[Author's Humble Disclaimer: Hello all of you who have been waiting for an update on this story! I'm sorry that I've been quiet for so long after updating once out of the blue, married life and working two jobs is quite the killer! I did want to put a small disclaimer here though thanking those of you who have stayed loyal to this story even after all these years. I am going to slowly continue it, though I do ask if you notice inconsistencies to please let me know since the two influences of this story are somewhat distant from me now! Also, I wanted to point out as well that this is taking place during Harry's fifth year of his schooling at Hogwarts, but I won't be staying entirely closely to the events of Order of the Phoenix and onwards, since Yugi's presence there changes the balance of events; I felt this was an appropriate place to have them be because of Yugi's age and also the placement of events in the series. I'll likely keep some things the same but alter certain events and how things come about. I do hope that you'll all enjoy as I continue this story further! Also, if you have any ideas on something you'd like included in this crossover fanfic, please feel free to PM me! I'm always open to ideas and love to incorporate what people would like to see in my work (within reason of course!) Also screwed up this new chapter on me, but it should be all fixed now!]

It was pointless to say, Yugi did not sleep a wink during his first night there. His head was still spinning with the still chaotic fact that he'd gone from being a displaced foreign exchange student in an awful British home to a magical school for wizards in literally two days' time now at this point. Every time that he managed to so much as shut his eyes slightly, he felt the creeping sensation of a nightmare dwelling in the back of his mind, and found himself once more staring wide-eyed at the ceiling overhead. He could hear the faint sounds of Harry shuffling in his bed and murmuring about someone named "Cho" off and on, and the inconsistent pattern of Ron snoring nearby, as well as the sounds of the rest of the boys in their dormitory sometimes shuffling and snorting in their sleep. He supposed their presence should be comforting, but inwardly, he was feeling pained.

He missed his own friends back home, often thinking primarily of Joey, Tea, Tristan, and of course his grandfather, who had been so encouraging for him to go on this 'adventure' to begin with. If only his grandfather had known just how right he was…

And yet Yugi felt a twinge of anger; he'd decided to travel to the United Kingdom in the first place in order to distance himself from the craziness that he'd witnessed because of the presence of the Millennium items…and even thinking about the items themselves created a deep, seemingly endless void in his stomach.

If someone as evil as Lord Voldemort knew about these items, or discovered more about them…what kind of horrible potential could they have, if they fell into his hands…?

Even by the time morning came around, he still felt unbearably cold from head to toe, so much as touching on the prospects of that.

Harry and Ron woke up almost at the same instant, it seemed as though their circadian rhythms had someone aligned because of their close friendship. Harry cast Yugi a worried glance and leaned down slightly, looking at him.

"Are you all right…?"

"Yugi could only really nod his head yes unconvincingly, but Harry did not press him for further answers.

"If you say so…we have to get up and get ready for breakfast down in the Great Hall, they only serve it for a bit before our first class…"

Ron yawned and stretched a bit. "What's our first class again today…?"

"Herbology…" Harry replied, half-smiling at Ron's predictable groan. "Oh come on now, Professor Sprout is actually quite likeable compared to some of the others…"

"I know, but the way she just dives her hands right into any kind of murky soil and then expects us to do it too…gives me the willies…" he shuddered a bit.

Harry leaned in close and gave Yugi a wry, partial smirk. "He's really terrified of spiders…and we see a good share of them in that class…"

Yugi chuckled a bit, managing to get himself up and changed into the black robes that students wore with only his boxers underneath as Harry had informed him to do, though by the time he was done and gazing at himself in a mirror, he felt like he was wearing the most pathetic Halloween costume on earth, between the robes and the hat. Harry plucked the hat off his head with a grin. "You don't have to worry about the hat…most the professors don't give a flying fig if we wear them."

"I give my brothers credit for that…the kinds of stuff that Fred and George managed to hide in theirs is still the stuff of legends…" Ron added with an almost proud smile plastered on his face.

"And to think, they've probably gotten as good as they are by trying out all their mischief and pranks on you first and foremost…" Harry added, which earned him a brief look of disdain from his friend. "Come on you lot, let's get down there before the professors drag us off to our classes…"

The stress that Yugi had been feeling almost seemed to melt away the moment he did step forth into the Great Hall alongside several other members of the Gryffindor House, though he still could barely take in the entirety of the room around him and just how vast this place was. The 'ceiling' overhead showed the bleached morning sky, the pale sunlight shining like ribbons across a plethora of cirrus clouds, casting a faint yellow, blue and green tint over the room below in spite of the countless candles burning all over the place for additional light, hovering in midair over their heads without so much as a stray drop of wax anywhere.
Yugi followed Harry and Ron to their table, and they gave him a seat between them, almost as though taking a protective stance and daring someone to try something. Hermione was already there, eating her breakfast blankly with one of her textbooks already opened. Ron gave her a cool look of disapproval.

"One day in and already she's halfway done with one of those massive textbooks…"

"Try two and a half of them…" she replied, giving him a bit of a smile. "I started reading plenty of these over the summer…I want to get a head start on getting some points saved up for our House and also get ahead on preparing myself for the O.W.L. exams…" she added sharply.

"Probably not a bad idea since Draco and all his loyal followers will likely do everything in their power now to steal as many points as they can…" Harry replied; he could see the leering expressions of the Slytherin students out of the corner of his eye, though he vastly ignored them now. He had more important things on his mind, of course, than their abundant hatred of him.

Yugi noticed all the other students eating, and his eyes settled on the massive piles of food that had been prepared and materialized for them on the tables, a plethora of common breakfast items such as poached and scrambled eggs, bacon, and toast, as well as more native foods like sausages, different puddings, baked beans and gently cooked tomato slices. Right now, after everything that had happened, he felt so hungered that he almost immediately started layering his plate with food and dug right in without argument, watching in silent awe as the food would simply seem to regenerate whenever it was becoming low in supply, so that everyone could have as much as they wanted.

"Don't overstuff yourself, all the meals are pretty big here, so you'll get your fill," Harry said, taking a sip of the fresh milk with his meal. Yugi nodded, though he was almost immediately distracted by the sound of what sounded like hundreds of wings flapping. His jaw dropped as he looked up and could see the sound was coming from dozens upon dozens of owls that suddenly swooped into the room, darting gracefully down to the tables and dropping what looked like letters and parcels carefully in front of the students. Harry chuckled slightly at his confusion.

"This is all a lot to take in, isn't it? We actually send and receive all mail through the use of owls here, Yugi…each owl is designated to a student. Mine is named Hedwig…ah, there she is…" Seeing her descend from the thrall of them overhead, Harry held out his arm, and a beautiful yellow-eyed and speckled snowy owl perched on his arm. At first Yugi recoiled slightly from it, but after seeing her give Harry a couple playful nips, he relaxed a bit. She dropped a small letter into Harry's lap, before giving him a hasty half-nuzzle to the face before she suddenly took off once again up into the chaos overhead. Yugi picked a stray feather off of his plate as Harry looked at the letter, and then suddenly held it out to him.

"It's for you, looks like something that was addressed to you at my Uncle's and Aunt's home…" he said; the letter looked like the Dursleys had probably purposely tried to destroy it out of anger, given the tears and what he could only identify as odd burns on the paper, though the address was from his hometown, and the Dursleys' address had been stamped over with Hogwarts'.

Yugi shoved another big mouthful of food into his mouth before he carefully opened the battered letter, finding a scrawled note on the inside. Reading it both made his heart lightened and also ache a bit.

Hey there Yug!
Just been trying to get ahold of you! How's Britain treating you so far? Me and the others have been wondering how things have been going for you, haven't gotten a letter or a phone call yet. You so busy drinking tea and munching crumpets that you can't get ahold of us? Just kidding of course, we just wanna her how things are going!

Try to at least give us a ring soon, your grandpa's starting to worry a bit about ya!

~ Joey

"Who's it from…?" Harry asked through his half-filled mouth, which in turn got him a disciplinary half-glare from Hermione.

"Ah, it's from a friend back home, Joey…" he looked a bit confused. "He and my other friends and my grandfather are all wondering what's going on because I didn't get the chance to talk with them before…all of this happened…" he says, waving a hand for effect.

"Hmm…that is a problem, for obvious reasons you can't really…tell them about all of this…but, we can probably think of a convincing story for now and just try to find a way to keep in better contact with them."

"I think my friends are going to get suspicious if an owl is dropping off letters from me to them…"

"That's no problem, the owls can just leave letters in the regular post unseen," Ron chimed in, trying to calm his anxiety a bit.

"I guess we could say that the address change is because we're traveling or something…" Yugi sighed; he hated having to lie to his friends when, right about now, he could really use their support and opinions on what was going on. Joey would probably think all of this was amazing and unbelievable, though he could just imagine the snarky skepticism that Tristan would have. Tea, however, made his heart twist a bit; he was finding himself missing her more and more as time was passing, knowing that she was probably worried about him.

Harry sighed a bit. "Maybe once things get adjusted, we can talk to Dumbledore about informing those closest to you about what's going on…"

"No no, I understand…this place has to be kept a secret for obvious reasons…" Yugi nodded, though he appreciated the suggestion. He only hoped his friends would understand why he was being elusive for the time being and not assume the worst, though with how brash they could all be at times, he wasn't so sure.

Harry finished up his food and gave Yugi a reminding ruffle on the top of his head. "C'mon, let's head to class…we have to go outside to the greenhouses for Professor Sprout's class."

Yugi nodded and swiftly downed the rest of his food as Ron and Hermione alike both finished their breakfast quickly and packed up their things, and the four of them departed together, though Yugi realized quickly that his bladder felt like it was full to bursting after downing all that juice in the blink of an eye.

"Er, if you could just point out the bathrooms I'll catch up with you guys…"

Harry nodded and pointed just down an auxiliary corridor. "Right down there, third door on the right…just don't go one too far or you'll have Moaning Myrtle to deal with…" The other two tried to suppress some low chuckles between themselves.

"Moaning Myrtle…?" Yugi echoed him, looking confused.

"Nevermind for now, we have a lot…and I do mean a LOT…of things to teach you. Just don't go into that girls' bathroom if you can help it…the greenhouses are right down this hallway, all the way down to the end, there's one turn to the left and then you turn right and continue all the way down…you can't miss it. You can ask other students if you get lost too, just avoid the Slytherins. They're likely to point you off the edge of the cliff that Hogwarts is perched on."

Yugi nodded in response to all that, though he was wondering why any boy would think it proper to sneak into a girls' washroom unless they had some nefarious purposes in mind. He quickly left them as they continued on without him and went into the bathroom, planning to take care of his business quickly, relieving himself and then washing his hands dutifully before he took a moment to regather himself, looking into the mirror before him.

"You can do this…maybe all of this was dropped on your lap swiftly, but you can overcome it…" he said, trying to give himself an incredibly quick pep talk. He winced ever so slightly when Yami's face suddenly appeared, half-translucent over his own.

"Don't allow yourself to become too naïve to the danger here, Yugi…they may believe that the Dark One of their world cannot step foot in this place, but this building – and everyone inside of it – is as mortal and temporal as everything else in this world…magic or not…"

Yugi winced a bit at the melodrama of his warning. "I know that…I never thought this place was foolproof, just…maybe I can learn some things here about how to use the Millennium Puzzle better and the magic contained within it…"

"Perhaps, but I'll remain skeptical of just how much their brand of magic can tap into something as ancient as what I came to have…"

"Okay, the last thing I need right now is a lecture that's laced with your arrogance, Yami…" Yugi sighed.

"I'll be cautious, as you've instructed…but I want to make new friends here, and learn more about this world. Maybe it has a stronger connection to ours than you realize-"

"Are you really so lonely or so deluded as to think talking to a mirror is an acceptable form of companionship?"

The cold amusement of the voice to his left suddenly jolted Yugi, and he looked sharply to his side; the door to the boys' bathroom was open, and there stood that student that Harry had mentioned before – Draco, was it? – along with two massive boys at either of his sides who looked quite unfriendly. Their presence immediately made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end, and he felt like he was suddenly rooted to the floor. Draco's icy eyes seemed like they were piercing him right now.

"I think that we frighten him…maybe he's not so stupid after all…" Draco said, causing his two lackeys to grunt with humor. Yugi looked for any way to escape, but they were literally blocking the only one, and there wasn't a snowball's chance he could fight his way through the likes of even one of them, let alone all three. He could feel himself tensing and his blood running colder and colder as they approached him, however, their stance like three predators that had located a weak and pleading prey, backing him into the far corner of the lavatory. Draco's voice sounded almost soothing, but with a sharpness to it that reminded him of blade being drawn from its sheath.

"That aside…you left in a rather fevered hurry, and since you're technically partially a part of our House, the House of Slytherin, Yugi Moto…I think it's only fair that we give you a…proper introduction…"