Chibi-Kari: I know it's been forever and this is the worst ending possible. This

isn't even the direction I was originally going with, but I lost all inspiration and

needed to finish this.

Max: She doesn't own and will NOT be accepting flames for this ending.

Chibi-Kari: That's right. Because I've already flamed myself. I really, if I was you

readers, wouldn't read this at all and just make up your own ending. I had no

time nor energy, nor patience to finish this. I'm sorry this was the best I could do.

Max: On with the crap…

Bonds of Friendship and Love

Chapter 10- The Crappiest Chapter I've Ever Written…a.k.a. Loyalty

"I've got the info." Hiro said as he entered the room. "His name is Mr. Sanyiko. He's

the foreign diplomat to Russia at the moment. It seems that just two years ago he was

transferred from Japan to Russia. His wife had filed for divorce just months before he

left taking his son with him. Riley and Hilary are twins, if we hadn't figured that one out

already." Hiro said glancing at his wide-eyed brother. He sighed and glanced back to

the sheet of paper. "And that's really it. He's very influential in local businesses. His

latest endeavor was a place called 'The Abbey,' where his son attended school, and a

business called Biovault. He took over the company when its owner went to jail. That's

all I could dig up on their father."

"That's all I needed." Tala said slyly.

"Don't do anything foolish. This man is dangerous." Hiro answered narrowing his eyes

at the redhead and the young man standing beside him.

"Why?" Kai asked cautiously.

"This isn't a man you want to deal with. He's pending a second divorce now for 'violent

outbursts.' This isn't the kind of man I would have left my son with. Riley has to have

problems." Hiro said shaking his head.

Hilary looked down at her hands, her brother couldn't be serious. He did this to get

away from their father. He did all of this because of the phone call her mother got

earlier. Her father was dead, and Riley had killed him. Now he had to cover him up and

Boris would help them.

Hilary couldn't back out now. She had to help her brother. She hated that man. Her

father had hurt them all, so badly and now…now he still had Riley from beyond the


Tears came to her eyes, "He'll never leave us in peace will he."

Riley pulled his head out of his hands quickly and kneeled in front of his crying sister,

"He can't hurt us anymore. He'll never bother us again. It's over, Hil. It's finally over."

He said taking her into his arms.

She pushed him away harshly and stood up, "It'll never be over! He'll always be a

haunting us. He was evil, Riley. And now every time I look at you I see him. He

tainted you! You were always kind…always perfect. And he-he did this. He ruined

your life and mine!"

"Oh, Hil. Things will get better. After this. I'll change. I'll figure something out. I just

can't go to jail. I can't have you ashamed of me again."

She gasped, "I was never ashamed of you, ever! I never will be no matter what." She

pulled him into a hug and they cried together. Cried over all the innocence they had


The tournament came quickly. Both teams looking at each other cautiously.

The Jaz Man started his into, "Are we reading to get things started?"

Riley stood up and walked slowly to the center of the stage, "No. I have something to

say. The Blood Reds will be forfeiting all matches. We had the championship over to

Tyson and Kai. Thank you for your time." He walked back to a shocked team.

"Riley-what will happen to you…to us." Jazmyn asked.

"I'll turn myself in and I'll get you guys some type of protection." Riley said as he saw

the purple haired man make a run for the stage.

Out of nowhere policemen ran towards him. They pushed the puple haired man to the

floor, "Boris, you are under arrest for the death of Ryn Sanyiko."

"I didn't do it, the boy did. Riley!" Boris yelled out pointing and struggling with the men.

"We have proof that will hold up in court. You will also be charged for neglect and

blackmailing of minors. You'll be put away and for a long time."

Tala and Kai walked up to the group of kids. Tala spoke first, "Riley, thank you for doing

this. Thank you for going along with everything."

"Thanks for getting me out of trouble."

"Nothing would have held up against you anyway. It was self-defense." Tala answered.

"What?" Hilary asked. Her eyes traveling to each member of the group.

"They helped me. Helped us. They came up with this plan and came to me with it. It

was the safest idea." Riley said looking over at his sister, smiling warmly.

"But-how come you didn't tell me?" She asked slowly.

"We knew you wouldn't listen or go for it. You're more stubborn than Tyson." Kai finally

spoke. "Too loyal."

"I hear ya, Kai. Way too loyal for her own good. We should do something about

that…what I don't know…"

"We could…umm…I don't know!" Jazmyn rang out. As they all laughed.

Riley leaned close to his sister, "Kai's a good man. But I'll be watching him."

Hilary looked up and smiled as everyone joined her. She could never break a single of

her bonds. They ran through her blood.

The End

Chibi-Kari: Yes, I will be handing out crackers with this ball of cheese. I know it

sucked but I needed to end it. It's kinda like the Harry Potter movies…good until

the cheesy ending.

Max: Don't flame her…she just ran out of inspiration for this fic.