
Summary: Ginny Weasley finds herself fascinated with Draco Malfoy and is determined to figure out the mystery behind him.

Disclaimer: I own nothing, although, like many I wish I did because I could be filthy rich and everybody would love me. :)

A/N – I am dreadful at keeping up with stories, but I have holidays at the moment so hopefully this one might actually be continued. Anywho, like always I would love it if people demanded me to continue this story, express their undying love for my stories, and tell me this through reviewing over and over and over and over...

Chapter One

Ginny Weasley watched him from across the hall. Gryffindors never watched Slytherins unless it was to glare or laugh at them, so not even the most observant student would realize what she was doing. As much as she despised him, loathed him, maybe even hated him she couldn't help watching him. It occurred to her months ago when she first started following him with her eyes that it was going to be an especially bad thing for her, she was notorious for being intrusive, curious and determined. She had to figure him out, she just had to! Even though she saw the cocky, arrogant, cruel exterior, sometimes, very rarely she would catch him off his guard, she could see something more to him. The fact remained, whether it was just out of sheer curiosity, or, something more, Ginny Weasley had become completely obsessed with Draco Malfoy.

Obsessed was maybe not the word to describe how she felt about him, she didn't think about him every single moment of the day, just every second moment. From the gossip she'd heard from her roommates, and just because she too had eyes she knew he was a good looking guy, what with his tall brooding looks and expensive slick clothes. And she also knew he was intelligent, secretly she'd heard Hermione whine about it to her brother, 'how can Malfoy get good marks when he doesn't even listen in class? Probably cheats his way through or something'. So it remained they too disliked him, Harry and Ron only ever referred to him as ferret face or death eater in training. That was just another aspect that fascinated her, she knew from past experiences what Malfoy's were like, they were snobby gits who mingled in the dark arts, but sometimes she'd seen something else in Draco when he didn't think anyone else was watching. Malfoys were not meant to express emotion, but she had seen Draco Malfoy do so more than once.

The only person who knew about her aim to figure out Draco Malfoy was Luna Lovegood, a wacky Ravenclaw girl in her grade. She couldn't exactly say Luna was a close friend of hers, but they had been through some stuff together, and Luna was interesting to be around. Of course Ginny wasn't naïve or gullible enough to believe some of the rubbish Luna spurted out, but it was entertaining all the same. Besides, Luna, she found out, actually was full of good advice some of the time. Luna seemed compelled by her obsession with Malfoy, so it was because of that, that Ginny found a lot of her spare time being spent with the girl.

It was Ginny's sixth year at Hogwarts when this had begun, on the train to school on September the first. Ginny, once again, was left all by herself because Hermione was Head girl, and Ron and Harry had gone off by themselves. Ginny would usually hang out with Neville Longbottom, or maybe a few of the girls in her own grade but that morning was unseasonably hot and she felt like her own space. On her way to find her own carriage she had come across something that changed her for that year. Draco Malfoy, sitting in a carriage, all by himself. She hadn't made herself seen to him; she was content to peer through the glass window in the door. She had heard rumours after Voldemorts defeat that those two buffoons Malfoy hung out with were in St. Mungo's or something. But it was still surprising to her to see the boy who was pretty much controlling Slytherin alone, and further still, acting as if he didn't even care.

During that trip she had walked past his carriage more than necessary, just in case he had company. The whole trip he spent by himself. It was not exactly then she became interested in him, it was later in the night, at the feast where she became confused. As she watched him from across the hall he appeared to be exactly the same person he was the previous years. He was loud, insulting, arrogant, and commanded attention and fear from those around him.

Since that night she found herself following him, watching him, she even knew what classes he had when she had hers, just so she might be able to cross his paths in the hundreds of corridors. She didn't like him, not at all, if anything, watching him made her hate him more, but it also made her want to understand him, to figure him out.

The weeks past quickly, being in sixth year she had been given piles of work to do, not that it mattered to her, despite what others thought of her, she was actually a pretty smart girl. Spending numerous summer holidays with Hermione must have rubbed off on her when she was younger because she always got her work out of the way after dinner.

Sitting at breakfast on one late October morning she was playing with the bacon on her plate when she heard a commotion on the other side of the hall. What she saw made her almost laugh out loud. She knew that several Slytherin girls held more than obvious crushes on Draco, and from what she knew about Slytherin girls, they wouldn't stop until they got what they wanted. Pansy Parkinson, who Ginny knew as a rather crude, snobbish girl was draped all over Malfoy, so close to him that she was nearly on his lap. Smirking rather evilly Ginny couldn't help but laugh when she saw Pansy's long blonde hair fall into the sauce on Malfoy's plate, and just for a moment she saw Malfoy's eyes flicker with amusement when he saw this too. Ginny sat raptured by the scene, curious to what would happen. From what she could gather Draco Malfoy had split personalities. One Draco would have shoved Pansy off his lap and laughed at her foolishness. The other, would have welcomed the attention to show off to the school how much girls loved him. Slowly she saw him say something to Pansy whose face contorted in annoyance. She hopped off him and stalked out the hall much to the amusement of the other Slytherins. But then something happened that she didn't expect, Draco Malfoy looked up from his plate and straight at her.

A/N – Remember to review amigos!