Edit Note: I'd just like to say that this story has changed a lot from its original 2004 version. Laura's many mistakes have been corrected, and even some of mine! Wow. LOL. To those of you who may think this isn't very good now, you should read the first version…

Summary: The gang's in High School. Kagome and Sango are the most popular teens, while Inuyasha known for his deformity and Miroku his sad songs and beautiful art work. How will Miroku convince Sango to like him, and Inuyasha with Kagome? InuKag MirSan SessKagu

Author's Notes: Hey! Another one here for you all! We wrote this in under a day. Yep, another AU for you. ::Sweat drop::.

Disclaimer: None of us own Inuyasha! Belongs to Takahashi-sama and Viz corp.!

Key:Not much here.

Laura played:



Liz (Me) played:





Twists of Fate

"Come on. Kagome! Do you want to be late?" called Sango.

"Oh, Sango, chill, we won't be," Kagome said as she ran up to Sango, books in the crook of her arm.

"Come on! Cheerleading practice? We can't be late."

"I know, I know, Sango!" Kagome waved to some friends as they were walking, well, jogging, down the hall to the field.

Sango and Kagome barely made it on time.

"Alright girls start stretching!" called the coach.

Kagome grinned. This was one of her favorite times of the day.

Sango was stretched and began on the drills, cartwheels, round offs, hand springs, and toe touches.

Kagome waved at Kouga, who was currently standing up from tackling someone to the ground. Kouga was on the football team and was Kagome's current boyfriend.

"I am so sick of this!" said Sango.

"What is wrong, Sango?" Kagome asked, stretching her back. "Sick of what?"

"The guys! It is not like we are meat we are women, we have personalities!"

"Jeez, Sango, that's what's got your panties in a twist? Just ignore them, and, if you have to, look at them like they're a hot fudge sundae."

"Those two, right," said Sango jerking her head toward Inuyasha and Miroku.

Kagome snorted. "Forget them. Who wants to look at a freak anyway?"

Miroku was plucking at his guitar, singing some song.

"Hey, Miroku, I got it!" said Inuyasha.

Miroku looked up. "Got what?"

"The newest Sailor Moon manga!"

"Really? ... You didn't steal it, did you?"

"No, I won them, or bought them with cash I won; two of them, one for each of us!"

"Really? That's awesome, man." Miroku set his guitar down and held out his hand for one.

"I don't care what you say but Mars is so much hotter than Venus! God I love Rei!"

Miroku rolled his eyes. "Don't you ever read them for the plots?"

"Plot? You said you read it to look at Venus, that and the other reason you own every Sailor V comic ever made!"

Miroku rolled his eyes and sighed. "I can't believe I know you."

"Please, why act all high and mighty now? You own every Sailor V manga--and not for the plot!"

"Yes, actually, I do. I think at least one of use should have an IQ higher than 100, yeah?"

"Please. Look at Mars, dude, a Shinto priestess, the power of fire, Sailor Venus is cute with her red bow, but she can be a total air head! She is totally into frilly stuff with her room and stuffed animals, though the power of light and love is okay, I guess. But she doesn't have a boyfriend, at least Rei does. She is desirable--unlike your Minako!"

Miroku was rubbing his temples. "Look, Inuyasha, I'll admit I don't mind, at all, looking at the women, but it's also nice to actually pay attention to what's going on. Plus, I already have trouble getting the girl I have a crush on to notice me, and that's using up most of my time, so I can't spend my only free time drooling over Sailor Venus's breasts and short skirts."

"I like Mars mainly because she has a personality like mine though her looks are a definite plus; she even looks cute in her school uniform," Inuyasha said simply. "But she kicked ass in issue five!"

Miroku nodded absently. "You need to get yourself a girl, man," Miroku said, standing up and grabbing his guitar case and back pack.

"I can't!" said Inuyasha

"Says who?"

"You may be my best--if not only friend, but you can't understand."

"Look. You're handsome, charming, at least a little bit smart, you have a nice personality, once you get past all the cheating the jocks out of their money and such."

"I am not the problem."

Miroku shrugged as he started down the bleachers. "I'm sure some girl would like to brush your hair," he called over his shoulder.

"Yeah, but not the ones I know."

Miroku shrugged and started on again, heading to his old car, keys in hand.

"Just because I love her and she has a boyfriend." He watched Kagome for a moment, then followed Miroku. "I can't have her."

"Good, they left!" said Sango. "Those two creep me out; sometimes they never talk to anyone!"

Miroku open the back door and set his stuff in, then hopped in the driver's seat. "You want a ride?"

Kagome laughed. "I know! They're such freaks! No friends!"

"Huh?" Inuyasha face looked hurt. "Sure, thanks."

"No problem." Miroku started the car. "Don't worry; I'm sure you'll find a way to get her. You're a persistent guy."

"I can't even talk to her; gods know I'd go for a popular girl."

"Hey, Inuyasha, we all want what we can't have. Just look at me. I want a popular girl who probably doesn't even know my name."

"Everyone knows who you are. You are the tortured musician."

"Oh, gee, I feel so loved now," Miroku sad sarcastically.

From far out on the field, shouts were to be heard. "Come on, Kagome, you can jump higher than that! Kouga's watching!"

Kagome tried her hardest; this was the best practice yet!

But it didn't last much longer.

"Well, I guess I'll be alone for the rest of the day, you'll be with Kouga, right?" Sango asked, panting slightly.

Kagome shook her head and sighed. "He's going out with the guys again, we haven't had any alone time in weeks!"

"Well, want to go to the Bubble Tea with me?" She put on long green skirt and a free flowing pink top in the dressing room.

"Sure! Sounds great!"

"Okay!" They went there and looked for any signs of the unpopular people.

Kagome instinctively found a table away from any freaks, geeks, outcasts, and others.

"Hey, look at him." She pointed to a rather handsome man with long, flowing silver hair.

Kagome tried to suppress her blush and buried her face in a manga.

"What do you think of him for me?"

"Oh, please, Sango, get practical!"

"What? Do I not look good enough?"

"No, do you know who that is? I'll give you a hint. He's in college, has a brother, and has already proposed to someone. Duh! That's why it's impractical. Plus, he's loaded," Kagome added in an after though.

"I'll never have a boyfriend." She began to play with her straw wrapper and it snaked across the table.

"You just need to look for reasonable men."

"He is so cute... Okay well there is nothing wrong with saying 'hi' right Kagome?"

Kagome sighed. "No, I guess not..."

Sango got out of their booth and walked over.

"Hi," she said slowly approaching him.

He pulled down his headphones. "Yo. You need something?"

"It is just I've been watching you and you remind me of someone who goes to school with me."

"What school are you in?" he asked, pulling off his headphones completely.

"Brookdale Prep School."

Sesshomaru snorted. "Well, one would assume I look like him. But, besides my resemblance to this boy, is there anything else you want?"

"Well it's just you look a lot nicer than um ... Inuyasha, and I wonder if you might like to do something sometime?" Sango began to blush.

He pressed his lips together to suppress a bark of laughter. "Are you trying to ask me out on a date?"


"I'm very sorry but, one, I don't even know your name, two, I'm already taken."

"Well, my name is Sango, and I am sorry for bothering you." She went back to the table she was sharing with Kagome—her face was completely red.

Sesshomaru shook his head. Why did he always get girls after him? Maybe he should ask Kagura for a promise ring to wear on his left ring finger so everyone would know...

"So?" asked Kagome.

"So, I am really jealous of you!"

"Why? Because I have a boyfriend that's too busy to spend time with me?"

"Please, every guy in school has a major crush on you! Hojo, probably even people like Inuyasha and Miroku! Then the first real cute guy I see is taken. I have made a total fool of myself." She let her head hit the table with a loud BAM!

"Cool it! I'm sure you didn't make a total fool of yourself!"

She looked up "I get a real cute guy who has to ask if I am asking him out and then get turned down! Yeah, sure, that's not a fool." Her head hit the table again.

"Please stop that, I think your brain cells would thank you if you did."

"I will when I stop feeling like a total idiot." She didn't look up this time.

"It can't be that bad," came a voice.

She looked up, "I beg your pardon?"

He continued, "I think you'll have a lot worse problems in your life than Sesshomaru turning you down."

"Thanks, I think."

He snorted as he set his pen down and turned around to face her. "Like how you might bomb Monday's Algebra test."

"I ace all my classes."

"Not if you spend you nights looking at not-so-eligible bachelors," Miroku replied.

She got out the hardest math midterm anyone ever had and threw it to him. Not one problem was marked wrong!

"So?" he pulled out the same one and showed it to her, not one problem wrong. Then he got another, fairly easy one, and showed it to her. There was a big C+ marked on it.

"The easy ones are the ones most people fail."

She brought out the 5 tests, they each had an A+; each one not one problem wrong.

"See, you've gotten so cocky, you think you'll do perfect. Now what happens when you don't?"

"I have already done all of the problems, plus I have even tutored people for this test!"

Miroku made a clicking noise with his tongue. "Cocky, cocky, cocky. Remember, there is always a first time for everything. And anything that can happen... will happen. You think you'd know that law, miss smarty."

"Why am I defending myself to you? Sorry Kagome, I have to go home to my books—they don't insult me!" She paid and left. She was the best student, she was always nearly first or tied for it when scores were posted!

Miroku rolled his eyes and went back to writing a song. Kagome huffed and followed her, making sure to bump into Miroku on the way out.

Sango was furious. How could insult her! Just because she was popular was she considered a ditz?

Once both girls had gone, Miroku hit his head on the table a few times. "Idiot!" he hissed to himself.

"Hey Kagome, I'm sorry I made a scene," said Sango.

Kagome shook her head. "It's okay."

"Gee, I made a fool of my self twice in less than ten minutes!"

"No one will remember by tomorrow. Well, except you, unless you chill out and forget about it as well."

"I'll never forget the cute guy!" she laughed. "Sesshomaru."

"You know he's Inuyasha's older brother."

"Yeah I told him he looked like someone from our school. But he is so cute I hate it!"

"COOL OFF!" Kagome screeched. "He's out of any of our grasps and you ranting on about him ISN'T helping."

"Well maybe someday I will find someone else cute. God, though! That Miroku guy what a ja-ku(1)!"

Kagome rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

"He is one of the people that watches us during practice!"

"Actually, he doesn't. He sits there playing that damn guitar or writes things down. His eyes rarely leave the pages or strings."

"Why on our practice field. Oh, right. Of course! He's like every other guy—he is probably writing a love balled about you!"

"Sango, he doesn't even know me. If he does look at anyone, I know it's not me because I've SEEN his sketch book!"

"Kagome how can you not realize it, ever guy as school likes you!"

"Except Miroku, and maybe that dog-boy."

"Please! Inuyasha loves you!"

"No, he loves his manga."

"And you look just like Sailor Mars!"

"Who CARES! Can we PLEASE get off the subject of rejects?"

"No, I am still mad!"

"Then go away! I can't afford to get mad right now!"

"You weren't insulted by Miroku either!"

"No, but YOU didn't just see your boyfriend drive by with a blonde busty woman sitting next to him!"

"What if it was a cousin or something?"

Kagome pursed her lips. "Because she was giggling like a school girl and hanging off his arm!" Kagome said, choking back an even louder scream.

"Look the reason I wouldn't see that is because I can't even get a nice guy to say 'hi' to me!"

"Which is very lucky for you because having you boyfriend cheat on you is much, much WORSE!" she howled.

"Then let's go find him—I could use him to get my aggression out!"

"Forget it," she mumbled. "Let him date that damn model wannabe."

"You look better than any model." Sango smiled. "Sorry, it's just he makes me so mad. I didn't mean to start an argument."

"Sango, if I looked better than a model then why would he be going out with one?" she said calmly. "But thanks for trying to cheer me up," she said with a smile.

"Because he is loser."

"What-ever," she said in a sing-song voice.

"So you need my help on that algebra test?" All of a sudden a thought struck her and she fell into laughter.

"Nani(2)? What's so funny?"

"Just thinking if Miroku failed the test and I got assigned to tutor him!"

"Sango, not only is Miroku really talented with music and art, but he's really good at math."

"Yeah, but I still score higher then him!"

"But he's really, REALLY good. Don't tell me you fell for his trick...?"

"It's not that it would happen, just teach him a lesson! I am not cocky!"

"You fell for his trick," she said nodding. "Didn't you realize whose name was on that C+ paper? It was not Miroku's paper. I happen to know he's gotten nothing but A+s on all his papers."

"Still...anyway I wish I could teach him a lesson. Ja-ku! I better get back home. See you tomorrow. Good luck on that test!"

"You too, not that you need it!" she called back.

The next day Sango knew the test even better than she thought!

Miroku lazily answered all the questions right. Sure, he sucked at all his other classes, but Algebra was easy. You were either right, or you weren't. Most of the time.

The scores were posted. Sango was placed in first with a perfect score, plus the extra credit.

Miroku rested his head on his desk, not even bothering to check his grade.

"Congrats," she said, and passed him by.

"You too," he said calmly.

"You didn't even look at scores."

"I assumed by how you were going on and on about passing, you did pass."

"I wasn't talking about me I was talking about you." She left him alone again because it was time for practice.

"And I was talking about you. I was congratulating you," he muttered.

She was out of ear shot.

At practice she even did a few advanced moves like flips.

She could show off but she usually didn't.

Miroku was sitting a bit away, drawing something in his sketch book.

"Why sit here everyday?" Inuyasha asked.

"I dunno," he replied coolly, not looking up from his ink pen as it created expert marks on the page.

"No, why?"

"Because." Miroku was having none of this.

"Because you want to drool over Sango?"

"Not drool, draw."

"You drool; she is as cute as Sailor Venus if she had such dark hair!"

"I'm not drooling, back off."

"Why draw her if you don't like her?"

"Who said I don't like her? Just because I don't drool over her."

"No, sorry, is loving gaze better?"

"Sure, anything but drool."

"But that outfit isn't bad on her."

"No outfit is bad on her."

"I think she looks pretty."

"Really? I think she looks beautiful."

"But especially in that outfit!"

"I realize this, Inuyasha. You can stop pointing it out and let me draw her. Go look at your own girl."

"Considering her boyfriend isn't here." Inuyasha scanned around.

"All the more reason."

"Maybe I will ask Sango out, though..."

Miroku calmly set his pen down.

Inuyasha smiled. His plan was set into motion.

Miroku clenched his teeth. "You'd be wise not to tell me any more."

"Oh, she'll say yes and I will kiss her passionately."

Miroku slowly stood up, slid he books and pens into his bag, and walked off.

Inuyasha called after him, "If you don't that is."

"She hates me more than she hates you," he mumbled.

Inuyasha shook his head. He was trying to get Miroku to ask her out!

Well, it wasn't going to happen—well, at least not anytime soon. Miroku first had to finish his drawing.

After practice Sango couldn't stop smiling. She hadn't felt this good in a while! She couldn't understand, somehow the better she felt the more she showed off!

Miroku, who had gone to another table to draw her, stood up and cautiously walked over to her, sketch book in hand.

She was smiling and talking with Kagome.

He stood a little behind her. "Uh... I'd like to apologize for my rude behavior, Sango-san."

"Oh, it's okay Miroku, no need to."

"No, I'd really like to." He held out his sketch book for her. "I know you might not want tons of pictures of yourself, but I want to you have the option ...to see my work."

"M-M-Miroku-sama..." she was breath taken.

"Just Miroku."

"Not with drawing like this."

"Please, you were my model, so you call me Miroku."

Sango went all red.

"A-and I was wondering ... would you like to get a cup of tea or something? I could maybe sketch some more..."


"It's alright if you don't want to!" he said quickly.

"I'm ... I'm honored."


She nodded, her face all pink!

"Uh... Saturday at eight?"

"How about right now?"

"Even better," he said with a smile.

She went off with him to the Bubble Tea shop.


(1): Ja-ku: Jerk. Laura refused to side with me and use ENGLISH. So now not only do I have to read over and fix all the mistakes she made checking for mistakes, I have to give you the English translation!

(2): Nani: What? -Okay, so this was ME using Japanese, but oh well. ::sweatdrop::