Authoress' note- Yes this is another fic… that is actually based on Kurama… IDK I thought I would do something different… but you gotta tell me how I'm doing!! OH and I DO NOT OWN YYH!!! Alright now you can't sue!!! PLEASE REVIEW!!

-Chapter 1-

The thudding of footsteps, shook the sidewalk as Kurama or rather Suichi made his way down the path towards his school.

'Traffic… homework… humans... it's been a few weeks since I've been back and yet nothing has changed… how monotonous' Suichi's thoughts droned as he passed through the front door to his high school.

Being 17 hadn't changed anything… school was still school… just another boring excuse to pass the time since he knew he didn't already know everything they were going to teach him. It had been several weeks since he had returned to the human world

Just finishing an extra difficult case and not getting any sleep from the night before put the red head in a sour mood.

'Why must everyone crowd all the time… sometimes I wonder why I DO tolerate these humans…' Kurama thought inwardly as a memory of his mother came into focus, calming and reassuring the fox's nerves… she was the reason he endured his less than motivating human life.

Kurama took his seat in second to last row… 1st period English was NOT looking too appealing right now and the fact that the herd of fan-girls were closing in was making the fox that much more irritated.

"Oh hehe Hi Suichi I was wondering when you were going to get back!" an attractive blonde asked fluttering her eyes with adulation.

Any other day would have been fine… he could deal with these girls any other day… but today was just becoming more rickety by the second.

"Hello Olivia nice to see you," Kurama said flashing a warm smile to the girl; her knees began to become mush.

"Did you have fun on your trip Suichi?" she asked only getting a reassuring nod as the bell rang.

The girls shuffled to their seats in fits of laughter and gossip.

"He actually TALKED to you!"

"That is so….. Vintage"

"He TOTALLY wants to get with you"

Like bold print, these comments kept pounding through his head as the class settled down for their lesson and Kurama's time for re-counting his prior trip to Makai.


"SO we have this ningen what are we suppose to do with her?" Hiei asked carrying the raven haired girl down the path to the temple.

"Well… Koenma said one of us should watch her for a while till her story checks out and you DID save her so, I vote Hiei care-taker" Yusuke said getting a second from Kuwabara.

"I did not sign up for baby-sitting detective" Hiei growled as the girl stirred in his arms.

"I don't know you seem to be carrying her pretty close" Yusuke said smirking as he nudged the fire demon making Hiei growl.

"I must agree Hiei, I think you might just like this girl" Kurama mused as the he humored over his friend's reaction.

'I do NOT like this onna… though she does smell nice'

-End of Flashback-

and that was it… all his friends were experiencing love… except him that is.

Kurama growled at himself for being jealous it was completely out of his character… but to be the odd one out was just not settling with him well.

Yusuke with Keiko, Kuwabara with Yukina much to Hiei's displeasure, and Hiei with their new group member Aneko… it was as if he was lost and alone in the world once again… like his mother was dying… but this time there was no mirror to save his crashing emotions… just… nothing.

"Suichi….earth to Suichi?" A honey colored girl waved her hand in from of the teen's dazed eyes, snapping him out of his daze.

"Oh… sorry" Kurama mumbled as he turned his attention to the now hovering girls.

"You're our partner!" she screamed happily as she giggled with their other two group members.

'What!?!... great…'

"Alright, sounds fine" Suichi smiled as he was thrown into the awkward groove of fan-girl world.


'clomp clomp clomp'

Kurama muffled random comments to himself as he walked home… not far behind stalked his loyal fan-girls.

"Having fun with your self-pity fox?" Hiei asked from a tree not far behind Kurama, jumping down he only received a soft smile from the former thief.

"What are you talking about Hiei, I'm fine?" Kurama asked reassuringly, Hiei smirked and crossed his arms.

"Please you've been bitchy for the last week… Hn" Hiei mumbled as Kurama moved his gaze from Hiei to the road ahead of him, that was a good enough answer for the fire demon… silence always meant yes.

"So… how are you and Aneko?" Kurama asked getting a less- than – satisfied expression from Hiei.

"Hn that onna drives me nuts, why would I know how she was?" he asked annoyed from the question.

"Because you smell like her that's why" Kurama muttered making Hiei stop in mid step and sniff himself.

"I… do… not smell like that disgusting creature" Hiei growled, as he stifled a blush from his cheeks.

"Whatever you say Hiei" Kurama said humorously as he laughed at his friend's reaction, suddenly Kurama found something slamming him into the floor… once he looked up he saw a black blur taking off from the bank not too far ahead.

Hiei groaned.

"Stupid Onna can't keep herself out of trouble… Hn, get over yourself fox" Hiei stated before zooming of after the escaping blur.

Kurama stood up, brushed himself off and pushed on… as he did every time.


"Blah blah blah blah" is all Kurama could contemplate as he sat with his 'English project group'… when the door slammed open… the room grew silent… the teacher's mouth cemented to his jaw she approached.

"Who the hell is that and what the fuck is she wearing… that's totally fucking goody that wench" the girl sitting next to Kurama mumbled as the girl shut the door behind her a little two harshly, she approached the teacher handing him a green slip.

"Ah… well its nice to have someone new in this school for once please come with me and I'll give you you're books" the teacher said kindly only getting silence from the girl in front of him.

She wasn't tall… nor was she short… just an average wanna be 5'5 size 5 outcast.

Her backpack was more than ratty… her shoes were holey and by her side hung a grungy looking guitar case with duck tape repairs.

"Uh… I'm sorry you can't carry that around with you on school property… didn't they give you a locker assignment?" the girl just stared at him blankly with her mauve eyes and shook her wavy lilac tresses in a reassuring no.

"Ok… well OH! Let me introduce you to the class…" the teacher's pathetic attempt at socializing the misfit was hopeless.

"Everyone this is Teri…." the room was silent…

She turned to face the class, her hair brushed her shoulders and was pinned half way up, keeping her lilac waves out of her face… this plus here eyes were the two features that were going to keep her from even getting one foot into the social circle… not that she wanted to be.

Her finger nails were black; her eyes were outlined in black eye liner and mascara… a silver choker was tied around her neck… her ears were pierced from top to bottom but it just made her look more homely. Her outfit consisted of dark raggedly ripped jeans, plain black holey tennis shoes and a gray top.

"Well then… please just take a seat Teri…" the teacher mumbled as the girls stifled a laugh once the girl sat down in the back.

'Great… another follower I'm sure… just what I need' Kurama thought

But she just passed him and sat down in the darkness of the back of the class… away from the spotlight.

The bell rung.

Teri stood from her seat and collected her shabby looking Guitar case, but was stopped by a wall of fan-girls.

"One rule wench… stay out of our way" growled what seemed to be the blonde leader, Teri just passed them without a word… the silent intruder was gone.