Thanks for all the reviews people. Thanks to Parisindy for being my super beta.

Chapter 14

Beka awoke in the middle of the night grateful for being alive; grateful, but sore all over. As she looked around the dimly lit room, Beka could make the figure of Harper sitting in a chair next to her. She could here the Earther breathing softly and assumed he had fallen asleep. A tear ran down Beka's cheek as she realized that Harper must have forgiven her for beating him up.

Just then Harper stirred awake and Beka quickly grabbed her blanket and wiped her eyes dry. "Hey Shorty, you coulda found a more comfortable place to get some shuteye."

"Don't laugh or anything but I was kinda worried about you," Harper replied as stretched hi arms up above his head to get the kinks out. "So how are you feeling?"

Beka looked at herself and took inventory. She was in a good deal of pain but was happy to be alive. "I'm pretty sore. What happened?"

"A good sized piece of Andromeda's ceiling fell on you. It knocked you out cold," Harper explained as he took a seat on Beka's bed.

"It sounds about like something that would happen to me," Beka groused. Then she realized her mistake and her mood softened. "I'm sorry Harper, I didn't mean to sound so grouchy."

The engineer waved off the apology. "Don't worry about it Beka. I'd be pretty out of sorts too if I was in your condition. I really am glad you're okay. I know you did what you did to me because of the Flash."

Beka wanted to give the Earther a bear hug but fought the urge. She didn't' want to push her luck as things were still tenuous between them. "The fact that you were worried about me means a lot to me Harper. After the way I treated you; no make that mistreated you, I wouldn't have been surprised if you couldn't care less about me. I am sorry that I violated your trust in me. I promise you I will work my hardest to earn your trust again."

Harper took in the words before shaking his ever so slightly. "Okay I believe you. I'm okay being here with you right now but to be honest, I can't promise I won't have a flashback in the future and need some space."

"I totally understand. All I ask is for you to give me a chance to regain your trust," Beka agreed.

"You got it Boss," Harper replied cheerfully.

Trance approached Beka and began checking on Beka. "I was going to check on you as soon as you woke up Beka but I figured it could wait until you and Harper had a talk."

Harper and Beka exchanged surprised looks. Harper slid off the bed to make way for Trance. "Thanks Trance. We did need to talk."

"I think it's time for you to get back to your own quarters Harper. I don't imagine that chair made a comfortable bed," The golden alien suggested as she handed Harper a tube of ointment.

The engineer eyed the ointment suspiciously. "What's this for?"

"It's for your muscles. It will take away some of the pain and stiffness. I didn't get a chance to give it to you before. Put some of the ointment on your ribcage and shoulders twice a day," Trance instructed patiently.

The engineer scrunched up his nose at the idea. "This is the stuff that stinks isn't it? Why do you always give this particular ointment to me?"

Trance put on a stern expression and went into mode. "Harper you will apply the ointment as instructed. Is that clear?"

Harper knew when he was beaten. "Okay Trance. But nobody better complain about how I smell."

"I don't know why the smell of the cream would make a difference Harper," Trance teased.

The engineer rolled his eyes and frowned at the golden alien and was about to make a smart retort when Beka cut in.

"Now who would dare mock you for smelling like medicine?" the executive officer questioned with mock sincerity.

Harper backed away towards the door. "Well, I better let Trance finish up with you Beka. I've got some repairs to work on as you probably have guessed."

Beka lifted her right arm off of the bed and wiggled her fingers. "See you around Shorty." The executive officer leaned back on the bed and sighed. "Well Trance, am I a free to leave or not?"

Trance finished browsing the data on Beka and looked up at the executive officer with a satisfied expression. "You have a slight concussion and some bruises but they seem to be healing nicely. I'll release you from Med Deck in another hour. I want to give the nanobots time to clear up your concussion some more."

"I guess I can put up with being here for another hour," Beka conceded.

Rhade guided the Andromeda out of slipstream and turned to Dylan. "We are nearing Saskatchewan Drift, Captain."

Dylan began walking towards the Command Deck exit. "Good, I'm going down to the drift. Rhade you have command until I get back."

"Aye Captain. Permission to ask a question?" Rhade asked.

Dylan turned around to face the Nietzschean. "Ask away."

Rhade carefully chose his words. "May I ask what you hope to accomplish by talking to this Gerentex?"

"I intend to put Gerentex on notice," Dylan responded succinctly. The High Guard captain spun on his heels and left Command.

Rhade arched an eyebrow as he considered Dylan's answer. The Nietzschean took a deep breath before turning his attention to the console in front of him. Once his relief arrived Rhade decided to head for the mess hall and scrounge up some breakfast.

Telemechus Rhade was finishing off a protein shake in the Mess Hall when Beka entered. The Nietzschean looked up from a flexi and smiled at the blonde woman. "Beka, it's good to see you up and around. I mixed up a protein shake if you'd care to join me."

Beka looked the unappealing shake and crinkled up her nose. "No thanks on the shake. I'm planning to have a sandwich. But I'll take you up on the offer of some company. "

"Of course, these plans are rather dry reading," Rhade admitted.

"That doesn't sound very Nietzschean to not care for dry reading," Beka teased as she pulled some meat and lettuce from the refrigerator. "So did I miss anything while I was asleep in Medical? Trance told me Dylan ordered Andromeda to Saskatchewan Drift

Rhade noticed Beka seemed to be taking the news well. "Yes we just arrived at Saskatchewan Drift. Other than that there's not much to report."

Beka set her food down on the table and sat across from the Nietzschean. "I'm assuming Dylan is going to have a chat with Gerentex. I really wish Dylan would let me handle things on my own."

"Your feeling is understandable but I don't believe that you are prepared to be face to face with Gerentex right now. I'm sure that played a part in Dylan's decision. And you are a member of Dylan's crew so like it or not he feels responsible for what happened to you," Rhade reasoned.

Beka hated to admit it but Rhade did have a point. "I suppose if it was Harper or Trance instead of me that I would have done what Dylan is doing. But that doesn't mean I like it."

Rhade stood up at the table and grabbed his empty mug. "There is nothing that says you must like the idea Beka. You are not being unreasonable."

"Good because I plan on letting Dylan know what I think when he returns. And don't worry, I'm not planning on trying to get revenge on Gerentex," Beka replied between bites of her sandwich.

The Nietzschean put his mug in the sink and returned to his seat. "I never said anything about you taking revenge on Gerentex."

Beka forced out a chuckle. "No but you were thinking it, among other things."

"I admit I was concerned that you might try to seek revenge as soon as you were released from Med Deck," Rhade confessed.

"Don't think I hadn't planned to. I had everything all planned out, beginning with getting you out of the way somehow," Beka informed.

The Nietzschean was unfazed by the good natured jest. "I was going to be first? I'm flattered. I better get back to work although I would prefer your company to that of a flexi."

Beka piled the sandwich fixings into her arms and set everything on the table in front of Rhade. "Thank you Rhade. If you're not careful I might think you were flirting with me."

Rhade looked over at the blonde executive officer with a glint in his eyes. "In that case how would you like to view a movie with me tonight?"

"Are you seriously asking me out on a date?" Beka asked with surprise as she finished putting together her sandwich.

The Nietzschean nodded his head slightly. "I am. So what do you say?"

The executive officer wiped her mouth with a napkin. "Sure, it sounds like fun."

"Then it's a date," Rhade announced with a broad smile.

Dylan Hunt waited in front of a large guard sitting behind a metal desk. The captain wondered silently why all guards were big and ugly. "Is there a problem Lieutenant? I should have clearance to see your Nightsider prisoner."

"Yes you do have clearance. I'll escort you to the prisoner," the guard stated as he stepped out from behind his desk.

Dylan was escorted down a corridor line on both sides with cells. Dylan looked in each cell trying to spot Gerentex. Halfway down the corridor Dylan looked into a cell on his right and saw the Nightsider.

Gerentex heard the two men approaching and sat up on his bunk. "Well if it isn't the great Captain Dylan Hunt."

"Gerentex I'm sure you can guess why I'm here," Dylan replied as he rested his hands on the cell bars.

The Nightsider stood up and strode over to Dylan. "Yes I believe you're here to tell me that you're not pleased with me."

Dylan resisted the urge to reach through the bars and strangle the insufferable Nightsider. "That is an understatement. I won't mince words. I'm in a good mood right now. You hurt a member of my crew and that I will not tolerate. I'm putting you on notice Gerentex that if I hear that you are even thinking of doing anything to my crew or my ship then you will not live to see the next day."

"Beka and her crew turned on me and threw in their lot with you. I don't imagine you would take it lightly if you were in my place," Gerentex argued.

Dylan had to hand it to the Nightsider. He sure was slick. "That's not going to fly with me Gerentex. There is no excuse for what you did plain and simple. I came down here to put you on notice that I will not tolerate you or anybody else taking out a personal vendetta on a member of my crew."

Gerentex took a deep breath, appearing unimpressed. "Okay I've been duly warned. Now you may leave."

The High Guard captain stepped away from the cell and turned to the guard standing next to him. "I've said my peace. I'm ready to go." Dylan and the guard left Gerentex to his thoughts as they walked back to the front office. Dylan signed out and headed back to the Andromeda.

The next day Beka picked up her mail and took it back to her quarters on the Maru. Beka could help but be tempted by the small black metal box that was addressed to her. Beka checked to see if there was any card or a flexi that told who might have sent the box but she found no clue.

Beka carefully took the package to the Maru's engineering room and looked for a portable scanner. Harper always had one on hand there so Beka began searching through the scattered parts and tools on the workbench. Beka finally found the scanner and waved it over the box. Beka was relieved when the scan showed the contents weren't dangerous.

Beka pushed the small silver button on the top of the box, which caused the lid to pop open. Beka reached inside the box and pulled out an even smaller silver metal box the size about four inches high by three inches wide.

The executive officer looked at the silver carefully before sliding off the lid. Beka's heart jumped when she saw a vial of what had to be Flash sitting inside the silver box. Beka examined the vial more closely and became convinced that it contained Flash.

"I wonder where this package came from?" Beka wondered to herself as she opened the vial of Flash.

The End