A Classic Tale:

Every story starts with something small. Like the loose pebbles that slip and then grow to become an avalanche. This story is kind of like that. It did start with something small. It started with a baby. The baby grew up into a child, who grew up into a man. That's when it begins to get interesting.

Angelus had been a vampire for over a century when he found him. The boy William. You see Angelus wasn't like other vampires. Instead of just killing to feed, he'd kill for fun. Hours of torture were at his hands and he'd inflict the pain on those stupid enough to cross his path. Or those unlucky enough to catch his eye.

Years of feeding with his Sire Darla had grown boring. They'd fight, fuck, feed and then go off in separate directions before meeting up again. Their unlives were one big game. Angelus and Darla were in London when our story begins.

They were happy again. Both together and spending every night with each other in every way possible. No one could have broken them apart. The game was getting tougher to continue without fights thought. Two in the game was keeping it slow. So another was needed.

This is where William enters.

One night. No different from the others. Slightly cooler if you must know, but the stars were still in the sky and London still stank of sewers. A perfect evening for an obsession to begin.

Walking at a regular pace the vampires were searching for victims. Any old fool that could satisfy their thirst for tonight. Walking becomes boring after a while. The same steps at the same pace. One foot in front of the other and a shift of bodyweight. Nothing enjoyable about it. Until you bump into someone else.

Darla laughed and watched as the man pulled himself back to his feet, mumbling something about them watching where they were going. She quickly turned back the way they were going and began walking again. Angelus just watched. He ignored his Sire's calls and followed the man.

"Angelus?" Darla turned back and followed her childe. No use trying to stop him. "Angelus darling what are you..." she stopped talking as she saw the man from before. Angelus had climbed onto a roof and was watching him as he cried. "Oh." She smiled and placed a hand on her boy's shoulder. "Do you like him?"

The tears fell down his face and dripped steadily onto the hay bales below him. Who could have caused this much pain on such an angel? He was beautiful. Amazing. Angelus wanted him. "Oh yes." He whispered and reached his hand back to feel Darla place her own in it and rub her thumb over his knuckles.

"What are you thinking right now my darling boy?" she purred into his ear and let her free hand play in his hair. All thoughts of being equal were dashed from her mind as she took on her role as Sire. She had to teach her boy the next step. How to take what you want.

Angelus didn't remove his eyes from the sight below him. A small weak human had caught his eye so easily and refused to let his gaze wander. "I want him. I want him Sire. Please?" Angelus was pleading. Pleading to be able to keep the small weak creature that was sobbing beneath them.

Darla smiled and watched as the weak human below them shuddered with his hitching breaths. It would be a great way to teach the boy new rules. "Of course my love. He is yours to do what you will." She looked on as her childe jumped down the opposite end of the barn and approached the snivelling man.

Darla merely watched.

"And I wonder, how is it that a creature of such beauty can be reduced to tears?" Angelus whispered as he neared the boy from behind. The man stood up quickly and some of his dirty blond hair fell in his eyes. Angelus fought the need to stroke the hair from his eyes.

"I...I...I'm fine. Really. No need to stay here." The boy whispered and unconsciously wrapped his arms around himself. Angelus smiled and watched as the boy tried to keep his voice calm. He truly was a wonderful sight. "You...what do you mean beauty?" His voice shook in anticipation and it scented the air perfectly.

"I meant what I said." Angelus hissed and let the unanswered question hang in the air. There was no way he was going to give a straight answer. "A creature of such perfection should not be left alone to drown in his own misery." The boy blinked and looked down upon himself as if to inspect whether the man was joking or not. Truly, Angelus was telling the honest truth.

"Per...perfection?" The man was shaking thoroughly now and Angelus was wondering whether it was because of the chill, or because of him. Either way it just made the boy more intriguing.

"Aye. Perfection." Angelus took a step closer and was thrilled when the man didn't make an attempt to run. "Your truly are something." He whispered and listened as the boy's breathing intensified. "Something beautiful. Something rare. Something effulgent."

The boy nearly fell at Angelus' words, yet the vampire had no idea why. Gathering his legs beneath him and checking that he was stable before talking, the man replied slowly. "I'm...I'm effulgent?"

"Of course." Angelus took another step before reaching out and gently caressing the boy's face. He didn't so much as flinch. This was perfect. "How could you ever be anything less?"

The boy blushed and looked at his feet. "I'm beneath her." Angelus followed his boy's gaze and saw the scraps of paper littered across the floor. On each was a few lines of elegant writing. Her. Was this the same her that had made this boy cry? She deserved a visit,

"Who lad? Who could have made such an elegant young one feel so down?" The dark vampire hissed into his boy's ear. He wanted her to pay. She needed to be punished. Now!

"Cecily. Cecily Addams." The boy whispered and watched as the older man waved his hand in front of his face. "She...she said I was beneath her." He was mesmerised with the entire being of this man. Every movement was perfect and he'd called him effulgent. He...he liked him. No one had ever liked him before. Ever.

"Well you're not. You're beneath no one." Angelus ran his hand over the chiselled cheekbone again and smiled down at the young man. "I'll make sure she understands. Now tell me my boy. Who shall I say the message is from?"

The boy shuddered and watched as the older man raised a hand to brush it down his face. The touch was gentle and tender. "William." He sighed and waited for the hand to stroke again.

"William it is my perfect wonder." Angelus let his fingertips linger over the soft skin beneath his touch. This boy, this William would be his soon. If not now, then soon. His forever. Until the end of time.


"She's dead William. She was killed last night. Someone stabbed her in the neck."


"William?" Angelus tapped his shoulder and the young man span round to come face to ace with him. The boy was shaking and his face was streaked with tear marks down his cheeks. "William? You're shaking." Angelus brought a hand to gently cup the fair skin of the boy's cheek, but he pulled away violently.

"You...Cecily...you k...k...killed her..." the whisper was spoken with fear, tears and a sense of knowing. However, instead of gloating, as he usually would have, Angelus merely pulled off his overcoat and wrapped it round the boy's shoulders.

"Now calm down William." He rubbed his hands up and down the boy's shoulders as a way to help warm him up. "You're making no sense. I taught her a lesson. She needed to learn." When William tried to struggle from his grasp Angelus simply wrapped his arms around the boy's shoulders and backed him into a wall. "I can't have anyone being rude to my boy."

"I...I...I'm not your..." The finger on his lips silenced William before he could continue.

"It's not my fault dear, sweet, young William. If she hadn't said those things to you then I wouldn't have had to hurt her would I?" Angelus purred and lowered his lips to brush against the blond's ear. "William, don't you see?" the lips swept closer and barely touched his cheek, ghosting slowly across his lips. "It's your fault she's dead."


"Hush William." Two fingers this time, both placed gently as if they were the touch of a lover. "You're a killer."


"He was found with a railway spike shoved through his skull."


"William?" Angelus took a mental note that the boy was wearing the overcoat he'd left him with last night. He smiled and stood closer to the boy, overjoyed when William made no sign to move away.

"You killed them...didn't you? Peter, and Cecily." Angelus smiled and pulled the boy closer by the tops of his arms. William was a clever lad, no doubt about it. Soon he'd have it all worked out.

"Yes we did." Angelus smirked and lowered his head to the side of William's neck, taking in the purely male scents that hovered around the boy. "We killed them both." The music surrounding them at the party seemed to create a barrier between them and everyone else. No one noticed the two men.

Angelus watched as tears fell silently down the boy's face. William was shaking again despite being indoors and surrounded by at least a hundred warm human bodies. "P...please..." he whispered and pushed back from the vampire. "Stay away from me whoever you are. I wont tell the police, just stop it."

"But I had to." The vampire hissed and brushed away a stray strand of hair from his boy's face. "They hurt you and no one hurts my things." William shook his head and sobbed quietly in Angelus' arms. "We can't let them think they're above you my effulgent beauty."

"I'm not...please sir...I'm not..." William whined and sobbed ruthlessly into the older man's jacket. Angelus hushed him and pulled the borrowed overcoat tighter around his boy. "Please...leave me alone..."

"I can't my dear sweet Will. And I can't help it." Angelus pressed his face closer to the boy's and smelt the tears on his face. "It doesn't matter if you tell the police, they'll only think it's you. William, you're a killer."


"His spine was snapped clean in two."


William looked up at the sound of footsteps outside his room. Slowly the door opened and he stepped in. The dark figure walked slowly with a certain rhythm and crouched in front of the crying man.

"William my boy...why are you like this?" Angelus whispered and let his hand wander up and down the boy's face. William sighed and didn't pull back at all. "You know I had to."

William shuddered and lent into the touch. He craved this man as much as he loathed him. The brutal killings of his old school bullies and past loves turned hates were all because of this man...and himself. He was a killer. He didn't even know his name.

"I know...He hurt me at school..." The blond whispered and inched nearer to the larger man. For some reason he felt safe when the brunette was near. He felt secure and wanted. Someone wanted him. For the first time in his life he was wanted. And he liked it.

"That's right." Angelus whispered and calmly brushed the hair on the back of William's neck. "And what is the one thing no one's allowed to do?"

"Hurt what's yours."

Angelus smirked and lifted the boy into his arms. Thankfully William didn't even move in protest. He just let the older man take him out of the door and down the street. The strangers that dared to look in disgust as Angelus carried his boy bare foot down the street to his knew home were all found dead the next morning.


"Are you mine William?" Angelus asked. The boy was lying on his bed and watching the worthless human chained opposite him. The overly large man was shaking and smelled of urine. Disgusting.

"Yes sir. All yours. Always. Forever. I'm a killer." William laughed and pulled a pillow form the head of the bed to lean on. He was lying on his stomach and resting slightly whilst watching the vampire play with his next victim.

"So am i." Angelus replied and flicked open a small dagger. William smiled and clapped his hands slightly. Watching as the fat man trembled when the blade was drawn closer.

"Did the stars make you a killer?" The boy questioned innocently. That was the perfect scent on William. Innocence. Completely young, untouched, unspoiled. Perfectly innocent.

"No my boy. That was Darla." The vampire explained and changed his features to that of his demon. William laughed when the smell of urine increased again. Not that the boy could smell it with his human senses, but he could see the puddle on the floor spreading.

"What did she make you into?" He whispered and pulled at a loose string on the pillow he was on top of. Angelus sliced into the warm flesh of the man's cheek as he spoke his next words.

"A vampire."

William giggled, as the man Angelus was torturing let out a scream. Lifting himself easily off the bed, William made his way over to the vampire and stood in between the two, leaning back on Angelus. "Will my face change too?" He whispered and let Angelus ghost his fangs across his neck.

"Later tonight. But first...I think we should let you show him," he nodded towards the large man, "how much of a killer my boy is." Angelus handed William the knife and pushed him forward slightly to encourage him.

"Hello." William said quietly and watched as the man's blood dribbled down his chin.

"William? Please let me go. Who is this man?" the gentleman blabbered on. Angelus smirked from behind William and wrapped an arm around the boy's waist, pulling him closer to grind against him. William closed his eyes and lent his head back in pleasure.

"I'm your son's Daddy."

Angelus smirked and watched as William laughed whilst plunging the dagger in and out of his father's chest and head repeatedly. The man died on the first hit, but the next few stab wounds caused William to get coated in his blood. "There's a good boy." He smiled when William dropped the knife and rushed into his arms, laughing at the fun of it all.

Angelus grabbed his boy and spun him round before lying back on the bed, licking the man's blood off of his neck and cleaning him slowly. "You're mine William." He whispered and sucked gently on the human's neck. William whimpered in pleasure and arched back.

"Sir...make me yours. Please?" He begged and let Angelus do as he wished. This vampire was his destiny. His past, present and future. Without him, there would be no William.

"Yes..." Angelus hissed and turned the boy to face him. He was now sitting on his bed with God's most beautiful creation between his legs and ready to die. Yet the boy had no idea who he was. To him, he was just Sir or Daddy. "Make you mine. Forever."

William groaned in pleasure as the fangs sank into his neck and the vampire slowly took his life from him. Angelus purred and let his boy fasten his lips onto his bleeding wrist as the boy's real father watched on with a blank glaze.

He'd never told William his true name. Never even so much as whispered it. But it was his last word as a human, and his first word as a vampire. It was that night that Angelus became aware of the power William had inside.



Theme: randomness.

Ideas: in middle of chemistry.

Sense: none.

Plot: in the making

Reviews: Please?