just been given.

"Consider that a preview." She winked.

He grinned.

"Thank you for getting Uncle Matt here in time for the wedding. It was a wonderful Christmas/Wedding gift."

"Oh, that's not your Christmas or wedding present."

"Are you serious? You actually got me something else?"

"Several something-else's, actually."

"You're too much, Harmon Rabb Jr."

"I know." He grinned again.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Sweetheart." He kissed her. "I'll be right back."

Mattie, Joshua, Grace, Taylor, and Chloe came up from the basement.

"So what are the sleeping arrangements for tonight?" Mattie asked.

"Harm's parents are moving out to the pool house, Grams and Uncle Matt each have a guestroom, and you and Chloe will be sharing your room."

"Okay. Well, Josh, Grace, and Taylor are leaving, so I'm going up to bed."

"More snow is in the forecast, so if we get the right amount you, Chloe, and I can go sledding or something tomorrow." Joshua said to Mattie.

"Yes! I love sledding!" Chloe said.

"There's a big hill behind our house that perfect for it."

"Okay, I'll call you tomorrow when we wake up."

"So I can expect the call at 1200-1300?"

"Most likely." Mattie grinned.

He smiled back.

"Goodnight Colonel. And It was a pleasure meeting you Chloe. I'll see you all tomorrow."

"Goodnight." Mac smiled, then went to find Harm.

"You don't mind if I take a quick shower before bed, do you Mattie?"

"No, go ahead. The second door on the right is my bathroom, in case you didn't find it before."

"Thanks. I won't be long."

"Take your time."

Chloe went upstairs and Joshua and Mattie said their goodbyes.

"Chloe seems nice." Joshua said.

"You met her after Mac gave her a lecture. Before she was being a brat."

"Oh... Would've sucked to have been you tonight then." He grinned.

"You have no idea."

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

"I'll probably come over even if we don't go sledding. I think I have a good idea about what Grandpa got me for Christmas..."

"And what's that?"

"A car. But I'm not sure."

"Guess you'll find out tomorrow."

"He said something for me was being brought tomorrow, so we'll see. Goodnight."

"'Night." He gave her a long hug, then kissed her gently. "I love you."

"I love you too." Mattie said just as Harm and Mac came into the family room.

"Joshua, how old are you again?"

"16 Sir. I'll be 17 in May."

"Mmm. Do you really think you should be falling in love at your age?"

"Harm!" Mac hit him in the arm, hard.

"Oww! What?"

"Leave them alone. They're just kids."

"Exactly! You should be married before you tell someone you love them..." He said, then thinking it sounded better in his head.

Mac gave him a strange look.

"Way to follow your own guidelines..." Mattie said, rolling her eyes.

"That's different. I'm older."

"Whatever. I'm going to bed."

"And I'm going home." Joshua said. "Goodnight Sir, Ma'am." He went into the living room to tell his parents he was leaving.

They were getting their own coats on, so after saying goodbye to Harm and Mac and their families, they left too.

"Well, I'm going to bed." Grams said.

"Okay, well there's been a slight change in arrangements." Harm said. "Mom and Frank, I hope you don't mind but we moved you to the pool house. Don't worry, I turned the heat on earlier, so it's warm. Mattie and Chloe are sharing Mattie's room, so Grams and Colonel O'Hara you get the remaining two rooms."

"And where will you be sleeping, Rabb?"

"In our bed, where I always do..." He said, confused by the questioning.

"Our bed?" He crossed his arms and got closer to Harm. Inside he was amused by the scared look on Harm's face, but on the outside he was staring him down.

"Yes Sir."

"Just how long has this sleeping arrangement been going on?"

"Since October, Sir."

"And I trust nothing 'questionable' has been going on. Am I correct is this assumption?"

"You are Sir."

"Good. Now if you will show me which room I can sleep in, I'll leave you alone."

"Uh, Mac..."

"Come on Uncle Matt. You're scaring my fiance."

"I was just talking to him..." Uncle Matt laughed as they went up the stairs. Grams followed them up, going to her own room.

"Uh huh."

Harm signed a breath of relief.

"The pool house is unlocked, so go out whenever you want to."

"Thank you Sweetheart. Goodnight." Trish kissed her son's cheek before she and Frank put their coats on in order to walk out to the pool house.

Harm went upstairs to the master bedroom and began getting ready for bed. Mac came in a few minutes later.

"I was beginning to think I should sleep on the couch in the basement..."

"Don't worry about Uncle Matt. He's just testing you."

"Doesn't he know that you've already done that?"

"He knows, but he had to find out for himself that you're good enough for me."

"And am I? According to him."

"No, but no one is according to Uncle Matt. You have to remember that he's the closest thing to a father I've ever had. So he feels the need to protect me from things I don't need protecting from. Such as you."

"Does he think I'll hurt you or something? You know that I would never do that."

"I know." She kissed him. "Any woman would be lucky to have you."

"But you're not just any woman, you're THE woman." He smiled, wrapping his arms around her slender waist. "So are we doing the whole 'Groom can't see the bride for 24 hours before the wedding' thing, or do I get to kidnap you tomorrow evening for one last date?"

"I hope it's not our last date. And yes, you can kidnap me. Not seeing you after 2000 tomorrow would kill me. Not to mention that I wouldn't be able to sleep."

"Good, because I have something special planned."

"What is it?"

"I'll tell you tomorrow when we leave the house."

"You suck..." Mac said, using Mattie's favorite phrase.

"I promise I'll tell you tomorrow night."

"Okay." She yawned.

"Let's go to bed." He got into their bed, then lifted the covers for her to join him.

She got in beside him, and he pulled her close to him.

"I love you, Sarah." He kissed the top of her head.

"I love you too."

"How long do you think that we'll be able to keep Mattie's present from her tomorrow?"

"Not long."

"You do realize that she's going to love my parents more than us now, right?"

"That's what I figured." Mac smiled.

Friday, December 24, 2004
Rabb-Mackenzie House
Great Falls, VA
0945 EST--

Mattie slowly crept into Harm and Mac's room. She went over to the bed and put her elbows on Harm's side and just stared, knowing he would wake up if she stared long enough.

"What do you want Mattie?" He asked, his eyes still closed.

"We want you two to get up."

"Who is we?"

"Everyone else. We're all up."

"Well, Mac and I aren't..."


"We were up late."

"Ooh, R rating..."

"Oh believe me, if we had been doing that you would have heard us."

"Eww, that's nasty." Mattie wrinkled her nose.

"You brought it up."

"Well get up soon. Grandpa said he has a present for me."

"I already know what it is. Mac and I helped him pick it out."

"Is it big?"

"Hmm, no not really."

"Oh." She said sadly.

"You don't have to wait for us. Frank can give it to you whenever he wants."

"Okay." She walked out of the room.

"What did Mattie want?" Mac asked as she snuggled closer to Harm.

"To know when we were getting up so she could get her present."

"Maybe we should go on and get up, because when she screams she'll wake us back up anyway."

"We don't have to go back to sleep. I'm happy to just lay here and hold you."

"It is a lot warmer under here."

"Are you cold?"

"A little bit."

He pulled her on top of him and started rubbing her back.

"Is that better?"

"Yes." She closed her eyes and sighed.

"I love you Sarah." He kissed her head.

"I love you too Harm."

"I can't believe that in 24 hours we'll be getting ready for our wedding. I never thought I could be this happy."

"I never thought you'd ask me to marry you..."

"That was a mistake on my part. I shouldn't have waited so long."

"You can't change it now. I'm just happy you finally did admit how you feel."

They heard a scream from downstairs and smiled at each other. No more than 10 seconds later Mattie ran up the stairs and into their room, jumped onto the bed and threw her arms around them both.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you! That is the best present ever!"

"We're happy you like it Sweetheart." Mac smiled.

"It's perfect."

Frank had bought Mattie a new car for Christmas, which was being celebrated a day early on account of the wedding on Christmas day.

"Did you thank your grandpa?" Harm asked. "He's the one who got it for you."

"Yes, but I'm going to to thank him again. I love it!"

She ran out of the room and back downstairs.

"Maybe we should get up. You'll need to set some ground rules before she goes out to see Joshua." Mac suggested.

"Definitely. I wouldn't be surprised if she was in her room getting dressed now."

"I think she's probably hugging Frank right about now."

"Probably. Speaking of, we should go thank him again." Harm said. "Since he wouldn't let us give him any money toward the car."

"I think he was trying to find a way to connect with Mattie. Admit it, you weren't exactly the ideal child when you were Mattie's age."

"No, I wasn't. When I was 16 Frank was beginning to aquire the money he has now, but I still refused his offer to buy me a used car. I wanted to buy it myself."

"Normally I would say that Mattie should have bought her own, but with all her after school activities I don't think she could handle a job."

"It'll be nice for her to have her own car when we have more children."

"When do you plan to work on these children?"

"Hmm, tomorrow night if at all possible."

"It's very possible Flyboy." She laid her head on his chest.

"Maybe, maybe not. It depends on where we are tomorrow night."

"I don't know about you, but I'd planned to be somewhere alone with you. Even if that means squeezing into a airplane restroom..."

"Ooh, kinky." Harm grinned. "Looking to join the mile high club?"

"If that's what it takes, yes."

He laughed at her.

"Come on. I'll fix some pancakes for breakfast."

"You go start them, and I'll go talk to Mattie about the rules."

"Okay." Mac got out of the bed. She padded across the room in her fleece footed pajamas.

"I can't get over those PJ's." Harm laughed.

"What's wrong with them?"

"Nothing, you just look so cute in them. Wait until JAG hears about the Marine Lt. Colonel in footed PJ's with little cows all over them."

"Wait until JAG hears about the Marine Lt. Colonel who murdered her would be husband..."

"Aww, I was just kidding. What you wear to bed is no one's business but our own."

"Right." She left the room and Harm got out of bed and slipped a t-shirt on before going to the bathroom to brush his teeth.

He went down to the garage where Mattie was checking out her new car. An '05 Chrysler Crossfire SRT6 Roadster in Sapphire Silver Blue.

"So I guess you like the car, Mattie?"

"I love it! Thank you Daddy!"

"Mac and I only helped pick the color. Your grandpa did the rest."

"I know, but thank you for letting him get me one. I know you probably came out here to tell me some ground rules, so fire away."

"We don't have many, so don't worry. First of all, always tell Mac or I when you're going out. Second, no one under 16 can ride with you, just because of liability. Third, don't wreck! Forth, have fun."

"So, can Chloe and I go to Josh's in awhile?"

"I don't know yet. It depends on how icy the roads are. If they're too icy, I'll drive you in the Lexus."


"Mac is fixing some pancakes if you're hungry."

"IF I'm hungry? Of course I am."

Harm grinned.

"You go get dressed and after breakfast I'll check the roads."

"Alright." They went back into the house. Mattie headed upstairs, while Harm went into the kitchen where Mac was mixing pancake batter. He walked over to where she was standing and put his arms on either side of her, trapping her against the counter.

She turned around.
"Can I help you Commander?"

"Yes, you can. You can say you're sorry."

"For what?"

"I didn't get my good morning kiss..."

"Did you brush your teeth?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Alright then." She wrapped her arms around his middle and brought her lips up to his.

Her Uncle Matt walked in, took one look, and yelled out.


"Go away Uncle Matt. We're busy." Mac mumbled against Harm's lips.

"Can't you two wait another 24 hours to do that?"

"No." This came from Harm.

"We're practicing." Mac said.

"Go 'practice' some place else."

Mac broke away fully.
"I was in the middle of making pancakes before I got distracted."

"Then please continue. I for one am hungry."

"Yes Sir." Mac mock saluted her uncle.

"I'm going to go check the weather reports and see about the road conditions." Harm said, giving Mac one last kiss.

"Okay. These will be ready in about 10 minutes."

"I'll tell Mattie." He walked out of the kitchen.

"Well, as much as I hate to admit it, Rabb is a good man for you." Uncle Matt said to Mac.

"I know he is. I've known for 8 years now."

"It's too bad you two didn't do something about it earlier. I could have some grandnieces or nephews by now..."

"You know, you and Trish should get together. You both want us to start reproducing."

"Well you're not getting younger, Darling." He laughed. "I've seen you two with Mattie and I can tell that you love her."

"Yeah, we do. And I do want more kids, it's just a matter of when exactly."

"Sarah, I was serious about you not getting younger. You're by no means old, but that doesn't mean you have a lot more years to have a child. Just don't wait too long."

"We won't."

Harm and Mattie came into the kitchen followed by Grams.

"Are the pancakes ready?" Mattie asked.

"Almost." Mac answered.

"It looks like the roads are clear enough Mattie. You and Chloe can go to Josh's after a while."

"Okay. Thank you Daddy."

Trish and Frank came back into the house, fully dressed instead of just in pajamas.

"Well, since Mattie and Chloe are going to Josh's, do you all want to go out to Annapolis to check on everything?" Harm asked of the adults gathered in the kitchen.

"Sound's good to us." Frank said, with Trish nodding her head. "I haven't seen Annapolis since you graduated."

"Same with me Harmon." Grams said.

"If everyone else is going, I might as well too." Uncle Matt added.

"Alright. How about we leave at about 1140?"

"We'll be ready." Matt and Grams both said.

"Here are a few pancakes." Mac said, putting a plate with half a dozen panckes on it on the table. "More will be ready in a minute."

Everyone except Mac took one pancake.

"Hey Mattie, where's Chloe?"

"Still sleeping I think."

"I'll go up and wake her." Mac said. "Keep an eye on the pancakes, Harm."

"Yes Ma'am." He smiled.

Mac went upstairs to wake up Chloe and tell her breakfast was ready.


I know it ends oddly. But I was blockedabout what to write.