Disclaimer: I do not own any characters or creations from Rurouni Kenshin. There's my disclaimer, so… have a nice day… or night.

The Black Sakura: Book II – A World of Sin – By Cherry Chibi


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Blood slithered like snakes over the muddy puddle covered grounds. Several blades marked the graves fallen. It would have been hard for anyone to imagine that this place had once been filled with luscious plants and abundant wildlife. Now, instead of its natural beauty it has been replaced with the beauty of death and destruction.

Tents of several camps were set up around the main infrastructure that stood tall, cold and strong. Within the building, soldiers followed the halls until they reached the 'throne room' where Shishio Makoto was seated and at his feet his woman waited patiently for any of his calls. "Bring the woman forth!" Makoto demanded.

There were some harsh words thrown as a weather withered woman dressed in rags was pushed in with two soldiers tightly twisting her arms behind her back. Her flesh was smeared with dirt and blood, hair messed up and knotted up with sweat and grime, wrists and ankles worn almost to the bone from the chains that had once been fastened skin tight but her eyes flared with life that surpassed any normal youth. She whimpered as the men behind her forced her onto her knees. Seeing the woman in such a state, Makoto smirked with delight.

"You were found by the slave traders were you not?" Makoto questioned with a nerve racking calm voice, "And now you're found by me."

"I would prefer to have died by the hands of them rather than to work for the likes of you Makoto!" The woman shouted with great defiance. As a result, one of the men beside her struck her cheek with the hilt of his sword. The impact forced the woman down on her hands and knees. Nevertheless, she held onto her forte.

A cruel laugh was let out, catching everyone's attention. All eyes turned onto a man who was leaning coolly against the back wall. His eyes narrow and slender, they reflected the fierceness of an untamed wolf. Slick black hair was pulled back with only a few strands hanging in front of his face. His body was thin but fit as well. "My dear… you still hold that same stubbornness." He said. With a graceful movement, he flicked his cigarette onto the floor and it rolled away.

The woman who was captive let out a meek smile. "I knew that you would come. My loyalty is only to you." She shot a glare of triumph towards Makoto who seemed to have lost his composure of holding onto his coolness for a split second. In a surprise, her body flared up and she fought the two guards off her. The room broke into violence and the woman searched for the man who had begun the disturbance. "Lord Saitoh!" She cried out. In an instant, strong arms wrapped themselves around her and picked her up bridal style. "I've waited for you for so long… you found me." Her eyes started filling with tears the moment she saw his smile.

"A Mibu Wolf can never be tamed, regardless of whether it is a female or male." Saitoh said, "A Mibu Wolf always takes care of another. We're going to meet the Black Sakura, Tokio. It is time that we offer our allegiance, she has proven her worth." He placed a tender kiss on Tokio's forehead, "You'll be safe with me for now."

As they made their escape, an explosion erupted inside the chamber. Several coloured flames climbed up the walls and men struggled bringing in buckets of water. It was later concluded that the explosion had started with a single cigarette.

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AN: Tada! Finally started Book II ne? Hope you liked the prologue. I'll put up Chapter 1 as soon as I can.