Hoy, it is I, RCR, and this is my 1st Inu yasha story, so don't yell at me if it aint good, but I shall do my best determined face, fist in the air

Inu: sitting with popcorn in his hands which will suck.

RCR: T.T y r u so mean?



Inu: ok, lets just get this over with, tell the damn story

RCR: - - fine, but u still owe me an sry

Summary: Inu yasha is the hottest thing at his high school, till a girl who won't take his crap comes along. Suddenly full of emotions, Inu yasha learns that he has a curse, to become a puppy! And to top it off, the girl who hates him at school loves him when she finds him as a pup.

The bell rang, teens rushing to their lockers, but one. One stood out, walking taller then the other boys, chin up, a smirk on his face that made all the girls melt. His hair coming to his lower back the color of snow, the girls say. A red bandana tied around the top of his head, a read tight shirt with baggy black pants, making the girls drool.

"HEY INU YASHA!" Inu yasha turned around, smirk still plastered on his face.

"Miroku, what?" Miroku had short black hair tied in a little ponytail, dark purple shirt with black jeans. Both of them at the age of 17, soon to be seniors, and know by all, well, Inu yasha the most.

"Inu yasha?" He turned around, seeing a girl looking up at him. Her brown straight hair came down almost knees, bangs almost covering her light blue eyes. Her white skirt barely covering up her butt, black shirt tight and low cut. She smiled, eyes sparkling.

"Hey, uh...."


"Right, hey, why don't I walk you to your class" he said, winking his golden eyes at her. She nodded, trying to hide her happiness, but Inu yasha caught it, smiling at her. He took her arm into his and started walking her to a room.

"My class is THAT way," she said, looking up at him. He looked down at her, smiling.

"I'm showing you my favorite room" he said, smiling seductively. She almost squealed, biting back her pink glossed lips. He lead her into a room, a Kikyo in there, waiting. Mandy looked confused, looking around. A crowed formed at the door, seeing what was happening.

"Uh....what's she doing here?" Mandy asked, not rudely, but just confused. Kikyo walked up to him, her short skirt black, pink tank top shinned from the rim stones sprinkled across the shirt. She grabbed his arm, smiling evilly at Mandy.

"He's my boyfriend, duh." Mandy looked up at him, surprised. Inu yasha smacked his hand to his forehead, pretending to be surprised.

"I completely forgot, I have a even BETTER girl right here" he said, smiling at Kikyo. The crowed laughed as she broke away, Inu yasha and Kikyo smiling as she left. Kikyo kissed him on the cheek. Miroku walked up to him, shaking his head.

"That was cold, man" he said, trying not to laugh.

"I know" Inu yasha said simply, smirking. Inu yasha was the BIGGEST player in the school, dumping girls for kicks, showing off his girlfriends. He went out with every single girl, catching the hottest girl at the school, Kikyo. They've been together since school started, but he flirted with every girl to break their hearts to watch them come crawling, all but Sango, but she once drooled every time he passed by.

"Well, I'll go comfort the girl" Miroku said, rubbing his hands together with a smile. Inu yasha rolled his eyes, shaking his head.

"Pervert." A girl started walking by the class room, brown long hair in a high ponytail, brown eyes staring straight ahead. She wore black pants with fade marks in pink (all u girls out there no wut I mean, yes?). Her pink jacket over her black tank top with a pink strip right across her chest. Miroku stopped, watching her walk by.

"Or, I could charm the beautiful Sango" Miroku said, following after her. Inu yasha shook his head. Miroku had a crush on Sango since middle school, when she first came walked in the class room. Miroku was upset that she had a crush on Inu yasha but got over it when they broke up. Besides, nothing happened, Inu yasha and Sango said, and if Inu yasha says so, must be true since he ALWAYS brags about how far he went with his girls.

"EEEK! PERVERT!!" SLAP Inu yasha laughed, knowing Miroku would have a hand print on his face for the rest of the day. The bell rung, students running to their class rooms. Inu yasha walked to his class, not before he stole a kiss from Kikyo. As he made his way to his class, someone bumped into him. He turned watching a girl with black hair in a ponytail walk away, not looking back. Her black sweatshirt almost to her knees, blue jeans not tight or baggy, black vans quickly making its way through the crowd. He was almost awe struck. No girl EVERY passed him by like that, or bump into him without begging for forgiveness. He continued to his class room, making a note to himself to figure out who she was and how he never meet her. He sat down, the art room silent as the teacher walked in. Her gray hair pulled loosely into a bun, clothes all the colors of the rainbow. She was a left over hippie, teacher the class to show they're emotions thro art.

"Alright, we're going to be using clay today, molding what you think your mind would look like if it was a person" she said, motioning to the blobs of clay on the tables before them. Inu yasha sighed and rolled up his sleeves, rolling his eyes. Truth is, Inu yasha loved art and was pretty good at it, but the "in" crowded was into sports. Inu yasha started dampening the clay, his hand dipping into the bowl of water. He kept his eyes on the clay, his hand reaching for the water, but feeling the table instead. He looked up, seeing the girl he bumped into, her back still to him, the bowl closer to her know. Inu yasha smirked, looking her up and down. She had two pencils in her hair where the ponytail started, her wavy black hair swaying as she lend to the side to get more water.

"Hey, you're the chick who bumped into me, haven't seen you around. You new?" he asked, smirk still on his face. She continued to mold the clay, not looking back. His face almost fell, almost. He glared at the back of her head. "HEY, I'm talking to YOU" he stated, putting his hand on her should. She quickly pushed it away, turning around with a glare. Inu yasha's anger quickly vanished when he saw her face. Her blue eyes (I don't know, in the show, its brown and in the manga they're blue, but I like blue, so they shall be blue!) pierced into his; strands of curly black hair almost covered her eyes, her ears both holding two small silver hoops each, checks pink with frustration. Around her neck were headphones, resting, waiting to be used. Inu yasha almost gasped. She was gorgeous, she was....KIKYO, but, better. MUCH better, the eyes were brighter filled with feeling, her face with color. And for the moment, it showed anger.

"Yah, YOU bumped into me, and no, I am not a chick and yes I am new, not that that's any of YOUR business, and yes, I DID know you were talking to me, even if it was rude and in a high and mighty voice" she snapped, her face inches from his. Three things that Inu yasha never got from girls happened, a girl NEVER snapped at him, a girl NEVER glared at him besides Sango, but he knew her, and NEVER had a girl ignored him, and this girl did all that in not even fine minutes.

"I bumped into YOU!?! I OWN this high school, you're on MY turf" Inu yasha said, glaring back. He stopped himself, his lips curling into a smile. "Sorry, you're new, so you don't know the rules..."

"I know the rules, you must not know this, but this is a free county (ok, now we are back to the land of the free and the home of the braves, AMERICA!! . it makes it easier for me, cause I live here, sry if you wanted them to b in Japan, pretend it is. .) and I don't see any where that I have to treat you with respect at all, especially how you treated ME!" she snapped back, eyes narrowed. Inu yasha held back a frown, showing his emotions was not good, it gave away too much.

"What's your name?" The girl pulled back, confused, but it disappeared quickly.

"I don't have to tell you ANYTHING!"

"Oh, I forgot, class we have a new student, her name is Kagome. Wave Kagome" the teacher said, waving at her. The new girl smacked her forehead, sighing. Inu yasha held in a laugh, it was fun to watch this girl.

"So, Kagome, where are you from?" Inu yasha asked, leaning on her side of the table, cocky smile plastered on her face. She went back to molding the clay.

"Do your stupid work, must be hard, since you have no mind or brain" she said, not looking at him. Inu yasha bit back a growl. Man, this girl was difficult. He smiled realizing what the girl wanted.

"Look, I'm SORRY" he said, looking at her, faking a sincere face and was very good at it. Kagome didn't look up, still molding.

"When you REALLY mean that sorry, you can come back and try it again" she said simply, washing her hands when the bell rang. She swung her book bag over her shoulder, walking out with headphones on. Inu yasha quickly went after her.

"Look, I just thought you would like to be shown around the school, and the town...." Kagome looked at him, turning around. He pulled back again, surprised how much looked like Kikyo.

"I don't know you, and I don't like you and I've known you for, what, an hour?" she glared at him, a crowd around them. "If this is YOUR school, find one of your students and stop annoying me" she snapped, turning around and walking to the door. Silence fell over the crowd, looking at Inu yasha. Inu yasha quickly got over the shock, smiling at the crowd.

"She'll come around" he said to the crowd, but more to himself. They all nodded, knowing that they all did, but none have EVER treated him like that. Sango walked up to Kagome, started talking to her. Kagome nodded, glaring towards Inu yasha for a split second then looked back at Sango. Sango said something, making Kagome laugh. Sango afford Kagome her arm, smiling. Kagome smiled back, taking it and they march out, laughing. Inu yasha stood there, gapping. She...smiled? Inu yasha fumed, the only person noticing was Miroku whom walked up to him.


"I don't wanna talk about it, alright" Inu yasha said, walking past him to his car. He drove off, leaving Mirkoku in the dust.

"INU YASHA!! WAIT!! YOU'RE MY RIDE!!" Miroku screamed, running after the car. Inu yasha glared at the road, thinking out loud.

"Damn girl, she's ruining my perfect record, and what the hell is up with the attitude? I was being NICE to her, and she even DISSED me!" he almost yelled, slamming his hand on the wheel. He suddenly looked at the side walk, watching her walk by. "THAT DAMN WRENCH!!" he screamed, his fists punching through the wheel. Suddenly, a warm feeling went through his body, suddenly making him feel dizzy. A blinding light covered his eyes, making him closes his eyes. A whisper went through his mind, making his eyes flash open.

When you learn to respect, you shall earn respect, when that day comes, your live shall be as you wish. Until then, you are cursed to be man's best friend

His eyes flashed around, noticing the wheel was well over his head, the chair bigger then before.

"What the hell...." The car started to swerve then smash into something, making Inu yasha slam into the place where the gas pelt was (I know what kinda cars there r, but I have NO idea what that part is, so, don't b mad .'). Pain went through his body, making him almost cry in pain. Almost.

"OH MY GAWD, HELLO?!? ANYONE IN THERE?!?" a voice called into the car. Inu yasha's ears perked up. That voice.... A familiar face popped into the window that was shattered, looking down at him with worried eyes. A face with blue eyes that was not filled with anger to see him. Inu yasha coughed, looking up at the face.

"Kagome?!?" Kagome reached down, lifting him up. Lifting?

"Oh, good, you're alive and you're even talking! Who would leave you in a car with no drive!?!?" she asked, looking at him with concern. Inu yasha face turn to confusion. Kagome picked up his red shirt, looking at it confused. "Clothes?" Inu yasha eyes widened.

"I'M NAKED?!?!

Kagome looked around, seeing people come out of building to see what happened. Inu yasha looked back at his red mustang convertible. It was smashed into a light post.

"MY CAR!!" he screamed, eyes wide. Kagome looked down at him, then pulling him into a hug.

"You poor little thing!" she said, looking down at him with sad eyes. Inu yasha looked at her like she had two heads and a horn. Little?

"What in the hells is going..." he looked to the ground, seeing the side mirrors (uh...the mirror thingies on the sides, no idea if that's what they're called), the shards on the ground. In them, he saw Kagome, holding a little white puppy, its eyes gold and wide. It moved its little paw, just as Inu yasha did. "WHAT THE HELLS!!!" he screamed. Kagome looked down at him.

"What's wrong, are you hurt?" Inu yasha quickly jumped from her arms, running to his house, not looking back when Kagome yelled after him and even ran after him.

"It's a dream, it's a dream, IT'S A DREAM!!!" he yelled, running through yards. He quickly stopped, panting for air (pun not intended). He stood in front his grandmother's house, looking at the door.

"HEY! HAG!! GET YOUR DAMN ASS OUT HERE!!" he barked (ok, that was intended), glaring at the window that was her room. The door opened, showing a elderly women step out, wearing priestess clothes, grey hair in a low ponytail, a patch over her left eye (ok, I have ALSO noticed this, but the patch is on one eye in the show and on a another in the manga, so I am SO guessing). She looked down at him, surprised.

"Inu yasha?!?" Inu yasha nodded. She quickly smack him on this head, glaring at him.


"I know what you're saying, even IF you're a dog!" Inu yasha eyes widened.

"SO I AM A DOG!?!?" She nodded.

"It is a curse that runs in the male side of the family. The males in this family always seem to be on the ruthless side, and the curse is passed down, teach to the males to respect others."


"The one you will wish to marry must love you back and kiss you (BEAUTY AND THE BEAST!! sing song voice), but I don't mean you want to marry her NOW, I mean when you are READY to want to marry, which are not yet."

"YOU'RE DAMN RIGHT I DON'T!!" Inu yasha yelled up at her. People walking by looked at the two.

"She's talking to a dog?"

"She's gone mad!"

"Mommy, I wanna talk to the doggy too!"

"Don't look dear, don't look." Inu yasha glared at them.

"MIND YOUR OWN DAMN BUSINESS!!" he screamed, showing his teeth. The people walked of quickly, looking back at the evil puppy. Inu yasha looked back at her. "Why did I turn into a dog NOW!?!"

"You must have been emotionally at the time, that's when you change, when your emotions over come you." She looked around, seeing rain pouring down on Inu yasha (she's under a porch thing, so she ain't getting' wet). "Let us go inside, Inu yasha..."

"NO!!!" he yelled, turning and running down the street, anger welling up in him. She yelled after him, calling him back. Inu yasha kept running, not looking back. "DAMN CURSE! WHY DIDN'T SHE TELL ME BEFORE!?!" Suddenly, a net covered him. He looked up, seeing a dog catcher (name? no idea) looking down at him.

"No tags? I'm taking you in" he said, gruffly, his white uniform and cap dirty from catching other stray dogs. Inu yasha started barking in protest (well, he's talking, but they can't understand)

"HEY! I'M NOT A DOG! HEY!!" Inu yasha tried breaking free, his little body wasn't strong enough.

"He's mine, sir." Both turned, seeing Kagome standing there, black hair framing her face from the rain.

"Well....he needs tags miss" the man said, handing Inu yasha over to her. Inu yasha started struggling, but stopped when he felt Kagome hug him to her heart.

"I will" she said simply, smiling down at Inu yasha. Inu yasha pulled back. She turned, walking to a small house ahead. Kagome quickly placed him in her sweat shirt, holding him up right under her neck so he could breathe. She opened the door, kicking off her wet shoes. "I'M HOOOOOOOOOME!!" she yelled, walking into a kitchen. Inu yasha kept silent, shivering from the cold and from the acquired ness.

"I'm in her house, and OH MY GAWD I'M IN HER SHIRT" he thought, looking around. A young boy ran down the stairs, wearing Pj's. His face almost looked exactly like Kagome, his smiled as he ran to her.

"A PUPPY!!" Kagome nodded, pulling Inu yasha from her sweat shirt, much to his dismay. She held him in her arms, smiling down at him.

"I found him in a car accident, some IDIOT left him in and almost got the poor thing killed" she said, rubbing Inu yasha behind his ears (ok, I think Inu yasha's ears look like cat ears in the show/manga, but that's just me.). Inu yasha closed his eyes, purring (ok, I've read in stories that inu yasha would purr when his ears were being rubbed, but I thought cats did that. O well).

'I could get VERY use to this....WAIT A SECOND! THIS IS THE GIRL WHO IS A BITCH AND...ahhh, that's the spot' he thought as she rubbed his ears.

"Did you ask mom?" the boy asked, petting Inu yasha. Inu yasha eyed him.

'I'm straight!' ('' that means inu is thinking, which is new thing 4 him) Kagome nodded eyes still on Inu yasha.

"What 'cha gonna call it?" he asked, looking up at his sister. Inu yasha glared at him.

'What? You can't tell? I'm a guy! I can prove it to!'

"I'm gonna call HIM..."

'She checked? HEY!'

"...Yashie" she said, walking to her room with him in her arms. Inu yasha watch her brother as he pounced up the stairs, watching him grow smaller and smaller with each step.

'Looks like I'm hanging out here tonight. Could this get ANY worse?'

wut do ya think?!? Good? Bad? Advice is always welcomed and questions too. Ok, if any one is wondering, Inu yasha is being a white yorkie, my puppy is a yorkie hugs my dog I LOVE HIM SO!

Inu: I'M A PUPPY?!?!

Kag: AWWW .

Inu: glares at RCR

RCR: ...LOOK! KOGA IS KISSING KAGOME!! pointing behind him

Inu: WHERE?! looks around


Inu: no hes...WHERE'D SHE GO!?!

Kag: - - u believed that? U JERK!!

Inu: but...

Kag: SIT!!


RCR: will inu find a cure? Will kag find out? Will inu ever say sry 2 me? Review and find out!!!