Typical AAML Story

By: Sensational Sista

"We are lost for the...... what time is it? Oh yeah! The 24th time today!" Yelled a mad Misty.

"It's not my fault!" called out an equally mad Ash.

"If it's not your fault then, whose is it? Pikachu's? Brock's?" Misty said.

"No!" yelled a frustrated Ash. "It's your fault for nagging me!"

Misty turned red with anger and another 'Ash n Misty' fight had begun. Pikachu and Brock stood aside as the two insulted each other. Brock turned to look at an annoyed pokemon.

"Why don't we set up camp here while those two 'settle' their disagreement," he said. Pikachu nodded and ran to get some rocks to form a camp-fire circle.

The black haired-boy and red-head were still fighting. Both seemed to be going no where.

Why does she always start these dumb fights? Ash thought to himself. Even though it is fun to watch her get angry.........I still don't like these fights. Why can't I tell her how I feel?

He always makes me get so angry! Misty thought. Why does he always do that? Does he hate me?I hope not!I love him too much for that! Oh no! More insults going his way......

"ASH! You are so dense sometimes! Wait, no... ALL of the time!"

"I'd rather be dense then be you!" Ash called back, but then realized that he had trapped himself.

"I knew it!" Misty cheered. "Even you know that you're dense!"

"That's not what I meant!" Ash yelled really getting mad.

"Well mister big mouthed, pokemon master wannabe, what did you mean?" asked the peeved girl.

He thought for a second and replied, "I meant that I'd rather be a dense me than a selfish little brat who'll never become a water pokemon master. At least I am a caring person who has friends every which way I turn. You, on the other hand, have to follow people to get friends!"

Ash saw Misty's face start to soften from anger to pain. He wanted to stop his comments, but for some reason, his mouth was not going to close.

"You have been bugging me since the start! Why don't you leave already, you.... You...." Ash had only one word come to his mind and he shouted it before he could stop....


Misty gasped. Only her sisters called her that. It was her worst fear (besides bugs) to be called a 'Runt'.

She turned her back to Ash and let tears roll out of her eyes. The tears slowly cascaded down her cheek and onto the soft grass. Ash, in the mean time, was mentally hitting himself.

ASH! What the hell is wrong with you? She's your best-friend and you just hurt her so much! What's wrong with you?!?! He kept thinking.

Ash wanted to take all of it back. He opened his mouth to get the words out but was cut off by Misty.

"So..." Misty said with a quivering voice. Her back was still turned to him, "...Do you really want me to (sniff) go?"

Ash was in shock. Was she really planning on leaving him? That was the last thing he wanted.

Ash had still said nothing. Misty turned to face him. He saw her tear stained cheeks and puffy red eyes.

"I'll take that (sniff) as your answer...." And with that, she turned and ran to the tree stump where she had her bag. She didn't even slow down to get it. In swift movement of her arm, she grabbed her belongings and high-tailed it out of the clearing.

Away from HIM.

Ash started to run after her, calling out her name. But Misty was too fast for him and wasn't even phased by Ash's words.

He slowed and looked out into the deep, thick forest. There was no trace of her anywhere, but he could still faintly hear footsteps. They were getting farther and farther away.....

....... And so was his true love.....