The Little Boy and the Grandfather

One night, the little boy was looking through the bookshelves in the loft for something to read and came across a very interesting book indeed. It was a photo album and had many pictures in it. Curious about the pictures, the little boy walked over to the detective to ask about them.

"Whatcha got there, Chief?" Jim asked seeing him approach.
Blair crawled up on his lap, pulling the book up with him.
"Who's in these pictures?" he asked opening it up.

The detective sighed, knowing that many questions were forthcoming. But, unable to resist the puppy-dog look the little boy was giving him, he answered pointing the people out, "that's me, my brother and my father"
The little boy wrinkled his brow in puzzlement. "Did they die?" he asked softly.
Jim blinked, startled, "What?"
"Your brother and your father--did they die?" Blair looked up at him worrily.
Jim sighed, "No, they're still alive."
Now the little boy was really puzzled. The detective had never mentioned a brother or a father before and there were no pictures of them displayed in the house. Just then, the doorbell rang signeling the arrival of dinner and the conversation was forgotten...well, for the moment at least...

One week Later

The little boy sat on the couch drinking a juicebox and watching tv quietly. The reason that he was watching it quietly, was that it was nap time. Of course, the only one taking a nap at the moment was his babysitter. The little boy glanced over at the doorway to his room where his babysitter was inside sleeping. He had laid down in bed while she read him a story. He had decided to close his eyes for a little bit, and when he opened them, he found his babysitter fast asleep. So, he had tucked a blanket around her and had headed off to the living room.

Then, the phone rang. The little boy quickly answered it--as he didn't want to disturb his babysitter. "Hello?"
"I'm sorry, I must have the wrong number..." the voice on the other end said.
"Who were you trying to call?"
"James Ellison--I was sure this was the number"
"That's the same name as Jim!" Blair said happlily.
"You know my son?" he asked shocked.
The little boy was quite shocked himself. Was this really the detective's dad? he wondered. Was he the man in the pictures that he had looked at?
Finally the little boy answered, "Uh huh, Jim took me in--he's my foster dad."
"What!" the voice gasped.
"Are you really his dad?"
"How come you don't visit him very often?" the little boy was curious about this because he had been with the detective for what seemed like a very long time now and he had never visited or called during that time.
"Well...I...You see we...we drifted apart a bit and..."
"Well, there were circumstances and...we decided it was probably best..."
"Is Jim there?"
"Nope, he's at work."
"You're there alone!"
"Of course not silly--I'm with a babysitter."
"Why didn't she answer the phone?"
"She's sleeeeeeeping."
"She doesn't sound like a very good babysitter."
"I like her alot!" the little boy was quick to defend, "...I think I wore her out a little, though" he confessed.
"I see."
"Are you gonna come visit?"
"You know, I think I just might..."
"Can I call you grandpa?"

When the detective arrived home that night, he found a very sleepy little boy and very well rested babysitter. After the babysitter left, the detective tucked the little boy into bed.
"Guess what?" the little boy asked excitedly--though very sleeply.
The detective knew that there was no way to guess what the little boy would say when he said 'guess what' and so he asked for the little boy to tell him instead.
The little boy yawned and said, "Grandpa called--he's coming to visit tomorrow," then promptly fell asleep.
Jim stared at the now sleeping boy in shock. Had his father really called?

The next day, there came a knock on the door.
Jim was still mildy shocked to see that was indeed his father on the other side of the door.
"Hello, dad."
"Hello, son," his father said.
Both were shocked when the bit of awkward silence that followed was interputed by Blair who launched himself at the older man with an enthusiastic, "Hi, grandpa!"
After gathering Blair up into his arms, William Ellison turned to his son and said, "It seems we have alot of catching up to do."

And that was how the little boy came to meet his grandfather.