Layers of Deception, Chapter 27, End Game

Layers of Deception

Disclaimer: All characters belong to Bioware and LucasArts, I didn't create the Star Wars universe, it's just where I daydream.

This is my take/twist on the background or between the lines story from a great game.

Chapter 27
End Game

Carth strapped into the pilot's seat then carefully maneuvered the Hawk away from the bluff without dumping any part of it on the tent city that had grown up around the enclave. He shot skyward and found the spot beyond Dantooine's second moon that he'd used for his jump calculations. Trin gasped, "Carth look at this, three, no four republic ships just jumped into the system."

Carth peered at the screen and said grimly, "That's the Rallmar, Handor Grunth's ship."

"Who is Handor Grunth?"

"A minor personality with delusions of grandeur. He's also a crony of Dester Rendfar's." Carth punched the jump button and the Hawk disappeared into hyperspace. "I didn't have anything to say to him, did you?"

Trin shook her head, "What about Juhani and Bastila?"

"They'll be fine." Carth patted Trin's shoulder reassuringly, "The council will protect them from the Republic."

Trin nodded.

"Now, Jolee and Dustil are waiting for us."

Trin followed Carth out of the cockpit.

"Dustil should have told Jolee by now."

"So, you convinced him to train with Jolee."

"No, not really. He asked me what I thought, I told him that I trust Jolee. He made his own decision."

Carth strode into the main area and inserted his datapad's connector to the holoprojector. Trin perched on the edge of a seat.

Jolee frowned at her. "Ready?"

She nodded.

The first figure appeared on the screen, it was a young good-looking man with blond hair and an engaging grin. "Darid Lenstar, my brother, he died on the Reliance."

Carth read from the file. "Darid Ponnact, a Jedi from Deralia. He suffered irreparable brain damage in the Mandalorian attack on Deralia. He followed the Revan to battle the Mandalorians, married a fellow Jedi three months later. He defied the Revan's order to abandon Deralia, he and his wife and one republic ship tried to defend Deralia, they failed. A child was born to his wife after the attack on Deralia. His aunt is Senator Leena Ponnact a galactic representative for Deralia's sister planet Amurath where so many of the Deralian refugees settled. Her nephew's sacrifice reflected well on the family, they're a powerful and popular." Carth pressed a button, a tall willowy blond woman appeared.

"Celeste Honari, my brother's girlfriend and the linguist that helped me get into the fleet. She died in the attack on the Endeavor."

"Celeste Ponnact nee Honari, a Jedi, birth world unknown. She followed the Revan, married Darid and tried to help defend Deralia. She is now a part of the Ponnact clan and an aide to the Amurath Senator." A boy of about six years of age appeared next.

"I don't recognize him."

"This is Honari Ponnact, son of Celeste and Darid." An angry looking older man appeared.

"That's Dr. Intravious! He managed my treatment for most of my childhood."

"This is Wratt Renfar, Dester Renfar's father. He died under mysterious circumstances about…"

"Statement: He died five years, six months, ten days, fifteen hours and twenty-two minutes ago."

"You killed him," Trin stated flatly, "Did I send you?"

"Answer: Yes, Master. His illicit security forces were overpaid, they presented no challenge."

"Why did I sent you?"

"Explanation: You had discovered that Senator Wratt Renfar was supplying arms to both the Mandalorians and the Republic. My mission was to retrieve all Mandalorian contact data and eliminate the Senator. I was then to follow the trail of conspirators and eliminate them all."

"Renfar, again!" Carth growled, "So the question I want answered is who's left living and was his son involved?"

"Statement: I was most efficient. I killed the Senator, his aide, the messenger, all the warehouse staff, the transport pilots and the warriors of clan Tueno that accepted the shipments. Unfortunately, I found no evidence that the target's family was involved. My circuits were scrambled by repeated ion explosions during the last battle and I dropped into naïve mode."

"Naïve mode?"

"Explanation: In naïve mode, all knowledge of my owner, you Master, is recorded in backup memory hidden deep in my brain core. The physical connection to that memory is then severed. When returned to your presence a recognition subroutine hidden among my visual and auditory drivers triggers and the connection is reestablished."

"Thank you HK."

Dustil looked up from a side-by-side display he was reviewing. "There are other correspondences here. It isn't just people that are common to both your real and fictional past."

Carth walked around the table to view the file. "Look at that, good job Dustil. The major events listed in the Revan's republic file correspond to events in your falsified Trin republic file. At two the Revan was left outside the temple on Coruscant and Trin became a ward of the Deralian government. At four the Revan becomes part of the Wolf clan under Master Zhar's tutelage, Trin is put under Dr. Intravious' care. When the Revan was seventeen her Master, a Jedi Knight called Enmir, was found murdered in his room at the enclave on Dantooine. When Trin was seventeen her family were all killed and she joined the fleet. There are about twenty-five time matches here."

Trin sat slumped over the table with her forehead resting on her hands. "Why? Why are all these things in my head? This can't be what the master's intended. Master Vandar told me that they let the memories grow on their own."

Jolee harrumphed, "This is a battlefield."

Trin asked. "Between Travious and Josna? No that makes no sense, who?"

"You, my dear. Between Darth Travious and you. You have a stubborn streak a parsec wide. I suspect he had more trouble than he could manage during the brief periods he'd have had access."

"Okay," Carth said, "I'll bite, why did he bother, what was he trying to put in Trin's head?"

"The seeds of her destruction. He was trying to implant the leverage he would need to turn her to the darkside, just as he had when you were a student. I suspect the trap in your head was a last desperate attempt to regain control of you."

"A battleground, I'm a battleground. That is somehow, appropriate."

Carth strode over to her side, "You are Trin. Remember what the Masters told you this morning."

"I am the person she should have been, perhaps would have been if Master Zhar had not been there to influence her. I know, I know. How is it that she was so shortsighted, so…"

"The Revan was never really a child." Dustil said with unexpected insight, he looked at his father and smiled gently. "She never really became an adult." Dustil walked around the table and kneeled near Trin. "You had a chance to pass through the parts of childhood the Revan missed. The accelerated childhood you experienced while the council held you in a healing trance gave you a chance to grow up. You gained independence and perspective." Dustil stood and looked at Jolee. "That's what is missing for many of the Sith. That's what the Sith try to prevent their students for experiencing. The Sith are dependent on a warped self-image pressed on them by their teachers, their ability to empathize and put their life's events in perspective is purposefully stunted."

"Excellent, Dustil." Jolee grinned, "You don't have anywhere near as far to travel as I suspected. I may even have time to teach you to play the Aeolian harp."

Dustil frowned at Jolee as the old man cackled.

Juhani shook Bastila gently awake. "Bastila," she whispered, "Someone is cutting through the back wall."

Bastila rolled of her bed to crouch next to Juhani. "Can we get out the front?"

"I am unsure, I woke only a moment before you."

"There was a republic captain here earlier demanding to serve us a warrant. The medic sent him away."

"We must not kill any of these people, if they are republic soldiers it will only fuel the fire before us."

"Let me check on numbers and try to deter them." Bastila slipped into a trance and used her Battle Meditation to influence those around her. Juhani was a tightly coiled bundle of suppressed blue energy with striations of green determination. Further, outside the tent, there were six people two stationed in front of the tent and four at the back. Their aura's were predominantly green determination tinged with red fear. Bastila pushed the red making it bleed into the green, then she darkened it to a crimson panic. The two weaker conspirators quietly moved away from the tent, leaving the others to fend for themselves. Bastila allowed the crimson to fade to red then the red to recede as they left the area. She shook of the trance. "The front is clear now."

Juhani nodded curtly and moved soundlessly towards the front of the tent. Outside they found their medic, unconscious laying in the freshly turned earth in front of the tent. Juhani lifted the man over her shoulder and Bastila scouted ahead. They carefully made their way to the Masters tents.

A tall gaunt man strode back and forth across a lushly appointed office, his mobile face was set in a sneer of disapproval as he spoke to Captain Grunth's holographic image. "So, you moved against the Jedi, against my wishes. Attempted to capture the wrong woman and failed!"

"It's not a complete loss, Senator Renfar. We do know she was here."

"Not a total loss! You idiot, we already knew she was there. You were supposed to deliver the warrant then wait for either her or the council's response. Now they are on their guard and suspicious. Any chance we might have had to take them by surprise is gone." The senator kneaded his aching temples.

"What would you have me do now, sir?"

"I would like to boot you through an airlock, Grunth. But I'll settle for you actually completing the task you were assigned."

"Yes, sir."

"If you see the Revan herself or one of her traveling companions, you do remember who they were don't you?"

"Yes, sir."

"Fine, remember to mention that every non-jedi member of the republic listed on the warrant must turn themselves over to your custody and appear before the senate. Complain about them having sent so many ships when they are needed elsewhere to anyone who will listen. We must make them run, killing them will not help right now."

"I got it sir."

"No more improvisation, Captain."

Dester cut the transmission then turned to stare out at Coruscant's busy fly lanes. Where are you? Why haven't you contacted me, Master?

Bastila finished reading the datapad and handed it back to the captain. "My companion and I are both Jedis, Captain. Your warrant does not apply to either of us."

"Of course not Ma'am, no more than it applies to your Twi'lek traveling companion, Mission Vao."

Juhani interrupted, "Excuse me, Mission is not a Jedi."

"No ma'am but it was my understanding that she was from Taris and therefore not a republic citizen."

"That is correct. Are you saying the republic only seeks to prosecute those members of our weary band that belong to the republic." Juhani glanced at Bastila as she spoke, Bastila merely shrugged in return.

"I have been asked to deliver warrant to the republic members of your group, they are warrants for them to appear before the senate. Although I imagine you are correct, there are many in the senate who wish to see the Revan prosecuted."

"The warrant orders then to appear before the senate or face censure. The datapad mentions the possibility of a bounty being placed on the head of any who do not appear at the scheduled time."

The captain smiled weakly.

"There is also no mention of the date and time we are to appear."

The senate wanted to give the fleet a chance to find and contact each of you first."

"Well, I can't tell you where Trin and the others have gone."

"Very well." The captain bowed then turned to leave over his shoulder he said, "If you happen to see Captain Onasi, could you tell him a certain ex-military Senator of our acquaintance is out for him, again. Tell him—tell him to live well, where he is now."

"I am not privy to their current wear-a-bouts nor their destination. Good day, Captain."

"Good day, ma'am."

Bastila looked up at Juhani as they walked away from the republic officer. "Juhani, I'm sure that was the captain that spoke to our medic last night."

"It is not clear to me where he stands. He has orders to follow, he certainly seemed to be eager to find Trin. Suddenly, he became very helpful."

"I need to make a coded call to Ordo, preferably before our friends arrive."

"I do not like to trust him in this matter." Juhani bared her teeth in a grimace of distaste.

"When it comes to Trin's safety, he can be trusted."

Trin sat next to Carth in the copilot's seat with Liera on her lap. Ordo looked exactly as Canderous had described it. A swath of greenery spanned the equator of the otherwise barren planet like a broad green scarf. Trin flipped a switch to open a channel."This is the Ebon Hawk requesting permission to enter Ordo's planetary space."

"Ebon Hawk, landing coordinates are being transmitted on a separate channel." Carth nodded to confirm this statement as he turned the ship to the appropriate approach vector. "We are told you have Lord Ordo's sanction. Transport will be provided to take you to the stronghold when you land. I have been asked to advise you to leave the assassin droid on your ship."

"Understood. Hawk out." Trin closed the channel.

"He worked fast," said Carth with a shake of his head.

"I expect he'll have quite a tale to tell."

"I can't help but wish that someone would take him down a peg or two."

"It's not going to be you or I flyboy not after he's offered us the perfect haven."

The landing field was an armed camp—figures in Mandalorian armor swaggered among the roughly dressed mechanics and burly technicians. A hover truck with rough seating bolted into the shaded back stopped at the foot of the Ebon Hawk's ramp. Trin lifted Liera onto the truck then she, Carth, Mission, Zaalbar, Dustil, Jolee and Josna followed. "Strap in," the gruff driver advised them then she turned to face front and drove sedately into the dense jungle.

Carth found the lush air thick, heavy and tiring. Between the top edge of the truck box and the canvas roof was a mesmerizing parade of tree trunks swayed as they moved slowly along a meandering route. This was designed to thwart a landing army. Carth gazed back as they turned yet another corner. Traps in the jungle, I'll bet they have hidden caches of weapons and supplies as well. The truck accelerated through an empty plascrete killing ground and stopped at the stronghold's door.

They piled out of the truck and entered the ancient stronghold to be welcomed at Canderous, Lord of Ordo's hearth.

The tall blond woman strode impatiently into Senator Renfar's office. "What's going on Dester?"

"Celeste, how pleasant to see you, my dear. You're looking lovely as always."

"Dester," she said warningly, "I have no patience for your mummery today."

"Mummery," he said mischievously, "Is that what you think it is, I'll remind you that I didn't want to cool our short but intense—partnership to that of businessmen." His voice turned husky, "Why every time I see you I am reminded of how you looked with your hair spread about you in my…"

"Dester, stop. Our assignations were a mistake that will not be repeated, now quit trying to distract me. I am here about her, not us, as you know."

"Very well, my dear. Captain Grunth is on Dantooine doing his best to track her down. He has however, not been all that successful. I suspect her allies in the Jedi Order have already warned her of the warrant."

"Damn his incompetence and yours for sending him."

"I have more disturbing news."

"What now?"

"We may have the wrong Revan."

"I don't believe it."

"By all accounts this Trin the Revan is a much younger woman, shorter, has darker hair and a beautiful unscarred face."

Celeste sneered, "Surgery, illusion and misdirection. You never understood her power, Dester. She will charm, even you, if you spend too much time with her."

"There's more. Soldiers that knew her, that served under her, were at the awards ceremony. They swear she is not the same woman."

"Why? Why would they do such a thing?" Celeste turned to watch Dester as he strolled aimlessly around his office.

"These were men and women that sought her out at the banquet, that thought to take revenge themselves and instead were left confused. Where the Revan was a grim mysterious figure, Trin is open and genuine. The Revan was often said to exude an aura of discontent malice and power. Trin, apparently seems bland and kind. Many of them claim Trin may be a relative, perhaps a sister or cousin. They suspect the Jedi Order is using her as bait to draw out the remains of the Sith and as such approve."

"A decoy?" Celeste chewed her lower lip. "I have to see her, I have to meet this woman myself then I will know."

"Be patient, my dear. Let us try to draw her out into the open." Dester stepped close to Celeste. "I promise," he said huskily as he put an arm around her waist, "If she will not come to us then together we will hunt her down."

"Dester, we shouldn't…" Again Celeste felt the old weakness, Dester reminded her of the Revan in many ways. I promised myself that this time would be different, that this time…I shouldn't have come in person but I know why I did. "Dester, I don't want…"

He silenced her with a savage kiss. Then as he led her through to his private lounge he whispered, "You are a Jedi, I am a mere mortal. Feel free to run any time you like, Celeste."

Celeste allowed him to lead her away. If only I could regain the passionless Jedi state, I knew as a child. This too is her fault.

He marched into the room like a barbarian emperor, an entourage of household guards and servants followed in his wake. His rugged warrior's face wore the same sardonic smirk she's observed the first time they'd met on Taris. Trin strode forward to meet him and they clasped arms in the traditional fashion.

He greeted her formally, "/Welcome, outsider Student-Daughter/" Canderous declared loudly.

"/I have need of a place to tell my tale, Father-Mentor./"

"/My hearth is open to you./"

Trin let go of his arm and bowed slightly as was appropriate for an honored guest greeting a Mandalorian Lord in his stronghold.

"I see you've lost a few companions and gained new ones."

"Lord Canderous, you'll no doubt remember my Yadur, Carth, this is his Tonat son, Dustil. Zaalbar, Mission Vao and Jedi Jolee Bindo are known to you as is my Tonat daughter, Liera. This is Josna, Liera's Jedi Master."

"My house aid, Hanra will guide you to your rooms," announced Canderous, in an undertone he added, "Trin, I need to speak to you alone for a moment."

Trin stepped over to Carth's side. "Can you handle the retreat to the suite, Canderous has news."

Carth cocked an eyebrow, "Retreat to the suite, that's really bad. Be careful and keep me in the loop, gorgeous."

Trin smiled her thanks and followed Canderous to his private office.

He closed the doors on prying eyes and ears then threw his voluminous cloak over a small bench. "Ruddy thing," he muttered with distaste.

Trin flopped gracelessly into an oversized chair, "Why do you wear it?"

He shook his head, "My wife insists."

"Your what!"

"Oh yeah, congratulate me, I got married yesterday."

"/May you breed many fine warriors./ This seems—sudden."

"It was necessary and we won't be breeding any warriors. I married Justid's mother. Justid is now my Honat daughter and heir."

"/She brings honor to your line./ Well, sounds like you've been busy. You've been here for what, a week and a half."

"Something like that." He sat down behind the desk. "You have been up to your usual tricks I hear."

"What have I done?"

"Just by standing still you cause a storm. Bastila contacted me last night while you were en route."

Trin sat up. "Bastila?"

"Juhani was hovering disapprovingly in the background, so I don't think it was some mad scheme of Bastila's."

"I'm not worried about that anymore. Bastila and I had it out."

"I wish I'd been around to see that fight. Apparently a republic captain arrived on Dantooine with some kind of warrant that applies to all non-Jedi Republic citizens in your group."

"Non-Jedi Republic citizens?"

"Yes, he seemed quite determined that you and Carth would be warned. Bastila claims the same man tried to attack she and Juhani in their sleep the night before."

"Was the man's name Grunth?"

Canderous nodded. "I planned to offer you the protection of my clan. I would still be honored to claim you as my Tonata daughter."

"/You honor me beyond the value of my ancestors./ But I won't run. However, Bastila's warning gives me an idea. She and Juhani would be ideal representatives to arrange for me to appear before the senate. I need to discuss this with Carth."

Canderous nodded, "I'll leave word with Justid, that you can use the coded channels to contact Bastila. She'll have to be privy to the transmission. Trust is only extended so far in a Mandalorian stronghold."

"Thank you, Canderous."

He strode back around the desk to grab up his hated cloak and threw it back over his shoulders. "You are my comrade in arms, my student and my friend, no thanks are needed."As he opened the door he bellowed, "Hanra."

"Yes, milord."

"Lead Jedi Trin to her companions."

"I will see you at dinner, Trin."

Canderous strode down the hallway to the family wing, he had promised to have lunch with his new wife. The new Lord Ordo wished he could have found some other way to make Justid his heir. Ariad was a fine Mandalorian matriarch, had been an invaluable aide since his arrival and she had provided him with a remarkable heir. Unfortunately, marriage, at least his own, was a rather foreign concept, the proposal and subsequent wedding had been rather surreal. While her insistence last night that they must have a real marriage had been a pleasant surprise he still found the whole notion of having a wife rather unsettling.

The family dining hall was set for a working meal. Ariad was at the table reading over a datapad.

"My lord."

"My lady."

"It will take us a while to get used to the notion, Canderous."

He nodded. "What's all this." He pointed to the data pads on the table.

She put the data pad aside and shook her head, "First, we need to have a frank discussion, my husband."

Canderous leaned against the wall with his arms crossed. "Oh."

"I am not just my daughter's mother."

"Meaning you did not marry me just to assure your daughter would lead this clan."

"No, I didn't. Your predecessor, whose name has been buried, would that he'd died choking on his vomit, made a mess of our clan. He taught cunning without honor and conniving statecraft. Sadly, these traits are not unique to the past leadership of our clan. Many of those that slinked home from the Republic war were not worthy of the titles they claimed. They trapped, hunted or poisoned their opponents and formed pacts with like minded cowards. We need a strong leader, I think you can be that leader."

"What do you propose?"

"Exactly what I proposed last night a real marriage, in every sense. I vow to uphold your teachings and honor here on Ordo, you need to finish setting this place in order then take up Mandalore's mantle."

Canderous sat down at the table and looked into her eyes. "Ariad, why are you doing this, why me?"

"Who else would be better, husband? You are a warrior of renown and honor."

"Why not take up the reigns of power yourself?"

She shook her head sadly, "I have spent too many years guarding the crèche and not enough in battle."

"Why not some other man then?"

"I remember when we left, Canderous, I remember the man that went to win the Republic wars. I was very young, fifteen and you were in your mid thirties. It was my first battle. You were everything a good Mandalorian should be and more. My father pointed you out. He said, 'That man knows what honor is, he could be Mandalore some day. Watch him, follow him, my child, and his star will ascend.' He was right."

"I—I," Canderous shook his head and focused on the wall above her head, he did not know what to say.

"When you came back with Justid, she complained to me." Ariad smiled fondly. "She said you were unlike the warrior Canderous in the stories. She expected something quite different. Through her eyes I saw something else, I saw that you had matured into the leader my father foresaw." She put her hand out on the table face up, "Our people need you Canderous. If we can learn to trust each other we can set our people back on the path to greatness."

Canderous looked into Ariad's eyes for several quiet moments. He placed his hand over hers and smiled, "You are a lovely hurricane."

Ariad smiled back in complete understanding then with a quick kiss on his weathered cheek pulled back into her seat. "Now, about your guests. I must admit to some curiosity, is she really the Revan?"

"She really was the Revan and she still shakes the galaxy with each small step she takes." Canderous shook his head. "She won't be staying with us very long, I can tell. But she may well leave the younglings with us. She and her Yadur have a battle ahead of them, they'll want to know their children are somewhere safe during the struggle."

Ariad nodded, "Would it be appropriate to move the little girl into the crèche?"

Canderous pressed his lips together, "Yes, we should find a nurse's room for the Jedi Master Josna. Let's put Dustil into the men's lodge and Mission into the women's lodge. Jolee can remain in the guest quarters, if he stays."

"Farsighted," Ariad nodded briskly, "The smarter clansfolk can learn a great deal from these people."

Trin watched the Jedi courier land with some trepidation. It was the little ship's third trip from Coruscant to Ordo to fulfill the senate's requests. This time they were coming to obtain a DNA sample from Trin. Negotiations were taking far longer than any of them had anticipated, not that the last year on Ordo had been unpleasant. Ariad had pushed them all into service within the safety of the clan homeworld.

Trin and Carth had been teaching tandem fighting styles to the young, untested warriors. Their reputations had preceded them but the Mandalorian size prejudices had many of them regarding the pair skeptically. Justid had arranged to watch the first day of training. The youngsters had thought the heir was there to protect the honored guests, but they soon learned differently.

Ariad convinced Trin to put Liera in the crèche like the other little ones but with Josna nearby to keep the little girl's mental forays in check. Trin soon fell into the pattern of the other young mothers: morning drop off, after dinner retrievals. It was pleasant to be one of a group, to belong.

Mission had been pressed into joining the young women of the clan in training. Her slight stature and headtails had caused many of her classmates to underestimate her, too. The other girls soon learned that the little blue Twi-lek could draw a blaster and hit the training targets on their chests faster than they could blink. After a few sessions in the mazes they learned to respect her speed and coolness under fire. Mission told her tales and the hearth as often as the rest of them now.

Jolee had adopted an austere house in the borderland, Dustil spent most of his time there, training. He visited them at the stronghold regularly, this particular visit had clearly been with a purpose in mind. A purpose that had clearly galvanized Carth.

Zaalbar had just returned from a trip to Kashyyyk to visit his family. Trin had finally convinced him that she was safe as long as she stayed on Ordo and that she would not under any circumstances leave Ordo without him.

Canderous, that is, Mandalore, would be back this afternoon. Trin suspected that her friends new and old had conspired to make this the perfect night.

Trin watched the transport trunk slide towards the ship's hatch and wondered what her Jedi companions would think of her quickly approaching nuptials.

Carth and Trin stood side-by-side before the hearth. Most of the stronghold and all of their traveling companions had come to witness their vows. They'd chosen a Telosian style ceremony without an officiate. They turned to face each other and spoke in unison, "The armid vine is a delicate plant, in the spring it becomes a cloud of small pink blooms, about half these blooms shrivel and die in the rain, but the others grow larger, their color deepens and their scent fills the air. It is these later mature blooms that carry on the plant's life-cycle. We have both known love and loss, through many trials we have come to this place in our lives." They lifted the crowns of armid vines Dustil had picked for them and put them on each other's heads. "We vow before this assemblage to face each challenge together, to support each other in times of trial, to share our joys and our burdens as long as we both live."

"As long as you both live," echoed the witnesses.

They spent the next hour shaking hands and thanking each person who witnessed the ceremony and signed their marriage pad. After all the guests had filed out Trin turned to Carth with a smile. "What now husband?"

"I think we should share a few of those joys we mentioned earlier."

Morning brought a return to reality. Juhani and Bastila sat close by each other in the conference room Ariad and Mandalore had set aside for them. The last three months that Bastila had spent in training with Josna had been difficult for the duo. Juhani had been on Coruscant and due to security concerns the two had not been able to speak privately the entire time. Bastila had calmed over the months after Travious' defeat but in the three months she'd spent on Ordo she'd become centered.

Dustil, Jolee, Mission, Zaalbar and Josna filed in after Carth and Trin sat down. Juhani stood, "The senate requests a blood and tissue sample from Trin Yerda Lenstar the Revan to be compared with the Revan's Republic records."

Carth grinned, "Sorry, no such creature here. Now if they're looking for Trin Onasi."

Trin swatted him. "Funny flyboy."

Juhani continued, "Presuming there's a match they wish to have you before the senate on the day after the next session begins."

Trin frowned, "When exactly is that, Juhani."

"Two weeks from now."

Carth squeezed Trin's hand under the table. "So soon."

Jolee snorted, "The two of you spend a year lamenting the time they're taking then call the date they pick too soon!"

Josna waved an arm to silence Jolee, "To slip past the hunters you must do the unexpected. Go now, let Bastila and Juhani take the sample then leave again on the courier ship, you can hide on Coruscant until the hearing date. By the time they close the net around the ports it will be too late."

"Where can we hide?" asked Carth.

"Carth, maybe I should go alone."

Carth stared at her grimly, "Yesterday, we vowed to face each challenge together."

Trin nodded guiltily.

Josna shook her head moodily, "Only you four should go, Trin, Carth, Juhani and Bastila. I cannot foresee any others returning."

Zaalbar howled in Shyriiwook, "/Where Trin goes I go, my life debt demands it. It may be that my going insures their return./"

Josna met Bastila's eyes grimly. Bastila nodded sadly but said aloud, "There is always hope, we must hold fast to that."

Trin cleared her throat. "Well then the five of us will go to Coruscant. You can take my samples to the senate representative and Carth, Zaalbar and I can hide…"

"In the temple, there is a special hidden set of apartments behind the room of a thousand fountains, very few know of its existence, even among the masters. The Order has offered its use to you," said Juhani.

Trin nodded.

"There is another problem we must speak of," said Josna, "I believe that the senate's representative, Senator Dester Renfar, may be more than he appears. Juhani and Bastila tell me he has Celeste at his beck and call. Celeste was once a very strong Jedi, she was trained by my brother and so would be prone to manipulation by my brother's apprentices."

Carth's eyebrows rose. " You think Dester is Darth Travious' apprentices. Well, he has always had the social graces and wisdom of a Sith but I can't imagine him exerting that kind of control."

Bastila shook her head, "He is hard to see in the Force, no matter what he's doing, from sitting calmly to arguing a point on the senate floor he is an illusive silvery wisp to my senses when using battle meditation. I hope with the training Josna has given me, to be able to see him more clearly now."

Trin sighed. "At least he isn't an additional enemy, just one with more resources than we expected. Never mind, that sounded more comforting before I said it aloud."

Carth pulled Trin's hand up and kissed it comfortingly. "We'll make it."

"She is here, Dester. I can taste her taint. The have her sequestered somewhere in the temple, I'm sure of it."

Dester shook his head indulgently, "You're seeing ghosts Celeste." He pulled her back down into the bed. "But if you are concerned why not take your beloved husband to see the fountains, you know how they cheer him. The lovely sound makes him giggle so endearingly."

Tears rolled down Celeste's cheeks and she tried to push Dester away.

He pushed her down with his body weight, licked the tears from her face and smiled. "You are so charmingly predictable Celeste."

"You're a beast, Dester."

"Ah yes, I am a beast, I am the king of the beasts and you are one of my subjects, little duck."

Celeste turned her head away and continued to cry as he carried on.

Dester smiled toothily as he listened to her futile thoughts, "If only I hadn't given in to the first weakness and followed the Revan. I would have still been a Jedi, I would have been free." Every depravity I submit her to is blamed on the Revan. She is ready, this weapon of mine.

Zaalbar paced restlessly back and forth in the hidden apartment's foyer. Coruscant was far too much like Taris for his tastes—buildings, fly lanes and rushing sentients as far as the eye could see. To make matters worse they were inside a windowless box. Zaalbar knew that outside the sun had set but that the lights from a thousand buildings obscured the night sky. Somewhere in the endless twilight beyond the planet's unholy synthetic halo was Kashyyyk's sun. How he longed to be at the top of his favorite Wroshyyr tree enjoying that sun, instead of pacing like a caged animal as he waited for Bastila or Juhani to come and relieve him. Finally, he heard the outer door open. He strode over to the computer terminal but instead of Bastila or Juhani's familiar face he saw a tall darkly dressed figure fleeing before the entire wall exploded.
Carth and Trin were jolted awake by an explosion. They dove out of the bed, grabbed their packs and ran into the fresher to get into their gear.

"Damn it," said Carth under his breath, "Damn it."

Trin was soon ready and listening at the door as she waited for Carth to finish fastening his armor.

"I can't hear anything out there. I knew this place was a bad idea. Here we are backed into a corner."

Carth put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. "Let's get our shields up and find out what's left out there."

She nodded grimly. They slipped out the door into the dust filled remains of their supposedly safe hideaway. The fountains could be heard through the dust filled hole in the wall. Carth and Trin generally followed the right wall as they sought friend, foe and an escape route.

They found friend first, one of Zaalbar's long furry arms sticking out of the debris. Carth leaned down to feel for a pulse. He shook his head and shrugged. Trin carefully used the Force to quietly move the rubble around it. Neither of them were prepared when the whole arm came loose without Zaalbar attached to it.

Trin bit her lip and Carth shook his head sadly then they continued silently around the room. The dust was beginning to settle, the gaping maw ripped open by the explosion was now visible as were the shattered remains of the windows that allowed the contemplative to view the sky around the temple tower. Trin and Carth continued to edge forward, water from the nearby fountains pooled on the floor near the rough edges. Two figures lay on the meditation dais in the middle of the nearest patio. They climbed over the ragged remains of the wall and cautiously approached the still figures. Bastila and Juhani lay on their sides with their arms laid at awkward angles, together their bodies formed a crescent with four interior rays—Deralia's planetary symbol. Trin watched the area warily while Carth checked their necks for a pulse. He nodded abruptly.

"Thank the Force," Trin breathed, she traced their positions in the air above them and added at a whisper, "Deralia." Carth nodded grimly.

The duo searched through the room of a thousand fountains. The chill in the air, the carefully balanced symphony of falling water and the sense of menace combined to give the whole procedure a sense of unreality. Somewhere in the most serene place in the galaxy a killer stalked them.

Celeste savored their confusion. She watched them through the water as they searched—around and around they roamed, from one fountain to the next. You know I am here. You can feel me watching. Ah Revan, it is you, the others are fools to doubt it. I will not wait any longer for my revenge, today you will die. She pulled out the trank rifle, loaded the special ammunition and took careful aim at the soldier, Carth.
Carth and Trin finished their third circuit of the room and returned to the patio where Bastila and Juhani remained.

"We should check the rubble, our attacker may be buried in the debris."

"No," Trin said with sad certainty, "I can sense her, she is watching us."


"The menace feels female."

Carth checked on Bastila and Juhani again. "Their pulses are definitely weakening, We need help."

"Why aren't the Jedi here? Why haven't they sensed this disturbance?"

"Look, you carry Bastila. I'll take Juhani. We must go."

Trin nodded.

As Carth leaned over Juhani something hit his thigh. He leaned over and pulled out a dart then toppled over. "Damn," he muttered as the world spun and he descended into the unknown depths.

Trin spun. She couldn't see anyone nor anything that could have shot a dart.

An unfamiliar song came from somewhere behind Trin.

We must protect the helpless,
we must heed this call,
the master's will not answer,
Revan will master all.

I will teach you how to fight,
teach you to make war,
to beat Mandalorians,
push them away far.

We went to the outer rim,
and back to the core,
she sacrificed those too weak,
aided those with more.

She taught Jedi how to fight,
and how to make war,
we destroyed the one dark threat
but lost to many more.

Trin searched the bushes but did not disturb the music device she found.

A woman's voice came from the top of a waterfall style fountain. "It was written by one who knew what he'd lost. One who understood what you took from us."

She backed up to stand next to Carth, as she stepped backward a ledge came into view and on it crouched a familiar figure. "Celeste," Trin shouted, "Please Celeste, don't do this, come down."

"You chose between shades of black instead of searching for the light."

"What should we have done, Celeste?"

"It doesn't matter anymore, besides you're wasting precious time. Your friends are dying."

"What was in the dart Celeste?"

"You don't know. Always a problem in war, not knowing." Her voice became muffled as she moved back from the edge, a door opened at floor level and out came Celeste she strode forward swinging her lightsaber lazily. "If you pull on the Force to save them, I'll kill you; if you don't they'll die but don't worry I have what you need, Revan. I have the antidote." She held up two antidote sticks.


"Yes, so here's the real question: who will you save and who will you sacrifice, this time?"

Trin looked at the three still forms. "I can't and won't choose Celeste."

"Ahhh, you'll let them all die. I knew you hadn't changed."

Trin withdrew from her physical self and used Force sight to look at Carth and her fellow Jedi. Sure enough their vitality was ebbing. She worked as quickly as she could to heal them all at the same time and purge the poison from their blood while she ignored the increasingly persistent demands from her own body. Sounds, sights and physical sensations with no meaning were recorded by her helpless body but she wasn't there. As she used all her strength to purge the poison from her friends and her husband's body, Celeste prowled forward.

Carth opened his eyes in time to see Celeste carving a symbol in Trin's back with a lightsaber. "Noooooo," he called weakly.

Celeste stood and lifted her lightsaber for the final thrust. Suddenly, a gore spattered sodden furry giant charged by and grabbed the thin woman, without pause he continued forward, past the jagged glass teeth at the bottom of the window and out. There was no scream or shout to mark the inevitable deaths at the foot of the Jedi tower.

Mission and Dustil approached Mandalore's office with some trepidation. Neither of them knew why he had summoned them, but they imagined the worst. They passed through the large doors into the office's dark interior. He stood and walked around the desk to close the door. "I see my summons reached you before the rumors did, good," he said grimly. "Sit."

"What's going on?" Asked Mission cockily, "Have we worn out our welcome?"

"Trin was attacked on Coruscant. Zaalbar died taking down the attacker."

Mission stared at him stunned.

"What about my father, Trin and the others?" Dustil asked quickly.

"Poisoned and wounded, but alive and healing."

Mission stared at the floor in disbelief. "Zaalbar?" She whispered forlornly. "What are they doing for him?"

"Trin can't take him back to Kashyyyk without endangering all those around her. She asks you and Jolee to take him home, to his father."

Jolee's weary voice sounded from a dark corner. "Are you up to it, Mission? Dustil and I can go without you, if need be."

"No, I want to go. I have to pack, when do we leave?"

"As soon as you're ready," replied Mandalore, "Trin and Carth don't want any of you on Coruscant but I didn't want the Republic anywhere near Ordo. You're to meet a Republic shuttle en route."

Mission nodded and filed out. Dustil and Jolee followed slowly behind.

In an undertone Dustil asked, "Why must I go?"

"Because I must go." Jolee replied with a firmness that discouraged further conversation. "Pack, we leave today."

Bastila and Juhani sat together and meditated as Carth paced back and forth. Finally a haughty thin Jedi medic came out the surgery door. He regarded them with mild surprise. "Why are you here? I'm sure Revan will contact you when she is recovered."

Juhani stood and bowed. "We are here to guard her from further attacks." She gestured to Carth. "This is Carth Onasi, your patient's husband."

The man did not look at Carth. "The Order does not recognize this—connection. You should advise this gentleman to leave the temple immediately."

Bastila quickly stood. "Something is wrong here."

Carth bolted for the door, the medic drew his lightsaber and attempted to stop him, permanently. Juhani leaped forward and locked lightsabers with the man."Go, Carth. We will follow soon."

Carth saw Bastila drop to a meditative pose out of the corner of his eye but ignored the behavior and reached forward to trigger the door open. Through the door he found Trin face down on a cot, a woman with short blond hair leaned over her back with some sort of small tool in her hand. Carth pulled out a blaster and pointed it at the woman. "Stand away from her now."

The woman raised her hands and took a step back. "It's incomplete, I must be allowed to finish my work."

"What's incomplete?"

"My art, this masterpiece."

Carth gestured for the woman to move right around the room as he edge left and forward closer to Trin. He put a hand to her throat and was relieved to find a strong heart beat. The deep wounds Celeste had carved into her back had been healed but only to the point that would insure scars. Black swirling lines accented the scars and embellishments in red were added to the portion near her right shoulder. "What are you doing to her?"

"I do not have to answer to any riffraff that walks through the door. I am an artist, she is my canvas."

"Is this permanent?"

"Of course," she sneered, "You expect me to work in watercolors. I have created tattoos on some of the most powerful people in the galaxy: Sith lords, Republic senators and Mandalorian chieftains have all received the wonder of my work."

Carth gritted his teeth in anger, he glanced again at the stylized black T superimposed over Deralia's crescent moon on Trin's back. "Damn you. Damn you all for your blindness."

Out in the hall, Juhani held her own against the Jedi medic. She prolonged the fight to buy Bastila time, time to find the root of the problem.

Bastila sunk into the Force sight as Josna had taught her. The swirl of red anger and green determination dominated the local area. She looked carefully at the medic, searched until she found the thread, the thread Josna had assured her would be there. Delicately she reached out and yanked it loose of the medic's aura. With soothing blue thoughts she drained away his anger replacing it with calm. She opened her eyes to find the medic standing still with a lost look on his face.

Juhani said soothingly, "Now, we do not need to fight."

"No we do not," he looked at her with confusion, "Why do I feel so well, what has happened to me?"

Bastila answered wearily as she rose, "You have been freed of Darth Travious' influence."

Juhani and Bastila left went past him into Trin's room. They shooed the indignant woman out to the former Sith infiltrator's custody.

"Carth?" Juhani called hesitantly, "Is she…"

"She's alive," he answered harshly, "They had a different agenda than Celeste did."

"Go. Go deal with them, I need to talk to Trin when she wakes."

Juhani seemed about to protest when Bastila interrupted, "He's right. He's the best one to help Trin and we need to deal with those two. The medic's current sense of euphoria and release will not last long." She pulled Juhani from the room.

Carth rolled Trin over and smoothed the sheets over her undressed body. While he waited for her to wake he found all her gear and used the communications terminal in the room.

"Amoth Anda, please." It took another moment or two before the connection was completed.

"Carth! I heard rumors you were on Coruscant."

"I'll bet you did, buddy. I bet you've heard a lot of rumors."

"Is it true?"

"What if it is?"

"I know you Carth, I owe you my life several times over. I trust you."

"Who doesn't trust me?"

"Those who've never walked in the dark."

Carth nodded briskly.

"We need a safe haven for a week."

"We, it's true then."

"Yes, Amoth. Does it make any difference?"

"It never did to you, Carth. You earned my trust, it's not a fund you're likely to ever deplete."

Carth nodded.

"Is this line secure?"

"I doubt it. They won't have expected me to use it, though."

"Meet me where the girls were kind to us."

"Got it, thanks Amoth."

"And Carth, be careful. It's harder to follow those that destroy their tracks."

Carth nodded again and cut the line.

"What are you up to, handsome?" Asked Trin.

"I'm taking you somewhere safe, gorgeous."

"Does such a place exist?"

"Yes, but not here in the temple. This place is still at war."

"What happened?"

"The medic turned out to be one of Travious' converts. He healed you but left something for you to remember Celeste by on your back."

"It aches, I can feel that something is there."

"You've been scarred and tattooed."

"How badly?"

" It covers your whole back, Trin. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left your side, I should have been here to watch over you."

"You were still weak from the poison."

Carth shook his head. "Get dressed, gorgeous, we're leaving now."

She nodded and slipped off of the cot. Carth pulled the back off the computer terminal and fiddled with the wires.

"I'm ready Carth."

He nodded and gave the wires a last twist before he leaped up, grabbed her hand and headed for the door leaving an explosion and the temple behind.

Dustil could sense Jolee meditating in the cabin they shared and he could sense Mission's sorrow and desperation. She was pacing, again—from the captain's cabin to the cargo hold—pause, 2, 3, 4, 5—from the cargo hold to her cabin—pause, 2, 3, 4, 5—and back again. It was hard to imagine what allure a sealed cryocoffin had for her. Dustil felt he ought to do something if only so that he didn't go mad listening to her pacing for the remaining hours of their journey.

The next time the young Twi'lek stepped out of her cabin Dustil turned his seat around abruptly and called out, "Mission."

She started and turned to look at him then turned away just as quickly. That brief glance had shown the whole story, her nose was swollen, her eyes red rimmed and her lekku clung tightly around her shoulders—she had definitely been crying, probably for hours.

"I—I gotta go," she said as she sprinted down the short hall back to the cargo hold.

Dustil wanted to comfort a waterlogged Twi'lek about as much as he wanted to get out and push the ship but now that he had called out to her, well, certain things were expected. With a sigh he got up and followed her through to the cargo hold. She leaned against Zaalbar's cryocoffin and sobbed. Dustil coughed and scuffed his boot on the metal deck plating to announce his arrival. Mission turned her back on him.

"Mission, you missed lunch, why don't you come up front and eat."

Mission stood silently for a moment. "I—I'm not hungry right now."

"You still need to eat." Dustil stepped closer to her, he was always surprised at how tiny she was, she seemed even smaller huddled in grief with her arms and lekku wrapped tightly around her torso and shoulders. He put a hand on her arm, she was trembling. "Mission, he wouldn't want you to do this to yourself, would he? Come and eat."

Mission took a deep breath and nodded. She let Dustil lead her to the bench at the back of the cockpit. He lowered the table from the ceiling and rummaged around in the cupboards. Mission stared into space blankly, tears rolled down her cheeks.

In an effort to pull her back to reality, Dustil said the first thing that came into his mind. "So, you never did tell me how you and Zaalbar ever hooked up."

"We met on Taris. Big Z was my only family? My parents... well, I guess they're dead. It was just me on my own until the day I saw Zaalbar in the Lower City. I could tell right away he was in trouble.
This was before the gang wars were out of hand, but even then the Vulkars were scum. A few of them were hassling Big Z, trying to pick a fight - but he wasn't looking for trouble."

"Who are the Vulkars?"

"The Black Vulkars were one of the swoop gangs that ran the Lower City on Taris. Only humans and really rich aliens lived in the upper city."

"You were in a gang!"

"Nah, I wouldn't have minded joining the Hidden Beks but with my street smarts and his muscle, me and Zaalbar made a great team. I was afraid the Beks would break us up. Still Gadon Thek, their leader let us hang out at the Bek base when we needed to lay low."

"So the first time you saw him some Vulkars were giving him a hard time."

"Yeah. Well I didn't like Vulkars at the best of times so when I saw them picking on this poor Wookiee - all alone on a strange planet, overwhelmed by the big city - I just lost it. I screamed out 'Leave him alone, you core-slimes!' and charged right at them. One of them saw me coming and slapped me so hard he just about knocked me cold."

Dustil shook his head, he was torn between shock and admiration. "How old were you?"

"Oh around thirteen, I don't know exactly how old I am. But those Vulkars didn't scare me. "

"Thirteen, I was thirteen when the Sith came." Dustil sat down heavily on the other end of the short bench. "I wasn't brave enough to charge anyone at thirteen."

Mission put her hand over Dustil's "Hey I wasn't facing an army. Besides the Vulkars were nothing but cowards. I knew how to deal with them. Of course, I never got the chance."


"Yeah, Zaalbar. I guess he didn't like seeing me get smacked around. He let out this howl and yanked that Vulkar a meter up off the ground and held him there by his throat."

"Did he tear the guy apart?"

"Are you kidding? Big Z ain't—wasn't like that!" Mission paused for a moment, she was startled by her own slip. "He was just a big old softy. I miss him so much." Dustil rubbed her hand gently. "Of course, the Vulkars didn't know that."

Dustil smiled wryly, "I have a hard time believing it myself."

"The other two screamed and ran off. Can't say I blame them. The first time you see an angry Wookiee up close it isn't a pretty sight. I thought Zaalbar was going to rip that punk's arms off and beat him to death with his own fists. The Vulkar was so scared he fainted. Or maybe Big Z's breath just knocked him out. After that it was me and Big Z, together. I was the brains and he was the brawn. It wasn't until I met Trin and your Dad that I realized what a lousy place Taris was. I still can't believe it's gone. All my friends among the Beks, Javyar's cantina, everything is just gone," she sobbed.

Dustil rested his head on the table, "I know what you mean. Part of the reason I went to Telos was too see the destruction for myself. I still can't believe it's gone. My house, my school, the place Dad & I used to camp, my Mom, my grandparents, all my cousins, most of my friends…"

Mission rubbed Dustil's muscular shoulder. "You had so much more to lose, how—how do you just go on."

Dustil lifted his head, she was so close, her face hovered just out of reach, her big blue eyes were full of unshed tears, "I just did. I didn't really feel—alive for a long time." His heart was beating very loudly, suddenly he was aware of exactly how alive he felt. One of Mission's lekku had uncoiled from her neck and relaxed so close to his chest he could feel the heat from the headtail through his thin shirt.

He looked into Mission's eyes, they had both fallen silent, their breathing seemed harsh in the small cockpit. Dustil leaned forward tentatively until their noses were almost touching. Mission's eyes widened then closed as she leaned in to close that last small gap. Their lips touched in a brief soft kiss then withdrew. Mission's eyes reopened, they were filled with wonder. Her lekku brushed his shoulder as they leaned forward again. Dustil's heart seemed fit to burst. What am I doing? What are we doing? Should I put my arms around her? Does she want me to hold her? All the confused amorous thoughts were suddenly jettisoned by a not at all subtle cough from the hatch of the cockpit.

Mission and Dustil sprang apart and looked up in horror to see Jolee standing in the doorway. Dustil's blush extended from his shirt collar to his hairline, Mission's reached the tips of her headtails. Jolee didn't move he stood leaning against the doorjamb with his arms crossed and an amused look on his face.

Dustil passed a basket of protein breadrolls to Mission and in his best version of calm said, "Want a—a bun?"

Jolee made a choking sound and turned away. Mission rolled her eyes in Dustil's direction while Dustil did his best to maintain a blank face. You dirty old man, you…you…you…Another minute, couldn't you have meditated for just one more minute.

Jolee sat down at the table and helped himself to the mound of food Dustil had mindless set out while he and Mission talked. Dustil regarded the overfilled baskets and plates with surprise then followed Mission's lead, ignored Jolee's insulting chuckles and ate.

"Because he was Travious' tie to the senate," said Trin quietly and calmly, "Yes, it's risky but I think it's worth the risk."

Carth stomped back and forth across their little hideout, "I can feel it in my bones, Trin. It's a trap, it's gotta be a trap of some kind."

She nodded in agreement, "It's still worth it. We're to meet him at his senate office, he can't do us any harm there without discrediting himself, especially with the Amurath Senator there."

"You mean the head of Celeste's family, her husband's aunt. Yeah, she'll definitely be in your corner."

"Bastila and Juhani will be there to back us up. This is necessary Carth, we need to get close to Dester, we need to figure out what he's up to."

"He's going to be doing the same thing, Trin. He wouldn't be attempting to broker this deal if he didn't expect to gain something from it."


"I know, I know we have to go. I don't have to like it."

Trin put her arms around him, he returned her embrace fiercely.

"Okay, let me talk to Amoth. We need to rendezvous with Bastila and Juhani then get to his office and we'll need an escape route to shake pursuers afterward."

Trin nodded in acceptance of his precautions.

Mission stood with Jolee and Dustil at her back on the landing pad suspended in the Wroshyr trees near Rwookrrorro The Wookiee delegation approached quietly along the broad wooden walkway, they carried a simple wooden pallet decorated with leaves and vines. Mission raised her hands and spoke the ritual greeting she had been practicing in Shyriiwook, "/Greetings wise Chieftain, I bring a fallen son of Kashyyyk home. He bought honor with his life and life with his death. I commend his body to your care./"

"/Your graciousness brings honor to our village./"

They palette bearers put their burden down next to the cryocoffin they'd brought out on suspensors. With a hiss the coffin's seal was broken and the lid open to reveal Zaalbar's broken body. They lifted him gently out of the coffin and onto the rough pallet, his arm was placed at his side and his vibrosword, Bacca's Blade, was laid on his chest.

Freyyr motioned for Mission, Jolee and Dustil to join the front of the funeral procession, next to him; four or five other Wookiee officials followed next and then the bearers. As they walked along the silent wooden walkways other mourners joined the end of the line. Halfway to Rwookrrorro they stopped, Freyyr said apologetically, "/You will not be able to join us for the final ascent./"

"/Honorable Chief, could you please take my final offering, requested Mission./" She handed him a bottle of Tarisian Ale. Freyyr took the bottle and nodded before following the bearers up the tree to Zaalbar's final resting place at the top of a Wroshyyr tree. Mission, Dustil, Jolee and the trailing mourners waited in silence as the bearers and Freyyr attached the pallet to the high branches of the tree.

Freyyr returned and they continued to Rwookrrorro wear a great festival was held to honor Zaalbar's memory. Mission was asked to recite the stories of Zaalbar's adventures on Taris and his meeting with Trin. As they sat and listened Dustil turned to Jolee and asked, "Why?"

"They have an oral tradition these stories will be handed down…"

Dustil interrupted, "Stop it, Master. Please show me some respect by answering the question instead of pretending to misunderstand."

Jolee looked at Dustil sharply and took a deep breath. "Fine. She's reaching out for someone right now, not for you in particular. Let her grief run it's course."

Dustil looked down at his hands thoughtfully, "And my grief?"

"Your grief was tamed by time, over the last year. So was much of Mission's but this new blow is sharp and needs time to heal."

"Time. I feel as though I have had both too much and too little time."

"That's part of the grieving process. It's not something a person can rush, you can only accept it. There will come a time when neither of you are reaching out for just any contact." He shrugged.

"Does Mission know?"

Jolee chuckled, "Oh yes, she knows my opinion, we've already had it out."


"While you slept, we—talked. She thinks I'm a nasty old busybody."

Dustil smirked, "You mean you're not?"

They dressed formally to meet with the Deralian and Amurath senators. Carth wore his Republic Captain's uniform, he hooked arms with Trin who wore a blue ankle length dress suit with a faintly martial air. Juhani and Bastila brought up the rear both wore their Jedi robes. The door to the Ambassador's office slid open and the party walked through at a stately pace to where Dester Renfar, Leena Ponnact and their respective aides waited.

Juhani glided forward to make introductions. "Senators Renfar and Ponnact, Captain Onasi and the Revan."

Dester smiled with loathsome sincerity at Carth. "Captain Onasi and I are old friends. So this is the Revan, you seem to have shrunk my dear."


"I have been assured that the Revan is ten feet tall and breathes fire."

"You seem about the same size you were when we met on Deralia."

Leena broke in, "Do you remember the Deralian incident?"

"I know many things I shouldn't."

Leena stepped close to Trin and looked down at her, "I asked if you remember, not if you know."

Trin didn't even blink, she asked mildly, "Is that why you asked us here, to find out what I remember? There are many things I wish I didn't remember. Are there things you'd rather I didn't remember?"

Dester drew Leena back from Trin. "Of course not. We simply wish tomorrow's audience to go smoothly. Isn't that why you are here."

"No, Senator."

"Well then, why did you come?"

"Perhaps it was curiosity."

"Please be seated." Dester pointed to the comfortable arrangements of seats by the window. Trin glanced surreptitiously at Bastila, who nodded tightly.

"Thank you, you have a lovely view from here Senator."

Leena coughed impatiently. Carth shuffled his feet uncomfortably as he tried to perch on the edge of the soft couch.

Dester shifted his eyes from Leena to Carth then to Trin and smiled as if to say, 'We share the burden of impatient comrades'.

"Would you care for refreshments?"

"No, thank you," murmured Trin.

"Your curiosity, has raised some curiosity in me as well."


"What is it that you are curious about?"

"Perhaps it was your invitation that awakened my curiosity, after all it has been a long time since our last meeting. It has been even longer since our first meeting."

"I am surprised that I made such an impression."

"Really. Tell me Dester, how much did you know?"


"About the consequences of our first meeting."

"I'm sorry, I don't understand."

"Did your father just take care of it all for you, or did he tell you about the child."

"Dester stood quickly and walked away."

"I rescued you, Revan. If there were a child, why would I care."

"Ah yes, the rescue." Trin stalked Dester across the room. "Strange that you remembered it one way while others…"

Leena stared at the floor her brow was furrowed and her head cocked as though she were listening for an elusive tune.

Dester turned to face his tormentor, "Not strange at all. The absolute truth is rarely known, almost everything depends on ones point of view."

"Rescuer or attacker, that's a rather lot to change just by the point of view."

Dester rubbed his head wearily, "I had thought you wanted to forget that incident. You certainly didn't remember my favor to you later."

Trin stopped, she looked into Dester's eyes, he was genuinely puzzled. "I was so scarred by the incident that a Jedi Master came to train me, in repayment my father claimed."

"The pregnancy, the attack on Dantooine, the abortifacient. Your father's change of heart on the Jedi immunity bill."

"I cannot father children, my mother was not human."

Trin stumbled back several steps. "I never considered the possibility that the Jedi moved to protect Malak."

Carth stepped to her side. "Protect Malak. What?"

"Who, Dester, who trained you?"

"Master Zhar trained me."

Trin grabbed his shoulder. "When was the last time you saw him?"

Dester shook, sweat poured down his forehead. "I should not say. I should not tell you."

Bastila groaned and reached for Juhani. "His influence is heavy here, very heavy. He may be nearby."

Trin reached out to touch Dester. He turned his head sharply to look at her. "He orchestrated the whole thing. Master Zhar—Darth Travious, fight Dester, you can be free of him, you can."

Bastila sank deeper into the soft couch and continued to view the room with Force sight. Dester's aura extended to mingle with Leena's his influence turned her a muddy red. However, Dester was entirely encompassed by a dark shadow, he stood out as a slightly lighter patch in a field of midnight black. Just as Josna had taught her she worked from the top down, first she tried pulling Dester from the dark. But there was no leverage, no way to move him. The she tried pouring white light into the shadow but the large figure just let the white flow through Dester into himself, where it made little difference.

Bastila remembered the suspected affair with Celeste, poor dead Celeste. She searched for recently broken ties, she poured yellow loss and regret into Dester through the broken connection.

Trin said quietly, "Dester, don't you see we've been dancing to the same puppet master's tune. He has taken your humanity, he has taken your life."

Dester dropped to his knees. "She's dead, she's really dead, irrevocably gone."

Bastila saw that as Dester pulled away from the dark shadow it was diminished. She continued to flood the broken connection with lighter coloured emotions, she added blue to the mix and snapped his weaker connection to Leena. Loss and regret deepened to determination then moved to calm. Dester's wracking sobs slowed to be replaced with measured deep breathes.

He looked up at Trin, "What have you done to me?"

She shook her head. "Not me, I was merely the decoy." She stumbled backward into Carth's arms she turned to face him, horror was etched on her face. "Carth, he knew… all that time, he knew. That's why he wanted Liera so badly, it was guilt. I didn't lead him to the darkside, he was already there."

Dustil joined Mission at the railing where she stared out at the giant tree trunks morosely. "How did your meeting with the Chieftain go?" He asked.

She smiled up at him. "Pretty good. He's adopted me, so I'm a Wookiee now."

Dustil chuckled.

"Okay, I'm a short hairless blue Wookiee with headtails." She stood silently for a moment. "He wants me to go to school, on a Republic planet."

"What do you want?"

"I don't know. I've spent my whole life learning to survive, now I have to look beyond that."

Dustil sighed.

"What about you, will you join the Order or form some new middle of the road gang with Jolee?"

"I don't want to be a Jedi. Jolee has been teaching me self-control and about setting limits for myself. Basically, he's counteracting the Sith brainwashing. Once that's done, I don't know."

"You'll have to stop surviving too."

"Yeah, I need to start thinking about my future." He moved a little closer and turned to face her. "Mission?"

Mission's heart hammered in her chest. "Yes."

Dustil swallowed, "I'd like to see you, in my future."

Mission turned and looked up at him. "Me too, pretty boy." She put an arm around him. "Maybe you could come visit me at school."

Dustil put an arm around Mission's back. "Any idea where you'll be?"

"Freyyr is in favor of somewhere on the Rim that's not too big a place. I would rather be somewhere with a half-decent sized city, maybe Corellia."

"Corellia's known for two things: ships and pirates. I don't think he'll go for that one. You should try for Naboo, it's a pretty place not to densely settled but it has a few cities. It's also a young enough colony that there's a lot of diversity in the population."

"Sounds cool. Why does it come to mind for you?"

"Dad was looking at it. I think he has it in mind to go there with Trin and Liera after things are settled with the senate."

"If they're ever settled. I wonder where they are now."

Trin stood patiently on the docked platform while the senators settled in. Those nearby stared and gossiped, they commented on her hair and her martial outfit. She had not wanted to address the Senate in armor but everyone else was convinced it was a necessary precaution even with the platform's security shield. "Senators, " announced the chancellor's protocol droid, "may I present the accused, Revan."

The platform on which Trin stood glided forward. "Please state your name."

"I am the Revan."

"Please state the name appearing in the Republic records."

"I have been using the name Trin Lenstar."

The chancellor stood to recognize the first questioner. "Senator Ponnact, Amurath."

"Have you read the statements presented to the senate?"

"I wrote them ma'am. I swear, that to the best of my knowledge, they are true."

"You claim not to remember any events prior to your 'death' at the hands of Jedi Bastila Shan."

"That is correct."

"Do you expect clemency, from this senate?"

"No, I do not. I wish to have all the evils done in the Revan's name exposed."

"What is that supposed to mean?" She sputtered indignantly.

"Objection." An angry Twi'lek pounded on his workspace. "Objection."

The chancellor waved Senator Ponnact back. "Senator Grellan, Ryloth."

"The question of her identity must be established first. What of the tissue samples, do they match?"

The protocol droid bowed to the Senator from Ryloth. "The medic, who was not aware of the import of this comparison, indicated no match between tissue samples."

The chamber erupted in excited murmurs.

"Order, order," called the chancellor. "Please continue, B2T4."

"He also noted that it seemed odd to be comparing a human female's DNA to that of a male hutt. The recorded data concerning Revan indicates the probability that the two subjects are related is 98, the probability they are the same person is 80."

"Senator Ombula, Alderaan."

"Where are the witnesses that served under the Revan?"

A door slid open on the far side of the senate hall and a platform containing several Republic officers surged forward. Trin looked at them curiously, none of them looked familiar.

"Captain, do you recognize the accused."

The captain in question looked at Trin doubtfully, "I'm not sure, sir."

"Not sure?" questioned Ombula, "Either she's the Revan or she isn't."

"There is certainly a family resemblance sir, but, no I do not believe this woman is the Revan."

Again the chamber erupted in excited murmurs. Trin buzzed the chancellor to indicate she wished to speak.

"The accused wishes to address the senate."

"I freely admit to being the Revan."

The Chancellor said kindly, "So do fifteen other sentients, including four human men and a zabrak. While we agree you are the most likely candidate, that is not sufficient, particularly as the Jedi refuse to offer any proof to confirm your identity."

Trin took a step back in surprise and glanced towards the observation window where Carth stood.

The Chancellor gestured to the Deralian platform to recognize Senator Dester Renfar.

"Sentients of the Republic, the Revan is the blackest villain of our times. She destroyed worlds, made slaves of our children and seduced many fine people to serve the Sith with false promises of stability and power. Her innumerable crimes are well known and often repeated, it is important for the people of the Republic to gain that sense of safety and closure that will only be possible if the Revan pays for her actions."

Murmurs, exclamation and cheers rolled around the senate hall. Dester waited for them to subside.

"But that fragile sense of safety will only exist if we can assure the Republic that we have permanently removed this danger. How can we convince our homeworlds that justice has been done if we cannot even convince ourselves that this woman poses a threat. Further, she has been hailed as the Republic's savior. She bested Malak, destroyed the Star Forge and gained the trust and gratitude of the Jedi council, Carth Onasi the war hero, the people of Kashyyyk, the government of Manaan and the Rakatan. Without her timely intervention we would have been lost. So I ask you, is this woman a hero or a villain. Why would she come before us, without any memory of committing the Revan's crimes, to take responsibility for the evil that has befallen us? I submit that the Jedi council has once again not been honest with us. First they assured us that the Revan was no more, we took that to mean she had been killed by Jedi Shan. Now they assure us that this slight woman was the vessel of ultimate evil, leader of the Sith, a dark lord and the Republic's savior."

Once again the exclamations and chatter drown Dester out. Once again he waited patiently.

"What are we to believe, my colleagues? How can these two series of incidents coincide? I put to you that if Trin Lenstar was indeed once the Revan, she is no longer that person. The people who worked with her, her personal aide himself see a resemblance, not the Revan. I asked them what is missing, what is it that prevents you from identifying her as the Revan. Each one of them told me it is her presence that is wrong. The Revan exuded an aura of power and menace. Trin is righteous and trustworthy. The Revan destroyed, Trin has protected, she has protected you and I from the Sith menace. Now she attempts to sacrifice her life to preserve the Republic peace." Dester took a deep breath and leaned forward. "I say to you, do not let her make this sacrifice. Whether, she is the Jedi Order's dupe or truly a reborn spirit she does not deserve the brunt of our anger. She deserves accolades, she deserves to enjoy the peace she fought to preserve for you. I move that we award the Star of Coruscant to all of the Star Forge heroes."

Dester dropped wearily into his seat as his platform retreated. Trin was stunned by his speech. Voices all around her called for a vote, "Question, question, question," they shouted.

Trin signaled the Chancellor again. But he either ignored or did not see her request on his terminal screen. The motion appeared on all the screens in the senator's hall and the senators began logging their votes.

Carth stood at Trin's back blocking her from the cheering crowds beyond the balcony as she confronted Dester. It had taken nearly a year to arrange this meeting with him. "Why, why did you defend me? You know who I am, you know what I did."

Dester smiled widely, "You are my hero, Madam Onasi. How could I not leap to your defense?"

"You—You're free of Darth Travious. What are these games you're playing?"

"Are you really that naive?" He shook his head. "Darth Travious was a means to an end, for all of us. Unfortunately, his plans drew us in and flew out of control."

"That doesn't explain anything."

"You have no idea how the senate works, how it has always worked. No testimony from you will ever be allowed or believed, it would implicate too many senators."

"There must be some senators that work for…"

"For peace? Yes, unless their planet's produce arms and vessels. For the light? No, the lightside does not feed children nor pay for a senator's brandy supply. Trin, each senator has both their own personal concerns and their planet's concerns to balance in the deals they broker. Each world has it's own set of morals and prejudice. Deralia sells ore and manufactures weapons, we need the market for these things to remain, or my people do without. On Ryloth women are property, thus they sell their daughters which is why Twi'lek women appear as ornaments to the rich."

"It's wrong. I would rather have paid with my life to change all that."

"Some things cannot be changed in one lifetime. In thanks for my freedom, I have given you yours and saved your life. To expect more than that is unrealistic. I can recognize your purity, I even envy it to some extent but it has no place here. Good-bye Revan, go found a place for the idealistic, find a place they can thrive. Perhaps your way will triumph in the distant future." Dester turned his back on them and walked away.

Trin turned to face Carth. "I've run out of ideas. The Order didn't want to hear me, neither does the Republic."

Carth leaned down and kissed her. "Let's worry about our tomorrow." He placed a hand possessively over her expanding stomach.


"Naboo. It's a good place to start again."


"I know this part I know I know." The child, who looked about ten, pointed to the people in the old holo in turn. "That is Trin Lenstar-Onasi the Revan and that is her husband, Carth Onasi and they had four children, Dustil, Liera, Cammirta & Craif. I am Craif's lotsa greats grandson."

"You're right."

"Mama, Dannel says the Revan can't be my great great great whatever grandmother because the Revan was a man."

"Dannel is confusing things honey, many people do. Remember this is what I study. The Revan wasn't a name it was a title held by certain Jedi at that time. Several of them filled key military positions during the Mandalorian wars. One of them turned on the republic at the end of the Mandalorian wars and led former republic forces to join the Sith. Now, our ancestress, Trin was part of the team that defeated the Revan that controlled the Star Forge."

"I remember there was Trin the Revan and of course Carth Onasi with Bastila the Infiltrator who sneaked them onto the station; Juhani the Just who later became a senator and campaigned to make slavery illegal on all republic worlds; Mission Vao who reprogrammed the station to self-destruct; Jolee the Jedi Master who…"

"Who founded the new Jedi Order. Don't forget Zaalbar the Wookiee Chieftain, who sacrificed himself to save Trin."

"Because if it hadn't been for Zaalbar you and me wouldn't have been born."

"You and I, dear.

"Yeah. Then there was Canderous of clan Ordo with his daughter Justid who led the clan warriors against the Sith."

"Later he and his daughter formalized Mandalore's code of honor when first Canderous then after his death Justid became Mandalore."

"And then the kids and the droids. Remember Dustil and Liera got to be there but Tarren isn't really a descendent of Trin the Revan because Dustil was adopted."

"Not exactly honey, Dustil was born to Carth's first wife who died fighting in the Mandalorian wars, as was Trin's first husband and Liera's father. It was a time of turmoil, those that survived it had to pick up the pieces and make new lives for themselves."

"And it's all in the book you're writing at work, right Mom."

"Yes dear. Now, I need to get back to that book, my dear, and you need to sleep."




"I wish I could get to be a hero like Trin and Carth and everyone."

"First, grow up."

"Liera didn't have to grow up first."

"You are much luckier than Liera, you grew up in a time of peace with your family around you."

"Yeah, I guess it wouldn't be fun to have your Dad die."

"No, it wouldn't. Now, no more stalling, Josna Naberrie. Goodnight."

"Night Mom, I love you."

"I love you, too. Have a good sleep."